
Transforms a categorical feature into an array. The array will be all zeros expect a single entry of one.

Each categorical value will map to an index, this mapping is given by either the stringCategories parameter or the int64Categories parameter.


message OneHotEncoder {
    enum HandleUnknown {
        ErrorOnUnknown = 0;
        IgnoreUnknown = 1;   // Output will be all zeros for unknown values.

    oneof CategoryType {
        StringVector stringCategories = 1;
        Int64Vector int64Categories = 2;

    // Output can be a dictionary with only one entry, instead of an array.
    bool outputSparse = 10;

    HandleUnknown handleUnknown = 11;


message OneHotLayerParams {

    uint64 oneHotVectorSize = 1;
    int64 axis = 2;
    float onValue = 3;
    float offValue = 4;


enum HandleUnknown {
    ErrorOnUnknown = 0;
    IgnoreUnknown = 1;   // Output will be all zeros for unknown values.