# Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
import math
import numpy as np
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import get_new_symbol, get_new_variadic_symbol, types
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.input_type import (
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.operation import NONE, SYMBOL, VALUE, Operation, precondition
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.ops.defs._op_reqs import register_op
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.ops.defs._utils import MAX_SIZE_CONSTANT_FOLDING
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.symbolic import (
class band_part(Operation):
Returns a tensor setting everything outside a center band to zeros for the innermost
matrix. That is,
band(m, n) = (lower < 0 || (m-n) <= lower) && (upper < 0 || (n-m) <= upper)
output[i, j, k, ..., m, n] = band(m, n) * input[i, j, k, ..., m, n]
Special cases:
- ``band_part(x, 0, -1)`` returns upper triangular part.
- ``band_part(x, -1, 0)`` returns lower triangular part.
- ``band_part(x, 0, 0)`` returns diagonal.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
lower: const<i32> (Optional)
* Number of lower / below sub-diagonals to keep. If negative, keep entire
lower triangle.
* Defaults to ``-1`` (keep the entire lower triangle).
upper: const<i32> (Optional)
* Number of upper / above sub-diagonals to keep. If negative, keep entire
lower triangle.
* Defaults to ``-1`` (keep the entire upper triangle).
tensor<\*?, T>
* Same type and shape as the input tensor.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
lower=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
upper=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
return self.x.sym_type
def value_inference(self):
M, N = self.x.val.shape[-2:]
band = np.zeros((M, N), dtype=types.nptype_from_builtin(self.x.dtype))
num_lower = self.lower.val
num_upper = self.upper.val
for m in range(M):
for n in range(N):
band[m, n] = (num_lower < 0 or (m - n) <= num_lower) and (
num_upper < 0 or (n - m) <= num_upper
return np.multiply(band, self.x.val)
class cumsum(Operation):
Returns the cumulative sum of the input along the given axis.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
axis: const<i32> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``0``.
* Axis for which the cumulative sum is computed.
exclusive: const<bool> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``False``.
* When set to ``False``, inclusive cumsum is computed, that is the first element of
the output is identical to the first element in the input.
* When set to ``True``, exclusive cumsum is computed, which makes the first element
of output to ``0``.
reverse: const<bool> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``False``.
* When set to ``True``, perform cumsum in the reverse order.
tensor<\*?, T>
* Same type and shape as the input tensor.
T: fp16, fp32, i32
input_spec = InputSpec(
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
exclusive=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
reverse=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def value_inference(self):
data = np.copy(self.x.val)
axis = self.axis.val
reverse = self.reverse.val
exclusive = self.exclusive.val
if reverse:
data = np.flip(data, axis=axis)
data = np.cumsum(data, axis=axis)
if exclusive:
zero_shape = np.copy(data.shape)
zero_shape[axis] = 1
data = np.concatenate((np.zeros(zero_shape, data)), axis=axis)
if reverse:
data = np.flip(data, axis=axis)
return data
def type_inference(self):
# Check range of axis
if self.axis.val < -1 or self.axis.val > self.x.rank - 1:
raise ValueError(
"axis should be in the range [-1, {}]".format(self.x.rank - 1)
return self.x.sym_type
class fill(Operation):
Returns a tensor with a given shape filled with a constant value.
shape: tensor<[K], i32> (Required)
* Target output tensor shape.
* ``K`` is the rank of the output tensor. ``shape[k] > 0`` for ``k = 0,..., K-1``.
value: const<T> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``0.0``.
* Constant value to fill in.
tensor<\*?, T>
* Tensor with shape determined by the input shape.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
value=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
if any_symbolic(self.shape.shape):
# We can't infer any shape if shape has variable length.
return types.tensor(self.value.dtype, (get_new_variadic_symbol(),))
# shape has fixed length here.
if self.shape.sym_val is None:
ret_shape = tuple([get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.shape.shape[0])])
return types.tensor(self.value.dtype, ret_shape)
return types.tensor(self.value.dtype, tuple(self.shape.sym_val.tolist()))
def value_inference(self):
return np.full(shape=self.shape.val, fill_value=self.value.val)
class non_maximum_suppression(Operation):
Applies non-maximum suppression (NMS) on the input box coordinates according
to their intersection-over-union (IoU).
