Source code for coremltools.models.neural_network.update_optimizer_utils

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Neural Network optimizer utilities.

[docs] class AdamParams: """ Adam - A Method for Stochastic Optimization. Attributes ---------- lr: float The learning rate that controls learning step size. Adjustable in progress, default: 0.01. batch: int The mini-batch size, number of examples used to compute single gradient step, default: 10. beta1: float Controls the exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates, default: 0.9. beta2: float Controls the exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates, default: 0.999. eps: float The epsilon, a very small number to prevent any division by zero in the implementation, default: 1e-8. Methods ------- set_lr(value, min, max) Set value for learning rate. set_batch(value, allow_set) Set value for batch size. set_beta1(value, min, max) Set value for beta1. set_beta2(value, min, max) Set value for beta2. set_eps(value, min, max) Set value for epsilon. """ def __init__(self, lr=1e-2, batch=10, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eps=1e-8): self._lr = RangeParam(lr) self._batch = Batch(batch) self._beta1 = RangeParam(beta1) self._beta2 = RangeParam(beta2) self._eps = RangeParam(eps) def set_lr(self, value, min, max): self._lr = RangeParam(value, min, max) def set_batch(self, value, allowed_set): self._batch = Batch(value, allowed_set) def set_beta1(self, value, min, max): self._beta1 = RangeParam(value, min, max) def set_beta2(self, value, min, max): self._beta2 = RangeParam(value, min, max) def set_eps(self, value, min, max): self._eps = RangeParam(value, min, max) @property def lr(self): return self._lr @property def batch(self): return self._batch @property def beta1(self): return self._beta1 @property def beta2(self): return self._beta2 @property def eps(self): return self._eps
[docs] class SgdParams: """ SGD - Stochastic Gradient Descent optimizer. Attributes ---------- lr: float The learning rate that controls learning step size. Adjustable in progress, default: 0.01. batch: int The mini-batch size, number of examples used to compute single gradient step, default: 10. momentum: float The momentum factor that helps accelerate gradients vectors in the right direction, default 0. Methods ------- set_lr(value, min, max) Set value for learning rate. set_batch(value, allow_set) Set value for batch size. set_momentum(value, min, max) Set value for momentum. """ def __init__(self, lr=1e-2, batch=10, momentum=0): self._lr = RangeParam(lr) self._batch = Batch(batch) self._momentum = RangeParam(momentum) def set_lr(self, value, min, max): self._lr = RangeParam(value, min, max) def set_batch(self, value, allowed_set): self._batch = Batch(value, allowed_set) def set_momentum(self, value, min, max): self._momentum = RangeParam(value, min, max) @property def lr(self): return self._lr @property def batch(self): return self._batch @property def momentum(self): return self._momentum
[docs] class RangeParam: """ Range Parameter optimizer. Attributes ---------- value: float min: float max: float """ def __init__(self, value, min=0, max=1): self._value = value if min >= max: raise ValueError("min value must be less than max value.") self._min = min self._max = max @property def value(self): return self._value @property def min(self): return self._min @property def max(self): return self._max
[docs] class Batch: """ Batch optimizer. Attributes ---------- value: float allowed_set: float """ def __init__(self, value, allowed_set=None): self._value = value if allowed_set is None: self._allowed_set = [value] else: if len(allowed_set) > len(set(allowed_set)): raise ValueError("values in allowed_set must be unique.") self._allowed_set = allowed_set @property def value(self): return self._value @property def allowed_set(self): return self._allowed_set