Source code for cvnets.models.classification.base_image_encoder

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# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import argparse
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint as gradient_checkpoint_fn

from common import is_test_env
from cvnets.layers import LinearLayer
from cvnets.misc.init_utils import initialize_fc_layer
from cvnets.models import MODEL_REGISTRY, BaseAnyNNModel
from cvnets.neural_augmentor import build_neural_augmentor
from utils import logger

[docs]@MODEL_REGISTRY.register(name="__base__", type="classification") class BaseImageEncoder(BaseAnyNNModel): """Base class for different image classification models"""
[docs] def __init__(self, opts: argparse.Namespace, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(opts, *args, **kwargs) self.conv_1 = None self.layer_1 = None self.layer_2 = None self.layer_3 = None self.layer_4 = None self.layer_5 = None self.conv_1x1_exp = None self.classifier = None self.round_nearest = 8 # Segmentation architectures like Deeplab and PSPNet modifies the strides of the backbone # We allow that using output_stride and replace_stride_with_dilation arguments self.dilation = 1 output_stride = kwargs.get("output_stride", None) self.dilate_l4 = False self.dilate_l5 = False if output_stride == 8: self.dilate_l4 = True self.dilate_l5 = True elif output_stride == 16: self.dilate_l5 = True self.output_stride = output_stride self.model_conf_dict = dict() self.neural_augmentor = build_neural_augmentor(opts=opts, *args, **kwargs) self.gradient_checkpointing = getattr( opts, "model.classification.gradient_checkpointing", False ) self.enable_layer_wise_lr_decay = getattr( opts, "model.classification.enable_layer_wise_lr_decay" ) self.layer_wise_lr_decay_rate = getattr( opts, "model.classification.layer_wise_lr_decay_rate" )
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Add image classification model-specific arguments""" if cls != BaseImageEncoder: # Don't re-register arguments in subclasses that don't override `add_arguments()`. return parser group = parser.add_argument_group(title=cls.__name__) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.classifier-dropout", type=float, default=0.0, help="Dropout rate in classifier", ) group.add_argument( "", type=str, default=None, help="Model name" ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.n-classes", type=int, default=1000, help="Number of classes in the dataset", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.pretrained", type=str, default=None, help="Path of the pretrained backbone", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.freeze-batch-norm", action="store_true", help="Freeze batch norm layers", ) group.add_argument( "", default=None, type=str, help="Non-linear function name (e.g., relu)", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.activation.inplace", action="store_true", help="Inplace non-linear functions", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.activation.neg-slope", default=0.1, type=float, help="Negative slope in leaky relu", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.finetune-pretrained-model", action="store_true", help="Finetune a pretrained model", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.n-pretrained-classes", type=int, default=None, help="Number of pre-trained classes", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.gradient-checkpointing", action="store_true", help="Checkpoint output of each spatial level in the classification backbone. Note that" "we only take care of checkpointing in {}. If custom forward functions are used, please" "implement checkpointing accordingly", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.enable-layer-wise-lr-decay", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable layer-wise LR.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.layer-wise-lr-decay-rate", type=float, default=1.0, help="Layer-wise LR decay range. Each model needs to define how layer-wise LR should be decayed." "For ViT, we decay layer_wise_lr_decay_rate ** (n_layers - i), where i is the layer index.", ) return parser
[docs] def check_model(self) -> None: """Check to see if model is adhering to the image encoder structure. Sub-classes are not required to adhere to this structure. This is only required for easy integration with downstream tasks.""" assert ( self.model_conf_dict ), "Model configuration dictionary should not be empty" assert self.conv_1 is not None, "Please implement self.conv_1" assert self.layer_1 is not None, "Please implement self.layer_1" assert self.layer_2 is not None, "Please implement self.layer_2" assert self.layer_3 is not None, "Please implement self.layer_3" assert self.layer_4 is not None, "Please implement self.layer_4" assert self.layer_5 is not None, "Please implement self.layer_5" assert self.conv_1x1_exp is not None, "Please implement self.conv_1x1_exp" assert self.classifier is not None, "Please implement self.classifier"
