Interface HttpServerBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HttpServerBuilder
A builder for building HTTP Servers.
  • Method Details

    • protocols

      HttpServerBuilder protocols(HttpProtocolConfig... protocols)
      Configurations of various HTTP protocol versions.

      Note: the order of specified protocols will reflect on priorities for ALPN in case the connections use sslConfig(ServerSslConfig).

      protocols - HttpProtocolConfig for each protocol that should be supported.
    • sslConfig

      Set the SSL/TLS configuration.
      config - The configuration to use.
    • sslConfig

      default HttpServerBuilder sslConfig(ServerSslConfig config, boolean acceptInsecureConnections)
      Set the SSL/TLS configuration and allows to specify if insecure connections should also be allowed.
      config - The configuration to use.
      acceptInsecureConnections - if non-TLS connections are accepted on the same socket.
    • sslConfig

      HttpServerBuilder sslConfig(ServerSslConfig defaultConfig, Map<String,ServerSslConfig> sniMap)
      Set the SSL/TLS and SNI configuration.
      defaultConfig - The configuration to use if the client certificate's SNI extension isn't present or the SNI hostname doesn't match any values in sniMap.
      sniMap - A map where the keys are matched against the client certificate's SNI extension value in order to provide the corresponding ServerSslConfig.
    • sslConfig

      default HttpServerBuilder sslConfig(ServerSslConfig defaultConfig, Map<String,ServerSslConfig> sniMap, int maxClientHelloLength, Duration clientHelloTimeout)
      Set the SSL/TLS and SNI configuration.
      defaultConfig - The configuration to use if the client certificate's SNI extension isn't present or the SNI hostname doesn't match any values in sniMap.
      sniMap - A map where the keys are matched against the client certificate's SNI extension value in order to provide the corresponding ServerSslConfig.
      maxClientHelloLength - The maximum length of a ClientHello message in bytes, up to 2^24 - 1 bytes. Zero (0) disables validation.
      clientHelloTimeout - The timeout for waiting until ClientHello message is received. Implementations can round the specified Duration to full time units, depending on their time granularity. Zero (0) disables timeout.
    • transportConfig

      default HttpServerBuilder transportConfig(TransportConfig transportConfig)
      Set the transport configuration.
      transportConfig - TransportConfig to use.
      See Also:
    • socketOption

      <T> HttpServerBuilder socketOption(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
      Adds a SocketOption that is applied to connected/accepted socket channels.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value.
      option - the option to apply.
      value - the value.
      See Also:
    • listenSocketOption

      <T> HttpServerBuilder listenSocketOption(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
      Adds a SocketOption that is applied to the server socket channel which listens/accepts socket channels.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value.
      option - the option to apply.
      value - the value.
      See Also:
    • enableWireLogging

      HttpServerBuilder enableWireLogging(String loggerName, LogLevel logLevel, BooleanSupplier logUserData)
      Enables wire-logging for this server.
      loggerName - The name of the logger to log wire events.
      logLevel - The level to log at.
      logUserData - true to include user data (e.g. data, headers, etc.). false to exclude user data and log only network events. This method is invoked for each data object allowing for dynamic behavior.
    • transportObserver

      HttpServerBuilder transportObserver(TransportObserver transportObserver)
      Sets a TransportObserver that provides visibility into transport events.
      transportObserver - A TransportObserver that provides visibility into transport events.
    • lifecycleObserver

      HttpServerBuilder lifecycleObserver(HttpLifecycleObserver lifecycleObserver)
      Sets a HttpLifecycleObserver that provides visibility into HTTP lifecycle events.

      This method allows setting a HttpLifecycleObserver in a position that captures entire state of the execution chain, including all filters and internal post-processing. If it's necessary to observe an exchange after other filters or apply it conditionally, consider using io.servicetalk.http.netty.HttpLifecycleObserverServiceFilter instead.

      lifecycleObserver - A HttpLifecycleObserver that provides visibility into HTTP lifecycle events.
    • drainRequestPayloadBody

      HttpServerBuilder drainRequestPayloadBody(boolean enable)
      Configure automatic consumption of request payload body when it is not consumed by the service.

      For persistent HTTP connections it is required to eventually consume the entire request payload to enable reading of the next request. This is required because requests are pipelined for HTTP/1.1, so if the previous request is not completely read, next request can not be read from the socket. For cases when there is a possibility that user may forget to consume request payload, ServiceTalk automatically consumes request payload body. This automatic consumption behavior may create some overhead and can be disabled using this method when it is guaranteed that all request paths consumes all request payloads eventually. An example of guaranteed consumption are non-streaming APIs.

      enable - When false it will disable the automatic consumption of request StreamingHttpRequest.payloadBody().
    • allowDropRequestTrailers

      HttpServerBuilder allowDropRequestTrailers(boolean allowDrop)
      Provide a hint if request trailers are allowed to be dropped. This hint maybe ignored if the transport can otherwise infer that the trailers should be preserved. For example, if the request headers contain Trailer then this hint maybe ignored.
      allowDrop - true if request trailers are allowed to be dropped.
    • appendConnectionAcceptorFilter

      @Deprecated default HttpServerBuilder appendConnectionAcceptorFilter(ConnectionAcceptorFactory factory)
      Appends the filter to the chain of filters used to decorate the ConnectionAcceptor used by this builder.

