Source code for cvnets.models.classification.byteformer

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# Copyright (C) 2023 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import argparse
import math
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torch.nn import init

from cvnets.layers import (
from cvnets.models import MODEL_REGISTRY, BaseAnyNNModel
from cvnets.models.classification.config.byteformer import get_configuration
from cvnets.modules import WindowedTransformerEncoder

[docs]def unfold_tokens(t: Tensor, kernel_size: int) -> Tensor: """ Group tokens from tensor @t using torch.Tensor.unfold, using the given kernel size. This amounts to windowing @t using overlapping windows of size @kernel_size, with overlap of @kernel_size // 2. Args: t: A tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length, num_channels]. kernel_size: The kernel size. Returns: A tensor of shape [batch_size * (sequence_length - kernel_size) // (kernel_size // 2) + 1, kernel_size, num_channels]. """ t = t.unfold(dimension=1, size=kernel_size, step=kernel_size // 2) B, L, C, _ = t.shape t = t.reshape(B * L, C, kernel_size) t = t.transpose(1, 2) return t
[docs]@MODEL_REGISTRY.register(name="byteformer", type="classification") class ByteFormer(BaseAnyNNModel): """ This class defines the `ByteFormer <>`_ architecture. """
[docs] def __init__(self, opts: argparse.Namespace, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(opts, *args, **kwargs) byteformer_config = get_configuration(opts) embed_dim = byteformer_config["embed_dim"] ffn_dim = byteformer_config["ffn_dim"] n_transformer_layers = byteformer_config["n_transformer_layers"] num_heads = byteformer_config["n_attn_heads"] attn_dropout = byteformer_config["attn_dropout"] dropout = byteformer_config["dropout"] ffn_dropout = byteformer_config["ffn_dropout"] norm_layer = byteformer_config["norm_layer"] # This is usually 257 in the case of byte inputs (2**8 + 1 mask token). vocab_size = getattr(opts, "model.classification.byteformer.vocab_size") self.embeddings = embedding.Embedding( opts, num_embeddings=vocab_size, embedding_dim=embed_dim, padding_idx=-1 ) # Reinitialize everything except the padding index. init.trunc_normal_(self.embeddings.weight[:-1], std=math.sqrt(1.0 / embed_dim)) self.dummy_input_token_length = getattr( opts, "model.classification.byteformer.dummy_input_token_length" ) # Add token reduction convolution. self.conv_kernel_size = getattr( opts, "model.classification.byteformer.conv_kernel_size" ) if self.conv_kernel_size == 0: # We skip the convolution. self.token_reduction_net = None if self.conv_kernel_size is not None: self.token_reduction_net = nn.Conv1d( embed_dim, get_configuration(opts)["embed_dim"], kernel_size=self.conv_kernel_size, stride=self.conv_kernel_size // 2, bias=False, ) # Add the positional embeddings. self.max_num_tokens = getattr( opts, "model.classification.byteformer.max_num_tokens" ) self.sinusoidal_pos_embed = getattr( opts, "model.classification.byteformer.sinusoidal_pos_emb" ) self.pos_embed = positional_embedding.PositionalEmbedding( opts=opts, num_embeddings=self.max_num_tokens, embedding_dim=embed_dim, sequence_first=False, padding_idx=None, is_learnable=not self.sinusoidal_pos_embed, interpolation_mode="bilinear", ) pos_emb_drop_p = getattr(opts, "model.classification.byteformer.dropout") self.emb_dropout = nn.Dropout(p=pos_emb_drop_p) # Build the transformer backbone. window_sizes = getattr(opts, "model.classification.byteformer.window_sizes") window_shifts = getattr(opts, "model.classification.byteformer.window_shifts") downsample = getattr(opts, "model.classification.byteformer.downsample") if len(window_sizes) == 1: window_sizes = window_sizes * n_transformer_layers for x in [window_sizes, window_shifts, downsample]: if len(x) != n_transformer_layers: raise ValueError( f"Invalid argument length {len(x)} != {n_transformer_layers}" ) stochastic_dropout = getattr( opts, "model.classification.byteformer.stochastic_dropout" ) per_layer_stochastic_drop_rate = [ round(x, 3) for x in np.linspace(0, stochastic_dropout, n_transformer_layers) ] blocks = [] self.downsamplers = nn.ModuleDict() for layer_idx in range(n_transformer_layers): blocks.append( WindowedTransformerEncoder( opts=opts, embed_dim=embed_dim, ffn_latent_dim=ffn_dim, num_heads=num_heads, attn_dropout=attn_dropout, dropout=dropout, ffn_dropout=ffn_dropout, transformer_norm_layer=norm_layer, stochastic_dropout=per_layer_stochastic_drop_rate[layer_idx], window_size=window_sizes[layer_idx], window_shift=window_shifts[layer_idx], ) ) if downsample is not None and downsample[layer_idx]: self.downsamplers[ self.get_downsampler_name(layer_idx) ] = token_merging.TokenMerging(embed_dim) self.transformer = nn.Sequential(*blocks) self.post_transformer_norm = get_normalization_layer( opts=opts, num_features=embed_dim, norm_type=norm_layer ) num_classes = getattr(opts, "model.classification.n_classes") self.classifier = LinearLayer(embed_dim, num_classes)
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: if cls != ByteFormer: # Don't re-register arguments in subclasses that don't override `add_arguments()`. return parser group = parser.add_argument_group(title=cls.__name__) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.dropout", type=float, default=0.0, help="Dropout in Byteformer layers. Defaults to 0.0.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.stochastic-dropout", type=float, default=0.0, help="Probability of applying stochastic dropout to " "TransformerEncoder submodules. Defaults to 0.0.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.norm-layer", type=str, default="layer_norm", help="Normalization layer in Byteformer. Defaults to LayerNorm.", choices=list(normalization.NORM_LAYER_REGISTRY.keys()), ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.sinusoidal-pos-emb", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use sinusoidal instead of learnable positional encoding. Defaults to False.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.use-pytorch-mha", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use PyTorch's native multi-head attention. Defaults to False.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.mode", type=str, default="tiny", help="Byteformer mode, which determines the model size. Defaults to tiny.", choices=("tiny", "small", "base", "huge"), ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.vocab-size", type=int, help="The vocab size of the token embedding. Defaults to 257," "corresponding to the number of unique bytes (256) plus 1 " "more for the mask token.", default=257, ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.max-num-tokens", type=int, help="The maximum number of tokens that can be input to the network. Defaults to 10000.", default=10000, ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.conv-kernel-size", type=int, default=16, help="The size of the kernel of the initial downsampling conv1d. Defaults to 16.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.window-sizes", type=int, nargs="*", default=[128], help="A list of window sizes used in shifted window attention. If the " "list is length 1, the same window size is used for all windows. " "Defaults to 128 for all windows.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.window-shifts", type=int, nargs="*", default=[0, 64] * 6, help="A list of shifts used in shifted window attention. Defaults to values that alternate between 0 and 64.", ) default_downsampling = [True, True] + ([False, True] * 4) + [False, False] group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.downsample", type=bool, nargs="*", default=default_downsampling, help="A list of boolean values, where the i'th element specifies " "whether to downsample after the transformer block with index i. " f"Defaults to {default_downsampling}.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.padding-index", default=-1, type=int, help="The index used for padding tokens. Defaults to -1.", ) group.add_argument( "--model.classification.byteformer.dummy-input-token-length", default=48564, type=int, help="The token length to use for dummy inputs. Defaults to 48564, " "corresponding to the average length of 224x224 JPEG images from " "ImageNet.", ) return parser
[docs] def dummy_input_and_label(self, batch_size: int) -> Dict: """ Get a dummy input and label that could be passed to the model. Args: batch_size: The batch size to use for the generated inputs. Returns: A dict with { "samples": tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length], "targets": tensor of shape [batch_size], } """ n_labels = 10 max_value = 257 samples = torch.randint( 0, max_value, [batch_size, self.dummy_input_token_length] ) targets = torch.randint(low=0, high=n_labels, size=(batch_size,)).long() return {"samples": samples, "targets": targets}
[docs] def apply_token_reduction_net( self, x: Tensor, x_mask: Tensor ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Apply the portion of the network used to reduce sequence lengths before the transformer backbone. Args: x: The input token embeddings of shape [batch_size, sequence_length, embed_dim]. x_mask: The input mask of shape [batch_size, sequence_length]. Returns: New versions of @x and @x_mask, downsampled along the sequence dimension by the token reduction net. """ B, N, C = x.shape if self.token_reduction_net is None: return x, x_mask x = self.token_reduction_net(x.permute(0, 2, 1)).permute(0, 2, 1) if x_mask is not None: x_mask = unfold_tokens( x_mask.reshape(B, N, 1).float(), self.conv_kernel_size ) # The mask is now [B * N, kernel_size, 1]. It contains values in {0, -inf}. x_mask = x_mask.max(dim=1).values.view(x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) assert x.shape[:2] == x_mask.shape return x, x_mask
[docs] def get_backbone_inputs(self, x: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Convert input bytes into embeddings to be passed to the network's transformer backbone. Args: x: The input bytes as an integer tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length]. Integer tensors are expected (rather than byte tensors) since -1 is usually used for padding. Returns: The embeddings of shape [batch_size, new_sequence_length] and a mask tensor of shape [batch_size, new_sequence_length]. The mask contains 0 at unmasked positions and float(-inf) at masked positions. """ mask = torch.zeros_like(x, dtype=torch.float) mask[x == -1].fill_(float("-inf")) mask = mask.detach().requires_grad_(False) x[x == -1] = self.embeddings.padding_idx x = self.embeddings(x) x, mask = self.apply_token_reduction_net(x, mask) x = x + self.pos_embed(self.max_num_tokens)[:, : x.shape[1]] x = self.emb_dropout(x) return x, mask
[docs] def backbone_forward( self, x: Tensor, key_padding_mask: Tensor ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Execute the forward pass of the network's transformer backbone. Args: x: The input embeddings as a [batch_size, sequence_length, embed_dim] tensor. key_padding_mask: The mask tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length]. Returns: The outputs of the backbone as a tuple. The first element is the feature tensor, and the second element is the updated key_padding_mask. """ B, S, _ = x.shape assert key_padding_mask.shape == (B, S) for layer_idx, elem in enumerate(self.transformer): x = elem(x, key_padding_mask=key_padding_mask) if self.get_downsampler(layer_idx) is not None: x, key_padding_mask = self.get_downsampler(layer_idx)( x, key_padding_mask ) x = self.post_transformer_norm(x) return x, key_padding_mask
[docs] def get_downsampler_name(self, idx: int) -> str: """ Get the name of the downsampling layer with index @idx. Args: idx: The index of the downsampling layer. Returns: A string representing the name of the donwsampling layer. """ return f"downsample_{idx}"
[docs] def get_downsampler(self, idx: int) -> Optional[nn.Module]: """ Get the module that performs downsampling after transformer layer @idx. If no downsampling occurs after that layer, return None. Args: idx: The desired index. Returns: The downsampling layer, or None. """ name = self.get_downsampler_name(idx) if name not in self.downsamplers: return None return self.downsamplers[name]
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: """ Perform a forward pass on input bytes. The tensor is stored as an integer tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length]. Integer tensors are used because @x usually contains mask tokens. Args: x: The input tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length]. Returns: The output logits. """ x, key_padding_mask = self.get_backbone_inputs(x) x, attn_mask = self.backbone_forward(x, key_padding_mask) attn_mask = attn_mask.view(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], 1) x[(attn_mask == float("-inf")).expand(-1, -1, x.shape[-1])] = 0 norms = (attn_mask == 0).sum(dim=1) x = torch.sum(x, dim=1) / norms x = self.classifier(x) return x
[docs] @classmethod def build_model(cls, opts: argparse.Namespace, *args, **kwargs) -> BaseAnyNNModel: """ Helper function to build a model. Args: opts: Command-line arguments. Returns: An instance of `cvnets.models.BaseAnyNNModel`. """ model = cls(opts, *args, **kwargs) if getattr(opts, "model.classification.freeze_batch_norm"): cls.freeze_norm_layers(opts=opts, model=model) return model