Fast distributed simulations#

pfl simulations are fast when set up correctly. This chapter provides help for making sure you are using pfl in the most optimal way. pfl supports distributed training, supporting multi-machine, multi-GPU, and multi-process training. Which setup is most efficient depends on what hardware is available, your use case and choice of hyperparameters. The training of users in a cohort is sharded across the allocated machines, GPUs and processes. Central evaluation can also be sharded. The figure below visualizes how pfl can distribute work for federated learning simulations.


pfl has two implementations for distributed simulations: one implementation using native tf.distribute and torch.distributed primitives, and one implementation with Horovod. * Native implementation: requires no further installation, but can be slower. * Horovod: generally faster, but can be cumbersome to install.


Assume implements PFL training by calling To run on 2 GPUs on the same machine using native distributed libraries, do this:

export PFL_WORKER_ADDRESSES=localhost:8000,localhost:8001
PFL_WORKER_RANK=0 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=1 python &

To run on 2 GPUs on the same machine using Horovod, do this:

horovodrun --gloo -np 2 -H localhost:2 python3

Notice how we don’t need to change the Python code at all to enable distributed simulation. It is all configured by how you call the script to run simulation, and pfl will automatically adjust.

Distributed simulation with Horovod#

See Horovod’s website on how to set up it properly for your deep learning framework. In most cases, you can also use our setup script available in the pfl repository:

git clone
# arg1: "tf", "pytorch" or "tf pytorch".
# arg2: Install non-Python dependencies on Linux.
./pfl-research/build_scripts/ "tf pytorch" false

Multi-GPU training#

pfl supports distributed training with multiple GPUs. This section assumes the GPUs are located on a single machine, but you can scale up even further with multiple machines, see multi-machine_training. Single-machine multi-GPU training is favourable if your GPU resources can fit onto 1 machine (at most 8 GPUs on common cloud machines) because it avoids network communication. To run pfl in multi-GPU mode, install Horovod and simply invoke your Python script with the horovodrun command:

horovodrun --gloo -np 8 -H localhost:8 python3

The above will run the script in 8 parallel instances on localhost, using Gloo for distributed communication. See the Horovod documentation for more advanced configuration. If you have 8 GPUs on the machine, pfl will try to use 1 GPU for each process. pfl is built such that if running multiple processes using Horovod, training local users will automatically be distributed across the processes.

Multi-process training#


To run multi-process training, you need to allow multiple processes to allocate memory on GPU at the same time. This can be done by switching the GPU’s compute mode to “Default” using command:

nvidia-smi -c 0

If you only want to change this for certain GPUs, use the -i flag to specify which GPU.

pfl supports training local models of users in multiple processes while sharing a GPU. This is compatible with both multi-machine mode and multi-GPU mode with Horovod. If either your model is small, or you have small datasets per user, the GPU utilization can be smaller because of the overhead that federated learning causes. Using multiple processes for each GPU can thereby bring additional speedups. In multi-GPU_training, the flags -np and -H specify how many processes should be training on the machine. If the machine has 8 GPUs, and your command is horovodrun --gloo -np 32 -H localhost:32 python3, then there will be 32 processes with an instance each running pfl, split among the 8 GPUs, i.e. 4 processes sharing each GPU.

Also, keep in mind that the CPU cores available on your machine will also be shared with the parallelization of preparing user data if TFFederatedDataset or PyTorchFederatedDataset is used. When adding the multi-process to your training setup, first try 1, 2, 3, …, processes per GPU and stop once you don’t see any noticable speedups. You can use StopwatchCallback to measure the speed of the simulation. The optimal number of processes per GPU can vary between 1-5, since single-process pfl already has high GPU utilization. The larger the cohort size, the smaller the models are and the smaller the user datasets are, the more you can benefit from increasing the number of processes.

Multi-machine training#

pfl supports distributed training with multiple machines across the network. This allows for scaling up simulations to an arbitrary number of GPUs. Since the distributed computation is training individual users, the limit of scaling up is a function of your cohort size and the time it takes to train a local model. Speedup from scaling up the official benchmarks availabe in pfl-research usually tapers off at 5-20 GPUs.

See how to run Horovod on multiple machines. If you have 2 machines with IP and, the standard Horovod command will let you run pfl in multi-worker distributed mode:

horovodrun -np 32 -H, python

If you have 8 GPUs on each machine, the above command will run multi-worker, multi-GPU, multi-process simulations, where each GPU is shared among 2 process training models.

Distributed simulation with native TF/PyTorch libraries#

The concept is the same as when training with Horovod. pfl uses the TF/PyTorch native distributed communication libraries by default if you don’t invoke the training script with horovodrun. There are two environment variables to let pfl know that you intend to run simulation in distributed mode:

  • PFL_WORKER_ADDRESSES - A comma separated list of host:port for all workers to run.

  • PFL_WORKER_RANK - The rank of the current process.

If you intend to run multiple processes on same machine (multi-GPU and multi-process training), the training script need to be called once for each process to start, and each process should be assigned a unique order in PFL_WORKER_RANK.

export PFL_WORKER_ADDRESSES=localhost:8000,localhost:8001
PFL_WORKER_RANK=0 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=1 python &

Multi-GPU training#

To run on multiple GPUs on a single machine, the addresses will all be localhost with unique ports. This is how to train 1 processes on 2 GPUs on 1 machine:

export PFL_WORKER_ADDRESSES=localhost:8000,localhost:8001
PFL_WORKER_RANK=0 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=1 python &

Multi-process training#

To run on multiple processes sharing a GPU on a single machine, command will be the same as in previous section, but you can specify more processes than there are GPUs on the machine. This is how to train 2 processes on each GPU, using 2 GPUs on 1 machine:

export PFL_WORKER_ADDRESSES=localhost:8000,localhost:8001,localhost:8002,localhost:8003
PFL_WORKER_RANK=0 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=1 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=2 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=3 python &

The result is that if there are n GPUs, then process i will have shared access to GPU number i % n. The number of processes that can share a GPU and result in speedup depends on the amount of non-GPU overhead the FL setup has, which is use-case specific. The optimal number of processes to share a GPU is usually in the range [1,5].

Multi-machine training#

Multiple machines can be utilized in distributed simulation by simply specifying the public addresses of the machines in the command. This is how to train 2 processes on each machine, using 2 machines:

# Executed locally on machine 1 (IP
PFL_WORKER_RANK=0 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=1 python &

# Executed locally on machine 2 (IP
PFL_WORKER_RANK=2 python &
PFL_WORKER_RANK=3 python &

Central evaluation#

Central evaluation (CentralEvaluationCallback) is often essential for assessing the global model performance. There are three things to keep in mind to minimise compute time for central evaluation:

  • Performing this evaluation is usually not necessary every central iteration. evaluation_frequency allows you to run central evaluation at a lower frequency than every central iteration.

  • In federated learning, a small local batch size is commonly used for training. You can set a larger batch size in the evaluation ModelHyperParams which can significantly speed up evaluation.

  • In distributed simulations, pfl can shard the evaluation among available GPUs.


The left panel of the figure above show the seconds per central iteration for the LM example before increasing local_batch_size and enabling sharded central evaluation. The right panel show the same metric when following the above guidelines.

Native datasets#

pfl supports both its own dataset structure for representing users, Dataset, as well as using TFFederatedDataset and using PyTorchFederatedDataset.

If all data can fit into RAM, then using Dataset is the fastest. If you need to load the data from disk in a lazy fashion, or if you do heavy preprocessing, then we recommend using TFFederatedDataset and PyTorchFederatedDataset respectively to allow for parallelization of preparing users’ data.