# Copyright (c) 2024, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
from typing import Dict, Set, Tuple
from coremltools import _logger as logger
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Builder as mb
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Function, Placeholder, Program, Var, types
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.graph_pass import AbstractGraphPass
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.pass_registry import register_pass
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.symbolic import any_symbolic, is_symbolic
class materialize_symbolic_shape_program(AbstractGraphPass):
If we realize that only a few fixed shapes are used in a symbolic-shape model,
we may prefer materialization into a fixed-shape (multifunction) model,
which has the potential to be further optimized
Supported options:
- ``function_name_to_materialization_map``: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int]]]
A dictionary specifying the name of new functions to be created,
and for each new function what is the new fixed shapes for inputs.
If a new function has the same name as an old function,
then the old function will be overridden
- ``source_function_name``: str
The name of the source symbolic-shape function to be materialized, default = main
Suppose we have a symbolic shape model with 2 symbols ``is0`` and ``is1``
.. code-block::
symbolic_shape_mlmodel: ct.models.MLModel
symbolic_shape_prog = symbolic_shape_mlmodel._mil_program
We may invoke this graph pass to materialize some fixed shapes (e.g. ``is0 = 2, is1 = 5``
and ``is0 = 4, is1 = 7``), then run every other optimization passes
.. code-block::
pass_pipeline: PassPipeline = ct.PassPipeline.DEFAULT
pass_pipeline.insert_pass(0, "common::materialize_symbolic_shape_program")
"function_name_to_materialization_map": {
# As an example, let us assume the input is x (is0, is1, 1024)
"materialization_2_5": {"x": (2, 5, 1024)},
"materialization_4_7": {"x": (4, 7, 1024)},
PassPipelineManager.apply_pipeline(symbolic_shape_prog, pass_pipeline)
We will arrive at
.. code-block::
main[CoreML8](%x: (is0, is1, 1024, fp16)(Tensor)) {
block0() {
} -> (%y)
materialization_2_5[CoreML8](%x: (2, 5, 1024, fp16)(Tensor)) {
block5() {
} -> (%y)
materialization_4_7[CoreML8](%x: (4, 7, 1024, fp16)(Tensor)) {
block6() {
} -> (%y)
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._function_name_to_materialization_map: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int]]] = None
self._source_function_name: str = "main"
def function_name_to_materialization_map(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int]]]:
return self._function_name_to_materialization_map
def function_name_to_materialization_map(
self, function_name_to_materialization_map_: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int]]]
) -> None:
if not isinstance(function_name_to_materialization_map_, dict):
raise ValueError(
"function_name_to_materialization_map must be type of dict, "
f"but got {type(function_name_to_materialization_map_)}"
for function_name, materialization_map in function_name_to_materialization_map_.items():
if not isinstance(function_name, str):
raise ValueError(
f"Materialized new function name must be type of str, but got {type(function_name)}"
if not isinstance(materialization_map, dict):
raise ValueError(
f"Materialization map must be type of dict, but got {type(materialization_map)}"
for input_name, shape in materialization_map.items():
if not isinstance(input_name, str):
raise ValueError(
f"Materialization map key (input name) must be type of str, but got {type(input_name)}"
if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
raise ValueError(
f"Materialization map value (shape) must be type of tuple, but got {type(shape)}"
for size in shape:
if not isinstance(size, int):
raise ValueError(f"Shape element must be type of int, but got {type(size)}")
self._function_name_to_materialization_map = function_name_to_materialization_map_
def source_function_name(self) -> str:
return self._source_function_name
def source_function_name(self, source_function_name_: str) -> None:
if not isinstance(source_function_name_, str):
raise ValueError(
f"Source function name must be type of str, but got {type(source_function_name_)}"
self._source_function_name = source_function_name_
def _canonicalize_materialization_map(
source_function: Function,
function_name_to_materialization_map: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int]]],
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:
User input ``materialization_map`` maps input names to fixed shapes,
but what a rigorous graph pass really need is a map from symbols to integers,
so here we construct the canonical materialization map from user input
function_name_to_canonical_materialization_map: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {}
for function_name, materialization_map in function_name_to_materialization_map.items():
canonical_materialization_map: Dict[str, int] = {}
for source_input_var in source_function.inputs.values():
input_name: str = source_input_var.name
if input_name in materialization_map:
fixed_shape = materialization_map[input_name]
for size, integer in zip(source_input_var.shape, fixed_shape):
if is_symbolic(size):
if size.name not in canonical_materialization_map:
canonical_materialization_map[size.name] = integer
existing_integer = canonical_materialization_map[size.name]
if existing_integer != integer:
raise ValueError(
f"Inconsistent symbol materialization in new function {function_name}: "
f"symbol {size.name} is to be materialized into {existing_integer} and {integer}. "
f"Please make sure input {input_name} has compatible shape with others"
if size != integer:
raise ValueError(
f"Already fixed size cannot be altered: new function {function_name}, "
f"input {input_name}, original size is {size}, but user specified new size {integer}"
f"In new function {function_name}, "
f"although materialization for input {input_name} is not specified, "
f"it may still be materialized if it shares symbol with other inputs"
] = canonical_materialization_map
return function_name_to_canonical_materialization_map
def _validate_inputs(
source_function: Function,
function_name_to_canonical_materialization_map: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]],
) -> None:
# Get existing symbols in program
symbols: Set[str] = set()
for source_input_var in source_function.inputs.values():
for size in source_input_var.shape:
if is_symbolic(size):
# Compare existing symbols vs user specified materialization map
for (
) in function_name_to_canonical_materialization_map.items():
symbols_to_be_materialized = set(canonical_materialization_map.keys())