[docs] def update_classifier(self, opts: argparse.Namespace, n_classes: int) -> None: """This function updates the classification layer in a model. Useful for fine-tuning purposes.""" logger.warning( "We encourage to use model scopes (`--model.resume-exclude-scopes`, `--model.ignore-missing-scopes`, " "and `--model.rename-scopes-map`) for updating classifier for fine-tuning tasks. We will be " "deprecating this function in future." ) linear_init_type = getattr(opts, "model.layer.linear_init", "normal") if isinstance(self.classifier, nn.Sequential): in_features = self.classifier[-1].in_features layer = LinearLayer( in_features=in_features, out_features=n_classes, bias=True ) initialize_fc_layer(layer, init_method=linear_init_type) self.classifier[-1] = layer else: in_features = self.classifier.in_features layer = LinearLayer( in_features=in_features, out_features=n_classes, bias=True ) initialize_fc_layer(layer, init_method=linear_init_type) # re-init head head_init_scale = 0.001 self.classifier = layer
def _forward_layer(self, layer: nn.Module, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Run a layer of the model, optionally with checkpointing""" # Larger models with large input image size may not be able to fit into memory. # We can use gradient checkpointing to enable training with large models and large inputs return ( gradient_checkpoint_fn(layer, x) if self.gradient_checkpointing else layer(x) )
[docs] def extract_end_points_all( self, x: Tensor, use_l5: Optional[bool] = True, use_l5_exp: Optional[bool] = False, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """Extract feature maps from different spatial levels of the model. Args: x: Input image tensor use_l5: Include features from `layer_5` in the output dictionary. Defaults to True. use_l5_exp: Include features from `conv_1x1_exp` in the output dictionary. Defaults to False. Returns: A mapping containing the name and output at each spatial-level of the model. ...note: This is useful for down-stream tasks. """ out_dict = {} # Use dictionary over NamedTuple so that JIT is happy if and self.neural_augmentor is not None: x = self.neural_augmentor(x) out_dict["augmented_tensor"] = x x = self._forward_layer(self.conv_1, x) # 112 x112 x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_1, x) # 112 x112 out_dict["out_l1"] = x x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_2, x) # 56 x 56 out_dict["out_l2"] = x x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_3, x) # 28 x 28 out_dict["out_l3"] = x x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_4, x) # 14 x 14 out_dict["out_l4"] = x if use_l5: x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_5, x) # 7 x 7 out_dict["out_l5"] = x if use_l5_exp: x = self._forward_layer(self.conv_1x1_exp, x) out_dict["out_l5_exp"] = x return out_dict
[docs] def extract_end_points_l4(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """This function is similar to `extract_end_points_all`, with an exception that it only returns output in a dictionary form till `layer_4` of the model. """ return self.extract_end_points_all(x, use_l5=False)
[docs] def extract_features(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: """This function is similar to `extract_end_points_all`. However, it returns a single tensor as the output of the last layer instead of a dictionary, and is typically used during classification tasks where intermediate feature maps are not required. """ x = self._forward_layer(self.conv_1, x) x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_1, x) x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_2, x) x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_3, x) x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_4, x) x = self._forward_layer(self.layer_5, x) x = self._forward_layer(self.conv_1x1_exp, x) return x
[docs] def forward_classifier(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: """A helper function to extract features and running a classifier.""" # We add another classifier function so that the classifiers # that do not adhere to the structure of BaseEncoder can still # use neural augmentor x = self.extract_features(x) x = self.classifier(x) return x
[docs] def forward(self, x: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """A forward function of the model, optionally training the model with neural augmentation.""" if self.neural_augmentor is not None: if x_aug = self.neural_augmentor(x) prediction = self.forward_classifier(x_aug) # .detach() out_dict = {"augmented_tensor": x_aug, "logits": prediction} else: out_dict = { "augmented_tensor": None, "logits": self.forward_classifier(x), } return out_dict else: x = self.forward_classifier(x, *args, **kwargs) return x
