# For licensing see accompanying LICENSE file.
# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import copy
import json
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Tuple
from torch import Tensor
from loss_fn import LOSS_REGISTRY, BaseCriteria, build_loss_fn
from options.utils import flatten_yaml_as_dict
from utils import logger
# CompositeLoss can be used with any task. Therefore, we register both name and type
# as the same.
[docs]@LOSS_REGISTRY.register(name="composite_loss", type="composite_loss")
class CompositeLoss(BaseCriteria):
"""Combines different loss functions and returns the weighted sum of these losses.
`loss_category` and `loss_weight` are two mandatory keys that allows us to combine
different losses and compute their weighted sum. The `loss_category` specifies the category
of a loss function and is a string (e.g., classification). The `loss_weight` specifies
the contribution of a loss function and is a float value (e.g., 1.0). The sum of `loss_weight`s
corresponding to different loss functions is not required to be 1.
opts: command-line arguments
# Example yaml config for combining classification and neural_augmentation loss function is given below.
# Please note that configuration for each loss function should start with `-` in `composite_loss`.
category: "composite_loss"
- loss_category: "classification"
loss_weight: 1.0
name: "cross_entropy"
label_smoothing: 0.1
- loss_category: "neural_augmentation"
loss_weight: 1.0
perceptual_metric: "psnr"
target_value: [ 40, 10 ]
curriculum_method: "cosine"
[docs] def __init__(
opts: argparse.Namespace,
) -> None:
) = CompositeLoss.build_composite_loss_fn(opts, *args, **kwargs)
super().__init__(opts, *args, **kwargs)
self.loss_fns = task_loss_fn_mapping
self.loss_weights = task_loss_wts_mapping
[docs] @classmethod
def build_composite_loss_fn(
cls, opts: argparse.Namespace, *args, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, BaseCriteria], Mapping[str, float]]:
"""Build loss functions from command line arguments and loss registry
opts: command-line arguments
A tuple of two dictionaries. The first dictionary, task_loss_fn_mapping, contains
information about loss function category and module. The second dictionary, `task_loss_wts_mapping`
contains the information about loss function category and weight.
composite_loss_opts = getattr(opts, "loss.composite_loss")
if composite_loss_opts is None:
f"{cls.__name__} can't be None. Please specify --loss.composite-loss using yaml file"
if not isinstance(composite_loss_opts, List):
f"{cls.__name__} options are expected as a List. "
f"Got type: {type(composite_loss_opts)} and values: {composite_loss_opts}"
num_loss_fns = len(composite_loss_opts)
if num_loss_fns < 1:
logger.error(f"We need at least one loss function if using {cls.__name__}")
task_loss_fn_mapping = {}
task_loss_wts_mapping = {}
for i, composite_loss_opts_as_dict in enumerate(composite_loss_opts):
if "loss_category" not in composite_loss_opts_as_dict:
logger.error("loss_category is a mandatory key")
if "loss_weight" not in composite_loss_opts_as_dict:
logger.error("Loss weight is a mandatory")
loss_category = composite_loss_opts_as_dict.pop("loss_category")
loss_weight = composite_loss_opts_as_dict.pop("loss_weight")
if not isinstance(loss_weight, (float, int)):
f"loss weight should be either int or float. "
f"Got: value={loss_weight}, type={type(loss_weight)}"
# flatten the dictionary
composite_loss_opts_as_dict = flatten_yaml_as_dict(
# `composite_loss_opts_as_dict` only contains the values of command-line arguments that are
# defined in the yaml file. Therefore, if a user misses few arguments, we won't have access
# to default values, leading to an error. To avoid this, we create a local copy of global
# command-line arguments and update it with `composite_loss_opts_as_dict` arguments
loss_opts = copy.deepcopy(opts)
# override the global opts with loss_fn specific opts in local copy
for k, v in composite_loss_opts_as_dict.items():
# we need to prefix each argument with loss because we define individual losses as
# `loss.classification.*` and not `classification.*`
setattr(loss_opts, "loss." + k, v)
# given the category of a loss function, build the criteria
task_loss_fn_mapping[loss_category] = build_loss_fn(
opts=loss_opts, category=loss_category, *args, **kwargs
task_loss_wts_mapping[loss_category] = loss_weight
# see if the keys in task_loss_fn_mapping and task_loss_wts_mapping are the same or not
# i.e., intersection is null.
is_intersection = task_loss_fn_mapping.keys().isdisjoint(task_loss_wts_mapping)
assert is_intersection is False, (
f"The keys in task_loss_fn_mapping and task_loss_wts_mapping are not the same. "
f"Got: {task_loss_fn_mapping.keys()} and {task_loss_wts_mapping.keys()}"
return task_loss_fn_mapping, task_loss_wts_mapping
[docs] @classmethod
def add_arguments(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Add criterion-specific arguments to the parser."""
if cls != CompositeLoss:
# Don't re-register arguments in subclasses that don't override `add_arguments()`.
return parser
group = parser.add_argument_group(cls.__name__)
group.add_argument("--loss.composite-loss", type=json.loads, action="append")
return parser
[docs] def forward(
self, input_sample: Any, prediction: Any, target: Any, *args, **kwargs
) -> Any:
"""Compute the weighted sum of different loss functions.
input_sample: Input to the model.
prediction: Model's output
target: Ground truth labels
A mapping of the form (str: scalar loss value) with `total_loss` as a mandatory key.
The other keys corresponds to loss category names and their values contain category-specific
scalar loss values. total_loss is weighted sum of these category-specific losses.
outputs = {}
total_loss = 0.0
for loss_name, loss_layer in self.loss_fns.items():
loss_wt = self.loss_weights[loss_name]
loss_val = loss_layer(
if not isinstance(loss_val, (Tensor, Mapping)):
"Loss value is expected as a scalar or dictionary of scalars with total_loss as a "
"mandatory key."
if isinstance(loss_val, Mapping) and "total_loss" in loss_val:
loss_val = loss_val["total_loss"]
if not isinstance(loss_val, Tensor):
f"Value corresponding to total_loss key in {loss_val} is expected to be scalar."
f"Got: {type(loss_val)}"
# scale the loss
loss_val = loss_val * loss_wt
total_loss += loss_val
outputs[loss_name] = loss_val
outputs.update({"total_loss": total_loss})
return outputs
[docs] def train(self, mode: bool = True) -> None:
"""Sets the loss functions in training mode."""
for loss_name, loss_layer in self.loss_fns.items():
[docs] def eval(self) -> None:
"""Sets the loss functions in evaluation mode."""
for loss_name, loss_layer in self.loss_fns.items():
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(\n\t"
for k, v in self.loss_fns.items():
repr_str += (
.replace("\n\t", " ")
.replace("\n)", f" loss_wt={self.loss_weights[k]})")
repr_str += "\n\t"
repr_str += "\n)"
return repr_str