Interface ConnectionFactoryFilter<ResolvedAddress,​C extends ListenableAsyncCloseable>

    • Method Detail

      • append

        default ConnectionFactoryFilter<ResolvedAddress,​C> append​(ConnectionFactoryFilter<ResolvedAddress,​C> before)
        Use appendConnectionFactoryFilter(ConnectionFactoryFilter) at the builder of a client
        Returns a composed function that first applies the before function to its input, and then applies this function to the result.

        The order of execution of these filters are in order of append. If 3 filters are added as follows:

        Calling ConnectionFactory wrapped by this filter chain, the order of invocation of these filters will be:
             filter1 => filter2 => filter3 => original connection factory
        before - the function to apply before this function is applied
        a composed function that first applies the before function and then applies this function.