
SArray.element_slice(start=None, stop=None, step=None)

This returns an SArray with each element sliced accordingly to the slice specified. This is conceptually equivalent to:

>>> g.apply(lambda x: x[start:step:stop])

The SArray must be of type list, vector, or string.

For instance:

>>> g = SArray(["abcdef","qwerty"])
>>> g.element_slice(start=0, stop=2)
dtype: str
Rows: 2
["ab", "qw"]
>>> g.element_slice(3,-1)
dtype: str
Rows: 2
["de", "rt"]
>>> g.element_slice(3)
dtype: str
Rows: 2
["def", "rty"]
>>> g = SArray([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
>>> g.element_slice(0, 1)
dtype: str
Rows: 2
[[1], [4]]
start : int or None (default)

The start position of the slice

stop: int or None (default)

The stop position of the slice

step: int or None (default)

The step size of the slice

out : SArray

Each individual vector/string/list sliced according to the arguments.