Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2023, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
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import numpy as np

from import types
from import InputSpec, TensorInputType
from import Operation
from import register_op
from import _IOS16_TARGET

[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS16_TARGET) class constexpr_affine_dequantize(Operation): """ A compile-time operation that returns a constant output value upon dequantizing its constant inputs. This operation is used to represent constant 8-bit quantized data with affine/linear quantization. The quantized data is stored in the parameter ``quantized_data``. The other parameters -- ``scale``, ``zero_point``, and ``axis`` -- describe how unquantized values can be extracted from it, using the equation for affine/linear quantization: .. sourcecode:: python unquantized_data = scale * (quantized_data - zero_point) Although all of the parameters of this op are constants, this op is not constant folded to a single const op at the time of model serialization. The unquantized output will be decompressed later, based on the implementation detail (either at model load time or runtime). Parameters ---------- quantized_data: const tensor<SrcT, [1..]> (Required) zero_point: const tensor<ZeroPointT, [0..1]> (Required) * ``zero_point`` can be either a scalar or a vector. * ``zero_point`` follows similar broadcasting rules and size constraints as ``scale``. scale: const tensor<DstT, [0..1]> (Required) * ``scale`` can be either a scalar or a vector. * If ``scale`` is a vector, for implementation it is broadcast to the following shape: * The rank of ``scale`` becomes the same as the rank of ``quantized_data``. * The constraint: ``size(scale-vector) == quantized_data.shape[axis]``. * For ``i == axis``, ``scale.shape[i] == quantized_data.shape[i]``. * For ``i != axis``, ``scale.shape == 1``. For example, assume ``quantized_data.shape = (2, 3, 4, 5)`` and ``axis = 1``. If ``scale`` is a vector, then ``scale.size`` needs to be equal to ``quantized_data.shape[axis] i.e = 3``, which would be broadcast to ``(1, 3, 1, 1)``. axis: const tensor<int32, []> (Required) Returns ------- const tensor<DstT, [1..]> Attributes ---------- SrcT: uint8, int8 ZeroPointT: uint8, int8, fp32 DstT: fp16, fp32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( quantized_data=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="SrcT"), zero_point=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="ZeroPointT"), scale=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="DstT"), axis=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32), ) type_domains = { "SrcT": (types.uint8, types.int8), "ZeroPointT": (types.uint8, types.int8, types.fp32), "DstT": (types.fp16, types.fp32), } def type_inference(self): def assert_is_scalar_or_vector(param, name): if param.rank not in (0, 1): raise ValueError( "Parameter {} needs to be either a scalar or vector".format(name) ) def assert_vector_size_same_as_axial_dimension(param, axis_dim_size, name): if param.rank == 1 and param.shape[0] != axis_dim_size: raise ValueError( "Parameter {}, if vector, needs to have same size as the dimension size along the parameter quantized_data".format( name ) ) rank = self.quantized_data.rank if self.axis.val < -rank or self.axis.val >= rank: raise ValueError( "Parameter axis needs to be in the range -quantized_data.rank <= axis < quantized_data.rank" ) assert_is_scalar_or_vector(self.scale, "scale") assert_is_scalar_or_vector(self.zero_point, "zero_point") assert_vector_size_same_as_axial_dimension( self.scale, self.quantized_data.shape[self.axis.val], "scale" ) assert_vector_size_same_as_axial_dimension( self.zero_point, self.quantized_data.shape[self.axis.val], "zero_point" ) dtype = self.scale.dtype shape = self.quantized_data.shape return types.tensor(dtype, shape) def materialized_val_inference(self): return self.decompress( self.quantized_data.val, self.zero_point.val, self.scale.val, self.axis.val ) def is_all_zeros(self) -> bool: zero_point = self.promote_rank_to_same_as_quantized_data( self.zero_point.val, self.quantized_data.val, self.axis.val ) return np.all(self.quantized_data.val == zero_point) @staticmethod def promote_rank_to_same_as_quantized_data( param: np.ndarray, quantized_data: np.ndarray, axis: int ) -> np.ndarray: """ Promote param (i.e. zero point or scale) rank to same as quantized data, so subtraction or multiplication can happen properly on the specified axis """ if len(param.shape) == 0: return np.reshape(param, np.ones(len(quantized_data.shape), np.int32)) else: axes = [i for i in range(len(quantized_data.shape)) if i != axis] return np.expand_dims(param, axis=tuple(axes)) @staticmethod def decompress( quantized_data: np.ndarray, zero_point: np.ndarray, scale: np.ndarray, axis: int ) -> np.ndarray: axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + len(quantized_data.shape) sc = constexpr_affine_dequantize.promote_rank_to_same_as_quantized_data( scale, quantized_data, axis ) zp = constexpr_affine_dequantize.promote_rank_to_same_as_quantized_data( zero_point, quantized_data, axis ) val = sc * (quantized_data.astype(np.float32) - zp.astype(np.float32)) return val.astype(scale.dtype)
[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS16_TARGET) class constexpr_cast(Operation): """ A compile-time operation that returns a constant output value upon casting its constant input. .. sourcecode:: python Expression: output = constexpr_cast(source_val, output_dtype="fp32") Parameters ---------- source_val: const tensor<SrcT, [...]> (Required) output_dtype: const tensor<string, []> (Required) Returns ------- const tensor<DstT, [...]> Attributes ---------- SrcT: fp16 DstT: fp32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( source_val=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.fp16), output_dtype=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.str), ) def type_inference(self): dtype = types.string_to_builtin(self.output_dtype.val) if dtype != types.fp32: raise NotImplementedError("Only output_dtype = fp32 is supported") shape = self.source_val.shape return types.tensor(dtype, shape) def materialized_val_inference(self): return np.float32(self.source_val.val)
[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS16_TARGET) class constexpr_lut_to_dense(Operation): """ A compile-time operation that returns a constant output value upon decompressing a look-up table (LUT) to a dense tensor. This operation is used to store constant weights in a LUT format (also known as `palettized` weights). A LUT is a mapping from index to values. Weights are quantized and stored as indices (or keys) into the LUT. Before computation, these keys are mapped to corresponding values in the LUT. Parameters ---------- indices: const tensor<uint8, [M]> (Required) lut: const tensor<T, [NUM_PALETTES]> (Required) shape: const tensor<uint32, [K]> (Required) Notes ----- * Any data is packed and read in a row-major order. * ``NUM_PALETTES`` can be one of ``{2, 4, 16, 64 or 256}``. * ``n_bits = log2(NUM_PALETTES)`` can thus be one of ``{1, 2, 4, 6, 8}``. * Indices are packed in bytes of size ``M``, where ``M = ceil(n_bits * product(shape) / 8)``. The bit fields are packed one byte at a time, starting with the least significant bit (LSB) and moving upward to the most significant bit (MSB). It follows, naturally, that if an index is split across two bytes, the LSBs of that index is filled over the MSBs of current byte, and the remaining bits of the same index are filled in the LSBs of the next byte. For example: .. sourcecode:: python if n_bits = 2, shape = (5,) => M = 2 bytes MSB LSB | | indices = | 01 10 11 00 | xx xx xx 11 | <== packed elements | i3 | i2 | i1 | i0 | -- | -- | -- | i4 | <== tagged element ids | byte 0 | byte 1 | <== tagged bytes Returns ------- const tensor<T, [...]