# Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Operation, Var, types
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.input_type import DefaultInputs, InputSpec, TensorInputType
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.ops.defs._op_reqs import register_op
class gru(Operation):
Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
.. math::
r_t = \rm{recurrent\_activation}(W_{ir} x_t + b_{ir} + W_{hr} h_{t-1} + b_{hr})
.. math::
z_t = \rm{recurrent\_activation}(W_{iz} x_t + b_{iz} + W_{hz} h_{t-1} + b_{hz})
.. math::
o_t = \rm{activation}(W_{io} x_t + b_{io} + r_t * W_{ho} h_{t-1} + b_{ho})
.. math::
h_t = (1 â z_t) * o_t + z_t * h_{tâ1}
* :math:`W_{i[r|o|z]}` are state input weights for reset, output and update gate, respectively.
* :math:`b_{i[r|o|z]}` are input biases for reset, output and update gate, respectively.
* :math:`W_{h[r|o|z]}` are recurrent/hidden weights on hidden state to reset, output, and update gates, respectively.
* :math:`b_{h[r|o|z]}` are recurrent/hidden biases on hidden state to reset, output, and update gates, respectively.
* :math:`h_t` is the hidden state at time ``t``.
* :math:`x_t` is the input at time ``t``.
* :math:`h_{t-1}` is the hidden state of the layer at time ``t-1`` or the initial
hidden state at time ``0``.
* :math:`r_t`, :math:`o_t`, and :math:`z_t` are the reset, new, and update gates, respectively.
* :math:`*` is elementwise product.
x: <s, b, I, T> (Required)
* ``s`` is the sequence length, ``b`` is the batch size, and ``I`` is the
input dimension.
initial_h: <b, H, T> (Required)
* ``H`` denotes hidden size.
weight_ih: const<3*H, I, T> (Required) - Weight matrix
* ``weigh_ih = [W_{ir} | W_{io} | W_{iz}]`` where ``[a|b]`` denotes column
concatenation and ``[a, b]`` denotes row concatenation. ``W_{ir}``,
``W_{io}``, and ``W_{iz}`` have shape ``(H, I)``.
weight_hh: const<3*H, H, T> (Required) - Weight matrix
* ``weight_hh = [W_{hr} | W_{ho} | W_{hz}]``: ``W_{hr}``, ``W_{ho}``, and
``W_{hz}`` have shape ``(H, H)``.
bias: const<3*H, T> (Optional) [Default all 0s]
* ``bias[0]`` are input-hidden and hidden-hidden bias.
* ``3*H`` are biases for ``[b_{ir} | b_{io} | b_{hz}]``.
direction: const<str> (Optional) [Default=forward]
* Either ``forward`` or ``reverse``.
output_sequence: const<bool> (Optional) [Default=False]
* Outputs every step if ``True``.
recurrent_activation: const<str> (Optional) [Default=sigmoid]
* Activation applied on update and reset gate.
activation: const<str> (Optional) [Default=tanh]
* Activation applied on output gate.
<s, b, H, T> or <1, b, H, T>
* If ``output_sequence == True`` (hidden states from every step):
``<s, b, H, T>``.
* Else ``<1, b, H, T>`` (hidden states of the final step).
<b, H, T>
* Hidden states of the final step.