      The order of execution of these filters are in order of append. If 3 filters are added as follows:

      accepting a connection by a filter wrapped by this filter chain, the order of invocation of these filters will be:
           filter1 ⇒ filter2 ⇒ filter3

      The connection acceptor will, by default, not be offloaded. If your filter requires the ConnectionAcceptor.accept(ConnectionContext) to be offloaded then your ConnectionAcceptorFactory will need to return ConnectExecutionStrategy.offloadAll() from the ExecutionStrategyInfluencer.requiredOffloads().

      factory - ConnectionAcceptorFactory to append. Lifetime of this ConnectionAcceptorFactory is managed by this builder and the server started thereof.
    • appendEarlyConnectionAcceptor

      default HttpServerBuilder appendEarlyConnectionAcceptor(EarlyConnectionAcceptor acceptor)
      Appends the EarlyConnectionAcceptor to be called when a new connection has been created.

      The difference between the EarlyConnectionAcceptor and the LateConnectionAcceptor is that the early one is called right after the connection has been accepted - and most importantly - before any TLS handshake has been performed. This allows to terminate connections quickly and spend less CPU resources if the amount of information provided to make such a decision is sufficient.

      The order of execution of these acceptors are in order of append. If 3 acceptors are added as follows:

      the order of invocation of these filters will be:
           acceptor1 ⇒ acceptor2 ⇒ acceptor3

      The acceptor is offloaded by default. If an acceptor in the chain fails the Completable, the later ones will not be called.

      acceptor - the acceptor to append to the chain of acceptors.
      this HttpServerBuilder for chaining purposes.
      See Also:
    • appendLateConnectionAcceptor

      default HttpServerBuilder appendLateConnectionAcceptor(LateConnectionAcceptor acceptor)
      Appends the LateConnectionAcceptor to be called when a new connection has been created.

      The LateConnectionAcceptor (compared to the EarlyConnectionAcceptor) gets called later in the connection establishment process. Instead of being invoked right after the connection has been accepted, this acceptor gets called after the connection is fully initialized, the TLS handshake has been completed and as a result has more contextual information available in the ConnectionInfo.

      The order of execution of these acceptors are in order of append. If 3 acceptors are added as follows:

      the order of invocation of these filters will be:
           acceptor1 ⇒ acceptor2 ⇒ acceptor3

      The acceptor is offloaded by default. If an acceptor in the chain fails the Completable, the later ones will not be called.

      acceptor - the acceptor to append to the chain of acceptors.
      this HttpServerBuilder for chaining purposes.
      See Also:
    • appendNonOffloadingServiceFilter

      HttpServerBuilder appendNonOffloadingServiceFilter(StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory factory)
      Appends a non-offloading filter to the chain of filters used to decorate the StreamingHttpService used by this builder.

      Note this method will be used to decorate the StreamingHttpService passed to listenStreaming(StreamingHttpService) before it is used by the server.

      The order of execution of these filters are in order of append, before the filters added with appendServiceFilter(StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory). If 3 filters are added as follows:

      accepting a request by a service wrapped by this filter chain, the order of invocation of these filters will be:
           filter2 ⇒ [offloading] ⇒ filter1 ⇒ filter3 ⇒ service
      factory - StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory to append.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the provided filter requires offloading.
    • appendNonOffloadingServiceFilter

      HttpServerBuilder appendNonOffloadingServiceFilter(Predicate<StreamingHttpRequest> predicate, StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory factory)
      Appends a non-offloading filter to the chain of filters used to decorate the StreamingHttpService used by this builder, for every request that passes the provided Predicate. Filters added via this method will be executed before offloading occurs and before filters appended via appendServiceFilter(StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory).

      Note this method will be used to decorate the StreamingHttpService passed to listenStreaming(StreamingHttpService) before it is used by the server. The order of execution of these filters are in order of append, before the filters added with appendServiceFilter(StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory). If 3 filters are added as follows:

      accepting a request by a service wrapped by this filter chain, the order of invocation of these filters will be:
           filter2 ⇒ [offloading] ⇒ filter1 ⇒ filter3 ⇒ service
      predicate - the Predicate to test if the filter must be applied. This must not block.
      factory - StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory to append.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the provided filter or predicate requires offloading.
    • appendServiceFilter

      Appends the filter to the chain of filters used to decorate the StreamingHttpService used by this builder.

