Source code for data.transforms.image_torch

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# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

import argparse
import math
import random
from typing import Dict, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import functional as F_torch
from torchvision.transforms import functional as F

from data.transforms import TRANSFORMATIONS_REGISTRY, BaseTransformation
from utils import logger

# Copied from PyTorch Torchvision
[docs]@TRANSFORMATIONS_REGISTRY.register(name="random_mixup", type="image_torch") class RandomMixup(BaseTransformation): """ Given a batch of input images and labels, this class randomly applies the `MixUp transformation <>`_ Args: opts (argparse.Namespace): Arguments num_classes (int): Number of classes in the dataset """
[docs] def __init__( self, opts: argparse.Namespace, num_classes: int, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(opts=opts, *args, **kwargs) alpha = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.mixup.alpha") assert ( num_classes > 0 ), "Please provide a valid positive value for the num_classes." assert alpha > 0, "Alpha param can't be zero." self.num_classes = num_classes self.p = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.mixup.p") assert ( 0.0 < self.p <= 1.0 ), "MixUp probability should be between 0 and 1, where 1 is inclusive" self.alpha = alpha self.inplace = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.mixup.inplace") self.sample_key = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.mixup.sample_key") self.target_key = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.mixup.target_key")
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: group = parser.add_argument_group(title=cls.__name__) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.mixup.enable", action="store_true", help="use {}. This flag is useful when you want to study the effect of different " "transforms.".format(cls.__name__), ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.mixup.alpha", type=float, default=0.2, help="Alpha for MixUp augmentation. Defaults to 0.2", ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.mixup.p", type=float, default=1.0, help="Probability for applying MixUp augmentation. Defaults to 1.0 ." " If both MixUp and CutMix are enabled," " one is used with probability 0.5 per batch.", ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.mixup.inplace", action="store_true", default=False, help="Apply MixUp augmentation inplace. Defaults to False.", ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.mixup.sample-key", type=str, default=None, help="Name of the key if input is a dictionart. Defaults to None.", ) group.add_argument( "", type=str, default=None, help="Name of the key if target is a dictionary. Defaults to None.", ) return parser
def _apply_mixup_transform( self, image_tensor: Tensor, target_tensor: Tensor ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: if image_tensor.ndim != 4: logger.error(f"Batch ndim should be 4. Got {image_tensor.ndim}") if target_tensor.ndim != 1: logger.error(f"Target ndim should be 1. Got {target_tensor.ndim}") if not image_tensor.is_floating_point(): logger.error( f"Batch datatype should be a float tensor. Got {image_tensor.dtype}." ) if target_tensor.dtype != torch.int64: logger.error( f"Target datatype should be torch.int64. Got {target_tensor.dtype}" ) if not self.inplace: image_tensor = image_tensor.clone() target_tensor = target_tensor.clone() if target_tensor.ndim == 1: target_tensor = F_torch.one_hot( target_tensor, num_classes=self.num_classes ).to(dtype=image_tensor.dtype) # It's faster to roll the batch by one instead of shuffling it to create image pairs batch_rolled = image_tensor.roll(1, 0) target_rolled = target_tensor.roll(1, 0) # Implemented as on mixup paper, page 3. lambda_param = float( torch._sample_dirichlet(torch.tensor([self.alpha, self.alpha]))[0] ) batch_rolled.mul_(1.0 - lambda_param) image_tensor.mul_(lambda_param).add_(batch_rolled) target_rolled.mul_(1.0 - lambda_param) target_tensor.mul_(lambda_param).add_(target_rolled) return image_tensor, target_tensor def __call__(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Input data format: data: mapping of: { "samples": {"sample_key": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width]}, "targets": {"target_key": IntTensor of shape: [Batch]} } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": {"sample_key": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width]}, "targets": IntTensor of shape: [Batch] } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width], "targets": {"target_key": IntTensor of shape: [Batch]} } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width], "targets": IntTensor of shape: [Batch] } Output data format: Same as the input """ if torch.rand(1).item() >= self.p: return data samples, targets = data.pop("samples"), data.pop("targets") if self.sample_key is not None: samples = samples[self.sample_key] if not isinstance(samples, Tensor): logger.error( f"Samples need to be of type Tensor. Got: {type(samples)}. " f"Maybe you want to check the value of --image-augmentation.mixup.sample-key" ) if self.target_key is not None: targets = targets[self.target_key] if not isinstance(targets, Tensor): logger.error( f"Targets need to be of type Tensor. Got: {type(targets)}. " f"Maybe you want to check the value of" ) samples, targets = self._apply_mixup_transform( image_tensor=samples, target_tensor=targets ) if self.sample_key is not None: if isinstance(samples, Tensor): samples = {self.sample_key: samples} else: samples[self.sample_key] = samples if self.target_key is not None: if isinstance(targets, Tensor): targets = {self.target_key: targets} else: targets[self.target_key] = targets data.update({"samples": samples, "targets": targets}) return data def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}(num_classes={}, p={}, alpha={}, inplace={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.num_classes, self.p, self.alpha, self.inplace )
[docs]@TRANSFORMATIONS_REGISTRY.register(name="random_cutmix", type="image_torch") class RandomCutmix(BaseTransformation): """ Given a batch of input images and labels, this class randomly applies the `CutMix transformation <>`_ Args: opts (argparse.Namespace): Arguments num_classes (int): Number of classes in the dataset """
[docs] def __init__( self, opts: argparse.Namespace, num_classes: int, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(opts=opts, *args, **kwargs) alpha = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.cutmix.alpha") assert ( num_classes > 0 ), "Please provide a valid positive value for the num_classes." assert alpha > 0, "Alpha param can't be zero." self.num_classes = num_classes self.p = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.cutmix.p") assert ( 0.0 < self.p <= 1.0 ), "CutMix probability should be between 0 and 1, where 1 is inclusive" self.alpha = alpha self.inplace = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.cutmix.inplace") self.sample_key = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.cutmix.sample_key") self.target_key = getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.cutmix.target_key")
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: group = parser.add_argument_group(title=cls.__name__) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.cutmix.enable", action="store_true", help="use {}. This flag is useful when you want to study the effect of different " "transforms.".format(cls.__name__), ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.cutmix.alpha", type=float, default=1.0, help="Alpha for cutmix augmentation. Defaults to 1.0", ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.cutmix.p", type=float, default=1.0, help="Probability for applying cutmix augmentation. Defaults to 1.0" " If both MixUp and CutMix are enabled," " one is used with probability 0.5 per batch.", ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.cutmix.inplace", action="store_true", default=False, help="Apply cutmix operation inplace. Defaults to False", ) group.add_argument( "--image-augmentation.cutmix.sample-key", type=str, default=None, help="Name of the key if input is a dictionary. Defaults to None.", ) group.add_argument( "", type=str, default=None, help="Name of the key if target is a dictionary. Defaults to None.", ) return parser
def _apply_cutmix_transform( self, image_tensor: Tensor, target_tensor: Tensor ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: if image_tensor.ndim != 4: logger.error(f"Batch ndim should be 4. Got {image_tensor.ndim}") if target_tensor.ndim != 1: logger.error(f"Target ndim should be 1. Got {target_tensor.ndim}") if not image_tensor.is_floating_point(): logger.error( f"Batch dtype should be a float tensor. Got {image_tensor.dtype}." ) if target_tensor.dtype != torch.int64: logger.error( f"Target dtype should be torch.int64. Got {target_tensor.dtype}" ) if not self.inplace: image_tensor = image_tensor.clone() target_tensor = target_tensor.clone() if target_tensor.ndim == 1: target_tensor = F_torch.one_hot( target_tensor, num_classes=self.num_classes ).to(dtype=image_tensor.dtype) # It's faster to roll the batch by one instead of shuffling it to create image pairs batch_rolled = image_tensor.roll(1, 0) target_rolled = target_tensor.roll(1, 0) # Implemented as on cutmix paper, page 12 (with minor corrections on typos). lambda_param = float( torch._sample_dirichlet(torch.tensor([self.alpha, self.alpha]))[0] ) W, H = F.get_image_size(image_tensor) r_x = torch.randint(W, (1,)) r_y = torch.randint(H, (1,)) r = 0.5 * math.sqrt(1.0 - lambda_param) r_w_half = int(r * W) r_h_half = int(r * H) x1 = int(torch.clamp(r_x - r_w_half, min=0)) y1 = int(torch.clamp(r_y - r_h_half, min=0)) x2 = int(torch.clamp(r_x + r_w_half, max=W)) y2 = int(torch.clamp(r_y + r_h_half, max=H)) image_tensor[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] = batch_rolled[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] lambda_param = float(1.0 - (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (W * H)) target_rolled.mul_(1.0 - lambda_param) target_tensor.mul_(lambda_param).add_(target_rolled) return image_tensor, target_tensor def __call__(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Input data format: data: mapping of: { "samples": {"sample_key": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width]}, "targets": {"target_key": IntTensor of shape: [Batch]} } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": {"sample_key": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width]}, "targets": IntTensor of shape: [Batch] } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width], "targets": {"target_key": IntTensor of shape: [Batch]} } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width], "targets": IntTensor of shape: [Batch] } Output data format: Same as the input """ if torch.rand(1).item() >= self.p: return data samples, targets = data.pop("samples"), data.pop("targets") if self.sample_key is not None: samples = samples[self.sample_key] if not isinstance(samples, Tensor): logger.error( f"Samples need to be of type Tensor. Got: {type(samples)}. " f"Maybe you want to check the value of --image-augmentation.cutmix.sample-key" ) if self.target_key is not None: targets = targets[self.target_key] if not isinstance(targets, Tensor): logger.error( f"Targets need to be of type Tensor. Got: {type(targets)}. " f"Maybe you want to check the value of" ) samples, targets = self._apply_cutmix_transform( image_tensor=samples, target_tensor=targets ) if self.sample_key is not None: if isinstance(samples, Tensor): samples = {self.sample_key: samples} else: samples[self.sample_key] = samples if self.target_key is not None: if isinstance(targets, Tensor): targets = {self.target_key: targets} else: targets[self.target_key] = targets data.update({"samples": samples, "targets": targets}) return data def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}(num_classes={}, p={}, alpha={}, inplace={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.num_classes, self.p, self.alpha, self.inplace )
[docs]def apply_mixing_transforms(opts: argparse.Namespace, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Helper function to apply MixUp/CutMix transforms. If both MixUp and CutMix transforms are selected with 0.0 < p <= 1.0, then one of them is chosen randomly and applied. Input data format: data: mapping of: { "samples": {"sample_key": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width]}, "targets": {"target_key": IntTensor of shape: [Batch]} } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": {"sample_key": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width}, "targets": IntTensor of shape: [Batch] } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width], "targets": {"target_key": IntTensor of shape: [Batch]} } OR data: mapping of: { "samples": Tensor of shape: [Batch, Channels, Height, Width], "targets": IntTensor of shape: [Batch] } Output data format: Same as the input """ mixup_transforms = [] if getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.mixup.enable"): n_classes = getattr(opts, "model.classification.n_classes") if n_classes is None: logger.error("Please specify number of classes. Got None.") mixup_transforms.append(RandomMixup(opts=opts, num_classes=n_classes)) if getattr(opts, "image_augmentation.cutmix.enable"): n_classes = getattr(opts, "model.classification.n_classes") if n_classes is None: logger.error("Please specify number of classes. Got None.") mixup_transforms.append(RandomCutmix(opts=opts, num_classes=n_classes)) if len(mixup_transforms) > 0: _mixup_transform = random.choice(mixup_transforms) data = _mixup_transform(data) return data