The Structure of Parametrized Transforms#

  • 12 Minute Read


  • This tutorial covers the details of how parameterized transforms are implemented.

  • We have two different core transform classes– AtomicTransform and ComposingTransform.

  • These two classes inherit from the Transform base class, which provides their common functionalities.

The Core Structure of a Parametrized Transform#

  • The classes described in this tutorial are implemented in

The Transform Base Class#

  • A Transform is an object that performs some processing on an input image to modify it.

  • Every transform in this package has a certain number of parameters associated with it.

    • For instance, Grayscale transform always converts the input RGB image to grayscale and thus, has 0 parameters.

    • On the other hand, RandomGrayscale transform converts the input RGB image to grayscale with a given probability and so, it has 1 parameter to specify whether the input image was indeed converted to grayscale or not.

    • As another example, the ColorJitter transform perturbs the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue of the input image with randomly sampled strengths and in a random order. Thus, this transform has 8 parameters– four parameters to specify the strengths of the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue perturbations, and four more parameters to indicate the order in which these perturbations were applied.

    • All provided transforms store this number of parameters as an attribute param_count, which is inferred using the set_param_count method. In order to write your own transforms, you MUST define this attribute while initializing your class. You may use the provided set_param_count method to do so but it is NOT mandatory.

  • Each transform is designed to input a tuple of the following two objects– 1. an image, and 2. a tuple of parameters. It also outputs a tuple of the following two objects– 1. the augmented image, and 2. the updated parameters. This is a major change in comparison with torchvision-based transforms; torchvision-based transforms input only an image and output only the processed image.

    • Check the type-hints IMAGE_TYPE, PARAM_TYPE, TRANSFORM_RETURN_TYPE, and the signature of the __call__ method of the base class for the same.

  • This package implements all transforms in two different modesCASCADE and CONSUME.

    • Each transform MUST have a mode and is stored in the tx_mode attribute. Its values are defined in the TransformMode enum.

    • In CASCADE mode, the transform inputs an image and a tuple of parameters. It then samples local parameters, applies the transform using these parameters, and returns a tuple of the following two objects– 1. the augmented image, and 2. the previously input parameters appended with the local parameters.

    • In CONSUME mode, the transform inputs an image and a tuple of parameters. It then extracts the required number of local parameters from the input parameters, applies the transform with these parameters, and returns a tuple of the following two objects– 1. the augmented image, and 2. the remaining parameters from the input ones.

    • These two modes provide us with enough power to extract parameters of transforms and to reproduce transforms defined by given (well-defined) parametrization.

    • The __call__ method of the base class redirects the inputs to cascade_transform or consume_transform based on the mode of the transform.

  • For each transform, we define a method get_default_params, which is intended to return parameters that preserve the identity of the input image whenever possible. If this is not possible, these parameters are intended to preserve as much information in the input image as possible.

    • For example, the RandomRotation transform has param_count = 1 to capture the angle of rotation of the image. Thus, the default parameters are the singleton tuple (0, ) as a 0-degree rotation preserves the image.

    • For the case of ToTensor transform being applied on input images of the class PIL.Image.Image, we have param_count = 0 and the default parameters are the empty tuple (); these parameters preserve the information in the image and only change the type in which the image is represented.

    • However, the CenterCrop transform differs from the above two cases. It has param_count = 0 and when the desired crop size does NOT match the image size, the resulting augmented image will NEVER be identical to the original image. Here still, the default parameters are the empty tuple (); they do NOT preserve the identity of the image but retain as much information as possible.

    • Another example is the Compose transform, whose default parameters are the concatenation of the default parameters of its components.

    • Whenever possible, the default parameters are intended to act as “identity parameters”; applying the transform with those parameters retains the image information. In other cases, these are the parameters that retain as much information from the image as possible.

    • Note that in some cases, it may be possible to have more than one default parameters. For instance, the ColorJitter transform can preserve the input image as it is by applying brightness, contrast, and saturation perturbations of 1.0 and hue perturbation of 0.0. However, these four operations can be applied in ANY order to get the identical image back from the transform. To cater for such cases, the corresponding transforms have an extra attribute default_params_mode.

    • The values taken by default_params_mode are defined in the DefaultParamsMode enum. The value DefaultParamsMode.RANDOMIZED is used to obtain a randomly sampled default parameter from the set of all possible default parameters whenever the transform is applied. On the other hand, the other value DefaultParamsMode.UNIQUE is used to obtain a fixed pre-defined default parameter value whenever the transform is applied.

  • Thus, to define your own transform, you can do the following–

  1. Subclass from Transform.

  2. Define the attributes tx_mode and param_count; for the latter attribute, you may choose to do so with your concrete definition of the set_param_count method.

  3. Define your concrete implementation of cascade_transform method.

  4. Define your concrete implementation of consume_transform method.

  5. Define your concrete implementation of get_default_params method.

  6. (Optional) Define your concrete implementation of __str__ method.

  • We classify all transforms into two major types– Atomic and Composing. As the names suggest, Atomic transforms perform one simple set of actions on a data point. On the other hand, Composing transforms input one or more other transforms (either Atomic or Composing) and combine their functionalities to achieve the desired compositional behavior. We refer to these one or more transforms as the core transforms.

    • For example, Grayscale would be an Atomic transform that converts given RGB images into grayscale.

    • However, Compose would be a Composing transform that has a list of other core transforms and applies them sequentially on a given input image.

    • Similarly, RandomChoice would also be a Composing transform that has a list of other core transforms and applies a randomly sampled transform from this list on a given input image.

The AtomicTransform Base Class#

  • The atomic transforms are implemented using the base class AtomicTransform, which subclasses the base class Transform . The AtomicTransform provides a partial implementation of cascade_transform and consume_transform in order to enable the functions of all the atomic transforms as described below.

  • Consider an atomic transform that is being called with the input image img and the input parameters params. It should perform the following five steps to operate in the CASCADE mode–

    1. Generate raw parameters local_raw_params for applying the transform.

    2. Apply the transform with these raw parameters on img to obtain the augmented image aug_img.

    3. Post-process local_raw_params to obtain the processed parameters local_proc_params.

    4. Append local_proc_params to the input params to obtain the concatenated processed parameters concat_proc_params.

    5. Return the tuple of the augmented image aug_img and local_proc_params.

  • These steps are captured in the partial implementation of cascade_tranform method of AtomicTransform

def cascade_transform(self, img: IMAGE_TYPE, params: PARAM_TYPE) -> TRANSFORM_RETURN_TYPE:

   local_raw_params = self.get_raw_params(img=img)
   aug_img = self.apply_transform(img=img, params=local_raw_params)
   local_proc_params = self.post_process_params(img=img, params=local_raw_params)
   concat_proc_params = Transform.concat_params(params, local_proc_params)
   return aug_img, concat_proc_params
  • For the transform to operate in the CONSUME mode, the transform should perform the following steps–

    1. From the given parameters, extract the processed parameters local_proc_params for the transform and the remaining processed parameters rem_proc_params to be passed on.

    2. Pre-process local_proc_params to obtain the raw local parameters local_raw_params.

    3. Apply the transform with these raw parameters on img to obtain the augmented image aug_img.

    4. Return the tuple of the augmented image aug_img and the remaning processed parameters rem_proc_params.

  • These steps are captured in the partial implementation of consume_tranform method of AtomicTransform

def consume_transform(self, img: IMAGE_TYPE, params: PARAM_TYPE) -> TRANSFORM_RETURN_TYPE:

   local_proc_params, rem_proc_params = self.extract_params(params=params)
   local_raw_params = self.pre_process_params(img=img, params=local_proc_params)
   aug_img = self.apply_transform(img=img, params=local_raw_params)

   return aug_img, rem_proc_params
  • Thus, to define your own atomic transform, you can do the following–

  1. Subclass from AtomicTransform.

  2. Define the attributes tx_mode and param_count; you may choose to do so with your concrete definition of the set_param_count method for the latter.

  3. Define your concrete implementation of get_raw_params method.

  4. Define your concrete implementation of apply_transform method.

  5. Define your concrete implementation of post_process_params method.

  6. Define your concrete implementation of extract_params method.

  7. Define your concrete implementation of pre_process_params method.

  8. Define your concrete implementation of get_default_params method.

  9. (Optional) Define your concrete implementation of __str__ method.

The ComposingTransform Base Class#

  • The composing transforms are implemented using the base class ComposingTransform, which subclasses the base class Transform. The ComposingTransform provides a partial implementation of cascade_transform and consume_transform in order to enable the composing functionalities of all the composing transforms as described below.

  • Consider a compsing transform that is being called with the input image img and the input parameters params. The composing transform is designed to perform some composing functionality on top of its core transforms and thus, it should perform the following five steps to operate in the CASCADE mode–

    1. Generate raw parameters local_raw_params to guide the application of the core transform.

    2. Apply the core transforms guided by local_raw_params on img to obtain the augmented image aug_img along with the parameters aug_params generated by the core transform.

    3. Post-process local_raw_params and aug_params to obtain their processed versions– local_proc_params and aug_proc_params respectively.

    4. Append local_proc_params and aug_proc_params to the input params to obtain the concatenated processed parameters concat_proc_params.

    5. Return the tuple of the augmented image aug_img and local_proc_params.

  • These steps are captured in the partial implementation of cascade_tranform method of ComposingTransform

def cascade_transform(self, img: IMAGE_TYPE, params: PARAM_TYPE) -> TRANSFORM_RETURN_TYPE:

   local_raw_params = self.get_raw_params(img=img)
   aug_img, aug_params = self.apply_cascade_transform(img=img, params=local_raw_params)
   local_proc_params, aug_proc_params = self.post_process_params(img=img, params=local_raw_params, aug_params=aug_params)
   concat_proc_params = Transform.concat_params(params, local_proc_params, aug_proc_params)

   return aug_img, concat_proc_params
  • For the transform to operate in the CONSUME mode, the composing transform should perform the following steps–

    1. From the given parameters, extract the processed parameters concat_local_params for the transform and the remaining processed parameters rem_proc_params to be passed on.

    2. Pre-process concat_local_params to obtain the raw local parameters local_raw_params along with the core augmentation parameters aug_params.

    3. Apply the core transform guided by local_raw_params and defined using aug_params on img to obtain the augmented image aug_img and the remaining augmentation parameters rem_aug_params.

      • Note that rem_aug_params MUST be empty. Otherwise, there is an error in the implementation.

    4. Return the tuple of the augmented image aug_img and the remaning processed parameters rem_proc_params.

  • These steps are captured in the partial implementation of consume_tranform method of AtomicTransform

def consume_transform(self, img: IMAGE_TYPE, params: PARAM_TYPE) -> TRANSFORM_RETURN_TYPE:

   concat_proc_params, rem_proc_params = self.extract_params(params=params)
   local_raw_params, aug_params = self.pre_process_params(img=img, params=concat_local_params)
   aug_img, rem_aug_params = self.apply_consume_transform(img=img, params=local_raw_params, aug_params=aug_params)
   assert len(rem_aug_params) == 0     

   return aug_img, rem_proc_params
  • Thus, to define your own composing transform, you can do the following–

  1. Subclass from ComposingTransform.

  2. Define the attributes tx_mode and param_count; you may choose to do so with your concrete definition of the set_param_count method for the latter.

  3. Define the core transform with the attribute transforms.

  4. Define your concrete implementation of get_raw_params method.

  5. Define your concrete implementation of apply_cascade_transform method.

  6. Define your concrete implementation of post_process_params method.

  7. Define your concrete implementation of extract_params method.

  8. Define your concrete implementation of pre_process_params method.

  9. Define your concrete implementation of apply_consume_transform method.

  10. Define your concrete implementation of get_default_params method.

  11. (Optional) Define your concrete implementation of __str__ method.

About the Next Tutorial#

  • In the next tutorial, we will use the structure of parameterized transforms as described in this tutorial to write our own custom transforms!

  • In particular, we will write one atomic transform named RandomColorErasing and one composing transform named RandomSubsetApply to better understand the structure of parameterized transforms. We highly recommend spending some time going through this tutorial to understand the nitty-gritties of actually writing a parameterized transforms.

  • However, in case you are only interested in using the parameterized transforms provided by this package, you may skip the next tutorial and jump directly to the subsequent tutorial– 003-A-Brief-Introduction-to-the-Transforms-in-This-Package.