How to Write Your Own Transforms#

  • 26 Minute Read


  • In this tutorial, we will write our own custom transforms to illustrate the structure of parameterized transforms as described in the previous tutorial.

  • We will write one custom atomic transform RandomColorErasing and one custom composing transform RandomSubsetApply.

  • We will then visualize sample augmentations generated by these transforms along with the parameters corresponding to those augmentations.

A Quick Recap of the Atomic Transform Structure#

Recall that to define your own atomic transform, you can do the following–

  1. Subclass from AtomicTransform.

  2. Define the attributes tx_mode and param_count; you may choose to do so with your concrete definition of the set_param_count method for the latter.

  3. Define your concrete implementation of get_raw_params method.

  4. Define your concrete implementation of apply_transform method.

  5. Define your concrete implementation of post_process_params method.

  6. Define your concrete implementation of extract_params method.

  7. Define your concrete implementation of pre_process_params method.

  8. Define your concrete implementation of get_default_params method.

  9. (Optional) Define your concrete implementation of __str__ method.

RandomColorErasing: A Custom Atomic Transform#

  • Follow the notebook 002-001-RandomColorErasing.ipynb while going through the details below.

  • Let us write a transform RandomColorErasing that inputs PIL-images and erases a randomly selected rectangular region of the image by replacing it with a randomly sampled color.

  • Since we want a well-defined and simple functionality, we implement it as an atomic transform. Thus, we subclass from AtomicTransform to derive the RandomColorErasing class.

The Initializer __init__#

  • The initializer of the class sets the transform mode tx_mode and the default parameters mode default_params_mode. The former is a requirement as per the transform structure and the latter is needed since this transform has multiple default parameter possibilities, as explained later on.

  • The initializer sets the number of parameters of the transform param_count, which is 7. This is because we need to uniquely describe the rectangle to be erased and the fill-color for this erased region. The rectangle can be uniquely defined with 4 parameters; two parameters describing the coordinates of the location of the rectangle, which is defined as its top-left corner, and two more parameters describing its size, which comprises of its height and width. Next, the fill-color can be captured with 3 parameters for its (r, g, b) values. Thus, we need 7 parameters in total, which is why we have param_count = 7.

Getting Raw Parameters with get_raw_params#

  • We define our implementation of get_raw_params as follows.

  • The raw parameters are the 4 parameters for the rectangle to be erased i, j, h, w, The tuple (i, j) represents the top-left corner of the rectangle in height-first format. The tuple (h, w) represents the tuple of the height and width of this rectangle.

  • We define a random color to be used for filling in the erased image, the fill_color, as an np.ndarray instance of size [3, ] and of dtype np.uint8.

  • Thus, the raw parameters is the tuple (i, j, h, w, fill_color), which is output by this method.

Applying the Transform with apply_transform#

  • We define the our implementation of apply_transform in a straightfoward manner as follows.

  • We select the rectangle slice of the image starting at pixel (i, j) and of shape (h, w). This slice is replaced with the color fill_color. We then return the augmented image to complete the implementation.

Standard Format Parameters with post_process_params#

  • Our implementation requires that final parameters to be output by the transform MUST be a tuple of scalars.

  • Thus, we define our implementation of post_process_params as follows.

  • We take the starting pixel (i, j), rectangle size (h, w), and the fill color fill_color = array([r, g, b]), and return the 7-tuple of parameters (i, j, h, w, r, g, b).

Extracting Required Parameters with extract_params#

  • The scenario for this function is that we are given a tuple of scalar parameters and we want to extract the parameters that we need for the current transform. By design, these required parameters are going to be at the beginning of the parameters tuple.

  • Thus, we define our implementation of extract_params as follows.

  • We extract the first self.param_count many parameters as the required processed parameters and keep the rest of the parameters to the next transforms.

  • Note that in almost all the cases, this is going to be the implementation of this post_process_params.

Recovering Raw Parameters with pre_process_params#

  • Note that the extracted parameters are going to be post-processed versions of the corresponding raw parameters. Thus, we need to convert these back to obtain these raw parameters, which can then be used to apply the transform.

  • Thus, we define our implementation of pre_process_params as follows.

  • We keep the i, j, h, w parameters as is and convert the last three scalar parameters r, g, b into a numpy.ndarray instance of size [3, ] and dtype np.uint8 to obtain the fill color fill_color.

