# For licensing see accompanying LICENSE file.
# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""Contains helper functions for reading from video detection datasets.
NOTE: Annotations are stored via a @rectangles_dict of the form:
key -> identity:
Annotation list of Dicts for different timestamps:
timestamp (float): The timestamp representing the seconds since the
video began, ex. 1.2 is 1.2 seconds into the video.
x0 (float): Normalized pixel space coordinate of top left of
bounding box.
y0 (float): Normalized pixel space coordinate of top left of
bounding box.
x1 (float): Normalized pixel space coordinate of bottom right of
bounding box.
y1 (float): Normalized pixel space coordinate of bottom right of
bounding box.
<class_label_name> (int): Label of the class. The key to
this field depends on the dataset.
is_visible (bool): []Optional] Whether bounding box is
See `tests/data/datasets/utils/video_test.py` for an example of this dictionary.
import functools
from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
from utils import logger
EPS = 1e-6
def _simultaneous(
this_timestamp: float,
other_timestamp: float,
time_eps: float = FLOAT_TIMESTAMP_EPS,
) -> bool:
return abs(this_timestamp - other_timestamp) < time_eps
def _before(this_timestamp: float, other_timestamp: float) -> bool:
return (
not _simultaneous(this_timestamp, other_timestamp)
and this_timestamp < other_timestamp
[docs]def fetch_labels_from_timestamps(
class_label_name: str,
timestamps: List[float],
rectangles_dict: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec: Optional[float] = None,
progressible_labels: Optional[Collection[int]] = None,
carry_over_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
required_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
"""Returns object labels for the specified video frame timestamps.
The result will retain the structure of `rectangles_dict`, but just ensure that the
timestamp values are as requested.
If `progressible_labels` are supplied, the `"progress"` field will be included. This
field represents the 'normalized' amount of time that the class label has existed
temporally. See
tests/data/datasets/utils/test_video.py:test_fetch_frame_with_progress for examples.
This fetching function can be used for (per-frame) video classification pipelines.
class_label_name: The field name in `rectangles_dict` that maps to the class
timestamps: A list of timestamps to fectch label from.
rectangles_dict: (See docstring at top of file.)
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec: Threshold under which we allow
interpolation. In some `rectangles_dict`s, the labels (within the same
track) are so far apart (e.g. 10 seconds) that interpolation is
non-sensical. Thus this value prevents unrelated labels from being
progressible_labels: Set of labels for which to calculate `"progress"` for the
resulting bounding boxes. If None, no `"progress"` field will be included.
carry_over_keys: A list of keywords that specifies which keys should be carried
over from the previous rectangle during interpolation. Defaults to None.
required_keys: A list of keywords that specifies which keywords need to be
included in a new bounding_box in addition to the @class_label_name.
Defaults to None.
Dict containing the labels, still indexable by track id.
if progressible_labels is not None and len(progressible_labels) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Currently only the calculation of one progressible label is supported;"
f" got labels={progressible_labels}."
labels = []
for timestamp in timestamps:
# Reslice @labels to be a dict of lists.
ret = {}
for label in labels:
# @label is a dict with a key and dict of values.
for k, v in label.items():
if k not in ret:
ret[k] = []
return ret
def _make_fake_bbox(
rectangles_dict: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
timestamp: float,
progressible_labels: Optional[Collection[int]] = None,
required_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Creates a fake bounding box annotation.
rectangles_dict: dictionary of annotations.
timestamp: timestamp for make bounding box.
progressive_labels: whether to add progressive labels or not.
required_keys: A list of keywords that specifies which keywords need to be
included in a new bounding_box in addition to the class_label_name. Defaults
to None.
bounding box annotation at @timestamp that is not visible with all other values
set to -1.
keys = rectangles_dict[list(rectangles_dict.keys())[0]][0].keys()
res = {key: -1 for key in keys}
res["is_visible"] = False
res["timestamp"] = timestamp
if required_keys is not None:
for key in required_keys:
res[key] = -1
if progressible_labels is not None and len(progressible_labels) > 0:
res["progress"] = -1.0
return res
def _fetch_frame_label(
class_label_name: str,
timestamp: float,
rectangles_dict: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec: Optional[float] = None,
progressible_labels: Optional[Collection[int]] = None,
carry_over_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
required_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Returns object labels for the specified video frame timestamp.