NMS selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score, and removes
boxes that have high intersection-over-union (IOU) overlap with previously-selected
boxes: tensor<[n, B, 4], T> (Required)
* Box coordinates on which to perform NMS. The coordinates are expected in
CENTER_SIZE_WIDTH_FIRST format (x, y, width, height) where (x, y) is the center.
scores: tensor<[n, B, K], T> (Required)
* Scores for each one of the boxes. K is the number of classes.
iou_threshold: const<T> (Required)
* The intersection over union (``IoU``) threshold over which boxes are
suppressed. NMS remove all overlapping boxes with ``IoU > iou_threshold``.
score_threshold: const<T> (Required)
* Before IoU suppression is performed, boxes with class scores below this
threshold are rejected.
max_boxes: const<i32> (Required)
* Maximum number of boxes to select. If the number of surviving boxes are
less, output is padded up to this number.
per_class_suppression: const<bool> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``False``.
* If ``True``, suppression is performed independently within boxes of each class.
tensor<[n, max_boxes, 4], T>
* Coordinates of selected boxes.
tensor<[n, max_boxes, K], T>
* Scores of selected boxes.
tensor<[n, max_boxes], i32>
* Indices of selected boxes.
tensor<[n], i32>
* Number of boxes selected for each batch.
T: fp16, fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
iou_threshold=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"),
score_threshold=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"),
max_boxes=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
per_class_suppression=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
boxes_dtype = self.boxes.dtype
scores_dtype = self.scores.dtype
n_batch, _, n_score = self.scores.shape
max_boxes = self.max_boxes.val
return (
types.tensor(boxes_dtype, (n_batch, max_boxes, 4)),
types.tensor(scores_dtype, (n_batch, max_boxes, n_score)),
types.tensor(types.int32, (n_batch, max_boxes)),
types.tensor(types.int32, (n_batch,)),
class non_zero(Operation):
Returns the indices of the elements in the given tensor that are non-zero.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Tensor, values selected at indices where its values is not equal to ``0``.
tensor<[N, R], int32>
* 2-dimensional tensor contains indices of elements that are non-zero.
Each row is the index for a non-zero value.
* ``N`` is the number of non-zero elements, ``R`` is the rank of the input.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
if self.x.val is not None:
value = self.value_inference()
return types.tensor(types.int32, value.shape)
shape = tuple([get_new_symbol(), self.x.rank])
return types.tensor(types.int32, shape)
def value_inference(self):
return np.transpose(np.nonzero(self.x.val))
class one_hot(Operation):
Returns one-hot vectors whose locations represented in ``indices`` take the ``on_value``,
while other locations take the ``off_value``.
indices: tensor<[D], i32> (Required)
* Tensor, values indicate the locations for each one-hot vector to take the ``on_value``.
one_hot_vector_size: i32 (Required)
* Indicates the number of returning vectors.
axis: const i32 (Optional)
* Indicates which dimension to append the new axis.
* If the input indices is rank ``D``, the output tensor will have rank ``D+1``.
* Defaults to ``-1`` (the last dimension).
on_value: const T (Optional)
* Values for locations where defined in ``indices``.
* Defaults to ``1``.
off_value: const T (Optional)
* Defaults to ``0``.
* A tensor that contains one-hot vectors.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
on_value=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"),
off_value=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
on_type = self.on_value.dtype
off_type = self.off_value.dtype
if on_type != off_type:
raise TypeError(
"Parameters on_value and off_value must have same input types."
if self.axis.val < -self.indices.rank - 1 or self.axis.val > self.indices.rank:
raise IndexError(
"Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node {}".format(
self.axis.val, self.op_type, self.name
indices_shape = list(self.indices.shape)
depth_value = self.one_hot_vector_size.val
if depth_value is None:
depth_value = get_new_symbol()
elif depth_value < 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter one_hot_vector_size must be non-negative")
retshape = indices_shape
if self.axis.val < 0:
cut = len(retshape) + self.axis.val + 1
cut = self.axis.val
retshape = retshape[0:cut] + [depth_value] + retshape[cut:]
return types.tensor(on_type, retshape)
class pad(Operation):
Pads a tensor.
x: tensor<[\*D_in], T> (Required)
pad: tensor<[2\*N], i32> (Required)
``N <= D_in``. Last ``N`` dimensions of ``x`` are padded as follows:
* For each dimension ``i`` of ``x`` if ``i >= D_in - N``:
* pad ``pad[2*i]`` elements before ``x[..,i,..]``.
