
coremltools.converters.caffe._caffe_converter.convert(model, image_input_names=[], is_bgr=False, red_bias=0.0, blue_bias=0.0, green_bias=0.0, gray_bias=0.0, image_scale=1.0, class_labels=None, predicted_feature_name=None, model_precision='float32')

Convert a Caffe model to the Core ML format.

model: str | (str, str) | (str, str, str) | (str, str, dict)

A trained Caffe neural network model which can be represented as:

  • Path on disk to a trained Caffe model (.caffemodel).

  • A tuple of two paths. The first path is the path to the .caffemodel file. The second is the path to the deploy.prototxt.

  • A tuple of three paths. The first path is the path to the trained .caffemodel file. The second is the path to the deploy.prototxt. The third is a path to the mean image binary, data which is subtracted from the input image as a preprocessing step.

  • A tuple of two paths to .caffemodel and .prototxt and a dict with image input names as keys and paths to mean image binaryprotos as values. The keys should be the same as the input names provided via the argument image_input_name.

image_input_names: [str] | str

The name(s) of the input blob(s) in the Caffe model that can be treated as images by Core ML. All other inputs are treated as MultiArrays (N-D Arrays) by Core ML.

is_bgr: bool | dict()

Flag indicating the channel order the model internally uses to represent color images. Set to True if the internal channel order is BGR, otherwise it will be assumed RGB. This flag is applicable only if image_input_names is specified. To specify a different value for each image input, provide a dictionary with input names as keys. Note that this flag is about the models internal channel order. An input image can be passed to the model in any color pixel layout containing red, green and blue values (e.g. 32BGRA or 32ARGB). This flag determines how those pixel values get mapped to the internal multiarray representation.

red_bias: float | dict()

Bias value to be added to the red channel of the input image. Defaults to 0.0. Applicable only if image_input_names is specified. To specify different values for each image input, provide a dictionary with input names as keys.

blue_bias: float | dict()

Bias value to be added to the the blue channel of the input image. Defaults to 0.0. Applicable only if image_input_names is specified. To specify different values for each image input, provide a dictionary with input names as keys.

green_bias: float | dict()

Bias value to be added to the green channel of the input image. Defaults to 0.0. Applicable only if image_input_names is specified. To specify different values for each image input provide a dictionary with input names as keys.

gray_bias: float | dict()

Bias value to be added to the input image (in grayscale). Defaults to 0.0. Applicable only if image_input_names is specified. To specify different values for each image input provide a dictionary with input names as keys.

image_scale: float | dict()

Value by which the input images will be scaled before bias is added and Core ML model makes a prediction. Defaults to 1.0. Applicable only if image_input_names is specified. To specify different values for each image input provide a dictionary with input names as keys.

class_labels: str

Filepath where classes are parsed as a list of newline separated strings. Class labels map the index of the output of a neural network to labels in a classifier. Provide this argument to get a model of type classifier.

predicted_feature_name: str

Name of the output feature for the class labels exposed in the Core ML model (applies to classifiers only). Defaults to classLabel.

model_precision: str

Precision at which model will be saved. Currently full precision (float) and half precision (float16) models are supported. Defaults to _MLMODEL_FULL_PRECISION (full precision).

model: MLModel

Model in the Core ML format.


# Convert it with default input and output names
>>> import coremltools
>>> coreml_model = coremltools.converters.caffe.convert('my_caffe_model.caffemodel')

# Saving the Core ML model to a file.

Sometimes, critical information in the Caffe converter is missing from the .caffemodel file. This information is present in the deploy.prototxt file. You can provide us with both files in the conversion process.

>>> coreml_model = coremltools.converters.caffe.convert(('my_caffe_model.caffemodel', 'my_deploy.prototxt'))

Some models (such as Resnet-50) also require a mean image file, which is subtracted from the input image before passing through the network. This file can also be provided during conversion:

>>> coreml_model = coremltools.converters.caffe.convert(('my_caffe_model.caffemodel',
...                 'my_deploy.prototxt', 'mean_image.binaryproto'), image_input_names = 'image_input')

# Multiple mean images for preprocessing
>>> coreml_model = coremltools.converters.caffe.convert(('my_caffe_model.caffemodel',
...                 'my_deploy.prototxt', {'image1': 'mean_image1.binaryproto', 'image2': 'mean_image2.binaryproto'}),
...                     image_input_names = ['image1', 'image2'])

# Multiple image inputs and bias/scale values
>>> coreml_model = coremltools.converters.caffe.convert(('my_caffe_model.caffemodel', 'my_deploy.prototxt'),
...                     red_bias = {'image1': -100, 'image2': -110},
...                     green_bias = {'image1': -90, 'image2': -125},
...                     blue_bias = {'image1': -105, 'image2': -120},
...                     image_input_names = ['image1', 'image2'])

Input and output names used in the interface of the converted Core ML model are inferred from the .prototxt file, which contains a description of the network architecture. Input names are read from the input layer definition in the .prototxt. By default, they are of type MultiArray. Argument "image_input_names" can be used to assign image type to specific inputs. All the blobs that are “dangling” – which do not feed as input to any other layer – are taken as outputs. The .prototxt file can be modified to specify custom input and output names.

The converted Core ML model is of type classifier when the argument "class_labels" is specified.

Advanced usage with custom classifiers, and images:

# Mark some inputs as Images
>>> coreml_model = coremltools.converters.caffe.convert(('my_caffe_model.caffemodel', 'my_caffe_model.prototxt'),
...                   image_input_names = 'my_image_input')

# Export as a classifier with classes from a file
>>> coreml_model = coremltools.converters.caffe.convert(('my_caffe_model.caffemodel', 'my_caffe_model.prototxt'),
...         image_input_names = 'my_image_input', class_labels = 'labels.txt')

Sometimes the converter might return a message about not able to infer input data dimensions. This happens when the input size information is absent from the deploy.prototxt file. This can be easily provided by editing the .prototxt in a text editor. Simply add a snippet in the beginning, similar to the following, for each of the inputs to the model:

input: "my_image_input"
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 3
input_dim: 227
input_dim: 227

In this example we have specified an input with dimensions (1,3,227,227), using Caffe’s convention, in the order (batch, channel, height, width). Input name string ("my_image_input") must also match the name of the input (or “bottom”, as inputs are known in Caffe) of the first layer in the .prototxt.