Source code for coremltools.optimize.coreml.experimental._post_training_quantization

# Copyright (c) 2024, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from coremltools import _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_17
from coremltools import _logger as logger
from import mil_convert as _mil_convert
from import load as _milproto_to_pymil
from import PassOption
from import PASS_REGISTRY
from coremltools.models import MLModel as _MLModel
from coremltools.models import utils as _model_utils
from coremltools.optimize.coreml import OptimizationConfig as _OptimizationConfig

from ._model_debugger import ModelDebugger
from ._quantization_passes import (
    insert_prefix_quantize_dequantize_pair as _insert_prefix_quantize_dequantize_pair,

[docs] def linear_quantize_activations( mlmodel: _MLModel, config: _OptimizationConfig, sample_data: List[Dict[Optional[str], np.ndarray]], ): """ Utility function to convert a float precision MLModel of type ``mlprogram``, which uses float-precision activations, into a compressed MLModel that uses n-bit activations. Currently, only n=8 is suppported. This is achieved by feeding real sample data into the input MLModel, calibrating the resulting float activation values, converting the calibrated values into ``quantize`` and ``dequantize`` op pairs, and inserting those op pairs into the new MLModel instance where activations get quantized. Use this function with ``linear_quantize_weights`` for 8-bit activation and 8-bit weight linear quantization. It's also compatible for use with other weight compression methods. Parameters ---------- mlmodel: MLModel Model to be quantized. This MLModel should be of type ``mlprogram``. config: OptimizationConfig An :py:class:`OptimizationConfig` object that specifies the parameters for activation quantization. sample_data: List Data used to characterize statistics of the activation values of the original float precision model. Expects a list of sample input dictionaries, which should have the same format as the data used in `.predict` method for the mlmodel. More specifically, the input name need to be specified in the data, unless it's a single input model where the name will be auto inferred. Returns ------- model: MLModel The activation quantized MLModel instance. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python import coremltools as ct import coremltools.optimize as cto model = ct.coreml.models.MLModel("my_model.mlpackage") activation_config = cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig( global_config=cto.coreml.experimental.OpActivationLinearQuantizerConfig( mode="linear_symmetric" ) ) compressed_model_a8 = cto.coreml.experimental.linear_quantize_activations( model, activation_config, sample_data ) # (Optional) It's recommended to use with linear_quantize_weights. weight_config = cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig( global_config=cto.OpLinearQuantizerConfig(mode="linear_symmetric") ) compressed_model_w8a8 = cto.linear_quantize_weights(compressed_model_a8, weight_config) """ # Validate Sample data. If the sample data name is not provided, try to infer it. for sample in sample_data: if None in sample.keys(): input_spec = mlmodel.get_spec().description.input if len(sample.keys()) > 1 or len(input_spec) > 1: raise ValueError( "When the model has multiple inputs, please provide the name for each data in `sample_data`" ) inferred_input_name = input_spec[0].name sample[inferred_input_name] = sample[None] del sample[None] ### Apply four major graph passes in order. # Insert prefix quantize/dequantize pairs to valid patterns."Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations phase 1/4 ...") linear_activation_quantizer = PASS_REGISTRY[ "compression::insert_prefix_quantize_dequantize_pair" ] linear_activation_quantizer = _insert_prefix_quantize_dequantize_pair( config, fake_compression=False ) linear_activation_quantizer.set_options([PassOption("config", config)]) prog = _model_utils._apply_graph_pass( mlmodel, linear_activation_quantizer, spec_version=_SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_17, pymil_load_func=_milproto_to_pymil.load, skip_model_load=True, # Save memony return_pymil_prog=True, ) # Insert suffix quantize/dequantize pairs to valid patterns."Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations phase 2/4 ...") graph_pass = PASS_REGISTRY["compression::insert_suffix_quantize_dequantize_pair"] graph_pass.set_options([PassOption("config", config)]) graph_pass(prog) prog.validate() # Updating scale/zero_point in all quantize/dequantize ops calculated by calibration data."Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations phase 3/4 ...") activation_stats = _get_activation_calibration_stats(mlmodel, sample_data) graph_pass = PASS_REGISTRY["compression::update_quantize_dequantize"] graph_pass.set_options([PassOption("activation_stats", activation_stats)]) graph_pass(prog) prog.validate() # Re-use exsiting path to dedup quantize/dequantize operations."Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations phase 4/4 ...") graph_pass = PASS_REGISTRY["common::dequantize_quantize_pair_elimination"] graph_pass(prog) prog.validate() # Convert the pymil program (prog) back to mlmodel model_spec = mlmodel.get_spec() specification_version = max(model_spec.specificationVersion, _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_17) mlmodel_activation_quantized = _mil_convert( prog, convert_to="mlprogram", convert_from="milinternal", specification_version=specification_version, compute_units=mlmodel.compute_unit, model_description=model_spec.description, skip_model_load=False, # Must be False to avoid manually re-loading from disk before running prediction. ) return mlmodel_activation_quantized
