Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
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from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from import types
from import is_symbolic

class ColorLayout(Enum):
    RGB = "RGB"
    BGR = "BGR"

[docs] class ClassifierConfig:
[docs] def __init__( self, class_labels, predicted_feature_name="classLabel", predicted_probabilities_output=None, ): """ Configuration for classifier models. Parameters ---------- class_labels: str / list of int / list of str * If a ``list`` is provided, the ``list`` maps the index of the output of a neural network to labels in a classifier. * If a ``str`` is provided, the ``str`` points to a file which maps the index to labels in a classifier. predicted_feature_name: str Name of the output feature for the class labels exposed in the Core ML neural network classifier. Default: ``'classLabel'``. predicted_probabilities_output: str * If provided, then this is the name of the neural network blob which generates the probabilities for each class label (typically the output of a softmax layer). * If not provided, then the last output layer is assumed. """ self.class_labels = class_labels self.predicted_feature_name = predicted_feature_name self.predicted_probabilities_output = predicted_probabilities_output
[docs] class InputType:
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, shape=None, dtype=None): """ The input type for inputs fed into the model. Parameters ---------- name: (str) The name of the input. shape: list, tuple, Shape object, EnumeratedShapes object, or None The shape(s) that are valid for this input. If set to ``None``, the shape will be inferred from the model itself. """ = name if shape is not None: self.shape = _get_shaping_class(shape) else: self.shape = None self.dtype = dtype
[docs] class ImageType(InputType):
[docs] def __init__( self, name=None, shape=None, scale=1.0, bias=None, color_layout=ColorLayout.RGB, channel_first=None, ): """ Configuration class used for image inputs in Core ML. Parameters ---------- scale: float or list of floats The scaling factor for all values in the image channels. bias: float or list of floats * If ``color_layout`` is ``ct.colorlayout.GRAYSCALE`` or ``ct.colorlayout.GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16``, bias would be a ``float``. * If ``color_layout`` is ``ct.colorlayout.RGB`` or ``ct.colorlayout.BGR``, bias would be a list of ``float``. color_layout: string or enumeration of type ``ct.colorlayout`` Color layout of the image. Valid values are as follows: Enumeration (recommended): * ``ct.colorlayout.RGB`` * ``ct.colorlayout.BGR`` * ``ct.colorlayout.GRAYSCALE`` * ``ct.colorlayout.GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16`` String values (older way to specify): * ``'G'``: Grayscale (maps to ``ct.colorlayout.GRAYSCALE``) * ``'RGB'``: [Red, Green, Blue] (maps to ``ct.colorlayout.BGR``) * ``'BGR'``: [Blue, Green, Red] (maps to ``ct.colorlayout.RGB``) channel_first: (bool) or None Set to ``True`` if input format is channel first. Default format: * For TensorFlow: channel last (``channel_first=False``). * For PyTorch: channel first (``channel_first=True``). """ super(ImageType, self).__init__(name, shape) self.scale = scale msg = "color_layout should be an enum of type ct.colorlayout, i.e. one of: " \ "{ct.colorlayout.RGB, ct.colorlayout.BGR, " \ "ct.colorlayout.GRAYSCALE, ct.colorlayout.GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16}" if not (isinstance(color_layout, str) or isinstance(color_layout, ColorLayout)): raise ValueError(msg) if isinstance(color_layout, str): if color_layout not in ("G", "RGB", "BGR"): raise ValueError(msg) color_layout = ColorLayout(color_layout) self.color_layout = color_layout if color_layout == ColorLayout.GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16: self.dtype = types.fp16 if bias is None: if color_layout in (ColorLayout.GRAYSCALE, ColorLayout.GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16): self.bias = 0.0 else: self.bias = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: self.bias = bias self.channel_first = channel_first
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): str_repr = 'ImageType(name={}, shape={}, scale={}, bias={}, ' +\ 'color_layout={}, channel_first={})' return str_repr.format(, self.shape, self.scale, self.bias, self.color_layout, self.channel_first)
[docs] class TensorType(InputType):