  • We then return the tuple of the recovered raw parameters (i, j, h, w, fill_color).

Defining Default Parameters with get_default_params#

  • This is a tricky method as we want to define the default parameters, which preserve the image as much as possible.

  • In case of this transform, we can indeed obtain an “identity transform”; we can define parameter settings such that the transformed image will be identical to the input one. In fact, we have more than one parameter settings that can preserve the identity of the image. Thus, we also choose to provide control over these identity parameters via the DefaultParamsMode enum and the default_params_mode attribute.

  • With this in consideration, we define our implementation of get_default_params as follows.

  • First, note that if default_params_mode is DefaultParamsMode.UNIQUE, we can use the location of the rectangle to be erased as (i=0, j=0) and keep its height and width as (h=0, w=0). Here, the idea is that a rectangle at location (0, 0) and of shape (0, 0) is being erased, which means that we are NOT erasing anything. Further, we define the fill_color to be (r=0, g=0, b=0) to fill in the erased rectangle. Thus, the processed default parameters for default_params_mode = DefaultParamsMode.UNIQUE are the tuple (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).

  • Otherwise, we have default_params_mode = DefaultParamsMode.RANDOMIZED and we want to obtain randomized default parameters. We can indeed have randomized default parameters because a (0, 0) shaped rectangle at ANY location in the image will leave the image unchanged. Further, vacuously, this rectangle can be colored with ANY fill color and we will still get the same image back.

    • Note that we can have some other ways in which we can obtain an identity transform too.

    • For instance, we can have any location for rectangle to be erased, any color to fill in this region, but exactly one of height and width to be 0.

    • This parameter setting is indeed possible to achieve an identity transform but for the sake of simplicity in this example, we will ignore these parameter settings!

  • Thus, in this remaining case, we sample any valid location (sample_i, sample_j) in the input image for the rectangular region to be erased. We define the height and width of this rectangle to be (h=0, w=0). Finally, we sample any color (sample_r, sample_g, sample_b) to be used to fill in this rectangular region. And thus, the returned default parameters by this transform will be the sample– (sample_i, sample_j, 0, 0, sample_r, sample_g, sample_b).

And that’s it! We have written our own parameterized transform! Now, we will write a custom composing transform to illustrate its structure. As we will see, the structure for composing transforms is almost the same as that for atomic transforms but with minor changes.

A Quick Recap of the Composing Transform Structure#

Recall that to define your own composing transform, you can do the following–

  1. Subclass from ComposingTransform.

  2. Define the attributes tx_mode and param_count; you may choose to do so with your concrete definition of the set_param_count method for the latter.

  3. Define the core transform with the attribute transforms.

  4. Define your concrete implementation of get_raw_params method.

  5. Define your concrete implementation of apply_cascade_transform method.

  6. Define your concrete implementation of post_process_params method.

  7. Define your concrete implementation of extract_params method.

  8. Define your concrete implementation of pre_process_params method.

  9. Define your concrete implementation of apply_consume_transform method.

  10. Define your concrete implementation of get_default_params method.

  11. (Optional) Define your concrete implementation of __str__ method.

RandomSubsetApply: A Custom Composing Transform#

  • Follow the notebook 002-002-RandomSubsetApply.ipynb while going through the details below.

  • Let us write a transform RandomSubsetApply that wants to perform the following functionality. Given a sequence of transforms t1, t2, ..., tN, it flips a coin for each transform and based on the outcome, decides to either apply that transform or skip applying that transform. As a concrete example, suppose we are given transforms RandomRotation, ColorJitter, and RandomAffine. We flip a coin thrice and observe H, T, H. Then, we apply RandomRotation to get partially augmented image, skip ColorJitter, and finally apply RandomAffine on the partially augmented image to get the final augmentation.

    • We name this transform so because effectively, we are taking a subset of all the transforms and applying in order!

  • Firstly, we observe that this transform inputs a variable number of other transforms and defines a composing behavior on top of their functionality. Thus, we subclass from ComposingTransform to define our RandomSubsetApply class.

The Initializer __init__#

  • Since we need to work with any number of core transforms, we set the attribute transforms to hold the list of input core transforms.

  • As seen before in the case of RandomColorErasing, we set the transform mode tx_mode attribute.

  • Now, we need to set the param_count attribute, which is interesting! For this, we first need to decide how we want to parameterize the augmentation strategy. In this example, we will go about it as follows. When a core transform is indeed chosen to be applied, we will take its augmentation parameters. However, when a transform is skipped, we will use its default parameters, which are intended to act as identity-preserving parameters by design.

    • There can be several ways to parameterized the transform uniquely and we provide one such way here!

  • Thus, the total parameter count for our composing transform is simply going to be the sum of the parameter counts of all the core transforms. Towards this, we have a special helper function in parameterized_transforms/, named get_total_params_count. Thus, we set the param_count attribute of the transform using it.

  • In addition, we also set extra attributes idx_limits and num_core_transforms as we will need them later on. The former attribute holds the indices where parameters of different core transforms begin and end and the latter attribute holds the total number of core transforms. For convenience, let us say that there are N core transforms.

Getting Raw Parameters with get_raw_params#

  • We define our implementation of get_raw_params as follows.

  • The raw parameters of our transform are going to be N coin flips, where the i-th coin flip decides whether to apply or skip the transform.

  • We encode this using an [N, ] shaped numpy.ndarray with values 0 and 1, representing the outputs of the coin tosses and return it as a tuple.

Applying the CASCADE Mode Transform with apply_cascade_transform#

  • Now, having access to the raw parameters, we easily define our implementation of apply_cascade_transform as follows.

  • For each transform tx in core transforms, we check if we want to use it or skip it based on the corresponding raw parameter. If we want to use the core transform, we ask the core transform to apply a random augmentation and collect the corresponding augmentation parameters. However, if we want to skip the core transform, we ask the core transform to get its default parameters, apply those parameters on the image to get the default-augmented image, and collect the default parameters.

    • Here, the reason to apply the default augmentations is very subtle. It can help in the cases where the augmentation output by one transform might affect the augmentation parameters of the next transform in line. We then concatenate all the collected augmentation parameters together. Finally, we return the tuple of the augmented image and the combined parameters as output.

  • Here, we can find a subtle difference in the structure of composing transforms versus that of the atomic transforms. The atomic transforms only have one method apply_transform, whereas composing transforms have two separate methods– apply_cascade_transform and apply_consume_transform. The reason for this will be apparent later on but in brief, this is required due to possibly different functionalities for the core transform based on the mode of the composing transform.

  • Another subtle difference is the signature of these methods; apply_transform only returns an IMAGE_TYPE instance, whereas apply_cascade_transform and apply_consume_transform return a tuple of IMAGE_TYPE and PARAM_TYPE. The reason for this is that we want to have access to the augmentation parameters of the core transforms.

Standard Format Parameters with post_process_params#

  • Here, we define our implementation of post_process_params.

  • As the structure of composing transform shows, there is a subtle difference in the signatures of this method in the atomic and the composing transform templates. In composing transforms, this method inputs the image along with two groups of parameters– 1. params, representing the local raw parameters of the composing transforms, and 2. aug_params, the augmentation parameters collected from the core transforms. The job of this method is to post-process both these groups of parameters and return their processed versions.

  • In our case, by design, the local raw parameters are redundant; the augmentation parameters, along with the idx_limits attribute essentially encode all the information that we need to uniquely describe the parametrization.

  • Thus, we simply ignore the params and return the tuple (), aug_params as output!

Extracting Required Parameters with extract_params#

  • Again, as seen before, the scenario for this function is that we are given a tuple of scalar parameters and we want to extract the parameters that we need for the current composing transform. These required parameters are going to be at the beginning of the input parameters tuple.

  • Thus, we define our implementation of extract_params exactly as done before.

  • We extract the first self.param_count many parameters as the required processed parameters and keep the rest of the parameters to the next transforms.

Recovering Raw Parameters with pre_process_params#

  • This is another place where the composing transform structure differs subtly from the atomic transform structure. Obviously, we want to recover raw parameters from the extracted parameters but in this case, we want to recover the local raw parameters that would be needed by the transform to perform the task of applying CONSUME mode transform AS WELL AS the processed augmentation parameters to be supplied to the core transform to make it perform the task of applying its CONSUME mode transform. Thus, instead of returning a single parameter group, here we return a tuple of two parameter groups.

  • Thus, we define our implementation of pre_process_params as follows.

  • Since all the required information would be present in the augmentation params to be fed to the core transforms, we ignore the local raw parameter requirement and return the tuple of empty parameters (for the local raw parameters) and the input params as they are (for augmentation parameters).

Applying the CONSUME Mode Transform with apply_consume_transform#

  • We define our implementation of the apply_consume_transform, which is a separate method to be used to input the local raw parameters as well as augmentation parameters for the core transforms, and return the corresponding augmentation obtained with these parameters.

  • Since local raw parameters are () as explained above, we just use the augmentation parameters and chunk them using the idx_limits attribute to recover the augmentation parameter of each of the core transforms in order.

  • We then just apply these chunked augmentation parameters in order on the core transforms and get the required image.

  • For the sake of a safety check, we return the augmented image along with the remaining augmentation parameters.

    • If everything is working correctly, the remaining augmentation parameters MUST be empty, i.e., ()!

Defining Default Parameters with get_default_params#

  • We define our implementation of the get_default_params, which returns the default parameters of this composing transform.

  • Now, note that this transform can preserve identity by just using the default parameters of each of the core transforms; note that which transform were actually used and which were skipped becomes irrelevant in this parametrization scheme!

  • Thus, we simply obtain the default parameters of each of the core transforms, apply these default parameters on the image to obtain its default-augmented version, and return the combined default augmentation parameters!

    • As seen before, the application of default parameters is a subtle but important detail; it might be possible that application of a transform might affect the default parameters for some transform next-in-line.

And voilà! We have written our own custom composing transform!

Visualizing Augmentations with RandomColorErasing and RandomSubsetApply#

  • Follow the notebook 002-003-Visualizations.ipynb while going through the details below.

  • Now, having implemented the transforms RandomColorErasing and RandomSubsetApply, we visualize the augmentations generated by them. This visualization is only for the sake of verification of the efficacy of the transforms and we will explore the power and capabilities of the parameterized transforms in a subsequent tutorial. In the notebook for this section, we provide a function named show_image to quickly visualize different images.

  • We will visualize the augmentations with two beautiful images– Curly, the cat, and Pep, the dog. These images are displayed below–

Curly, the Cat

Pep, the Dog

The Cat

The Dog

Visualizing RandomColorErasing#

  • We will visualize the augmentations generated by the RandomColorErasing with Curly, the cat.

  • Let us create an instace tx_RCE of our RandomColorErasing transform and print it to see the output of our custom __str__ method.

  • Next, we generate multiple samples from our transform. Observe that the augmentations consist of a rectangular region of the image being erased and replaced by a random color, which is the desired behavior of the transform. Also, observe the parameters of this augmentation and check whether the location and size of the erased rectangle as well as the color used for filling in the erased rectangle are consistent and make sense!

  • Here are some of the augmentations generated by our transform–

Cat Augmentation 0

Cat Augmentation 1

Cat Augmentation 2

Cat Augmentation 3

Cat Augmentation 4

Cat Augmentation 5

Note that in some cases, the erased rectangle can be difficult to spot due to the size or fill-in color of the erased rectangle.

  • Next, we also perform two sanity checks–

    1. Let us say that for the original image of Curly, we pass it through the CASCADE mode of tx_RCE and obtain an augmentation aug and corresponding parameters params. Now, by definition, if we were to take the original image of Curly along with these parameters params, and pass it through the CONSUME mode of the tx_RCE transform, we ought to get the same augmented image aug back. We can observe that this is indeed the case!

    2. Note that the default parameters for RandomColorErasing transform indeed preserve the image and act as identity transform parameters. Thus, if we were to pass the original image of Curly, along with the default parameters, and pass these through the CONSUME mode of the tx_RCE transform, we ought to get the original image back. We can also observe that this too is indeed true!

  • So, we can see that our custom atomic transform RandomColorErasing behaves as expected!

Visualizing RandomSubsetApply#

  • We will visualize the augmentations generated by the RandomColorErasing with Pep, the dog.

  • Note that RandomSubsetApply is a composing transform and requires one or more core transform(s) in order to function properly. Given these core transforms, this composing transform will select a subset of the core transforms and apply them IN ORDER (i.e., in the order in which they appear in the core transforms).

  • Thus, we will use the following two transforms as the core transforms for RandomSubsetApply– one instance of our own RandomColorErasing transform and one instance of RandomRotation transform provided by our package.

