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# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
from typing import Tuple
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from cvnets.layers import linear_layer
from cvnets.layers.normalization import layer_norm
[docs]class TokenMerging(nn.Module):
Merge tokens from a [batch_size, sequence_length, num_channels] tensor
using a linear projection.
This function also updates masks and adds padding as needed to make the
sequence length divisible by the window size before merging tokens.
dim: Number of input channels.
window: The size of the window to merge into a single token.
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int, window: int = 2) -> None:
self.dim = dim
self.reduction = linear_layer.LinearLayer(window * dim, dim, bias=False)
self.norm = layer_norm.LayerNorm(dim)
self.window = window
[docs] def forward(
self, x: torch.Tensor, key_padding_mask: torch.Tensor
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Perform token merging.
x: A tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length, num_channels].
key_padding_mask: A tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length]
with "-inf" values at mask tokens, and "0" values at unmasked
A tensor of shape [batch_size, math.ceil(sequence_length /
self.window), num_channels], where @self.window is the window
if key_padding_mask is not None:
# Zero out the masked portion of @x to make sure it doesn't
# participate in linear projections after windowing.
x[key_padding_mask == float("-inf")] = 0
x, key_padding_mask = pad_x_and_mask(x, key_padding_mask, self.window)
B, N, C = x.shape
x = x.unfold(1, self.window, self.window) # [B, N // window, C, window]
x = x.reshape(B, N // self.window, C * self.window)
x = self.reduction(x) # [B, N // self.window, C]
x = self.norm(x)
if key_padding_mask is not None:
assert key_padding_mask.shape == (B, N)
key_padding_mask = key_padding_mask.unfold(
1, self.window, self.window
) # [B, N // window, window].
key_padding_mask = key_padding_mask.max(dim=-1).values # [B, N // window].
return x, key_padding_mask
[docs]def pad_x_and_mask(
x: torch.Tensor, key_padding_mask: torch.Tensor, window_size: int
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Apply padding to @x and @key_padding_mask to make their lengths divisible
by @window_size.
x: The input tensor of shape [B, N, C].
key_padding_mask: The mask of shape [B, N].
window_size: the N dimension of @x and @key_padding_mask will be padded
to make them divisble by this number.
A tuple containing @x and @key_padding_mask, with padding applied.
B, N, _ = x.shape
padding = (window_size - (N % window_size)) % window_size
if key_padding_mask is not None:
key_padding_mask = F.pad(key_padding_mask, (0, padding), value=float("-inf"))
# Apply similar padding to x which is [B, N, C] before padding.
x = F.pad(x, (0, 0, 0, padding), value=0)
return x, key_padding_mask