      Note this method will be used to decorate the StreamingHttpService passed to listenStreaming(StreamingHttpService) before it is used by the server.

      The order of execution of these filters are in order of append. If 3 filters are added as follows:

      accepting a request by a service wrapped by this filter chain, the order of invocation of these filters will be:
            filter1 ⇒ filter2 ⇒ filter3 ⇒ service
      factory - StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory to append.
    • appendServiceFilter

      Appends the filter to the chain of filters used to decorate the StreamingHttpService used by this builder, for every request that passes the provided Predicate.

      Note this method will be used to decorate the StreamingHttpService passed to listenStreaming(StreamingHttpService) before it is used by the server.

      The order of execution of these filters are in order of append. If 3 filters are added as follows:

      accepting a request by a service wrapped by this filter chain, the order of invocation of these filters will be:
           filter1 ⇒ filter2 ⇒ filter3 ⇒ service
      predicate - the Predicate to test if the filter must be applied. This must not block.
      factory - StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory to append.
    • ioExecutor

      HttpServerBuilder ioExecutor(IoExecutor ioExecutor)
      Sets the IoExecutor to be used by this server.
      ioExecutor - IoExecutor to use.
    • executor

      HttpServerBuilder executor(Executor executor)
      Sets the Executor to be used by this server.
      executor - Executor to use.
    • bufferAllocator

      HttpServerBuilder bufferAllocator(BufferAllocator allocator)
      Sets the BufferAllocator to be used by this server.
      allocator - BufferAllocator to use.
    • executionStrategy

      HttpServerBuilder executionStrategy(HttpExecutionStrategy strategy)
      Sets the HttpExecutionStrategy to be used by this server.
      strategy - HttpExecutionStrategy to use by this server.
    • listenServiceAndAwait

      default HttpServerContext listenServiceAndAwait(HttpServiceBase service) throws Exception
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      Note that this method is generic in the sense that it accepts all HTTP HttpServiceBase implementations to be passed in, namely StreamingHttpService, HttpService, BlockingStreamingHttpService and BlockingHttpService. It is especially useful when Dependency Injection is used and the type of service is not known at compile time.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A HttpServerContext by blocking the calling thread until the server is successfully started or throws an Exception if the server could not be started.
      IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported HttpServiceBase type is being provided.
      Exception - if the server could not be started.
    • listenAndAwait

      default HttpServerContext listenAndAwait(HttpService service) throws Exception
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A HttpServerContext by blocking the calling thread until the server is successfully started or throws an Exception if the server could not be started.
      Exception - if the server could not be started.
    • listenStreamingAndAwait

      default HttpServerContext listenStreamingAndAwait(StreamingHttpService service) throws Exception
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A HttpServerContext by blocking the calling thread until the server is successfully started or throws an Exception if the server could not be started.
      Exception - if the server could not be started.
    • listenBlockingAndAwait

      default HttpServerContext listenBlockingAndAwait(BlockingHttpService service) throws Exception
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A HttpServerContext by blocking the calling thread until the server is successfully started or throws an Exception if the server could not be started.
      Exception - if the server could not be started.
    • listenBlockingStreamingAndAwait

      default HttpServerContext listenBlockingStreamingAndAwait(BlockingStreamingHttpService service) throws Exception
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A HttpServerContext by blocking the calling thread until the server is successfully started or throws an Exception if the server could not be started.
      Exception - if the server could not be started.
    • listenService

      default Single<HttpServerContext> listenService(HttpServiceBase service)
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      Note that this method is generic in the sense that it accepts all HTTP HttpServiceBase implementations to be passed in, namely StreamingHttpService, HttpService, BlockingStreamingHttpService and BlockingHttpService. It is especially useful when Dependency Injection is used and the type of service is not known at compile time.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A Single that completes when the server is successfully started or terminates with an error if the server could not be started.
      IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported HttpServiceBase type is being provided.
    • listen

      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A Single that completes when the server is successfully started or terminates with an error if the server could not be started.
    • listenStreaming

      Single<HttpServerContext> listenStreaming(StreamingHttpService service)
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A Single that completes when the server is successfully started or terminates with an error if the server could not be started.
    • listenBlocking

      Single<HttpServerContext> listenBlocking(BlockingHttpService service)
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A Single that completes when the server is successfully started or terminates with an error if the server could not be started.
    • listenBlockingStreaming

      Single<HttpServerContext> listenBlockingStreaming(BlockingStreamingHttpService service)
      Starts this server and returns the HttpServerContext after the server has been successfully started.

      If the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) supports it this will result in a socket bind/listen on address.

      service - Service invoked for every request received by this server. The returned HttpServerContext manages the lifecycle of the service, ensuring it is closed when the HttpServerContext is closed.
      A Single that completes when the server is successfully started or terminates with an error if the server could not be started.