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# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import json
import typing
from typing import Any
[docs]def parse_validation_metric_names(opts):
This function contains common command-line parsing logic for validation metrics
metric_names = getattr(opts, "stats.val", ["loss"])
if isinstance(metric_names, str):
metric_names = [metric_names]
assert isinstance(
metric_names, list
), "Type of metric names should be list. Got: {}".format(type(metric_names))
if "loss" not in metric_names:
ckpt_metric_str = getattr(opts, "stats.checkpoint_metric", "loss")
ckpt_metric_arr = ckpt_metric_str.split(".")
ckpt_metric = ckpt_metric_arr[0]
if len(ckpt_metric_arr) == 1:
ckpt_submetric_name = None
ckpt_submetric_name = ckpt_metric_arr[-1]
ckpt_metric = ckpt_metric
ckpt_submetric = ckpt_submetric_name
if ckpt_metric is None:
# if checkpoint metric is not specified, then use loss
ckpt_metric = "loss"
assert (
ckpt_metric in metric_names
), "Checkpoint metric should be part of metric names. Metric names: {}, Checkpoint metric: {}".format(
metric_names, ckpt_metric
ckpt_metric = ckpt_metric.lower()
return metric_names, ckpt_metric, ckpt_submetric
[docs]class JsonValidator:
[docs] def __init__(self, expected_type: type):
JsonValidator(T) is function (s)->x that parses json string s into python value x, where x is of type T.
Example Usage:
>>> from typing import Union, List
>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument("--x", type=JsonValidator(Union[int, List[float]]))
>>> assert parser.parse_args(["--x=123"]).x == 123
>>> assert parser.parse_args(["--x=[1, 2]"]).x == [1., 2.]
self.expected_type = expected_type
def _validate_and_cast(cls, json_value: Any, expected_type: Any):
type_cls = (
typing.get_origin(expected_type) or expected_type
) # typing.get_origin() returns None for non-generic types like `Any` and `int`
type_args = typing.get_args(expected_type)
if type_cls is typing.Any:
return json_value
if type_cls is float and isinstance(json_value, (int, float)):
return float(json_value)
elif type_cls in (int, str, bool) and isinstance(json_value, type_cls):
return json_value
elif type_cls is None and json_value is None:
return None
elif type_cls is typing.Union:
for arg in type_args:
return cls._validate_and_cast(json_value, arg)
except TypeError:
elif type_cls is dict and isinstance(json_value, dict):
if not type_args:
type_args = (Any, Any)
type_key, type_value = type_args
return {
cls._validate_and_cast(key, type_key): cls._validate_and_cast(
value, type_value
for key, value in json_value.items()
elif type_cls is list and isinstance(json_value, list):
if not type_args:
type_args = [Any]
return [cls._validate_and_cast(x, type_args[0]) for x in json_value]
elif (
type_cls is tuple
and isinstance(json_value, list)
and (type_args is None or len(type_args) == len(json_value))
if type_args is None:
type_args = [Any] * len(json_value)
return tuple(
cls._validate_and_cast(item, type_arg)
for item, type_arg in zip(json_value, type_args)
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot cast {json_value} with type {type(json_value)} to {expected_type}"
def __call__(self, str_value: str) -> Any:
value = json.loads(str_value)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
raise TypeError(f"Cannot parse json value '{str_value}' for {self}")
return self._validate_and_cast(value, self.expected_type)
def __repr__(self):
return f"JSON[{self.expected_type}]"