Interface InMemorySpanEventListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface InMemorySpanEventListener
    Listener for tracing events.
    • Method Detail

      • onSpanStarted

        void onSpanStarted​(InMemorySpan span)
        Called when a span has started.
        span - the span
      • onEventLogged

        void onEventLogged​(InMemorySpan span,
                           long epochMicros,
                           java.lang.String eventName)
        Called when an event was logged.
        span - the span the event was associated with
        epochMicros - timestamp epoch in microseconds
        eventName - event name
      • onEventLogged

        void onEventLogged​(InMemorySpan span,
                           long epochMicros,
                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> fields)
        Called when an event was logged.
        span - the span the event was associated with
        epochMicros - timestamp epoch in microseconds
        fields - fields as a map
      • onSpanFinished

        void onSpanFinished​(InMemorySpan span,
                            long durationMicros)
        Called when a span has finished.
        span - the span
        durationMicros - duration in microseconds