Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

import numpy as np

from import (
from import VALUE
from import register_op
from import broadcast_shapes, parse_einsum_equation
from import nptype_from_builtin
from import is_symbolic

[docs] @register_op class linear(Operation): """ Perform ``x * weight.T + bias`` where ``weight`` and ``bias`` are constant at compile time. Parameters ---------- x: tensor<[\*D,D_in], T> (Required) * ``1 <= rank <= 3``. * ``0 <= rank(*D) <= 2``. weight: const tensor<[D_out,D_in], T> (Required) bias: const tensor<[D_out],T> (Optional) * Default to ``0``. Returns ------- tensor<[\*D,D_out], T> * Same rank as the input ``x``. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( x=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), weight=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"), bias=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def default_inputs(self): Dout = self.weight.shape[0] # If the bias is not provided, we initialize it a zero vector # with dtype of weight. return DefaultInputs( bias=np.array([0.0] * Dout, dtype=nptype_from_builtin(self.weight.dtype)), ) def type_inference(self): x_type = self.x.dtype x_shape = self.x.shape weight_shape = self.weight.shape assert len(weight_shape) == 2 if not ( x_shape[-1] == weight_shape[-1] or is_symbolic(x_shape[-1]) or is_symbolic(weight_shape[-1]) ): msg = "Op '{}' (linear op): Size of the last dimension of x, which is {}, " \ "does not match the last dimension of weights, which is {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(, x_shape[-1], weight_shape[-1])) if self.bias is not None: assert len(self.bias.shape) == 1 if self.bias.shape[0] != weight_shape[-2]: msg = "Op '{}' (linear op): Size of the bias, which is {}, " \ "does not match the first dimension of weights, which is {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(, self.bias.shape[0], weight_shape[-2])) shape = list(x_shape) shape[-1] = weight_shape[0] return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(shape)) @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): res = np.matmul(self.x.val, np.transpose(self.weight.val)) if self.bias is not None: res += self.bias.val return res
[docs] @register_op class matmul(Operation): """ Perform N-D batch matrix multiplication with NumPy-style broadcasting based on the following rules: Rule 1. If both ``x, y`` are 1-D, return the scalar from the dot product. Rule 2. If both ``x, y`` are 2-D or higher, perform a broadcast on the batch dimensions (all dimensions except the last ``2``). For example: * ``x.shape == (10, 4, 3)`` * ``y.shape == (5, 10, 3, 2)`` * ``matmul(x, y).shape == (5, 10, 4, 2)`` Conventional matrix multiplication is a special case where both ``x, y`` are exactly 2-D. For example: * ``x.shape == (4, 3)`` * ``y.shape == (3, 2)`` * ``matmul(x, y).shape == (4, 2)`` If ``x`` is 1-D, and ``y`` is N-D where ``N >= 2``, ``x`` is first promoted to matrix ``xm`` by prepending a ``1`` to its dimension, and the resulting ``xm`` is broadcast to ``y`` following Rule 2 above. After this, remove the inserted dimension. For example: * ``x.shape == (4)`` * ``y.shape == (10, 4, 3)`` * ``xm.shape == (1, 4)`` * ``matmul(xm, y).shape == (10, 1, 3)`` * Removing the inserted dimension results in ``matmul(x, y).shape == (10, 3)``. * Note: ``xm`` and ``matmul(xm, y)`` are for illustration only. If ``x`` is N-D where ``N >= 2``, and ``y`` is 1-D, ``y`` is first promoted to matrix ``ym`` by appending a ``1`` to its dimension, and the resulting ``ym`` is broadcast to ``x`` following Rule 2 above. After this, remove the inserted dimension. For example: * ``x.shape == (10, 3, 4)`` * ``y.shape == (4,)`` * ``ym.shape == (4, 1)`` * ``matmul(x, ym).shape == (10, 3, 1)`` * Removing the inserted dimension results in ``matmul(x, y).shape == (10, 3)``. * Note: ``xm`` and ``matmul(xm, y)`` are for illustration only. Parameters ---------- x: tensor<[\*,K1], T> (Required) * ``x`` must be 1-D or higher. y: tensor<[\*,K2], T> (Required) * ``y`` must be 1-D or higher. transpose_x: const bool (Optional) * Default to ``False``. * Use ``True`` to transpose the last two dimensions of ``x`` before multiplication. It has no effect when ``x`` is 1-D. transpose_y: const bool (Optional) * Default to ``False``. * Use ``True`` to transpose the last two dimensions of ``y`` before multiplication. It has no effect when ``y`` is 1-D. Returns ------- tensor<\*, T> * Scalar or tensor output. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( x=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), y=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), transpose_x=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool), transpose_y=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def default_inputs(self): return DefaultInputs( transpose_x=False, transpose_y=False, ) def type_inference(self): x_type = self.x.dtype x_shape = list(self.x.shape) y_shape = list(self.y.shape) x_rank = len(x_shape) if x_rank == 1 and self.transpose_x.val: msg = "Op {} (matmul): x is rank 1, but transpose_x is True, which is not allowed." raise ValueError(msg.format( if self.transpose_x.val: x_shape = list(x_shape) x_shape[-1], x_shape[-2] = x_shape[-2], x_shape[-1] x_shape = tuple(x_shape) if self.transpose_y.val: y_shape = list(y_shape) y_shape[-1], y_shape[-2] = y_shape[-2], y_shape[-1] y_shape = tuple(y_shape) if not ( x_shape[-1] == y_shape[-2] or is_symbolic(x_shape[-1]) or is_symbolic(y_shape[-2]) ): msg = "Op {} (matmul): x {}, y {} are not broadcastable" raise ValueError(msg.format(, self.x.shape, self.y.shape)) if x_rank == 1: # promote shape of x to rank 2 x_shape = list((1,) + tuple(x_shape)) ret_shape = list(broadcast_shapes(x_shape[:-2], y_shape[:-2])) ret_shape += [x_shape[-2], y_shape[-1]] if x_rank == 1: # remove the first dimension of the returned shape return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(ret_shape[1:])) else: return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(ret_shape)) @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): x = self.x.val if self.transpose_x.val: x = np.swapaxes(x, -1, -2) y = self.y.val if self.transpose_y.val: y = np.swapaxes(y, -1, -2) return np.matmul(x, y)
[docs] @register_op class einsum(Operation): """ Perform tensor multiplication expressed according to the einsum notation. The mode/equation that is currently supported is multiplying matrices that are laid out on dimensions -1 and -3, treating all the other dimensions as batch. Broadcasting is supported along batch dimensions. In particular, the inputs must be of the following shapes: * Rank 4 input case: * Input 1: ``[B, C, H, W1]``. * Input 2: ``[B, W1, H, W2]``. * Output: ``[B, C, H, W2]``. * If, for one of the inputs, the dimensions ``"B"`` or ``"H"`` is 1, they are broadcast to match the other input. * Rank 3 input case: * Input 1: ``[C, H, W1]``. * Input 2: ``[W1, H, W2]``. * Output: ``[C, H, W2]``. * If, for one of the inputs, the dimension ``"H"`` is 1, it is broadcast to match the other input. Parameters ---------- values : Tuple(tensor_1, tensor_2) * Where: * ``tensor_1``: ``tensor<[*D, C, H, W1], T>``. * Must be of rank 3 or 4. * ``tensor_2``: ``tensor<[*D, W1, H, W2], T>``. * Must be of rank 3 or 4. equation: const<str> * Supported equations are: * ``"nchw,nwhu->nchu"`` and its equivalent equation strings. * ``"chw,whr->chr"`` and its equivalent equation strings. Returns ------- tensor<[\*D, C, H, W2], T> * Same ranks as the inputs. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( values=TupleInputType(), equation=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.str) ) def type_inference(self): if len(self.values) != 2: raise ValueError("einsum op must get \'values\' of length 2") x = self.values[0] y = self.values[1] # validate the input shapes x_type = x.dtype assert x_type == y.dtype, "input types do not match" x_shape = x.shape y_shape = y.shape assert len(x_shape) == len(y_shape), "inputs not of the same rank" if not (is_symbolic(x_shape[-1]) or is_symbolic(y_shape[-3])): assert x_shape[-1] == y_shape[-3], f"input shapes incompatible: {x_shape[-1]} and {y_shape[-3]}" if x_shape[-2] != 1 and y_shape[-2] != 1: assert x_shape[-2] == y_shape[-2], "input shapes incompatible" if len(x_shape) == 4: if x_shape[-4] != 1 and y_shape[-4] != 1: assert x_shape[-4] == y_shape[-4], "input shapes incompatible" # validate the equation input1_vec, input2_vec, output_vec = parse_einsum_equation(self.equation.val) assert \ (input1_vec == [0, 1, 2, 3] and input2_vec == [0, 3, 2, 4] and output_vec == [0, 1, 2, 4]) or \ (input1_vec == [0, 1, 2] and input2_vec == [2, 1, 3] and output_vec == [0, 1, 3]), \ "unsupported einsum equation {}".format(self.equation.val) # calculate the output shape def _get_dim_value(shape1, shape2, dim): if is_symbolic(shape1[dim]) and is_symbolic(shape2[dim]): return shape1[dim] elif is_symbolic(shape1[dim]): return shape1[dim] elif is_symbolic(shape2[dim]): return shape2[dim] else: return max(shape1[dim], shape2[dim]) out_shape = [1 for i in range(len(x_shape))] out_shape[-1] = y_shape[-1] out_shape[-3] = x_shape[-3] out_shape[-2] = _get_dim_value(x_shape, y_shape, -2) if len(x_shape) == 4: out_shape[-4] = _get_dim_value(x_shape, y_shape, -4) return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(out_shape)) @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): x = self.values[0] y = self.values[1] x_shape = x.val.shape y_shape = y.val.shape # broadcast dimensions -2 and -4, if required if len(x_shape) == 4: x_shape = (max(x_shape[0], y_shape[0]), x_shape[1], max(x_shape[2], y_shape[2]), x_shape[3]) y_shape = (max(x_shape[0], y_shape[0]), y_shape[1], max(x_shape[2], y_shape[2]), y_shape[3]) elif len(x_shape) == 3: x_shape = (x_shape[0], max(x_shape[1], y_shape[1]), x_shape[2]) y_shape = (y_shape[0], max(x_shape[1], y_shape[1]), y_shape[2]) else: raise ValueError("ranks of the input must be 3 or 4") res = np.einsum(self.equation.val, np.broadcast_to(x.val, x_shape), np.broadcast_to(y.val, y_shape)) return res