Class IntroductoryOfferEligibilitySignatureCreator


public class IntroductoryOfferEligibilitySignatureCreator extends JWSSignatureCreator
  • Constructor Details

    • IntroductoryOfferEligibilitySignatureCreator

      public IntroductoryOfferEligibilitySignatureCreator(String signingKey, String keyId, String issuerId, String bundleId)
      Create an IntroductoryOfferEligibilitySignatureCreator
      signingKey - Your private key downloaded from App Store Connect
      keyId - Your private key ID from App Store Connect
      issuerId - Your issuer ID from the Keys page in App Store Connect
      bundleId - Your app's bundle ID
  • Method Details

    • createSignature

      public String createSignature(String productId, boolean allowIntroductoryOffer, String transactionId)
      Create an introductory offer eligibility signature.
      productId - The unique identifier of the product
      allowIntroductoryOffer - A boolean value that determines whether the customer is eligible for an introductory offer
      transactionId - The unique identifier of any transaction that belongs to the customer. You can use the customer's appTransactionId, even for customers who haven't made any In-App Purchases in your app.
      The signed JWS
      See Also: