Other Structures

The following structures are available globally.

SWIM Gossip Settings

SWIM Lifeguard extensions Settings

  • Lifeguard is a set of extensions to SWIM that helps reducing false positive failure detections.

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    public struct SWIMLifeguardSettings
  • Pretty log formatter which prints log lines in the following multi line format, listing every metadata element in it’s own, //-prefixed, line as well as pretty printing connections if set as Logger.MetadataValue.

    Example output:

     SWIMNIOSample: [2020-08-25 0:7:59.8420] [info] [Example.swift:66] Membership status changed: [udp://] is now [alive(incarnation: 0)]
    / metadata:
    / "swim/member": udp://
    / "swim/member/previousStatus": unknown
    / "swim/member/status": alive(incarnation: 0)

    Pro tip: you may want to use a coloring terminal application, which colors lines prefixed with // with a slightly different color, which makes visually parsing metadata vs. log message lines even more visually pleasing.

    See more



    public struct _SWIMPrettyMetadataLogHandler : LogHandler