T: fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
weight_ih=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"),
weight_hh=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"),
bias=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"),
direction=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
output_sequence=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
recurrent_activation=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
activation=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str)
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp32,),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
if self.x.rank != 3:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid input shape. Expecting Rank 3 input, got {}".format(
sequence_length, batch_size, input_size = self.x.shape
if self.weight_ih.rank != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid weight shape. Expecting Rank 2 input, got {}".format(
if self.weight_hh.rank != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid weight shape. Expecting Rank 2 input, got {}".format(
hidden_dim, hidden_size = self.weight_hh.shape
direction = self.direction.val
valid_directions = {"forward", "reverse"}
if direction not in valid_directions:
raise ValueError(
"Direction {} not supported. Supported directions: {}".format(
direction, valid_directions
dim_factor = 3
if hidden_size != (hidden_dim // dim_factor):
raise ValueError(
"Incorrect weight matrix: hidden dim size mismatch. \
Provided weight_ih {}, weight_hh {}. Expecting <b, 3*H>".format(
self.weight_ih.shape, self.weight_hh.shape
out_seq_len = sequence_length if self.output_sequence.val else 1
output_shape = [out_seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size]
output_h_shape = [batch_size, hidden_size]
return (
types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_shape)),
types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_h_shape)),
class lstm(Operation):
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
.. math::
i_t = \rm{recurrent\_activation}(W_{ii} x_t + B_{ii} + W_{hi} h_{t-1} + B_{hi})
.. math::
f_t = \rm{recurrent\_activation}(W_{if} x_t + B_{if} + W_{hf} h_{t-1} + B_{hf})
.. math::
z_t = \rm{cell\_activation}(W_{iz} x_t + B_{iz} + W_{hz} h_{t-1} + B_{hz})
.. math::
o_t = \rm{recurrent\_activation}(W_{io} x_t + B_{io} + W_{ho} h_{t-1} + B_{ho})
.. math::
c_t = f_t * c_{t-1} + i_t * z_t
.. math::
h_t = o_t * \rm{activation(c_t)}
* :math:`i_t`, :math:`f_t`, :math:`o_t`, and :math:`z_t` are input, forget, output, and cell gates,
respectively, at time ``t``.
* :math:`c_t` is cell state at time ``t``.
* :math:`h_t` is the hidden state at time ``t``.
* :math:`W_{ii}`, :math:`W_{if}`, :math:`W_{io}`, and :math:`W_{iz}` are input weights for input,
forget, output, and cell gate, respectively.
* :math:`B_{ii}`, :math:`B_{if}`, :math:`B_{io}`, and :math:`B_{iz}` are input biases for input,
forget, output, and cell gate, respectively.
* :math:`W_{hi}`, :math:`W_{hf}`, :math:`W_{ho}`, and :math:`W_{hz}` are recurrent weights for input,
forget, output, and cell gate, respectively.
* :math:`B_{hi}`, :math:`B_{hf}`, :math:`B_{ho}`, and :math:`B_{hz}` are recurrent weights for input,
forget, output, and cell gate, respectively.
x: <s, b, I, T> (Required)
* ``s`` is the sequence length, ``b`` is the batch size, and ``I`` is the
input dimension.
initial_h: <b, DIRECTIONS*H, T> (Required)
* Initial hidden state. ``DIRECTIONS = 1`` for uni-directional.
``DIRECTIONS = 2`` for bi-directional LSTM.
* ``H`` denotes hidden size.
* ``[b, :H]`` and ``[b, H:]`` represents forward and reverse direction
values, respectively.
initial_c: <b, DIRECTIONS*H, T> (Required)
* Initial cell state.
* Format is same as ``initial_h``.
weight_ih: const<4*H, I, T> (Required)
* Input-hidden weight matrix
* Weight tensor should be in order of
``[input_gate, forget_gate, output_gate, cell_gate]``.
* If direction=="bidirectional", this is applied in forward direction.
* If direction=="forward" or "backward" these weights are used.
weight_hh: const<4*H, H, T> (Required)
* Hidden-hidden weight matrix.
* Weight tensor should be in order of
``[input_gate, forget_gate, output_gate, cell_gate]``.
* If direction=="bidirectional", this is applied in forward direction.
* If direction=="forward" or "backward" these weights are used.
bias: const<4*H, T> (Optional, default all 0s)
* bias = input-hidden bias + hidden-hidden bias
* If direction=="bidirectional", this is applied in forward direction.
* If direction=="forward" or "backward" this bias are used.
peephole: const<3*H, T> (Optional, default all 0s)
* Weight tensor for peephole.
* Order is ``[input_gate, forget_gate, output_gate]``.
* Shape of each peephole vector is ``(H,)`` (``H`` is hidden size).
* If direction=="bidirectional", this is applied in forward direction.
* If direction=="forward" or "backward" these weights are used.
weight_ih_back: const<4*H, I, T> (Optional) -
* Input-hidden weight matrix for backward direction for `bidirectinal LSTM`.
* Weight tensor should be in order of
``[input_gate, forget_gate, output_gate, cell_gate]``.
