Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

from import Operation, types
from import curr_opset_version
from import (DefaultInputs,
from import register_op
from import \
from import _IOS15_TARGET

class Pooling(Operation):
    Pooling Op Superclass
    input_spec = InputSpec(
        kernel_sizes=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
        strides=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
        pad_type=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.str),
        pad=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
        ceil_mode=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),

    type_domains = {
        "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),

    def default_inputs(self):
        num_spatial_dims = self.x.rank - 2
        return DefaultInputs(
            strides=[1] * num_spatial_dims,
            pad=[0] * 2 * num_spatial_dims,

    def type_inference(self):
        ksize = self.kernel_sizes.val
        x_shape = self.x.shape
        D_in_rank = len(x_shape) - 2

        strides = [1] * D_in_rank if self.strides is None else self.strides.val
        pad_type = "valid" if self.pad_type is None else self.pad_type.val.lower()
        if pad_type not in ["valid", "same", "custom", "same_lower"]:
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized value of pad_type : {}".format(pad_type))
        pad = None if self.pad is None else self.pad.val
        D_in = x_shape[2:]  # spatial dimensions

        if self.ceil_mode.val:
            if D_in_rank > 2:
                raise ValueError('pool: ceil_mode only supported for 1D or 2D pool')
            if pad_type == "same" and self.ceil_mode.val:
                raise ValueError("ceil_mode must be False when pad_type==same")
            if pad is not None:
                for i in range(D_in_rank):
                    if pad[2 * i] != pad[2 * i + 1]:
                        raise ValueError("Padding must be symmetric if ceil_mode is True")

        # The same_lower padding is not supported in iOS15
        if curr_opset_version() == _IOS15_TARGET and self.pad_type.val == "same_lower":
            msg = "iOS15 version of pooling layers do not support pad_type = `same_lower`"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        D_out_shape = spatial_dimensions_out_shape(
        ret_shape = list(x_shape[:2]) + D_out_shape
        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))

[docs] @register_op class avg_pool(Pooling): """ Perform average pooling. Supports 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D pool (1, 2, or 3 spatial dimensions). Parameters ---------- x: tensor<[n,C_in,\*D_in], T> (Required) * ``3 <= rank <= 5``. * ``D_in`` are spatial dimensions, ``1 <= len(D_in) <= 3``. * ``C_in`` is the number of input channels or depth dimensions. * ``n`` is the batch dimension. kernel_sizes: const tensor<[K], T> (Required) * The size of the window for each spatial dimension ``D_in`` of the input tensor. * ``K == len(D_in)`` strides: const tensor<[S],i32> (Optional, default to all 1s) * Stride along each of the spatial dimensions. * ``S == len(D_in)``. pad_type: const str (Required) Must be one of ``valid``, ``same``, ``custom`` or ``same_lower``. * ``valid``: No padding. This is equivalent to custom pad with ``pad[i] = 0, for all i``. * ``same`` : This is equivalent to custom pad with ``pad[2*i] + pad[2*i+1] = kernel_size[i]``. * ``custom``: Specify custom padding in the parameter pad. note that ``same`` padding is equivalent to custom padding with ``pad[2*i] + pad[2*i+1] = kernel_size[i]``. * ``same_lower``: Similar to ``same`` but the padding will place extra rows/cols on the top/left if the padding amount is odd. pad: const<[P],i32> (Optional. Default to all 0s) * ``pad`` represents the number of elements to pad before and after each dimension: ``pad[2*i], pad[2*i+1]`` are the pad size before and after spatial dimension ``i``. * ``P = 2 * len(D_in)``. * ``pad`` should be specified if and only if ``pad_type == custom`` exclude_padding_from_average: const tensor<[], bool> (Optional, default to False) * If ``True``, padded values (0s) are excluded from the denominator count when computing the average over the kernel window. ceil_mode: const<bool> * Same as PyTorch's ``ceil`` mode. * ``ceil`` is used instead of floor in calculating the output size. * Optional, defaults to ``False``. * Only applicable when ``pad_type`` is ``valid`` or ``custom``. * When ``ceil_mode`` is True, padding must be symmetric; that is, if specified, ``pad[2*i] == pad[2*i+1]`` must hold. Returns ------- tensor<[n, C_out,\*D_out], T> * Same rank as ``x``. * ``C_out`` is the number of output channels or depth dimensions. * When ``ceil_mode = False``: * ``D_out[i] = floor[(D_in[i] + pad[2*i] + pad[2*i+1] - kernel_sizes[i]) / strides[i]] +1, for i = 0, .., len(D_in) - 1`` is mathematically the same as (when all parameters involved are integers): * ``D_out[i] = ceil [(D_in[i] + pad[2*i] + pad[2*i+1] - kernel_size[i] - 1) / stride[i]], for i = 0, .., len(D_in) - 1``. * ``*D_out`` is all ones if ``global_pooling`` is ``true``. * When ``ceil_mode = True``: * ``D_out[i] = ceil[(D_in[i] + pad[2*i] + pad[2*i+1] - kernel_sizes[i]) / strides[i]] +1, for i = 0, .., len(D_in) - 1`` * If ``(D_out[i] - 1) * strides[i] >= D_in[i] + pad[2*i] and (pad[2*i] + pad[2*i+1] > 0)`` then ``D_out[i] = D_out[i] - 1``. * The first equation is same as: * ``D_out[i] = floor[(D_in[i] + pad[2*i] + pad[2*i+1] - kernel_sizes[i] + strides[i] - 1) / strides[i]] +1, for i = 0, .., len(D_in) - 1`` Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32 See Also -------- l2_pool, max_pool """ input_spec = ( InputSpec( exclude_padding_from_average=TensorInputType( const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool ) ) + Pooling.input_spec ) def default_inputs(self): return super().default_inputs() + DefaultInputs( exclude_padding_from_average=False, )
[docs] @register_op class l2_pool(Pooling): """ Perform L2 pooling. Supports 1-D and 2-D pool. Parameters ---------- x: tensor<[n,C_in,*D_in], T> (Required) * Only support 1d and 2d pooling. * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. kernel_sizes: const tensor<[K], T> (Required) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. strides: const tensor<[S],i32> (Optional, default to all 1s) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. pad_type: const str (Required) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. pad: const<[P],i32> (Optional, default to all 0s) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. Returns ------- tensor<[n, C_out,*D_out], T> * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32 See Also -------- avg_pool, max_pool """ def type_inference(self): if self.x.rank - 2 > 2: msg = "l2_pool only supports rank 1 or 2. Got rank: {}".format(self.x.rank - 2) raise ValueError(msg) return super().type_inference()
[docs] @register_op class max_pool(Pooling): """ Perform max pooling. Supports 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D pool. Parameters ---------- x: tensor<[n,C_in,*D_in], T> (Required) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. kernel_sizes: const tensor<[K], T> (Required) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. strides: const tensor<[S],i32> (Optional, default to all 1s) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. pad_type: const str (Required) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. pad: const<[P],i32> (Optional, default to all 0s) * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. ceil_mode: const<bool> * see :py:class:`avg_pool`. Returns ------- tensor<[n, C_out,*D_out], T> * See :py:class:`avg_pool`. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32 See Also -------- avg_pool, l2_pool """ pass