
message BayesianProbitRegressor {

    message Gaussian {
        double mean = 1;
        double precision = 2; // inverse of the variance

    message FeatureValueWeight {
        uint32 featureValue = 1;
        Gaussian featureWeight = 2;

    message FeatureWeight {
        uint32 featureId = 1;
        repeated FeatureValueWeight weights = 2;

    uint32 numberOfFeatures = 1;

    Gaussian bias = 2;  // bias term

    repeated FeatureWeight features = 3;  // feature weights

    string regressionInputFeatureName = 10;

    string optimismInputFeatureName = 11;

    string samplingScaleInputFeatureName = 12;

    string samplingTruncationInputFeatureName = 13;

    string meanOutputFeatureName = 20;

    string varianceOutputFeatureName = 21;

    string pessimisticProbabilityOutputFeatureName = 22;

    string sampledProbabilityOutputFeatureName = 23;


message Gaussian {
    double mean = 1;
    double precision = 2; // inverse of the variance


message FeatureValueWeight {
    uint32 featureValue = 1;
    Gaussian featureWeight = 2;


message FeatureWeight {
    uint32 featureId = 1;
    repeated FeatureValueWeight weights = 2;