[docs] def get_trainable_parameters( self, weight_decay: Optional[float] = 0.0, no_decay_bn_filter_bias: Optional[bool] = False, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[List[Mapping], List[float]]: """Get parameters for training along with the learning rate. Args: weight_decay: weight decay no_decay_bn_filter_bias: Do not decay BN and biases. Defaults to False. Returns: Returns a tuple of length 2. The first entry is a list of dictionary with three keys (params, weight_decay, param_names). The second entry is a list of floats containing learning rate for each parameter. """ if self.enable_layer_wise_lr_decay: return self._apply_layer_wise_lr( weight_decay=weight_decay, no_decay_bn_filter_bias=no_decay_bn_filter_bias, *args, **kwargs, ) return super().get_trainable_parameters( weight_decay=weight_decay, no_decay_bn_filter_bias=no_decay_bn_filter_bias, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] def dummy_input_and_label(self, batch_size: int) -> Dict: """Create dummy input and labels for CI/CD purposes. Child classes must override it if functionality is different. """ img_channels = 3 if is_test_env(): # We use smaller spatial resolution, for faster testing. # We use 32 because most ImageNet models do a down-sampling by a factor of 32 before # global average pooling and classification layer. height = 32 width = 32 else: # this is the typical resolution used in ImageNet datasets height = 224 width = 224 n_labels = 10 img_tensor = torch.randn( batch_size, img_channels, height, width, dtype=torch.float ) label_tensor = torch.randint(low=0, high=n_labels, size=(batch_size,)).long() return {"samples": img_tensor, "targets": label_tensor}
[docs] def get_exportable_model(self) -> nn.Module: """ This function can be used to prepare the architecture for inference. For example, re-parameterizing branches when possible. The functionality of this method may vary from model to model, so child model classes have to implement this method, if such a transformation exists. """ return self
[docs] @classmethod def build_model(cls, opts: argparse.Namespace, *args, **kwargs) -> BaseAnyNNModel: """Helper function to build a model. Args: opts: Command-line arguments Returns: An instance of `cvnets.models.BaseAnyNNModel`. """ default_opt_info = set_model_specific_opts_before_model_building(opts) model = cls(opts, *args, **kwargs) unset_model_specific_opts_after_model_building(opts, default_opt_info) if getattr(opts, "model.classification.freeze_batch_norm"): cls.freeze_norm_layers(opts=opts, model=model) return model
# TODO: Find models and configurations that uses `set_model_specific_opts_before_model_building` and # `unset_model_specific_opts_after_model_building` functions. Find a more explicit way of satisfying this requirement, # such as namespacing config entries in a more composable way so that we no longer have conflicting config entries.
[docs]def set_model_specific_opts_before_model_building( opts: argparse.Namespace, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Override library-level defaults with model-specific default values. Args: opts: Command-line arguments Returns: A dictionary containing the name of arguments that are updated along with their original values. This dictionary is used in `unset_model_specific_opts_after_model_building` function to unset the model-specific to library-specific defaults. """ cls_act_fn = getattr(opts, "") default_opts_info = {} if cls_act_fn is not None: # Override the default activation arguments with classification network specific arguments default_act_fn = getattr(opts, "", "relu") default_act_inplace = getattr(opts, "model.activation.inplace", False) default_act_neg_slope = getattr(opts, "model.activation.neg_slope", 0.1) setattr(opts, "", cls_act_fn) setattr( opts, "model.activation.inplace", getattr(opts, "model.classification.activation.inplace", False), ) setattr( opts, "model.activation.neg_slope", getattr(opts, "model.classification.activation.neg_slope", 0.1), ) default_opts_info[""] = default_act_fn default_opts_info["model.activation.inplace"] = default_act_inplace default_opts_info["model.activation.neg_slope"] = default_act_neg_slope return default_opts_info
[docs]def unset_model_specific_opts_after_model_building( opts: argparse.Namespace, default_opts_info: Dict[str, Any], *ars, **kwargs ) -> None: """Given command-line arguments and a mapping of opts that needs to be unset, this function unsets the library-level defaults that were over-ridden previously in `set_model_specific_opts_before_model_building`. """ assert isinstance(default_opts_info, dict), ( f"Please ensure set_model_specific_opts_before_model_building() " f"returns a dict." ) if default_opts_info: for k, v in default_opts_info.items(): setattr(opts, k, v)