Source code for metrics.coco_map

# For licensing see accompanying LICENSE file.
# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import io
import os
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from pycocotools import mask as maskUtils
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import functional as F

from cvnets.models.detection import DetectionPredTuple
from metrics import METRICS_REGISTRY
from metrics.metric_base import BaseMetric
from utils import logger
from utils.ddp_utils import is_master
from utils.tensor_utils import all_gather_list

[docs]@METRICS_REGISTRY.register(name="coco_map") class COCOEvaluator(BaseMetric):
[docs] def __init__( self, opts, split: Optional[str] = "val", year: Optional[int] = 2017, is_distributed: Optional[bool] = False, ): # disable printing on console, so that pycocotools print statements are not printed on console logger.disable_printing() bkrnd_id = ( 0 if getattr(opts, "dataset.detection.no_background_id", False) else 1 ) iou_types = getattr(opts, "stats.coco_map.iou_types", ["bbox"]) root = getattr(opts, "dataset.root_val", None) ann_file = os.path.join( root, "annotations/instances_{}{}.json".format(split, year) ) coco_gt = COCO(ann_file) coco_categories = sorted(coco_gt.getCatIds()) self.coco_id_to_contiguous_id = { coco_id: i + bkrnd_id for i, coco_id in enumerate(coco_categories) } self.contiguous_id_to_coco_id = { v: k for k, v in self.coco_id_to_contiguous_id.items() } self.coco_gt = coco_gt self.iou_types = iou_types self.is_distributed = is_distributed self.is_master_node = is_master(opts) self.coco_results = None self.reset() # enable printing, to enable cvnets log printing logger.enable_printing()
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self.coco_results = {iou_type: [] for iou_type in self.iou_types}
[docs] def update( self, prediction: Union[Tensor, Dict], target: Union[Tensor, Dict], extras: Dict[str, Any] = {}, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1, ): if not ( isinstance(prediction, Dict) and ({"detections"} <= set(list(prediction.keys()))) ): logger.error( "For coco evaluation during training, the output from the model should be a dictionary " "and should contain the results in a key called detections" ) detections = prediction["detections"] if isinstance(target, list): image_ids = torch.tensor([t["image_id"] for t in target], dtype=torch.int64) image_widths = torch.tensor( [t["image_width"] for t in target], dtype=torch.int64 ) image_heights = torch.tensor( [t["image_height"] for t in target], dtype=torch.int64 ) else: image_ids = target["image_id"] image_widths = target["image_width"] image_heights = target["image_height"] if isinstance(detections, DetectionPredTuple): detections = [detections] if not ( isinstance(detections, List) and isinstance(detections[0], DetectionPredTuple) ): logger.error( "For coco evaluation during training, the results should be stored as a List of DetectionPredTuple" ) self.prepare_cache_results( detection_results=detections, image_ids=image_ids, image_widths=image_widths, image_heights=image_heights, )
[docs] def prepare_cache_results( self, detection_results: List[DetectionPredTuple], image_ids, image_widths, image_heights, ) -> None: batch_results = {k: [] for k in self.coco_results.keys()} for detection_result, img_id, img_w, img_h in zip( detection_results, image_ids, image_widths, image_heights ): label = detection_result.labels if label.numel() == 0: # no detections continue box = detection_result.boxes score = detection_result.scores img_id, img_w, img_h = img_id.item(), img_w.item(), img_h.item() box[..., 0::2] = torch.clip(box[..., 0::2] * img_w, min=0, max=img_w) box[..., 1::2] = torch.clip(box[..., 1::2] * img_h, min=0, max=img_h) # convert box from xyxy to xywh format box[..., 2] = box[..., 2] - box[..., 0] box[..., 3] = box[..., 3] - box[..., 1] box = box.cpu().numpy() label = label.cpu().numpy() score = score.cpu().numpy() if "bbox" in batch_results: batch_results["bbox"].extend( [ { "image_id": img_id, "category_id": self.contiguous_id_to_coco_id[ label[bbox_id] ], "bbox": box[bbox_id].tolist(), "score": score[bbox_id], } for bbox_id in range(box.shape[0]) if label[bbox_id] > 0 ] ) masks = detection_result.masks if masks is not None and "segm" in batch_results: # masks are [N, H, W]. For interpolation, convert them to [1, N, H, W] and then back to [N, H, W] masks = F.interpolate( masks.unsqueeze(0), size=(img_h, img_w), mode="bilinear", align_corners=True, ).squeeze(0) masks = masks > 0.5 masks = masks.cpu().numpy() # predicted masks are in [N, H, W] format rles = [ maskUtils.encode( np.array(mask[:, :, np.newaxis], dtype=np.uint8, order="F") )[0] for mask in masks ] for rle in rles: rle["counts"] = rle["counts"].decode("utf-8") batch_results["segm"].extend( [ { "image_id": img_id, "category_id": self.contiguous_id_to_coco_id[label[seg_id]], "segmentation": rle, "score": score[seg_id], } for seg_id, rle in enumerate(rles) if label[seg_id] > 0 ] ) for k in batch_results.keys(): new_results: List[Dict] = batch_results[k] if self.is_distributed: # Gather results from all processes gathered_results: List[List[Dict]] = all_gather_list(new_results) # Flatten results as the output of all_gather will be a list of list here new_results = [x for results in gathered_results for x in results] self.coco_results[k].extend(new_results)
[docs] def summarize_coco_results(self) -> Dict: stats_map = dict() for iou_type, coco_results in self.coco_results.items(): if len(coco_results) < 1: # during initial epochs, we may not have any sample results, so we can skip this part map_val = 0.0 else: try: logger.disable_printing() with redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()): coco_dt = COCO.loadRes(self.coco_gt, coco_results) coco_eval = COCOeval( cocoGt=self.coco_gt, cocoDt=coco_dt, iouType=iou_type ) coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() if self.is_master_node: logger.enable_printing() logger.log("Results for IoU Metric: {}".format(iou_type)) coco_eval.summarize() map_val = coco_eval.stats[0].item() except Exception as e: map_val = 0.0 stats_map[iou_type] = map_val * 100 logger.enable_printing() return stats_map
[docs] def compute(self) -> Dict[str, float]: return self.summarize_coco_results()