* Must be provided for `bidirectional LSTM`.
* This is only used when `direction` is "bidirectional".
* For direction="reverse" use `weight_ih` instead.
weight_hh_back: const<4*H, H, T> (Optional) - Hidden-hidden weight matrix
* Hidden-hidden weight matrix for backward direction for `bidirectinal LSTM`.
* Weight tensor should be in order of
``[input_gate, forget_gate, output_gate, cell_gate]``.
* Must be provided for `bidirectional LSTM`.
* This is only used when `direction` is "bidirectional".
* For direction="reverse" use `weight_hh` instead.
bias_back: const<4*H, T> (Optional, default all 0s)
* bias = input-hidden bias + hidden-hidden bias.
* Bias of backward direction for `bidirectional lstm`
* This is only used when `direction` is "bidirectional".
* For direction="reverse" use `bias` instead.
peephole_back: const<3*H, T> (Optional, default all 0s)
* Weight tensor for peephole in backward direction for `bidirectional LSTM`.
* Order is ``[input_gate, forget_gate, output_gate]``.
* Shape of each peephole vector is ``(H,)`` (``H`` is hidden size).
* Peephole of backward direction for `bidirectional lstm`
* Bias of backward direction for `bidirectional lstm`
* This is only used when `direction` is "bidirectional".
* For direction="reverse" use `peephole` instead.
direction: const<str> (Optional) [Default=forward]
* One of the following: ``forward``, ``reverse``, or ``bidirectional``.
* Must match ``DIRECTIONAL`` in initial states and weight parameters.
output_sequence: const<bool> (Optional) [Default=False]
* Outputs every step if ``True``.
recurrent_activation: const<str> (Optional) [Default=sigmoid]
* Activation applied on input, forget, and output gates.
* Supported values: ``hard_sigmoid``, ``linear``, ``relu``, ``scaled_tanh``, ``sigmoid``, ``tanh``
cell_activation: const<str> (Optional) [Default=tanh]
* Activation applied on cell gate.
* Supported values: ``hard_sigmoid``, ``linear``, ``relu``, ``scaled_tanh``, ``sigmoid``, ``tanh``
activation: const<str> (Optional) [Default=tanh]
* Activation applied on output gate.
* Supported values: ``hard_sigmoid``, ``linear``, ``relu``, ``scaled_tanh``, ``sigmoid``, ``tanh``
clip: const<T> (optional) [Default=None]
* Cell gate is clipped to ``[-clip, +clip]``.
<s, b, DIRECTIONS*H, T> or <1, b, DIRECTIONS*H, T>
* If ``output_sequence == True`` (hidden states from every step):
``<s, b, DIRECTIONS*H, T>``.
* Else ``<1, b, DIRECTIONS*H, T>`` (hidden states of the final step).
* Hidden states of the final step.
* Memory state of the final step.
T: fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
weight_ih=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"), # ifoz layout,
weight_hh=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"), # ifoz layout
bias=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"), # ifoz layout
peephole=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"), # ifo layout
weight_ih_back=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"), # ifoz layout,
weight_hh_back=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"), # ifoz layout
bias_back=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"), # ifoz layout
peephole_back=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"), # ifo layout
direction=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
output_sequence=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
recurrent_activation=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
cell_activation=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
activation=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
clip=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp32,),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
sequence_length, batch_size, input_size = self.x.shape
hidden_dim, hidden_size = self.weight_hh.shape
dim_factor = 8 if self.direction.val == "bidirectional" else 4
out_seq_len = sequence_length if self.output_sequence.val else 1
num_directions = dim_factor // 4
output_shape = [out_seq_len, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]
output_h_shape = [batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]
output_c_shape = [batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]
return (
types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_shape)),
types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_h_shape)),
types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_c_shape)),
def _validate_inputs(self):
_ALLOWED_DIRECTIONS = {"forward", "reverse", "bidirectional"}
_ALLOWED_ACTIVATIONS = {"tanh", "scaled_tanh", "sigmoid", "hard_sigmoid", "relu", "linear"}
def check_activation(activation: str):
if activation.lower() not in _ALLOWED_ACTIVATIONS:
raise ValueError(
f"Activation `{activation}` not supported. Supported activations: {_ALLOWED_ACTIVATIONS}"
if self.x.rank != 3:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid input shape. Expecting Rank 3 input, got {len(self.x.rank)}")
direction = self.direction.val
if direction not in _ALLOWED_DIRECTIONS:
raise ValueError(
f"Direction {direction} not supported. Supported directions: {_ALLOWED_DIRECTIONS}"
self._weight_shape_check(self.weight_ih, self.weight_hh)
if direction == "bidirectional":
if self.weight_ih_back is None or self.weight_hh_back is None:
raise ValueError(
"For bidirectional LSTM, the `weight_ih_back` and `weight_hh_back`"
" must be provided."
self._weight_shape_check(self.weight_ih_back, self.weight_hh_back)
def _weight_shape_check(wt_ih: Var, wt_hh: Var):
if wt_ih.rank != 2 or wt_hh.rank != 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Expecting Rank 2 input, got weight_ih rank: {wt_ih.rank}, "
f"weight_hh rank: {wt_hh.rank}"
hidden_size = wt_hh.shape[1]
if wt_hh.shape[0] // hidden_size != 4 or wt_ih.shape[0] // hidden_size != 4:
raise ValueError(
f"Incorrect weight matrix: hidden dim size mismatch. Provided "
f"weight_ih {wt_ih.shape}, weight_hh {wt_hh.shape}. Expecting <4*H, H>"
class rnn(Operation):
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
.. math::
h_t = \rm{activation}(W_{ih} x_t + b_{ih} + W_{hh} h_{tâ1} + b_{hh})
* :math:`W_{ih}` is the input weight.
* :math:`W_{hh}` is the hidden/recurrent weight.
* :math:`h_t` is the hidden state at time ``t``.
* :math:`x_t` is the input at time ``t``.
* :math:`h_{t-1}` is the hidden state of the layer at time ``t-1`` or the initial
hidden state at ``t = 0``.
* :math:`b_{ih}` is the input bias.
* :math:`b_{hh}` if the hidden/recurrent bias.
x: <s, b, I, T> (Required)
* ``s`` is the sequence length, ``b`` is the batch size, and ``I`` is the
input dimension.
initial_h: <b, H, T> (Required)
* ``H`` denotes hidden size.
weight_ih: const<H, I, T> (Required) - Input-hidden weight matrix
weight_hh: const<H, H, T> (Required) - Hidden-hidden weight matrix
bias: const<H, T> (Optional) [Default all 0s]
* bias for input-hidden and hidden-hidden
direction: const<str> (Optional) [Default=forward]
* Either ``forward`` or ``reverse``.
output_sequence: const<bool> (Optional) [Default=False]
* Outputs every step if ``True``.
activation: const<str> (Optional) [Default=tanh]
* Supported activation functions: ``relu``, ``tanh``, ``sigmoid``,
``sigmoid_hard``, ``scaled_tanh``, and ``linear``.
<s, b, H, T> or <1, b, H, T>
* If ``output_sequence == True`` (hidden states from every step):
``<s, b, H, T>``.
* Else ``<1, b, H, T>`` (hidden states of the final step).
<b, H, T>
* Hidden states of the final step.
T: fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
weight_ih=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"),
weight_hh=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"),
bias=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"),
direction=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
output_sequence=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
activation=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp32,),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
if self.x.rank != 3:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid input shape. Expecting Rank 3 input, got {len(self.x.rank)}"
sequence_length, batch_size, input_size = self.x.shape
if self.weight_ih.rank != 2 or self.weight_hh.rank != 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid weight shape. Expecting Rank 2 input, got weight_ih "
f"{self.weight_ih.rank}, weight_hh {self.weight_hh.rank}"
hidden_size, _ = self.weight_ih.shape
direction = self.direction.val
valid_directions = {"forward", "reverse"}
if direction not in valid_directions:
raise ValueError(
f"Direction {direction} not supported. Supported directions: {valid_directions}"
out_seq_len = sequence_length if self.output_sequence.val else 1
output_shape = [out_seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size]
output_h_shape = [batch_size, hidden_size]
return (
types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_shape)),
types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_h_shape)),