

Length of each element in the current SArray.

Only works on SArrays of dict, array, or list type. If a given element is a missing value, then the output elements is also a missing value. This function is equivalent to the following but more performant:

sa_item_len = sa.apply(lambda x: len(x) if x is not None else None)
out_sf : SArray

A new SArray, each element in the SArray is the len of the corresponding items in original SArray.


>>> sa = SArray([
...  {"is_restaurant": 1, "is_electronics": 0},
...  {"is_restaurant": 1, "is_retail": 1, "is_electronics": 0},
...  {"is_restaurant": 0, "is_retail": 1, "is_electronics": 0},
...  {"is_restaurant": 0},
...  {"is_restaurant": 1, "is_electronics": 1},
...  None])
>>> sa.item_length()
dtype: int
Rows: 6
[2, 3, 3, 1, 2, None]