* pad ``pad[2*i+1]`` elements after ``x[..,i,..]``.
* If mode is "reflect" then ``pad[2*i]`` and ``pad[2*i+1]`` can be at
most ``D[i]-1``.
* If mode is "replicate" then ``pad[2*i]`` and ``pad[2*i+1]`` can be
at most ``D[i]``.
* If pad is not a constant, it must be a vector of length ``2 * rank(x)``,
that is, ``N == D_in``.
mode: const<str> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``constant``.
* Must be one of the following values:
``constant``, ``reflect``, or ``replicate``.
constant_val: const<T> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``0``.
* Constant value to pad. Ignored if ``mode != constant``.
* Tensor with same type as the input.
T: fp16, fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
mode=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.str),
constant_val=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="T"),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
in_shape = self.x.shape
ret_shape = list(in_shape)
pad = self.pad
if len(pad.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("Pad should be a 1D tensor!")
if self.mode and self.mode.val not in {"constant", "reflect", "replicate"}:
raise ValueError("Pad mode should be one of {'constant', 'reflect', 'replicate'}")
if pad.val is None and pad.shape[0] != self.x.rank * 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Non-constant 'pad' must have shape ({2*self.x.rank},). Got {pad.shape}"
if pad.sym_val is None:
for i in range(self.pad.shape[0] // 2):
ret_shape[-self.pad.shape[0] // 2 + i] = get_new_symbol()
pad = pad.sym_val
pad = pad.copy()
if len(pad) % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("Number of elements in the argument Pad must be divisible by 2.")
for i in range(len(pad)):
if not is_symbolic(pad[i]) and pad[i] < 0:
raise ValueError(f"pad must be non-negative integer, got {pad[i]} at index {i}")
pad = pad.reshape(-1, 2)
if pad.shape[0] > len(ret_shape):
raise ValueError(
"Number of dimensions specified through pad must less than or equal to rank "
"of input x"
for i in range(len(pad)):
ret_shape[-len(pad) + i] = ret_shape[-len(pad) + i] + pad[i][0] + pad[i][1]
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
def value_inference(self):
# NumPy `edge` mode is equivalent to `replicate` mode of PyTorch and CoreML
mode = "edge" if self.mode.val == "replicate" else self.mode.val
pad_val = self.pad.val
if pad_val is None:
return None
if len(self.x.val.shape) > (pad_val.shape[0] // 2):
updated_pad = np.zeros(len(self.x.val.shape) * 2)
updated_pad[-pad_val.shape[0] :] = pad_val
pad_val = updated_pad
pad_val = pad_val.reshape(-1, 2).astype(np.int32)
if mode == "constant":
return np.pad(
self.x.val, pad_val, mode, constant_values=self.constant_val.val
# NumPy does not support non-constant mode and constant_values argument
return np.pad(self.x.val, pad_val, mode)
class range_1d(Operation):
Returns a numpy-like 1-D range sequence.
start: <T> (Required)
* The start point of the sequence.
end: <T> (Required)
* The upper limit of the sequence, exclusive.
step: <T> (Required)
* Number that increments ``start``.
tensor<M, T>
* A 1-D tensor, where ``M`` is the length of the sequence.
