Source code for cvnets.layers.normalization_layers

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import math

from torch import nn

from cvnets.layers.normalization import NORM_LAYER_CLS, build_normalization_layer
from utils import logger

norm_layers_tuple = tuple(NORM_LAYER_CLS)

get_normalization_layer = build_normalization_layer

[docs]class AdjustBatchNormMomentum(object): """ This class enables adjusting the momentum in batch normalization layer. .. note:: It's an experimental feature and should be used with caution. """ round_places = 6
[docs] def __init__(self, opts, *args, **kwargs): self.is_iteration_based = getattr(opts, "scheduler.is_iteration_based", True) self.warmup_iterations = getattr(opts, "scheduler.warmup_iterations", 10000) if self.is_iteration_based: self.max_steps = getattr(opts, "scheduler.max_iterations", 100000) self.max_steps -= self.warmup_iterations assert self.max_steps > 0 else: logger.warning( "Running {} for epoch-based methods. Not yet validation.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) self.max_steps = getattr(opts, "scheduler.max_epochs", 100) self.momentum = getattr(opts, "model.normalization.momentum", 0.1) self.min_momentum = getattr( opts, "model.normalization.adjust_bn_momentum.final_momentum_value", 1e-6 ) if self.min_momentum >= self.momentum: logger.error( "Min. momentum value in {} should be <= momentum. Got {} and {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.min_momentum, self.momentum ) ) anneal_method = getattr( opts, "model.normalization.adjust_bn_momentum.anneal_type", "cosine" ) if anneal_method is None: logger.warning( "Annealing method in {} is None. Setting to cosine".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) anneal_method = "cosine" anneal_method = anneal_method.lower() if anneal_method == "cosine": self.anneal_fn = self._cosine elif anneal_method == "linear": self.anneal_fn = self._linear else: raise RuntimeError( "Anneal method ({}) not yet implemented".format(anneal_method) ) self.anneal_method = anneal_method
def _cosine(self, step: int) -> float: curr_momentum = self.min_momentum + 0.5 * ( self.momentum - self.min_momentum ) * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * step / self.max_steps)) return round(curr_momentum, self.round_places) def _linear(self, step: int) -> float: momentum_step = (self.momentum - self.min_momentum) / self.max_steps curr_momentum = self.momentum - (step * momentum_step) return round(curr_momentum, self.round_places)
[docs] def adjust_momentum(self, model: nn.Module, iteration: int, epoch: int) -> None: if iteration >= self.warmup_iterations: step = ( iteration - self.warmup_iterations if self.is_iteration_based else epoch ) curr_momentum = max(0.0, self.anneal_fn(step)) for m in model.modules(): if isinstance(m, (nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.SyncBatchNorm)) and m.momentum = curr_momentum
def __repr__(self): return "{}(iteration_based={}, inital_momentum={}, final_momentum={}, anneal_method={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.is_iteration_based, self.momentum, self.min_momentum, self.anneal_method, )