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, shape=None, dtype=None, default_value=None): """ Specify a (dense) tensor input. Parameters ---------- name: str Input name. Must match an input name in the model (usually the Placeholder name for TensorFlow or the input name for PyTorch). The ``name`` is required except for a TensorFlow model in which there is exactly one input Placeholder. shape: The shape of the input - List of positive int or :py:class:`RangeDim`, or - :py:class:`EnumeratedShapes` For TensorFlow: * The ``shape`` is optional. If omitted, the shape is inferred from TensorFlow graph's Placeholder shape. For PyTorch: * The ``shape`` is required. dtype: np.generic or mil.type type For example, ``np.int32`` or ```` default_value: np.ndarray If provided, the input is considered optional. At runtime, if the input is not provided, ``default_value`` is used. Limitations: * If ``default_value`` is ``np.ndarray``, all elements are required to have the same value. * The ``default_value`` may not be specified if ``shape`` is :py:class:`EnumeratedShapes`. Examples -------- * ``ct.TensorType(name="input", shape=(1, 2, 3))`` implies ``dtype == np.float32`` * ``ct.TensorType(name="input", shape=(1, 2, 3), dtype=np.int32)`` * ``ct.TensorType(name="input", shape=(1, 2, 3),`` """ super(TensorType, self).__init__(name, shape) if dtype is not None: if types.is_builtin(dtype): self.dtype = dtype if dtype not in ( types.int8, types.uint8, types.fp16, types.fp32, types.fp64, types.int32, types.int64, types.bool, ): raise TypeError( "dtype={} is unsupported for inputs/outputs of the model".format(dtype) ) else: # Assume dtype is numpy type try: self.dtype = types.numpy_type_to_builtin_type(dtype) except TypeError: raise TypeError("dtype={} is unsupported".format(dtype)) if dtype not in (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, float, np.int32, np.int64, int, bool, np.bool_): raise TypeError("dtype={} is unsupported for inputs/outputs of the model".format(dtype)) if default_value is not None: if isinstance(shape, EnumeratedShapes): msg = 'TensorType input {} has EnumeratedShapes and ' +\ 'may not be optional' raise ValueError(msg.format(name)) if not isinstance(default_value, np.ndarray): msg = 'TensorType {} default_value is not np.ndarray' raise ValueError(msg.format(name)) default_fill_val = default_value.flatten()[0] if not np.all(default_value == default_fill_val): msg = 'TensorType {} default_value can only have ' +\ 'same entries' raise ValueError(msg.format(name)) if not self.shape.has_symbolic and list(default_value.shape) != list( self.shape.symbolic_shape ): msg = "TensorType {} default_value shape {} != " + "TensorType.shape {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(name, default_value.shape, self.shape.to_list())) if ( self.dtype is not None and types.numpy_type_to_builtin_type(default_value.dtype) != self.dtype ): msg = "TensorType {} default_value dtype {} != " + "TensorType.dtype {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(name, default_value.dtype, self.dtype.__type_info__())) else: self.dtype = types.numpy_type_to_builtin_type(default_value.dtype) self.default_value = default_value
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return 'TensorType(name={}, shape={}, dtype={})'.format(, self.shape, self.dtype)
[docs] class StateType(InputType): SUPPORTED_WRAPPER_TYPE = ( TensorType, )
[docs] def __init__( self, wrapped_type: type, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Specify a model state as a wrapper of a ``TensorType``. For example, you can use the following code to create a state type input that wraps a fp16 tensor with shape ``(2, 3)``:: ct.StateType( wrapped_type=ct.TensorType( shape=(2, 3), dtype=np.float16 ), name="state", ) Parameters ---------- wrapped_type: - The type wrapped in the state. - Must be ``TensorType``. Note that the ``name`` and ``default_value`` of the wrapped ``TensorType`` must not be provided. name: str The name of the state. It must match the key of ``named_buffers()`` in the source TorchScript model. """ if not isinstance(wrapped_type, StateType.SUPPORTED_WRAPPER_TYPE): raise ValueError( f"StateType only supports {StateType.SUPPORTED_WRAPPER_TYPE}. Got {type(wrapped_type)}." ) # name and default_value cannot be set if is not None: raise ValueError("name cannot be set in the state wrapped_type.") if wrapped_type.default_value is not None: raise ValueError("default_value cannot be set in the state wrapped_type.") super(StateType, self).__init__(name, wrapped_type.shape, wrapped_type.dtype) self.wrapped_type = wrapped_type
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return f"StateType[{self.wrapped_type}]"
[docs] class RangeDim:
[docs] def __init__( self, lower_bound: int = 1, upper_bound: int = -1, default: Optional[int] = None, symbol: Optional[str] = None, ): """ A class for providing a range of accepted shapes. Parameters ---------- lower_bound: The minimum valid value for the shape. upper_bound: The maximum valid value for the shape. Set to ``-1`` if there is no upper limit (only works if backend is set to "neuralnetwork"). When backend is set to "mlprogram" during conversion, -1 is not allowed. A finite positive upper bound must be provided. default: The default value that is used for initiating the model, and set in the input shape field of the model file. If set to ``None``, ``lower_bound`` would be used as default. symbol: Optional symbol name for the dim. Autogenerate a symbol name if not specified. """ if symbol is None: from import get_new_symbol self.symbol = get_new_symbol() else: from import Symbol self.symbol = Symbol(symbol) self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound if default is None: self.default = lower_bound else: if default < lower_bound: raise ValueError( f"Default value {default} is less than minimum value ({lower_bound}) for range" ) if default > upper_bound > 0: raise ValueError( f"Default value {default} is greater than maximum value ({upper_bound}) for range" ) self.default = default