T: i32, fp16, fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32),
def value_inference(self):
start = self.start.val
end = self.end.val
step = self.step.val
shape = (end - start) / step
# To prevent from creating constant greater then 1MB,
# a upper bound of the size of the resulting array is set.
return None
return np.arange(start, end, step)
def type_inference(self):
start = self.start.sym_val
end = self.end.sym_val
step = self.step.sym_val
if (
(self.start.dtype != self.end.dtype)
or (self.start.dtype != self.step.dtype)
or (self.end.dtype != self.step.dtype)
raise TypeError(
"All inputs to the range operation must have same input types."
if all(sym_val is not None for sym_val in (start, end, step)):
shape = (end - start) / step
shape = shape if is_symbolic(shape) else int(math.ceil(shape))
shape = tuple([shape])
shape = tuple(
return types.tensor(self.start.dtype, shape)
class tile(Operation):
Returns a new tensor by replicating input ``x`` multiples times.
Dimension ``i`` of ``x`` will be replicated ``reps[i]`` times.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
reps: tensor<[rank(x)], i32> (Required)
* A 1-D tensor with length ``rank(x)``, which indicates the number to replicate the input along each dimension.
tensor<\*?, T>:
* An n-D tensor with same type as the input.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
x_type = self.x.dtype
x_shape = np.array(self.x.shape)
reps = self.reps.sym_val
if reps is None:
out_shape = tuple([get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.x.rank)])
return types.tensor(x_type, out_shape)
if len(reps) == 0 or len(reps) != self.x.rank:
msg = (
"Length of the reps ({}) must be at least 1, and "
"equal to the rank of the input x ({})"
raise ValueError(msg.format(len(reps), self.x.rank))
out_shape = []
for i, rep in enumerate(reps):
if not is_symbolic(rep):
if rep <= 0:
raise ValueError("All entries of reps parameter must be greater than 0")
if is_symbolic(rep):
elif is_symbolic(x_shape[i]):
if rep == 1:
out_shape.append(rep * x_shape[i])
out_shape = tuple(out_shape)
return types.tensor(x_type, out_shape)
def value_inference(self):
# Infer only if don't have symbolic values.
if self.reps.val is None:
return None
return np.tile(self.x.val, reps=self.reps.val)
class argsort(Operation):
Returns a tensor containing the indices of the sorted values along a given axis
of the input tensor.
x: <\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
* axis: const<i32> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``-1`` (the last dimension).
* Axis to perform the operation.
* ascending: const<bool> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``False``, sort in descending order.
* ``True`` to sort in ascending order.
tensor<\*?, int32>
* Tensor containing the indices of the sorted values
T: fp16, fp32, i32
input_spec = InputSpec(
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
ascending=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
return types.tensor(types.int32, self.x.shape)
def value_inference(self):
# The default np argsort mode is ascending, which is opposite to MIL's argsort op.
if self.ascending.val:
return np.argsort(self.x.val, axis=self.axis.val)
return np.argsort(-self.x.val, axis=self.axis.val)
class topk(Operation):
Returns a tensor containing top or bottom ``k`` values and the corresponding
indices of the input tensor along a given axis.
x: <\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
k: const<i32> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``1``.
* Number of values/indices to be computed along each axis.
axis: const<i32> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``-1`` (last dimension).
* Axis to perform the operation.
ascending: const<bool> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``False``, sort in descending order.
* ``True`` to sort in ascending order.
tensor<\*?, T>
* Values of top/bottom ``k`` elements.
tensor<\*?, int32>
* Indices of the top/bottom ``k`` elements along axis.
T: fp16, fp32, int32
input_spec = InputSpec(
k=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
ascending=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
x_type = self.x.dtype
x_shape = self.x.shape
k = self.k.val
axis = self.axis.val
if not is_symbolic(x_shape[axis]) and k > x_shape[axis]:
msg = "K={} is greater than size of the given axis={}"
raise ValueError(msg.format(k, axis))
ret_shape = list(x_shape)
ret_shape[axis] = k
return types.tensor(x_type, ret_shape), types.tensor(types.int32, ret_shape)
def value_inference(self):
indices = np.argsort(self.x.val, axis=self.axis.val)
if not self.ascending.val:
indices = np.argsort(-self.x.val, axis=self.axis.val)
slc = [slice(None)] * self.x.rank
slc[self.axis.val] = slice(0, self.k.val)
indices = indices[tuple(slc)]
values = np.take_along_axis(self.x.val, indices, axis=self.axis.val)
return values, indices
class flatten2d(Operation):
Flattens input tensor into 2d tensor by flattening dimensions before and
after the provided axis.
x: tensor<[*d], T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
axis: const<i32> (Optional)
* Defaults to ``1``.
