Class BaseAppStoreServerAPIClient

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class BaseAppStoreServerAPIClient extends Object
An abstract base class for an AppStoreServerAPIClient that allows replacing the underlying HTTP client
  • Field Details

    • url

      protected final String url
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getUrlForEnvironment

      protected String getUrlForEnvironment(Environment environment)
    • makeRequest

      protected abstract BaseAppStoreServerAPIClient.HttpResponseInterface makeRequest(String path, String method, Map<String,List<String>> queryParameters, Map<String,String> headers, String contentType, String body) throws IOException
      Make an HTTP request
      path - The path of the request
      method - The HTTP method of the request
      queryParameters - A map of query parameters for the request
      headers - A map of headers for the request
      contentType - The content type of the request, nullable
      body - The Java object representing the body, nullable
      An BaseAppStoreServerAPIClient.HttpResponseInterface representing the status code and optional response body
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
    • makeHttpCall

      protected <T> T makeHttpCall(String path, String method, Map<String,List<String>> queryParameters, Object body, Class<T> clazz) throws IOException, APIException
    • extendRenewalDateForAllActiveSubscribers

      public MassExtendRenewalDateResponse extendRenewalDateForAllActiveSubscribers(MassExtendRenewalDateRequest massExtendRenewalDateRequest) throws APIException, IOException
      Uses a subscription’s product identifier to extend the renewal date for all of its eligible active subscribers.
      massExtendRenewalDateRequest - The request body for extending a subscription renewal date for all of its active subscribers.
      A response that indicates the server successfully received the subscription-renewal-date extension request.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • extendSubscriptionRenewalDate

      public ExtendRenewalDateResponse extendSubscriptionRenewalDate(String originalTransactionId, ExtendRenewalDateRequest extendRenewalDateRequest) throws APIException, IOException
      Extends the renewal date of a customer’s active subscription using the original transaction identifier.
      originalTransactionId - The original transaction identifier of the subscription receiving a renewal date extension.
      extendRenewalDateRequest - The request body containing subscription-renewal-extension data.
      A response that indicates whether an individual renewal-date extension succeeded, and related details.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • getAllSubscriptionStatuses

      public StatusResponse getAllSubscriptionStatuses(String transactionId, Status[] status) throws APIException, IOException
      Get the statuses for all of a customer’s auto-renewable subscriptions in your app.
      transactionId - The identifier of a transaction that belongs to the customer, and which may be an original transaction identifier.
      status - An optional filter that indicates the status of subscriptions to include in the response. Your query may specify more than one status query parameter.
      A response that contains status information for all of a customer’s auto-renewable subscriptions in your app.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • getRefundHistory

      public RefundHistoryResponse getRefundHistory(String transactionId, String revision) throws APIException, IOException
      Get a paginated list of all of a customer’s refunded in-app purchases for your app.
      transactionId - The identifier of a transaction that belongs to the customer, and which may be an original transaction identifier.
      revision - A token you provide to get the next set of up to 20 transactions. All responses include a revision token. Use the revision token from the previous RefundHistoryResponse.
      A response that contains status information for all of a customer’s auto-renewable subscriptions in your app.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • getStatusOfSubscriptionRenewalDateExtensions

      public MassExtendRenewalDateStatusResponse getStatusOfSubscriptionRenewalDateExtensions(String requestIdentifier, String productId) throws APIException, IOException
      Checks whether a renewal date extension request completed, and provides the final count of successful or failed extensions.
      requestIdentifier - The UUID that represents your request to the Extend Subscription Renewal Dates for All Active Subscribers endpoint.
      productId - The product identifier of the auto-renewable subscription that you request a renewal-date extension for.
      A response that indicates the current status of a request to extend the subscription renewal date to all eligible subscribers.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • getTestNotificationStatus

      public CheckTestNotificationResponse getTestNotificationStatus(String testNotificationToken) throws APIException, IOException
      Check the status of the test App Store server notification sent to your server.
      testNotificationToken - The test notification token received from the Request a Test Notification endpoint
      A response that contains the contents of the test notification sent by the App Store server and the result from your server.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • getNotificationHistory

      public NotificationHistoryResponse getNotificationHistory(String paginationToken, NotificationHistoryRequest notificationHistoryRequest) throws APIException, IOException
      Get a list of notifications that the App Store server attempted to send to your server.
      paginationToken - An optional token you use to get the next set of up to 20 notification history records. All responses that have more records available include a paginationToken. Omit this parameter the first time you call this endpoint.
      notificationHistoryRequest - The request body that includes the start and end dates, and optional query constraints.
      A response that contains the App Store Server Notifications history for your app.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • getTransactionHistory

      @Deprecated(since="2.2.0") public HistoryResponse getTransactionHistory(String transactionId, String revision, TransactionHistoryRequest transactionHistoryRequest) throws APIException, IOException
      See Also:
    • getTransactionHistory

      public HistoryResponse getTransactionHistory(String transactionId, String revision, TransactionHistoryRequest transactionHistoryRequest, GetTransactionHistoryVersion version) throws APIException, IOException
      Get a customer’s in-app purchase transaction history for your app.
      transactionId - The identifier of a transaction that belongs to the customer, and which may be an original transaction identifier.
      revision - A token you provide to get the next set of up to 20 transactions. All responses include a revision token. Note: For requests that use the revision token, include the same query parameters from the initial request. Use the revision token from the previous HistoryResponse.
      version - The version of the Get Transaction History endpoint to use. V2 is recommended.
      A response that contains the customer’s transaction history for an app.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • getTransactionInfo

      public TransactionInfoResponse getTransactionInfo(String transactionId) throws APIException, IOException
      Get information about a single transaction for your app.
      transactionId - The identifier of a transaction that belongs to the customer, and which may be an original transaction identifier.
      A response that contains signed transaction information for a single transaction.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • lookUpOrderId

      public OrderLookupResponse lookUpOrderId(String orderId) throws APIException, IOException
      Get a customer’s in-app purchases from a receipt using the order ID.
      orderId - The order ID for in-app purchases that belong to the customer.
      A response that includes the order lookup status and an array of signed transactions for the in-app purchases in the order.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • requestTestNotification

      public SendTestNotificationResponse requestTestNotification() throws APIException, IOException
      Ask App Store Server Notifications to send a test notification to your server.
      A response that contains the test notification token.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also:
    • sendConsumptionData

      public void sendConsumptionData(String transactionId, ConsumptionRequest consumptionRequest) throws APIException, IOException
      Send consumption information about a consumable in-app purchase to the App Store after your server receives a consumption request notification.
      transactionId - The transaction identifier for which you’re providing consumption information. You receive this identifier in the CONSUMPTION_REQUEST notification the App Store sends to your server.
      consumptionRequest - The request body containing consumption information.
      APIException - If a response was returned indicating the request could not be processed
      IOException - If an exception was thrown while making the request
      See Also: