Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

import numpy as np

from import Operation, types
from import DefaultInputs, InputSpec, TensorInputType
from import SYMBOL, VALUE, precondition
from import register_op
from import compute_gather
from import is_compatible_symbolic_vector, is_symbolic

[docs] @register_op class gather(Operation): """ Gather slices from input ``x`` along dimension ``axis`` according to ``indices``, similar to `tf.gather <>`_. * If ``indices`` is scalar (0-D): .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p_{axis+1}, ..., p_{rank(x)-1}] = .. math:: x[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, ~~~~~~~~~ indices, ~~~~~~~~ p_{axis+1}, ..., p_{rank(x)-1}] Where ``rank(x)`` is the rank of ``x``. The ``output`` has rank ``rank(x) - 1``. * If ``indices`` is 1-D tensor: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p_{axis+1}, ..., p_{rank(*D)-1}] = .. math:: x[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, ~~~~~~~~ indices[i], ~~~~~~~~ p_{axis+1}, ..., p_{rank(*D)-1}] The output has rank ``rank(x)``. * In general: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, ~~~~~~~~ i_0, ..., i_{M-1}, ~~~~~~~~ p_{axis+1}, ..., p_{rank(x)-1}] = .. math:: x[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, ~~~~~~~ indices[i_0, ..., i_{M-1}], ~~~~~~~ p_{axis+1}, ..., p_{rank(x)-1}] Where ``M = rank(indices)``. Parameters ---------- x: tensor<\*D, T> (Required) indices: tensor<\*N, i32> (Required) * Indices values may be negative. More precisely, ``-D[axis]<= v < D[axis]`` for ``v`` in ``indices``. axis: const i32 (Optional. Default=``0``) * Negative axis is supported. Returns ------- tensor<\*K, T> * Where ``K = D[:axis] + N + D[axis+1:]``. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 References ---------- See `tf.gather <>`_. """ input_spec = InputSpec( x=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), indices=TensorInputType(type_domain=types.int32), axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def default_inputs(self): return DefaultInputs( axis=0, ) @precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL) def value_inference(self): x = self.x.sym_val indices = self.indices.val if indices is None: # only allow x to be symbolic. indices cannot. return None return compute_gather( params=self.x.sym_val, indices=self.indices.val, axis=self.axis.val, batch_dims=0 ) def type_inference(self): out_type = self.x.dtype if self.axis.val < -self.x.rank or self.axis.val >= self.x.rank: raise IndexError( "Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node {}".format( self.axis.val, self.op_type, ) ) output_rank = self.x.rank - 1 + self.indices.rank if output_rank == 0: # output scalar return out_type axis = self.axis.val axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + self.x.rank out_shape = self.x.shape[:axis] + self.indices.shape + self.x.shape[axis + 1 :] return types.tensor(out_type, out_shape)
[docs] @register_op class scatter(Operation): """ Scatter ``updates`` to ``data`` at locations ``indices`` at dimension ``axis`` by operation ``mode``. Example: ``mode == update``. * For ``i`` in ``[0, len(indices)]``: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, indice[i], p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: updates[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] * For ``j != i``: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: data[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] Example: ``mode == add``. * For ``i`` in ``[0, len(indices)]``: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, indice[i], p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: updates[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] + .. math:: x[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, indice[i], p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] * For ``j != i``: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: data[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] Parameters ---------- data: tensor<\*D, T> (Required) indices: tensor<[C], i32> (Required) * 1-D tensor. updates: tensor<\*K, T> (Required) * ``K = data.shape[:axis] + [len(indices)] + data.shape[axis+1:]``. axis: const i32 (Optional) * Default to ``0``. mode: const string (Optional) * Can be the following modes: ``update``, ``add``, ``sub``, ``mul``, ``div``, ``max``, ``min``. * Default value is ``update``. Returns ------- tensor<\*D, T> * With the same type and shape as input ``x``. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 For example: data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] indices = [1, 0] updates = [[5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10]] axis = 0 mode = "update" produces: [[9, 11, 13], [9, 11, 13]] """ input_spec = InputSpec( data=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), indices=TensorInputType(type_domain=types.int32), updates=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32), mode=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def default_inputs(self): return DefaultInputs( axis=0, mode="add", ) def type_inference(self): if self.axis.val < or self.axis.val >= raise IndexError( "Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node {}".format( self.axis.val, self.op_type, ) ) axis = self.axis.val axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + expected_updates_shape = ([:axis] + self.indices.shape +[axis + 1 :] ) err = "Updates shape {} is incorrect. It should be {}.".format(self.updates.shape, expected_updates_shape) assert is_compatible_symbolic_vector( self.updates.shape, tuple(expected_updates_shape) ), err return
[docs] @register_op class gather_along_axis(Operation): """ Take the values along ``axis`` at locations ``indices``. .. math:: idx = indices[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = = x[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, idx, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] Parameters ---------- x: tensor<\*D, T> (Required) indices: tensor<\*K, i32> (Required) * ``rank(indices) == rank(x)``. axis: const i32 (Optional): * Default to ``0``. Returns ------- tensor<\*D, T>: * Output tensor has the same shape as ``indices``. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( x=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), indices=TensorInputType(type_domain=types.int32), axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def default_inputs(self): return DefaultInputs( axis=0, ) @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): x = self.x.val indices = self.indices.val axis = self.axis.val return np.take_along_axis(x, indices, axis) def type_inference(self): if self.x.rank != self.indices.rank: raise ValueError( "Rank mismatch between input and indices. \ Input rank: {}, indices rank: {}".format( self.x.rank, self.indices.rank ) ) if self.axis.val < -self.x.rank or self.axis.val >= self.x.rank: raise IndexError( "Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node {}".format( self.axis.val, self.op_type, ) ) axis = self.axis.val axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + self.x.rank for i in range(self.x.rank): x_size = self.x.shape[i] indices_size = self.indices.shape[i] if i != axis and not is_symbolic(x_size) and not is_symbolic(indices_size): if x_size != indices_size: raise AssertionError( "The input data and indices should have the same size at " f"axis {i}, but got {x_size} vs {indices_size}" ) return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, self.indices.shape)