* Negative axis is supported.
tensor<d_prior, d_post, T>
* ``d_prior`` is product of dimensions ``x[:axis]``
* ``d_post`` is product of dimensions ``x[axis:]``
1. ``input_shape = (3, ), axis = -1, output_shape = (1, 3)``
2. ``input_shape = (3, ), axis = 1, output_shape = (3, 1)``
3. ``input_shape = (4, 3), axis = -1, output_shape = (4, 3)``
4. ``input_shape = (2, 3, 2), axis = -1, output_shape = (6, 2)``
5. ``input_shape = (5, 5, 2), axis = 1, output_shape = (5, 10)``
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32)
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
shape = list(self.x.shape)
axis = self.axis.val
dim_pre_axis = np.prod(shape[:axis])
dim_post_axis = np.prod(shape[axis:])
new_shape = [dim_pre_axis, dim_post_axis]
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(new_shape))
@precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL)
def value_inference(self):
shape = self.x.shape
axis = self.axis.val
dim_pre_axis = np.prod(shape[:axis])
dim_post_axis = np.prod(shape[axis:])
return self.x.val.reshape(dim_pre_axis, dim_post_axis)
class shape(Operation):
Returns a 1-dimensional tensor with the shape of the input tensor.
x: tensor<[*?], T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
tensor<K, i32>
* Shape of the input tensor.
* ``K = x.rank``.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(x=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"))
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
input_rank = self.x.rank
return types.tensor(types.int32, tuple([input_rank]))
def value_inference(self):
if any_symbolic(self.x.shape):
# convert elements in shape to int32
res = [x if is_symbolic(x) else np.int32(x) for x in self.x.shape]
return np.array(res)
return np.array(self.x.shape).astype(np.int32)
class concat(Operation):
Concatenates tensors along a dimension.
values: Tuple[tensor<[d0, d1, ..., d_axis_i, ..., d_n],T>] (Required)
* The number of dimensions of the input tensors must match, and all
dimensions except ``axis`` must be equal.
* The tensors may be variadic, but the number of tensors must be
determined at compile time (i.e. a tuple).
axis: const<int32> (Required)
* The dimension along which to concatenate. Must be in the range
``[-rank(values[i]), rank(values[i]))`` for all ``i``.
interleave: const<bool> (Optional, Default=False)
* If True, concatenate the inputs by interleaving them.
* If True, all the inputs to this op must have the exact same shape.
.. sourcecode:: python
in1 = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] # shape (3, 2)
in2 = [[7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]] # shape (3, 2)
axis = 0 # output shape is (6, 2)
if interleave is False: # default
# output[0:3, :] = in1
# output[3:6, :] = in2
output = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]]
if interleave is True:
# output[0::2, :] = in1
# output[1::2, :] = in2
output = [[1, 2], [7, 8], [3, 4], [9, 10], [5, 6], [11, 12]]
tensor<[d0, d1,...d_axis_out, ..., d_n],T>
* Where ``d_axis_out = sum(d_axis_i)``.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
interleave=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool)
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
concat_dim_len = 0
if len(self.values) == 0:
raise ValueError("Concat {} got 0 values".format(self.name))
# Validate values have the same rank
rank = self.values[0].rank
for v in self.values:
if v.rank != rank:
msg = "Input {} has rank {} != other inputs rank {}"
raise ValueError(msg.format(v.name, v.rank, rank))
# Check concat axis is within (-rank, rank)
concat_axis = self.axis.val
if concat_axis < 0:
concat_axis += rank
if rank > 0 and (concat_axis < 0 or concat_axis >= rank):
msg = "In {} of op_type {}: axis out of bound for input " + "(rank {})"
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.name, self.op_type, rank))
# Validate values share the same data type
dtype = self.values[0].dtype
for v in self.values[1:]:
if v.dtype != dtype:
msg = (
"Tensors in 'values' of the concat op ({}) should share the "
"same data type. Got {}."