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return 'RangeDim(lower_bound={}, upper_bound={}, default={}, symbol="{}")'.format( self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound, self.default, self.symbol)
[docs] class Shape:
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, default=None): """ The basic shape class to be set in :py:class:`InputType`. Parameters ---------- shape: list of (int), symbolic values, RangeDim object The valid shape of the input. default: tuple of int or None The default shape that is used for initiating the model, and set in the metadata of the model file. If ``None``, then ``shape`` is used. """ from import get_new_symbol if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)): msg = "Shape should be list or tuple, got type {} instead" raise ValueError(msg.format(type(shape))) self.symbolic_shape = [] shape = list(shape) for idx, s in enumerate(shape): if s is None or s == -1: msg = 'Dimension cannot be None or -1. Use ' +\ 'ct.RangeDim for runtime determined dimension. ' +\ 'Dim {}: {} ' +\ 'See' raise ValueError(msg.format(idx, s)) if isinstance(s, RangeDim): sym = s.symbol self.symbolic_shape.append(sym) elif isinstance(s, (np.generic, int)) or is_symbolic(s): self.symbolic_shape.append(s) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown type {} to build symbolic shape.".format(type(s)) ) self.shape = tuple(shape) if default is not None: if not isinstance(default, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( "Default shape should be list or tuple, got type {} instead".format( type(default) ) ) for idx, s in enumerate(default): if not isinstance( s, (np.generic, int) ) and not is_symbolic(s): raise ValueError( "Default shape invalid, got error at index {} which is {}".format( idx, s ) ) else: default = [] for idx, s in enumerate(self.shape): if isinstance(s, RangeDim): default.append(s.default) elif s is None or s == -1: default.append(self.symbolic_shape[idx]) else: default.append(s) self.default = tuple(default)
def __str__(self): return str(self.shape) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def has_symbolic(self): return any(is_symbolic(s) for s in self.symbolic_shape) def to_list(self, allow_symbolic=False): if not allow_symbolic and self.has_symbolic: return None return self.symbolic_shape
[docs] class EnumeratedShapes:
[docs] def __init__(self, shapes, default=None): """ A shape class for setting multiple valid shapes in InputType. Parameters ---------- shapes: list of Shape objects, or Shape-compatible lists * The valid shapes of the inputs. * If input provided is not a :py:class:`Shape` object, but can be converted to a :py:class:`Shape`, the :py:class:`Shape` object would be stored in ``shapes`` instead. default: tuple of int or None * The default shape that is used for initiating the model, and set in the metadata of the model file. * If ``None``, then the first element in ``shapes`` is used. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python sample_shape = ct.EnumeratedShapes( shapes=[(2, 4, 64, 64), (2, 4, 48, 48), (2, 4, 32, 32)], default=(2, 4, 64, 64) ) my_core_ml_model = ct.convert( my_model, inputs=[ct.TensorType(name="sample", shape=sample_shape)], ) """ # lazy import to avoid circular import from import get_new_symbol if not isinstance(shapes, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( "EnumeratedShapes should be list or tuple of shape, got type {} instead".format( type(shapes) ) ) if len(shapes) < 2: raise ValueError( "EnumeratedShapes should be take a list or tuple with len >= 2, got {} instead".format( len(shapes) ) ) self.shapes = [] for idx, s in enumerate(shapes): if isinstance(s, Shape): self.shapes.append(s) else: self.shapes.append(Shape(s)) self.symbolic_shape = self.shapes[0].symbolic_shape for shape in self.shapes: for idx, s in enumerate(shape.symbolic_shape): if is_symbolic(self.symbolic_shape[idx]): continue elif is_symbolic(s): self.symbolic_shape[idx] = s elif s != self.symbolic_shape[idx]: self.symbolic_shape[idx] = get_new_symbol() if default is not None: if not isinstance(default, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( "Default shape should be list or tuple, got type {} instead".format( type(default) ) ) for idx, s in enumerate(default): if not isinstance( s, (np.generic, int) ) and not is_symbolic(s): raise ValueError( "Default shape invalid, got error at index {} which is {}".format( idx, s ) ) else: default = self.shapes[0].default self.default = default
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return "EnumeratedShapes(" + str(self.shapes) + ", default=" + str(self.default) + ")"
def _get_shaping_class(shape): """ Returns a Shape class or EnumeratedShapes class for `shape` where `shape` could be lists/tuple/Shape/EnumeratedShapes/etc. """ if isinstance(shape, (Shape, EnumeratedShapes)): return shape try: enum_shape = EnumeratedShapes(shape) return enum_shape except ValueError: pass try: shape = Shape(shape) return shape except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("Can't convert to CoreML shaping class from {}.".format(shape))