[docs] @register_op class scatter_along_axis(Operation): """ Scatter ``updates`` to ``data`` at locations ``indices`` along ``axis`` dimension using ``mode`` operation. Example: ``mode == update``. * For ``i`` in ``[0, len(indices)]``: .. math:: idx = indices[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, idx, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: updates[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] * For ``j! = i``: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: data[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] Example: ``mode == add``. * For ``i`` in ``[0, len(indices)]``: .. math:: idx = indices[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, idx, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: updates[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, i, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] + .. math:: x[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, indice[i], p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] * For ``j! = i``: .. math:: output[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] = .. math:: data[p_0, ..., p_{axis-1}, j, p_{axis+1}, ..., p_D] Parameters ---------- data: tensor<\*D, T> (Required) indices: tensor<\*K, i32> (Required) * ``rank(indices) == rank(data)``. updates: tensor<\*K, T> (Required) * Must be the same shape as ``indices``. axis: const i32 (Optional) * Default to ``0``. mode: const string (Optional) * Default to ``add``. * Can be the following modes: ``update``, ``add``, ``sub``, ``mul``, ``div``, ``max``, ``min``. Returns ------- tensor<\*D, T> * With the same type and shape as input ``x``. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( data=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), indices=TensorInputType(type_domain=types.int32), updates=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32), mode=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def default_inputs(self): return DefaultInputs( axis=0, mode="add", ) @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): data = np.copy( indices = self.indices.val updates = self.updates.val axis = self.axis.val np_output = data np.put_along_axis(np_output, indices, updates, axis=axis) return np_output def type_inference(self): if self.axis.val < or self.axis.val >= raise IndexError( "Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node {}".format( self.axis.val, self.op_type, ) ) axis = self.axis.val axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + assert is_compatible_symbolic_vector( self.indices.shape, self.updates.shape ) assert == self.indices.rank for i in range( if i != axis: assert[i] == self.indices.shape[i] return
[docs] @register_op class gather_nd(Operation): """ Gather slices from ``x`` according to ``indices``, similar to `tf.gather_nd <>`_. The ``indices`` is a K-dim tensor, where ``indices[i_0,...,i_{K-2}]`` defines a slice of ``x``: .. math:: output[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}]= x[indices[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}]] Where ``K = rank(indices)`` and ``x[indices[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}]]`` has rank ``rank(x) - indices.shape[-1]``. Parameters ---------- x: tensor<\*D, T> (Required) indices: tensor<\*K, i32> (Required) Returns ------- tensor<\*V, T> * ``V = K[:-1] + D[K[-1]:]``, where ``D = x.shape`` and ``K = indices.shape``. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 References ---------- See `tf.gather_nd <>`_. """ input_spec = InputSpec( x=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), indices=TensorInputType(type_domain=types.int32), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def type_inference(self): assert self.indices.shape[-1] <= self.x.rank out_type = self.x.dtype out_shape = self.indices.shape[:-1] + self.x.shape[self.indices.shape[-1] :] return types.tensor(out_type, out_shape)
[docs] @register_op class scatter_nd(Operation): """ Scatter ``updates`` to ``data`` at locations ``indices``. The ``indices`` is a K-dim tensor, where ``indices[i_0,...,i_{K-2}]`` defines a slice of ``data``, ``K = rank(indices)``, and ``data[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}]`` has rank ``rank(data) - indices.shape[-1]``. Concretely, this means the index is stored in the last dim of ``indices``, e.g. take a ``K == 2`` example .. math:: indices = [[0, 1], [0, 2]] where ``indices[0]`` / ``[0, 1]`` and ``indices[1]`` / ``[0, 2]`` are two indices that get applied to ``data`` * Example: ``mode == update``: The ``output`` is set to ``data`` initially, and the op updates ``output`` as follows: .. math:: output[indices[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}]]= updates[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}] * Example: ``mode == add``. The update rule is: .. math:: output[indices[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}]] += updates[i_0, ..., i_{K-2}] Parameters ---------- data: tensor<\*D, T> (Required) indices: tensor<\*E, i32> (Required) * indices.shape[-1] <= data.rank updates: tensor<\*F, T> (Required) * Must be the shape as ``indices.shape[:-1] + data.shape[indices.shape[-1]:]``. mode: const string (Optional) * Default to ``add``. * Can be the following modes: ``update``, ``add``, ``sub``, ``mul``, ``div``, ``max``, ``min``. Returns ------- tensor<\*D, T> * A tensor with the same shape and type as ``data``. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, i32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( data=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), indices=TensorInputType(type_domain=types.int32), updates=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), mode=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32), } def default_inputs(self): return DefaultInputs( mode="add", ) def type_inference(self): assert self.indices.shape[-1] <= expected_updates_shape = ( self.indices.shape[:-1] +[self.indices.shape[-1] :] ) assert is_compatible_symbolic_vector( self.updates.shape, tuple(expected_updates_shape) ) return