Interface | Description |
ChannelInitializer |
Configures a
Channel . |
EventLoopAwareNettyIoExecutor |
A special
NettyIoExecutor that exposes the underlying netty EventLoopGroup . |
FlushStrategy |
A strategy that defines how to flush writes on a connection.
FlushStrategy.FlushSender |
An abstraction for a
FlushStrategy to flush writes by calling FlushStrategy.FlushSender.flush() . |
FlushStrategy.WriteEventsListener |
A listener of write events from the connection on which the related
FlushStrategy is
applied . |
NettyConnection<Read,Write> |
A wrapper over a physical connection providing a way to read/write as a
Publisher . |
NettyConnection.RequestNSupplier |
A supplier that provides a correct value of
n for calls to PublisherSource.Subscription.request(long) per
PublisherSource.Subscription . |
NettyConnectionContext |
A specialized
ConnectionContext for netty based transports. |
NettyConnectionContext.FlushStrategyProvider | |
NettyIoExecutor |
IoExecutor for netty. |
NettyPipelinedConnection<Req,Resp> |
Contract for using a
NettyConnection to make pipelined requests, typically for a client. |
NettyPipelinedConnection.Writer |
A writer to write a request on a connection.
SplittingFlushStrategy.FlushBoundaryProvider |
A provider of
SplittingFlushStrategy.FlushBoundaryProvider.FlushBoundary for each written item. |
Class | Description |
BufferHandler |
ChannelHandler that converts does the following conversions:
Buffer to ByteBuf for writes.
BufferHolder to ByteBuf for writes.
ByteBuf to Buffer for reads.
ByteBufHolder to Buffer for reads.
This also releases any ByteBuf once converted to Buffer . |
BuilderUtils |
Utilities which are used for builders.
ByteToMessageDecoder |
ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter which decodes bytes in a stream-like fashion from one ByteBuf to an
other Message type. |
ChannelSet |
Manages a set of
Channel s to provide a mechanism for closing all of them. |
ClientSecurityConfig |
Client security configuration.
CloseHandler |
Contract between protocol codecs and a close handler.
ContextFilterSuccessful |
Netty pipeline event that represents the successful completion of the
ConnectionAcceptor . |
DefaultNettyConnection<Read,Write> |
Implementation of
NettyConnection backed by a netty Channel . |
DefaultNettyPipelinedConnection<Req,Resp> |
Implementation of
NettyPipelinedConnection using a NettyConnection . |
DeferSslHandler |
ChannelHandler that holds a place in a pipeline, allowing us to defer adding the SslHandler . |
DelegatingFlushStrategy |
FlushStrategy implementation that delegates all calls to another FlushStrategy . |
EventLoopAwareNettyIoExecutors |
A static factory to create or convert to
EventLoopAwareNettyIoExecutor . |
ExecutionContextBuilder |
A builder of
ExecutionContext . |
FlushStrategies |
A factory for creating
FlushStrategy . |
FlushStrategyHolder |
A utility class to hold a
FlushStrategy and allow it to be updated atomically using
FlushStrategyHolder.updateFlushStrategy(NettyConnectionContext.FlushStrategyProvider) . |
GlobalExecutionContext |
ServiceTalk's shared
ExecutionContext with reasonable defaults for APIs when a user doesn't provide one. |
IdleTimeoutInitializer |
Initializes the channel with idle timeout handling.
IoThreadFactory |
ThreadFactory to create IO Thread s. |
NettyChannelListenableAsyncCloseable |
ListenableAsyncCloseable using a netty Channel . |
NettyConnection.TerminalPredicate<Read> |
A dynamic
Predicate to detect terminal message in a stream as returned by . |
NettyIoExecutors |
A static factory to create or convert to
NettyIoExecutor . |
NettyPipelineSslUtils |
Utilities for
ChannelPipeline and SSL/TLS. |
NettyServerContext |
ServerContext implementation using a netty Channel . |
NoopWriteEventsListener |
FlushStrategy.WriteEventsListener that by default does nothing for all method. |
PooledRecvByteBufAllocatorInitializers |
Utilities to configure pooled
RecvByteBufAllocator for reading data from the socket. |
ReadOnlyClientSecurityConfig |
Read-only security config for clients.
ReadOnlyServerSecurityConfig |
Read-only security config for servers.
SequentialTaskQueue<T> |
A task queue that executes asynchronous tasks sequentially.
ServerSecurityConfig |
Server security configuration.
SplittingFlushStrategy |
FlushStrategy that splits writes into logical write boundaries and manages flush state across those logical
write boundaries. |
SslClientChannelInitializer |
ChannelInitializer for clients. |
SslContextFactory |
A factory for creating
SslContext s. |
SslServerChannelInitializer |
ChannelInitializer for servers. |
WireLoggingInitializer |
ChannelInitializer that enables wire-logging for all channels. |
Enum | Description |
CloseHandler.CloseEvent |
These events indicate an event was observed from the protocol or
Channel that indicates the end of the
Channel and no further requests should be attempted. |
SplittingFlushStrategy.FlushBoundaryProvider.FlushBoundary |
An enumeration for boundary of flushes on which this
SplittingFlushStrategy splits writes. |
Exception | Description |
CloseHandler.CloseEventObservedException |
ClosedChannelException with additional meta-data to provide more context on what side initiated the close
event. |