def _update_tensor_range( tensor_name: str, tensor_value: Union[int, float], activation_stats_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]], ) -> None: tensor_min = np.min(np.array(tensor_value).flatten()) tensor_max = np.max(np.array(tensor_value).flatten()) activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmin"] = tensor_min activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmax"] = tensor_max if tensor_name in activation_stats_dict: activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmin"] = min( tensor_min, activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmin"] ) activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmax"] = max( tensor_max, activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmax"] ) else: activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmin"] = tensor_min activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmax"] = tensor_max def _combine_lists_with_common_elements(data: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]: """ Parameters ---------- data: list[list[]] data is a list of lists with strings. Returns ------- merged: combined lists with common elements. Example ------- input: [["conv0", "conv1", "conv2"], ["conv0", "conv3"], ["relu0"]] output: [["conv0", "conv1", "conv2", "conv3"], ["relu0"]] """ merged = [] for item in data: item_set = set(item) not_exsit = True for result in merged: if result & item_set: result.update(item_set) not_exsit = False break if not_exsit: merged.append(item_set) return merged def _adjust_concat_surrounding_activation_stats( concat_op_info_list: List, activation_stats_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] ) -> None: """ Adjust the activation calibration stats of inputs/outputs to the same concat ops to maximize hardware efficiency. Tensor values of inputs/outputs to the same concat op should share same range (same min/max), so the quantized concat could be surrounded by quantize/dequantize pairs with same scale and zero point values. Example ------- - concat 1 - inputs: "input_1", "input_2", "input_3" output: "output_1" - concat 2 - inputs: "input_1", "input_4" output: "output_2" Input/output tensors range of concat 1 should be identical. Input/output tensors range of concat 2 should be identical. "input_1" is in both, which means activation calibration stats of all 6 tensors above should be identical. """ if concat_op_info_list is None: return # Merge tensor names which should have identical values, to the same list. concat_list_adjusted = _combine_lists_with_common_elements(concat_op_info_list) for concat_group in concat_list_adjusted: group_rmin_list, group_rmax_list = [], [] for tensor_name in concat_group: # Some tensor_name may not have rmin/rmax if the calibration failed before. if tensor_name in activation_stats_dict: group_rmin_list.append(activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmin"]) group_rmax_list.append(activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmax"]) if len(group_rmin_list) == 0: raise ValueError( "None of the calibration run succeeded. Please check logs about calibrating sample failures." ) group_rmin, group_rmax = min(group_rmin_list), max(group_rmax_list) for tensor_name in concat_group: if tensor_name in activation_stats_dict: activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmin"] = group_rmin activation_stats_dict[tensor_name]["rmax"] = group_rmax def _get_activation_calibration_stats( fpmodel: _MLModel, sample_data: List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """ Calibration and store a dict of intermediate tensor stats. E.g. activation_stats_dict = {tensor_0: {rmin: 0.2, rmax: 3.8}, tensor_1: {rmin: 4.5, rmax: 12.6}}} Parameters ---------- fpmodel: MLModel Path to fp16/fp32 "model.mlpackage". (Expect the orginal mlmodel, not the one with quantize and dequant op) sample_data: list[dict] Data for calibration. Returns ------- activation_calibration_stats: dict """ logger.warning( "Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations: start calibrating {} samples".format( len(sample_data) ) ) logger.warning( "Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations: calibration may take a while ..." ) analyzed = 0 tried = 0 debugger = ModelDebugger(fpmodel) activation_stats_dict = defaultdict(dict) intermediate_output_names = debugger.get_intermediate_output_names( lambda op: (op.spec.type != "const") ) # Get data ranges for all inputs. for data in sample_data: for input_name in data: _update_tensor_range(input_name, data[input_name], activation_stats_dict) # The last few elements in intermediate_output_names might be output. # We don't maintain min/max value for an output tensor. # If it's an output tensor we exclude it, otherwise include it. model_spec = fpmodel.get_spec() output_count = len(fpmodel.get_spec().description.output) output_names = [] for i in range(0, output_count): output_name = model_spec.description.output[i].name output_names.append(output_name) for intermediate_output_name in intermediate_output_names: if intermediate_output_name in output_names: intermediate_output_names.remove(intermediate_output_name) # Get data ranges for all intermeditate outputs. for data in sample_data: tried += 1 try: debugger.step( step_fn=ModelDebugger.check_intermediate_output, inputs=data, activation_stats_dict=activation_stats_dict, intermediate_output_names=intermediate_output_names, ) analyzed += 1 logger.warning( "Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations: calibrating sample {}/{} succeeds.".format( tried, len(sample_data) ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) logger.error( "Running compression pass linear_quantize_activations: calibrating sample {}/{} fails.".format( tried, len(sample_data) ) ) continue # Handle a special case - concat ops. _adjust_concat_surrounding_activation_stats( debugger._get_concat_op_info(), activation_stats_dict ) return activation_stats_dict