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#  Copyright (c) 2023, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
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import collections

import numpy as np

from import Var
from import AbstractGraphPass
from import block_context_manager
from import register_pass

[docs]@register_pass(namespace="common") class remove_redundant_ops(AbstractGraphPass): """ If there are multiple ops with "identical" inputs, then they are redundant and all but one of them can be removed. This pass checks and removes such ops. Since all inputs to ops in MIL are named, two ops with same ``op_types`` can be compared by comparing their correspondingly named inputs. Inputs are treated as identical if one of the following is true: - The input is a constant var, in which case its value should have the same dtype and numerical value. - The input is a non constant var, in which case it should be the same var object. This pass iterates over the ops, takes its first output var, and then builds a candidate op list from the child ops of this var. This candidate ops list contains ops of the same ``op_type``, arranged in topological order. From each of these candidate ops in the list, the second, third, and subsequent ops are pairwise compared with the first op, and if identical to it, they are removed. For example: .. code-block:: Input: %0 = op0(...) %1 = op1(...) %2 = const(val=4.5) %3 = const(val=4.5) %4 = op2(%1, %0, %2) %5 = op3(%1, %0, %3) Output: %0 = op0(...) %1 = op1(...) %2 = const(val=4.5) %3 = const(val=4.5) # this will get removed later by dead code elimination pass %4 = op2(%1, %0, %2) In the example above, ``op3`` is removed and all uses of ``%5`` is replaced by ``%4``. For more examples, see "TestRemoveRedundantOpsPass". """ _NON_REDUNDANT_OPS = tuple() def apply(self, prog): for f in prog.functions.values(): self._remove_redundant_ops_in_block_wrapper(f) @staticmethod def _is_op_eligible_to_be_removed(op): if ( len(op.blocks) != 0 or op.op_type.startswith("random") or op.op_type in remove_redundant_ops._NON_REDUNDANT_OPS ): return False else: return True @staticmethod def _get_candidate_ops_list(prospective_ops_list): od = collections.OrderedDict() enclosing_block = [op.enclosing_block for op in prospective_ops_list] if len(set(enclosing_block)) > 1: # all candidate ops must belong to the same block return [] for op in prospective_ops_list: if remove_redundant_ops._is_op_eligible_to_be_removed(op): od[op] = enclosing_block[0].operations.index(op) # Sort the ops according to their index of appearing in block.operations, which is # topologically sorted return [x[0] for x in sorted(od.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])] @staticmethod def _get_candidate_ops_lists_from_var(var): """ Return a list of lists. Each element is a list of a subset of the child ops of var, which satisfies the following conditions: - they are of the same op_type - ops are not repeated in it. The .child_ops property of a var may sometimes contain an op repeated more than once - the ops are ordered based on the order in which they appear in the block.operations list (which is topologically sorted), with ops appearing earlier in that list appearing first here. """ candidate_ops_lists = [] op_types_to_ops = collections.OrderedDict() for op in var.child_ops: if op.op_type in op_types_to_ops: op_types_to_ops[op.op_type].append(op) else: op_types_to_ops[op.op_type] = [op] for v in op_types_to_ops.values(): if len(v) > 1: candidate_ops_list = remove_redundant_ops._get_candidate_ops_list(v) if len(candidate_ops_list) > 1: candidate_ops_lists.append(candidate_ops_list) return candidate_ops_lists @staticmethod def _are_ops_identical(op1, op2): """ Return True, if all inputs of op1 and op2 are identical. non-constant inputs must refer to the same object. For constant inputs, we only compare arrays with small size. Large size const ops are already deduplicated in the const_deduplication pass so we can compare the pointers. """ def _are_values_identical(val1, val2): if not isinstance(val1, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(val2, np.ndarray): return np.array_equal(np.array(val1), np.array(val2)) if val1.size != val2.size: return False if val1.size < 100: return np.array_equal(val1, val2) return False def _are_vars_identical(var1, var2): if var1 is var2: return True if var1.val is None and var2.val is None: if var1 != var2: return False elif var1.val is not None and var2.val is not None: if var1.dtype != var2.dtype: return False if not _are_values_identical(var1.val, var2.val): return False else: return False return True if op1 == op2: return True if op1.op_type != op2.op_type: return False if len(op1.inputs) != len(op2.inputs): return False for key, value1 in op1.inputs.items(): if key not in op2.inputs: return False value2 = op2.inputs[key] if isinstance(value1, Var) and isinstance(value2, Var): if not _are_vars_identical(value1, value2): return False elif isinstance(value1, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(value2, (list, tuple)): if len(value1) != len(value2): return False else: for i, v in enumerate(value1): if not _are_vars_identical(v, value2[i]): return False else: return False assert len(op1.blocks) == 0, "this method does not handle ops that have blocks in it" assert len(op2.blocks) == 0, "this method does not handle ops that have blocks in it" return True @staticmethod def _try_to_remove_ops(candidate_ops_list): # candidate_ops_list contains ops in topological order. # All the ops in candidate_ops_list will be compared to the first op, and removed if identical to it. # Removing ops later in the topological order is much easier, as their output vars # can simply be replaced by the output var of the first_op, this doesn't require # changing any op order in the block. if len(candidate_ops_list) < 2: return False first_op = candidate_ops_list[0] block = first_op.enclosing_block # currently, we only consider the cases when the op has 1 output. # The replace var logic below only handles the single output case. if len(first_op.outputs) > 1: return False ops_to_remove = [] for op in candidate_ops_list[1:]: if op.outputs[0] not in block.outputs: # to make sure we don't remove an output op if remove_redundant_ops._are_ops_identical(first_op, op): ops_to_remove.append(op) if len(ops_to_remove) == 0: return False # remove uses of output vars of the ops to be removed. # This can be safely done, since all the ops in ops_to_remove # appear after first_op, hence first_op.outputs[0] variable is in # scope before the op's output var ops_removed = [] for op in ops_to_remove: if op.enclosing_block.try_replace_uses_of_var_after_op( anchor_op=op, old_var=op.outputs[0], new_var=first_op.outputs[0]): ops_removed.append(op) if len(ops_removed) == 0: return False block.remove_ops(ops_removed) return True @staticmethod def _try_to_transform(parent_var): """ scan the children ops to parent_var, to find and remove identical ops, if any. Returns True, if successful in finding such redundant ops. """ candidate_ops_lists = remove_redundant_ops._get_candidate_ops_lists_from_var(parent_var) block_changed = False for ops_list in candidate_ops_lists: # Iterate through the child ops list, to make sure that we check all possible combinations. for idx in range(len(ops_list)): if remove_redundant_ops._try_to_remove_ops(ops_list[idx:]): block_changed = True break return block_changed @block_context_manager def _remove_redundant_ops_in_block_wrapper(self, block): def _remove_redundant_ops_in_block(block): if isinstance(block.inputs, dict): block_input_var_list = list(block.inputs.values()) elif isinstance(block.inputs, (list, tuple)): block_input_var_list = block.inputs else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized type of block.inputs, its neither a list nor dict.") # iterate over the block inputs for input_var in block_input_var_list: if len(input_var.child_ops) > 1: self._try_to_transform(input_var) # iterate over the ops in the block graph_updated = False for op in block.operations: if op.op_type == "const": continue for b in op.blocks: block_changed = True while block_changed: block_changed = _remove_redundant_ops_in_block(b) if len(op.outputs) > 0 and len(op.outputs[0].child_ops) > 1: # currently, we only check the first output of the op # this can be extended, if required, to check for other outputs. graph_updated = self._try_to_transform(op.outputs[0]) # has to break as the downstream iterator is affected. if graph_updated: return graph_updated return graph_updated block_changed = True while block_changed: block_changed = _remove_redundant_ops_in_block(block)