    • This RandomRotation transform inputs an image and rotates it by a random angle sampled from the range provided to it.

  • So, let us create an instace tx_RSA of our RandomSubsetApply transform as described above containing the following core transforms in the given order–

    1. RandomColorErasing(param_count=7, tx_mode=TransformMode.CASCADE, default_params_mode=DefaultParamsMode.RANDOMIZED), which erases a randomly chosen rectangle from the image and replaces it with a randomly chosen fill-in color, and

    2. RandomRotation(degrees=[-30.0, 30.0], interpolation=InterpolationMode.NEAREST, expand=False, center=None, fill=0, param_count=1, tx_mode=TransformMode.CASCADE), which rotates the input image by a randomly sampled angle (in degrees) from the range [-30.0, 30.0]. Here, we see the utility of defining the custom implementation of __str__; it allows for a clean, readable description of the transform, and may also help in debugging issues with complex transforms.

  • Since our composing transform flips a (fair) coin per core transform and choses to apply it or skip, it should result in the following behavior–

    1. With probability 1/4, it skips both the transforms and keeps the image as it is.

    2. With probability 1/4, it ONLY applies the RandomColorErasing transform, thereby erasing a randomly chosen rectangle from the image and filling it in with a randomly chosen color, and skips the RandomRotation transform.

    3. With probability 1/4, it skips the RandomColorErasing transform and applies ONLY the RandomRotation transform, which rotates the original image by a randomly chosen angle (in degrees) from the range [-30.0, 30.0].

    4. With probability 1/4, it first applies the RandomColorErasing to erase a randomly chosen rectangular region from the image and to fill it in with a randomly chosen color. It then applies the RandomRotation transform to rotate this partially augmented image by a randomly chosen angle (in degrees) from the range [-30.0, 30.0].

  • Thus, extremely importantly, we will NEVER observe images that are rotated but have a rectangular region colored with a random color that is axis-aligned with the original image, which would be the result of first applying the RandomRotation core transform followed by the RandomColorErasing core transform.

  • Further, by definition of composing transforms, the output parameters will be a tuple of 8 scalars, the first 7 scalars representing the parameters for the RandomColorErasing transform and the last parameter will be the angle of rotation of the image in degrees, which is the single parameter generated by the RandomRotation core transform.

  • Here are some of the augmentations generated by our transform–

Dog Augmentation 0

Dog Augmentation 1

Dog Augmentation 2

Dog Augmentation 3

Dog Augmentation 4

Dog Augmentation 5

Dog Augmentation 4

Dog Augmentation 7

Note that in some cases, the erased rectangle can be difficult to spot due to the size or fill-in color of the erased rectangle.
Ensure that the parameters for the augmentations make sense and that the fraction of different types of behaviors of this composing transform is consistent with the description above.

  • Further, ensure that you do NOT see any augmentations where the image is rotated by a non-zero angle but it has a non-rotated rectangular patch erased and colored with a random color. This is because as explained above, that behavior would be the result of first applying RandomRotation and then RandomColorErasing. In particular, you should NOT observe any image similar to the ones shown below–

Invalid Dog Augmentation 0

Invalid Dog Augmentation 1

Invalid Dog Augmentation 2

Invalid Dog Augmentation 3

  • Next, similar to the case of RandomColorErasing, we also perform two sanity checks for the RandomSubsetApply transform–

    1. Let us say that for the original image of Pep, we pass it through the CASCADE mode of tx_RSA and obtain an augmentation aug and corresponding parameters params. Now, by definition, if we were to take the original image of Pep along with these parameters params, and pass it through the CONSUME mode of the tx_RSA transform, we ought to get the same augmented image aug back. We can observe that this is indeed the case!

    2. Note that the default parameters for RandomSubsetApply transform indeed preserve the image and act as identity transform parameters. This is because by definition, the identity parameters of RandomSubsetApply are a concatenation of the identity parameters of RandomColorErasing and the identity parameters of RandomRotation, both of which preserve the image identity separately. Thus, if we were to pass the original image of Pep the cat, along with the default parameters, through the CONSUME mode of the tx_RSA transform, we ought to get the original image of Pep back. We can observe that this too is indeed true!

  • So, we can see that our custom composing transform RandomSubsetApply behaves as expected!

About the Next Tutorial#