> Attributes ---------- T: uint8, int8, fp16, fp32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( indices=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.uint8), lut=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"), shape=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.uint32), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.int8, types.uint8, types.fp16, types.fp32) } def type_inference(self): def assert_is_vector(param, name): if param.rank != 1: raise ValueError("Parameter {} needs to have rank == 1".format(name)) assert_is_vector(self.indices, "indices") assert_is_vector(self.lut, "lut") if self.lut.shape[0] not in (2, 4, 16, 64, 256): raise ValueError( "Parameter lut should be a vector of size from one of {2, 4, 16, 64, 256}" ) nbits = int(np.log2(self.lut.shape[0])) output_size = if self.indices.shape[0] != np.ceil(nbits * (output_size / 8.0)): raise AssertionError( "Constraint violated, M = ceil(n_bits * product(shape) / 8) where M = indices.size" ) dtype = self.lut.dtype shape = self.shape.val return types.tensor(dtype, shape) def materialized_val_inference(self): return self.decompress( self.lut.val, self.indices.val, self.shape.val, ) @staticmethod def decompress(lut, indices, shape): # Import here to avoid circular import. from coremltools.optimize.coreml import _utils as optimize_utils nbits = np.log2(lut.size).astype(np.int32) indices = optimize_utils.restore_elements_from_packed_bits(indices, nbits, flatten_val = lut[indices] return flatten_val.reshape(shape)
[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS16_TARGET) class constexpr_sparse_to_dense(Operation): """ A compile-time operation that returns a constant output value upon de-sparsification of its constant inputs. This operation represents unstructured sparsity and uses bit mask binary representation. If a bit is set, then the corresponding element in the output tensor is non-zero and the value is read from the ``nonzero_data`` attribute. Likewise, if the bit is not set, then the corresponding element in the output tensor is zero. Parameters ---------- nonzero_data: const tensor<T, [D]> (Required) mask: const tensor<uint8, [M]> (Required) shape: const tensor<uint32, [K]> (Required) Notes ----- * Any data is packed and read in a row-major order. * ``mask`` contains ``M`` bytes, where ``M = ceil( product(shape) / 8)``. That is, each bit field corresponds to one element in the output tensor. * ``D ==`` the total number of set bits in ``mask``. The bit fields are packed one byte at a time, starting with the least significant bit and moving up to the most significant bit. For example: .. sourcecode:: python shape = (5,) => M = 1 bytes MSB LSB | | mask = |x x x 0 1 1 0 0 | <== packed elements |--|--|--|i4|i3|i2|i1|i0| <== tagged element ids | byte 0 | <== tagged bytes Returns ------- const tensor<T, [...]> Attributes ---------- T: uint8, int8, fp16, fp32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( nonzero_data=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="T"), mask=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.uint8), shape=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.uint32), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.int8, types.uint8, types.fp16, types.fp32) } def type_inference(self): def assert_is_vector(param, name): if param.rank != 1: raise ValueError("Parameter {} needs to have rank == 1".format(name)) assert_is_vector(self.nonzero_data, "nonzero_data") assert_is_vector(self.mask, "mask") if sum(bin(x).count("1") for x in self.mask.val) != self.nonzero_data.shape[0]: raise AssertionError( "Number of set bits in mask needs to be equal to number of elements in parameter nonzero_data" ) output_size = if self.mask.shape[0] != np.ceil(output_size / 8.0): raise AssertionError( "Constraint Violated: M = ceil( product(shape) / 8) where M = mask.size" ) bitarray = np.unpackbits(self.mask.val, bitorder="little") if any(bitarray[i] != 0 for i in range(output_size, len(bitarray))): raise AssertionError("Padded bits in mask should be unset or equals to zero") dtype = self.nonzero_data.dtype shape = self.shape.val return types.tensor(dtype, shape) def materialized_val_inference(self): return self.decompress(self.nonzero_data.val, self.mask.val, self.shape.val) @staticmethod def decompress(nonzero_data, mask, shape): flattend_val = np.zeros(shape, dtype=nonzero_data.dtype).flatten() flattend_val[ np.where(np.unpackbits(mask, bitorder="little") != 0) ] = nonzero_data return flattend_val.reshape(shape)