
class turicreate.connected_components.ConnectedComponentsModel(model)

A ConnectedComponentsModel object contains the component ID for each vertex and the total number of weakly connected components in the graph.

A weakly connected component is a maximal set of vertices such that there exists an undirected path between any two vertices in the set.

Below is a list of queryable fields for this model:

Field Description
graph A new SGraph with the color id as a vertex property
training_time Total training time of the model
component_size An SFrame with the size of each component
component_id An SFrame with each vertex’s component id

This model cannot be constructed directly. Instead, use turicreate.connected_components.create() to create an instance of this model. A detailed list of parameter options and code samples are available in the documentation for the create function.

See also



ConnectedComponentsModel.name() Returns the name of the model.
ConnectedComponentsModel.save(location) Save the model.
ConnectedComponentsModel.summary([output]) Print a summary of the model.