
SFrame.split_datetime(column_name, column_name_prefix=None, limit=None, timezone=False)

Splits a datetime column of SFrame to multiple columns, with each value in a separate column. Returns a new SFrame with the expanded column replaced with a list of new columns. The expanded column must be of datetime type.

For more details regarding name generation and other, refer to turicreate.SArray.split_datetime()

column_name : str

Name of the unpacked column.

column_name_prefix : str, optional

If provided, expanded column names would start with the given prefix. If not provided, the default value is the name of the expanded column.

limit: list[str], optional

Limits the set of datetime elements to expand. Possible values are ‘year’,’month’,’day’,’hour’,’minute’,’second’, ‘weekday’, ‘isoweekday’, ‘tmweekday’, and ‘us’. If not provided, only [‘year’,’month’,’day’,’hour’,’minute’,’second’] are expanded.

timezone : bool, optional

A boolean parameter that determines whether to show the timezone column or not. Defaults to False.

out : SFrame

A new SFrame that contains rest of columns from original SFrame with the given column replaced with a collection of expanded columns.


>>> sf
    id   int
    submission  datetime
Rows: 2
    | id |               submission                        |
    | 1  | datetime(2011, 1, 21, 7, 17, 21, tzinfo=GMT(+1))|
    | 2  | datetime(2011, 1, 21, 5, 43, 21, tzinfo=GMT(+1))|
>>> sf.split_datetime('submission',limit=['hour','minute'])
    id  int
    submission.hour int
    submission.minute int
Rows: 2
| id | submission.hour | submission.minute |
| 1  |        7        |        17         |
| 2  |        5        |        43         |