Source code for cvnets.image_projection_layers.attention_pool_2d

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import argparse

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

from cvnets.image_projection_layers import (
from cvnets.layers import MultiHeadAttention, PositionalEmbedding
from utils import logger

[docs]@IMAGE_PROJECTION_HEAD_REGISTRY.register(name="attention_pool_nchw2nc") class AttentionPool2dHead(BaseImageProjectionHead): """This class implements attention pooling layer, as described in `Clip <>`_, and should be used for CNN-style models, including MobileViTs"""
[docs] def __init__(self, opts, in_dim: int, out_dim: int, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(opts, *args, **kwargs) num_embeddings = getattr( opts, "model.image_projection_head.attention_pool_nchw2nc.num_pos_embeddings", None, ) if num_embeddings is None: logger.error( "Number of embeddings can't be None in {}. Please specify using " "--model.image-projection.attention-pool-2d.num-pos-embeddings argument".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) sin_pos_emb = getattr( opts, "model.image_projection_head.attention_pool_nchw2nc.use_sinusoidal_pos_embeddings", False, ) num_heads = getattr( opts, "model.image_projection_head.attention_pool_nchw2nc.num_attn_heads", 8 ) self.use_pytorch_mha = getattr( opts, "model.image_projection_head.attention_pool_nchw2nc.use_pytorch_mha", False, ) self.positional_embedding = PositionalEmbedding( opts, num_embeddings=num_embeddings, embedding_dim=in_dim, padding_idx=None, is_learnable=not sin_pos_emb, sequence_first=self.use_pytorch_mha, ) self.multi_head_attn = MultiHeadAttention( embed_dim=in_dim, num_heads=num_heads, output_dim=out_dim ) self.embed_dim = in_dim self.projection_dim = out_dim if out_dim is not None else in_dim self.sin_pos_emb = sin_pos_emb self.normalize_features = not getattr( opts, "model.image_projection_head.attention_pool_nchw2nc.no_feature_normalization", False, ) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): group = parser.add_argument_group(title=cls.__name__) group.add_argument( "--model.image-projection-head.attention-pool-nchw2nc.num-pos-embeddings", type=int, default=None, help="Number of positional embeddings", ) group.add_argument( "--model.image-projection-head.attention-pool-nchw2nc.use-sinusoidal-pos-embeddings", action="store_true", help="Use sinusoidal positional embeddings instead of learnable", ) group.add_argument( "--model.image-projection-head.attention-pool-nchw2nc.num-attn-heads", type=int, default=8, help="Number of attention heads in {}".format(cls.__name__), ) group.add_argument( "", action="store_true", help="Don't normalize image features", ) group.add_argument( "--model.image-projection-head.attention-pool-nchw2nc.use-pytorch-mha", action="store_true", help="Use Pytorch Multi-head attention", ) return parser
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): std = self.projection_dim**-0.5 nn.init.normal_(self.multi_head_attn.qkv_proj.weight, mean=0.0, std=std) nn.init.normal_(self.multi_head_attn.out_proj.weight, mean=0.0, std=std)
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: assert ( x.dim() == 4 ), "Input should be 4-dimensional (Batch, in_channels, height, width). Got: {}".format( x.shape ) # x is [batch, in_channels, height, width] # For CNN-style architectures, including MobileViTs batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width = x.shape # Flatten the feature map # [batch, in_channels, height, width] --> [batch, in_channels, height*width] x = x.reshape(batch_size, in_channels, in_height * in_width) if self.use_pytorch_mha: # we need sequence first. # [batch, in_channels, height*width] --> [height*width, batch, in_channels] x = x.permute(2, 0, 1) # global pool # [height*width, batch, in_channels] --> [1, batch, in_channels] global_token = torch.mean(x, dim=0, keepdim=True) num_pixels = x.shape[0] # add positional embedding to pixels pos_emb = self.positional_embedding(num_pixels).to( device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype ) x = x + pos_emb # concat the global token with pixel tokens # [1, batch, in_channels] || [height*width, batch, in_channels] --> [1 + height*width, batch, in_channels] x =[global_token, x], dim=0) # do attention x = self.multi_head_attn(x, use_pytorch_mha=True) # extract embeddings corresponding to global token x = x[0] else: # [batch, in_channels, height*width] --> # [batch, height*width, in_channels] x = x.transpose(1, 2) # global pool # [batch, height*width, in_channels] --> [batch, 1, in_channels] global_token = torch.mean(x, dim=1, keepdim=True) num_pixels = x.shape[1] # add positional embedding to pixels pos_emb = self.positional_embedding(num_pixels).to( device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype ) x = x + pos_emb # concat the global token with pixel tokens # [batch, 1, in_channels] || [batch, height*width, in_channels] --> [batch, 1 + height*width, in_channels] x =[global_token, x], dim=1) # do attention x = self.multi_head_attn(x, use_pytorch_mha=False) # extract embeddings corresponding to global token x = x[:, 0] if self.normalize_features: x = F.normalize(x, dim=-1) return x