Federated learning with pfl#

Federated learning (FL) allows training models in a distributed manner without storing data centrally on a server (Konecny et al., 2015, Konecny et al., 2016).

This section discusses cross-device FL and how it can be implemented using pfl. The section also provides examples for preparing the data and the model, which are important inputs to the algorithms themselves. The section does not provide an exhaustive list of algorithms implemented in pfl but rather a few simple examples to get started.

For a more complete view, our benchmarks include examples of realistic dataset-model combinations with and without differential privacy and several tutorials are also available.

Cross-device federated learning#

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is the standard algorithm for training neural networks. In a distributed setting, the training data are split between multiple servers in a data center that each have a subset of the data, and each server computes the gradient of the loss function with respect to the model parameters on its own subset of data. The sum of the gradients computed by each of the servers is the sum of the gradients over the union of the data on those servers. The model parameters are then updated by making a step in the direction of this gradient.

The federated setting is similar in principle, with a small fraction of user devices taking the place of the servers in each iteration. However, in the federated setting the communication links are much slower, and the data can be unequally distributed amongst devices. The standard SGD algorithm in this setting is called federated SGD.

Federated averaging is a generalized form of federated training. Instead of each device computing a single gradient, each device performs multiple steps of SGD locally on its data, and reports the model differences back to the server. The server then averages the model differences from all devices in the cohort and uses the average in place of a gradient. In practice, adaptive optimizers are often incorporated into the local or central training.

The number of devices participating in each iteration is referred to as cohort size (C). C is typically a small fraction of the overall population of devices.

For practical and privacy reasons, user devices typically cannot maintain a state across FL rounds, although in some FL algorithms, devices are stateful. It is often assumed that in practice every user participates in the training at most once or once in a relatively long period of time.

While FL on its own provides only limited privacy guarantees (Boenisch et al., 2023; Carlini et al., 2023; Kariyappa et al., 2023), it can be combined with differential privacy (DP) (Dwork et al., 2014) and secure aggregation (Bonawitz et al., 2016; Talwar et al., 2023) to provide strong privacy guarantees for users (or clients) while training high quality models (Abadi et al., 2016) For example, to incorporate user-level differential privacy using Gaussian noise, before sending the model differences back to the server, the differences are first clipped to make sure that the norm is upper bounded by a given clipping bound, and Gaussian noise is then added to each coordinate. The higher the noise relative to the clipping bound, the stronger the privacy guarantees. The clipped and randomized vector is then sent back to the server instead of the raw model differences.

This document provides a high level example of how to initialize the key components to get the basic FL simulation running and a few pointers on how to change these components.

Preparing data#

A federated dataset is a collection of smaller datasets that are each associated to a unique user. The federated dataset can be defined using FederatedDataset, which takes two key parameters: make_dataset_fn and user_sampler. We discuss these two parameters next.

The first parameter, make_dataset_fn, is a function that returns the data of a particular user given the user ID. This is the place where you want to do any preprocessing. For example, imagine that there is one file that represents the data from each user:

$ cat user1.json
{"x": [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]], "y": [0, 0, 0, 1]}

The data loading function in this case can be implemented as follows:

from pfl.data.dataset import Dataset

def make_dataset_fn(user_id):
    data = json.load(open('{}.json'.format(user_id), 'r'))
    features = np.array(data['x'])
    labels = np.eye(2)[data['y']] # Make one-hot encodings
    return Dataset(raw_data=[features, labels])

In the above example, the raw data of the returned Dataset is a list of two entries. The first entry is the x argument and the second entry is the y argument. These arguments must match the loss and metric functions of the model.

The expected order of the data inputs for other deep learning frameworks is described in their corresponding Models.

The second parameter of FederatedDataset, user_sampler, should also be a callable, and will return a sampled user identifier every call. pfl implements two different sampling functions by default (available from the factory function get_user_sampler()): random and minimize reuse. Random sampling generates each cohort with a uniform distribution. The minimize-reuse sampler maximizes the time between instances of reuse of the same user (see MinimizeReuseUserSampler).

Although the random user sampler might seem the obvious choice because the cohorts in live FL deployments are typically selected at random, with a limited number of users available for the FL simulation, the minimize-reuse sampling may in fact have a more realistic behavior.

>>> from pfl.data.sampling import get_user_sampler
>>> user_ids = ['user1', 'user2', 'user3']
>>> sampler = get_user_sampler('minimize_reuse', user_ids)
>>> for _ in range(5):
>>>    print('sampled ', sampler())
'sampled user1'
'sampled user2'
'sampled user3'
'sampled user1'
'sampled user2'

When you have defined a callable for the parameter make_dataset_fn and a callable for the parameter user_sampler, the federated dataset can be created.

dataset = FederatedDataset(make_dataset_fn, sampler)

The dataset can be iterated through, sampling a user dataset each call.

>>> next(dataset).raw_data
[array([[0, 0],
        [1, 0],
        [0, 1],
        [1, 1]]),
 array([[1., 0.],
        [1., 0.],
        [1., 0.],
        [0., 1.]])]

For more information on how to prepare datasets and federated datasets, please see our tutorial on creating federated datasets and our benchmarks.

Defining a model#

Below we define a simple PyTorch model that can be used for binary classification with 10 input features, and it includes binary cross-entropy loss and accuracy metrics. Note that the loss and metrics functions have two arguments, x and y, which we discussed above when defining the dataset.

import torch
from pfl.model.pytorch import PyTorchModel

class TestModel(torch.nn.Module):

    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(10, 1)
        self.activation = torch.nn.Sigmoid()

    def forward(self, x):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        x = self.linear(x)
        x = self.activation(x)
        return x

    def loss(self, x, y, eval=False):
        self.eval() if eval else self.train()
        bce_loss = torch.nn.BCELoss(reduction='sum')
        return bce_loss(self(torch.FloatTensor(x)), torch.FloatTensor(y))

    def metrics(self, x, y):
        loss_value = self.loss(x, y, eval=True)
        num_samples = len(y)
        correct = ((self(x) > 0.5) == y).float().sum()
        return {
            'loss': Weighted(loss_value, num_samples),
            'accuracy': Weighted(correct, num_samples)

pytorch_model = TestModel()
model = PyTorchModel(model=pytorch_model,
                         pytorch_model.parameters(), lr=1.0))

FL algorithms in pfl#

Federated averaging#

To implement cross-device FL with federated averaging using pfl, the key algorithm to use is FederatedAveraging:

from pfl.algorithm.federated_averaging import FederatedAveraging

algorithm = FederatedAveraging()

Assuming we want to train a neural network, we can proceed by setting the key parameters for central and local training, and evaluation:

algorithm_params = NNAlgorithmParams(

  model_train_params = NNTrainHyperParams(

  model_eval_params = NNEvalHyperParams(local_batch_size=None)

Backend simulates an algorithm on the given federated dataset, which includes sampling the users, running local training, applying privacy mechanisms and applying postprocessors:

backend = SimulatedBackend(training_data=dataset,

Callbacks can be provided that can be run at various stages of the algorithm. In the example shown below, the callbacks enable evaluating the model on the central dataset before the training begins and between central iterations, and saving aggregate metrics after each 100 iterations:

cb_eval = CentralEvaluationCallback(central_dataset,

cb_save = AggregateMetricsToDisk(

The algorithm can then be run:

    callbacks=[cb_eval, cb_save])

Reptile: FL with fine-tuning (personalization)#

Reptile (Nichol et al., 2018) combines federated averaging with fine-tuning where the model is fine tuned locally on each device prior to evaluation. Therefore, compared to traditional federated averaging, the evaluation should focus on metrics after running the local training. It is straightforward to switch the algorithm to enable fine-tuning (using the same parameters as in federated averaging):

from pfl.algorithm.reptile import Reptile

reptile = Reptile()

    callbacks=[cb_eval, cb_save])

Gradient Boosted Decision Trees#

This section presents an example of using pfl to train a gradient boosted decision tree (GBDT) model with a specialized training algorithm. In this case, the algorithm incrementally grows the trees.

The parameters for GBDT algorithm are defined using GBDTAlgorithmHyperParams:

from pfl.tree.federated_gbdt import GBDTAlgorithmHyperParams
from pfl.tree.gbdt_model import GBDTModelHyperParams

gbdt_algorithm_params = GBDTAlgorithmHyperParams(
model_train_params = GBDTModelHyperParams()
model_eval_params = GBDTModelHyperParams()

Two versions of GBDT models are implemented: GBDTModelClassifier implements GBDT for classification and GBDTModelRegressor implements GBDT for regression. Here is an example of creating a GBDT classifier model:

from pfl.tree.gbdt_model import GBDTModelClassifier

model = GBDTModelClassifier(num_features=num_features, max_depth=3)

To initialize the GBDT training algorithm, it’s necessary to provide details about the features. The code snippet below provides an example with 100 bool features and 10 floating point features from interval [0, 100] with 5 equidistant boundaries to consider for tree splits:

from pfl.tree.tree_utils import Feature

features = []
for i in range(100):
    features.append(Feature(2, (0, 1), bool, 1))
for i in range(10):
    features.append(Feature(1, (0, 100), float, 5, 'equidistant')

gbdt_algorithm = FederatedGBDT(features=features)

The algorithm can then be run similarly as in other examples:

                   callbacks=[cb_eval, cb_save])

Implementing new FL algorithms in pfl#

The above examples provide good starting points on how to implement new FL algorithms, although simpler versions can often be created by focusing on a single framework.

Most new algorithms are likely to extend FederatedAveraging. If the new algorithm requires the users to store states, consider using SCAFFOLD as an example of how to initialize and update user states. If the new algorithm modifies the loss function (e.g. by adding a regularization term), FedProx is a good starting point. If the algorithm modifies the training loop in some way, Reptile: FL with fine-tuning (personalization) provides a good example. Finally, Gradient Boosted Decision Trees provide examples of implementing algorithms that require specialized training and evaluation instead of the typical federated averaging.

From FL to PFL: Incorporating Privacy#

We discussed above that FL on its own does not guarantee privacy, and that is why we may want to incorporate differential privacy (DP) into FL. Private federated learning (PFL) is simply FL with DP, which can in practice be combined with secure aggregation. For more information on how to do incorporate DP into FL simulations using pfl, please see our benchmarks and tutorials.