The result will retain the structure of `rectangles_dict`, but just ensure that the
timestamp value is as requested.
If `progressible_labels` are supplied, the `"progress"` field will be included. This
field represents the 'normalized' amount of time that the class label has existed
temporally. See
tests/data/datasets/utils/test_video.py:test_fetch_frame_with_progress for examples.
This fetching function can be used for (per-frame) video classification pipelines.
class_label_name: The field name in `rectangles_dict` that maps to the class
timestamps: A list of timestamps to fectch label from.
rectangles_dict: (See docstring at top of file.)
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec: Threshold under which we allow
interpolation. In some `rectangles_dict`s, the labels (within the
same track) are so far apart (e.g. 10 seconds) that interpolation is
non-sensical. Thus this value prevents unrelated labels from being
progressible_labels: Set of labels for which to calculate `"progress"` for the
resulting bounding boxes. If None, no `"progress"` field will be included.
carry_over_keys: A list of keywords that specifies which keys should be carried
over from the previous rectangle during interpolation. Defaults to None.
required_keys: A list of keywords that specifies which keywords need to be
included in a new bounding_box in addition to the class_label_name. Defaults
to None.
Dict containing the labels, still indexable by track id.
ret = {}
for track_label, track_rectangles in rectangles_dict.items():
all_times = [a["timestamp"] for a in track_rectangles]
if not (all_times) == sorted(all_times):
raise RuntimeError("all_times should be sorted.")
numpy_times = np.array(all_times)
idx = np.searchsorted(numpy_times, timestamp, side="right")
if _before(timestamp, numpy_times[0]) or _before(numpy_times[-1], timestamp):
# The track doesn't exist or has ceased to exist.
ret[track_label] = _make_fake_bbox(
rectangles_dict, timestamp, progressible_labels, required_keys
# @before_idx must be positive. If np.searchsorted() returned 0, the above "if"
# statement would have been triggered.
before_idx = idx - 1
assert before_idx >= 0, "index should be positive"
before_time = numpy_times[before_idx]
if idx == len(numpy_times):
after_idx = before_idx
after_time = before_time
after_idx = idx
after_time = numpy_times[after_idx]
# Either box for interpolation is invisible.
if (
not track_rectangles[before_idx]["is_visible"]
or not track_rectangles[after_idx]["is_visible"]
# We make a fake annotation for invisible boxes.
ret[track_label] = _make_fake_bbox(
rectangles_dict, timestamp, progressible_labels
# Boxes for interpolation are too far away.
if (
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec is not None
and after_time - before_time > interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec
ret[track_label] = _make_fake_bbox(
rectangles_dict, timestamp, progressible_labels, required_keys
# pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
x0, x1, y0, y1 = _interpolate_bounding_box(
timestamp - before_time,
after_time - before_time,
new_label = {}
if carry_over_keys is not None:
new_label = {
key: track_rectangles[before_idx][key]
for key in carry_over_keys
if key in track_rectangles[before_idx]
if required_keys is not None:
for key in required_keys:
new_label[key] = track_rectangles[before_idx].get(key, -1)
# New label will have updated coordinates and timestamp.
new_label["x0"] = x0
new_label["x1"] = x1
new_label["y0"] = y0
new_label["y1"] = y1
new_label["timestamp"] = timestamp
if progressible_labels is not None:
progress = -1.0
if track_rectangles[before_idx][class_label_name] in progressible_labels:
search_fn = functools.partial(
start_timestamp = search_fn(-1)
end_timestamp = search_fn(+1)
progress = (timestamp - start_timestamp) / (
end_timestamp - start_timestamp
new_label["progress"] = progress
_assert_progress_repr(class_label_name, progressible_labels, new_label)
ret[track_label] = new_label
return ret
def _assert_progress_repr(
class_label_name: str,
progressible_labels: Optional[Collection[int]],
new_label: Dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
if progressible_labels is None:
assert "progress" not in new_label
assert "progress" in new_label
if new_label[class_label_name] in progressible_labels:
# We shouldn't ever return a 'progressible label' while not returning the
# `"progress"` field.
assert 0.0 <= new_label["progress"] <= 1.0
# We shouldn't ever return the `"progress"` field while not returning a
# 'progressible label'.
assert new_label["progress"] == -1.0
def _search_for_label_edge_timestamp(
class_label_name: str,
track_rectangles: List[Dict[str, Any]],
cur_idx: int,
step: int,
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec: Optional[float] = None,
) -> float:
"""Find the timestamp of the furthest invisible annotation that has the same label
with `class_label_name`.
class_label_name: The string name of the target class's annotation to search.
track_rectangles: The annotation of an identity across time.
cur_idx: The index of the annotation in `track_rectangles` to start searching.
step: The step to search for the timetamp. A positive step indicates the
timstamp should be after `cur_idx`'s; while a negative step indicates the
timestamp should be before `cur_idx`'s.
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec: The threshold of timestamp difference where
the label value changes.
The edge timestamp.
label = track_rectangles[cur_idx][class_label_name]
def in_bounds(idx: int) -> bool:
return 0 <= idx < len(track_rectangles)
while True:
cur_idx += step
if not in_bounds(cur_idx):
# If the original video clips were split into smaller clips before running
# this pipeline (which occurs with some datasets), then there is a chance
# that this annotation was split into two separate clips. However, since the
# label is at the edge of the clip, we don't know if it was split, or if the
# label just coinciedentally starts/ends at this edge of the video.
"Annotation is potentially split across video clips. This "
"makes the 'progress' calculation inherently unreliable."
cur_rectangle = track_rectangles[cur_idx]
if cur_rectangle[class_label_name] != label or not cur_rectangle["is_visible"]:
outside_idx = cur_idx # First encountered outside label idx.
inside_idx = cur_idx - step # Last known 'inside' label idx.
inside_timestamp = track_rectangles[inside_idx]["timestamp"]
if in_bounds(outside_idx):
# Since we know that the label at `outside_idx` is valid, but different than the
# relevant action, we can interpolate halfway between (of course, only if the
# labels are within the threshold).
outside_timestamp = track_rectangles[outside_idx]["timestamp"]
if step > 0 and (
interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec is None
or (
abs(inside_timestamp - outside_timestamp)
< interpolation_cutoff_threshold_sec
# In this case, `outside_idx` is at the first timestamp which has a
# differing label. Since we use the "floor" convention for computing the
# label, `outside_timestamp` is our upper bound.
return outside_timestamp
return inside_timestamp
def _interpolate_bounding_box(
before: Dict[str, Any],
after: Dict[str, Any],
delta: float,
range_delta: float,
) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
"""Given two adjacent bounding box annotations, return an interpolated label.
Note that @delta and @range_delta must be positive, and @delta must be between 0 and
`range_delta`, inclusively.
before: Bounding box label with lesser timestamp.
after: Bounding box label with greater timestamp.
delta: Time after `before` to compute label.
range_delta: Time separating `before` and `after`.
Bounding box label that is linearly interpolated between `before` and `after`.
if range_delta < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"@range_delta must be positive. Got range_delta={range_delta}."
if delta < 0 or delta - range_delta > EPS:
# Some floating point arithmatic causes delta-range_delta to be a small value
# above zero even if they're equal. Hence the epsilon.
raise ValueError(
f"@delta must be between 0 and @range_delta, inclusively. Got delta={delta},"
ret = []
for key in ["x0", "x1", "y0", "y1"]:
if range_delta < 1e-5:
alpha = 1.0 - delta / range_delta
interpolated_value = before[key] * alpha + after[key] * (1.0 - alpha)
return tuple(ret)