

A model which wraps another (compiled) model external to this one

message LinkedModel {

    oneof LinkType {
        // A model located via a file system path
        LinkedModelFile linkedModelFile = 1;


message LinkedModelFile {

    // Model file name: e.g. "MyFetureExtractor.mlmodelc"
    StringParameter linkedModelFileName = 1;

    // Search path to find the linked model file
    // Multiple paths can be searched using the unix-style path separator ":"
    // Each path can be relative (to this model) or absolute
    // An empty string is the same as the relative search path "."
    // which searches in the same location as this model file
    // There are some special paths which start with $
    // - $BUNDLE_MAIN - Indicates to look in the main bundle
    // - $BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER(identifier) - Looks in Bunde with given identifier
    StringParameter linkedModelSearchPath = 2;