).format(self.name, [x.dtype for x in self.values])
raise ValueError(msg)
# validate that non-axis dimensions match
retshape = list(self.values[0].shape)
for v in self.values[1:]:
for i in range(rank):
if is_symbolic(retshape[i]) or is_symbolic(v.shape[i]):
if i != concat_axis and retshape[i] != v.shape[i]:
msg = 'Dimension mismatch in {} ("{}"): shapes {} vs. {}'
raise ValueError(
msg.format(self.op_type, self.name, retshape, v.shape)
if self.interleave.val and retshape[i] != v.shape[i]:
msg = 'Dimension mismatch in {} ("{}"): shapes {} vs. {}. ' \
'All inputs must have same shape when \'interleave\' option is True.'
raise ValueError(
msg.format(self.op_type, self.name, retshape, v.shape)
# Get length of concat dim
concat_dim_len = 0
for v in self.values:
if len(v.shape) == 0:
taxis = 1
taxis = v.shape[concat_axis]
if is_symbolic(taxis):
concat_dim_len = get_new_symbol()
concat_dim_len += taxis
if len(retshape) == 0:
retshape = [concat_dim_len]
retshape[concat_axis] = concat_dim_len
return types.tensor(dtype, retshape)
@precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL | NONE)
def value_inference(self):
values = []
for v in self.values:
if v.sym_val is not None:
if v.rank == 0:
if any_symbolic(v.shape):
# we support value inference when number of elements for each tensor is less than 10
shape = v.shape
num_element = np.prod(shape)
if num_element > 10:
symbolic_tensor = [get_new_symbol() for _ in range(num_element)]
symbolic_tensor = np.reshape(np.array(symbolic_tensor), shape)
if any([val is None for val in values]):
return None
if not isinstance(values[0], np.ndarray) or values[0].shape == ():
return np.stack(values, axis=self.axis.val)
return np.concatenate(values, axis=self.axis.val)
class split(Operation):
Split tensors into a tuple
x: <\*?,T> (Required)
* The tensor to split.
* The tensors may be variadic, but the number of tensors must be determined
at compile time (i.e. a tuple).
axis: const<i32> (Required)
* The dimension along which to concatenate. Must be in the
range ``[-rank(x), rank(x))``.
num_splits: <i32> (Optional)
If specified, divide ``x`` into ``num_splits`` tensors along ``axis``.
Its behavior depends on ``split_sizes``:
* If ``split_sizes`` is defined, ``num_splits == S``, and the output
sizes may be uneven.
* If ``split_sizes`` is not defined, ``value.shape[axis]`` must be
divisible by ``num_splits``, and the output sizes must be even.
At least one of ``num_splits`` or ``split_sizes`` must be provided.
If ``split_sizes`` length ``S`` cannot be determined at compile time,
``num_splits`` must be supplied to determine the number of outputs.
split_sizes: const<S, i32> (Optional)
* Sizes to split to. The sum of ``split_sizes`` must equal to
Tuple[tensor<\*?, T>]
* Where the length of the tuple is the number of splits (determined
from ``num_splits`` or ``split_sizes``).
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
num_splits=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
split_sizes=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
num_splits, sizes = self._get_num_splits_and_sizes()
x_shape = list(self.x.shape)
ret_shapes = [x_shape[:] for _ in range(num_splits)]
axis = self.axis.val
for i, d in enumerate(sizes):
ret_shapes[i][axis] = d
self.sizes = sizes
return tuple([types.tensor(self.x.dtype, s) for s in ret_shapes])
def _get_num_splits_and_sizes(self):
- num_splits: int
- sizes: list of int/symbols. Of length num_splits
Raise ValueError if num_splits cannot be determined.