# Q: Why we only check symbols is subset of symbols_to_be_materialized,
# but not symbols_to_be_materialized is subset of symbols?
# A: Since our API has user specify {input name: fixed shape tuple},
# we will not receive any redundant symbol,
# i.e. symbols_to_be_materialized will always be a subset of symbols
if not symbols.issubset(symbols_to_be_materialized):
f"In new function {function_name}, these symbols will not be materialized: "
f"{symbols - symbols_to_be_materialized}"
def _maybe_materialize_symbolic_shape(
shape: Tuple, canonical_materialization_map: Dict[str, int]
) -> Tuple:
if any_symbolic(shape):
materialized_shape = []
for size in shape:
if is_symbolic(size) and size.name in canonical_materialization_map:
return tuple(materialized_shape)
return shape
def _create_placeholders(
source_function: Function, canonical_materialization_map: Dict[str, int]
) -> Dict[str, Placeholder]:
placeholders: Dict[str, Placeholder] = {}
for source_input_name, source_input_var in source_function.inputs.items():
target_input_shape = (
source_input_var.shape, canonical_materialization_map
if types.is_state(source_input_var.sym_type):
placeholders[source_input_name] = mb.state_tensor_placeholder(
target_input_shape, source_input_var.dtype
placeholders[source_input_name] = mb.placeholder(
target_input_shape, source_input_var.dtype
return placeholders
def _copy_construct_const_var(source_const_var: Var) -> Var:
target_const_var = mb.const(val=source_const_var.val, name=source_const_var.name)
if (
hasattr(source_const_var.op, "weight_key")
and source_const_var.op.weight_key is not None
target_const_var.op.weight_key = source_const_var.op.weight_key
return target_const_var
def apply(self, prog: Program) -> None:
if self.source_function_name not in prog.functions:
raise ValueError(
f"Source function {self.source_function_name} not found, "
f"available functions are {list(prog.functions.keys())}"
source_function = prog.functions[self.source_function_name]
function_name_to_canonical_materialization_map = self._canonicalize_materialization_map(
source_function, self.function_name_to_materialization_map
self._validate_inputs(source_function, function_name_to_canonical_materialization_map)
for (
) in function_name_to_canonical_materialization_map.items():
context: Dict[str, Var] = {}
with Function(
inputs=self._create_placeholders(source_function, canonical_materialization_map),
) as target_function:
# Extract function input variables
for target_input_name, target_input_var in target_function.inputs.items():
context[target_input_name] = target_input_var
# Rebuild all operations with new variables
for source_operation in source_function.operations:
# Instead of building constants as we encounter,
# we will build them when we find them in operation input,
# otherwise we will mess up with block internal variable
if source_operation.op_type == "const":
# prepare operation inputs
target_name_to_input: Dict[str, Var] = {}
for source_input_name, source_input_vars in source_operation.inputs.items():
# operation input may either be Var or Tuple[Var]
is_source_single_input = isinstance(source_input_vars, Var)
if is_source_single_input:
source_input_vars = [source_input_vars]
target_input_vars = []
for source_input_var in source_input_vars:
# build const input that is currently missing from context
if source_input_var.name not in context:
assert (
source_input_var.op.op_type == "const"
), "Only const may be absent from context"
context[source_input_var.name] = self._copy_construct_const_var(
if is_source_single_input:
target_name_to_input[source_input_name] = target_input_vars[0]
target_name_to_input[source_input_name] = tuple(target_input_vars)
# build operation
outputs = getattr(mb, source_operation.op_type)(
**target_name_to_input, name=source_operation.name
# operation output may either be Var or Tuple[Var]
if isinstance(outputs, Var):
outputs = [outputs]
for output, source_output in zip(outputs, source_operation.outputs):
context[output.name] = output
# Set function output variables
for source_output_var in source_function.outputs
prog.add_function(target_function_name, target_function)
# For some reason, if we run const_deduplication._deduplicate_const_across_functions here,
# the populated `const.weight_id` will get lost if we run pass pipeline afterwards,
# so we have no choice but to let user manually deduplicate after all passes are done
# TODO (rdar://131680531): Investigate why it happens & whether we can change this behavior
"(If you are using ct.utils.materialize_dynamic_shape_mlmodel, "
"you are safe to ignore this warning message) "
"Weights are duplicated in each materialized new function, "
"so you may want to run const_deduplication._deduplicate_const_across_functions "
"on your pymil program before serialization to milproto"