if self.num_splits is None and self.split_sizes is None:
msg = (
"At least one of num_splits and split_sizes "
+ "must be specified in split op {}"
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.name))
axis = self.axis.val
if self.num_splits is not None:
num_splits = self.num_splits.val
if self.split_sizes is None:
# Even split
if (
not is_symbolic(self.x.shape[axis])
and self.x.shape[axis] % num_splits != 0
msg = "num_split {} does not divide split " + "dim (length = {})"
raise ValueError(msg.format(num_splits, self.x.shape[axis]))
size = self.x.shape[axis] / num_splits
return num_splits, [size] * num_splits
# self.split_sizes is not None
if self.split_sizes.sym_val is not None:
return num_splits, self.split_sizes.sym_val
# self.split_size.sym_val is None.
sizes = [get_new_symbol() for _ in range(num_splits)]
return num_splits, sizes
# self.num_splits is None, self.split_sizes is not None
if self.split_sizes.sym_val is not None:
return len(self.split_sizes.sym_val), self.split_sizes.sym_val
# self.num_splits is None, self.split_sizes is not None
# self.split_sizes.sym_val is None
if any_symbolic(self.split_sizes.shape):
raise ValueError("Unable to determine number of splits")
num_splits = len(self.split_sizes.shape)
sizes = [get_new_symbol() for _ in range(num_splits)]
return num_splits, sizes
@precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL | NONE)
def value_inference(self):
num_splits, sizes = self._get_num_splits_and_sizes()
if self.x.sym_val is None or any_symbolic(sizes):
raise NotImplementedError()
if num_splits == 1:
# No split_indices possible.
return self.x.sym_val
split_indices = np.cumsum(sizes).astype(np.int32)
return tuple(np.split(self.x.sym_val, split_indices[:-1], axis=self.axis.val))
class stack(Operation):
Concatenates tensors along a dimension.
values: Tuple[tensor<[d0, d1,...d_axis_i, ..., d_n], T>] (Required)
* All tensors must have identical shape.
axis: const<i32> (Required)
* The dimension along which to concatenate. Must be in the range ``[-rank(values[i]), rank(values[i]))`` for all ``i``.
tenor<[d0, d1,...d_axis_out, ..., d_n], T>
* Where ``d_axis_out = sum(d_axis_i)``.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32)
def type_inference(self):
num_tensors = len(self.values)
if num_tensors == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot stack 0 tensor")
# get the first value without symbolic shape
t_shape = None
for value in self.values:
if not any_symbolic(value.shape):
t_shape = value.shape
t_shape = self.values[0].shape if t_shape is None else t_shape
# compare all shape
for t in self.values:
if not is_compatible_symbolic_vector(t.shape, t_shape):
msg = "Component tensor {} has shape {}, others have {}"
raise ValueError(msg.format(t.name, t.shape, t_shape))
# Validate values share the same data type
dtype = self.values[0].dtype
for v in self.values[1:]:
if v.dtype != dtype:
msg = (
"Tensors in 'values' of the stack op ({}) should share the "
"same data type. Got {}."
).format(self.name, [x.dtype for x in self.values])
raise ValueError(msg)
axis = self.axis.val
if axis < 0:
axis += (self.values[0].rank + 1)
rank = self.values[0].rank
if axis > rank:
raise ValueError(f"axis must in range [{-rank}, {rank}). Got {axis}")
ret_shape = list(t_shape)
ret_shape.insert(axis, num_tensors)
return types.tensor(self.values[0].dtype, ret_shape)
@precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL | NONE)
def value_inference(self):
is_all_rank_zero = all([v.rank == 0 for v in self.values])
values = [
v.sym_val if v.sym_val is not None else get_new_symbol()
for v in self.values
if any([is_symbolic(v) for v in values]) and not is_all_rank_zero:
return None
return np.stack(values, self.axis.val)
# identity is used for renaming and is rarely necessary. See
# `loop_invariant_elimination` pass for a rare use case.
class identity(Operation):
Returns a tensor with the same shape and contents as input.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
tensor<\*?, T>
* Same type and shape as the input tensor.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(x=ListOrTensorOrDictInputType())
def type_inference(self):
return self.x.sym_type
@precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL)
def value_inference(self):
return self.x.sym_val