# Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
from coremltools import _logger as logger
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import (
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.input_type import DefaultInputs, InputSpec, TensorInputType
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.operation import SYMBOL, VALUE
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.ops.defs._op_reqs import register_op
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.ops.defs._utils import (
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.symbolic import (
class depth_to_space(Operation):
Rearrange elements in a tensor from depth (channel) into spatial dimensions.
x: tensor<[n, C, H, W], T> (Required)
* Input tensor of rank ``4``.
block_size: const i32 (Required)
* The size of the spatial block. Must be greater than ``1`` and divisible by
channel dimension ``C``.
tensor<[n, C / block_size^2, H x block_size, W x block_size], T>
* Where ``b`` is the block size.
T: fp16, fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
block_size=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),
def type_inference(self):
x_type = self.x.dtype
n, c, h, w = self.x.shape
bs = self.block_size.val
ret_shape = (n, c // (bs * bs), h * bs, w * bs)
return types.tensor(x_type, ret_shape)
class expand_dims(Operation):
Insert a single-dimension in a 1-D or higher tensor at each axis in axes.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Scalar or tensor.
axes: const tensor<[K], i32> Required
* ``K`` is the number of dimensions expanded.
* Insert single dimension at dimension index at each axes.
* Negative value to index from the end. ``-d-1 <= axis <= d``
where ``d`` is the rank of ``x``.
tensor<\*(rank(x)+K), T>
* Same type as the input ``x`` with rank ``rank(x)+K``.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
axes=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
x_rank = self.x.rank
x_type = self.x.dtype
x_shape = list(self.x.shape)
axes = self.axes.val
out_rank = x_rank + len(axes)
for axis in axes:
if axis <= -out_rank - 1 or axis >= out_rank:
msg = 'Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node "{}" of shape {}'
raise IndexError(
msg.format(axis, self.op_type, self.name, self.x.shape)
ret_shape = x_shape
axes = sorted([out_rank + axis if axis < 0 else axis for axis in axes])
for axis in axes:
ret_shape.insert(axis, 1)
return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(ret_shape))
def value_inference(self):
axes = self.axes.val
out_rank = self.x.rank + len(axes)
for axis in axes:
if axis <= -out_rank - 1 or axis >= out_rank:
msg = 'Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node "{}" of shape {}'
raise IndexError(
msg.format(axis, self.op_type, self.name, self.x.shape)
axes = sorted([out_rank + axis if axis < 0 else axis for axis in axes])
ret_shape = list(self.x.shape)
for axis in axes:
ret_shape.insert(axis, 1)
return np.reshape(self.x.val, ret_shape)
def reshape_with_symbol(v, shape):
Perform basic reshape if v is symbolic (not array of symbols).
if is_symbolic(v):
return np.array(v).reshape(shape)
shape = [int(s) for s in shape]
return v.reshape(shape)
class reshape(Operation):
Return a tensor that has the same values as ``x`` with shape ``shape``.
``shape`` must have the same volume (number of elements) as ``x``.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* An n-D tensor or a scalar.
* If ``x`` is fixed rank (and possibly contains symbolic dimension),
shape may contain elements that are not positive integers (see below).
* If ``x`` is variadic rank, shape can only contain positive integers.
shape: tensor<[K], i32> (Required)
A 1-D tensor, with elements from the following:
* Positive integers.
* Symbols: All but one symbol in shape must be present in ``x.shape``.
The new symbol that is not present in ``x.shape`` represent a dimension
such that the total size remains constant. Symbol is illegal
if ``x`` is variadic rank.
* ``-1``: ``-1`` introduces a new symbol (see Symbols above). Therefore, ``-1`` is
allowed if all symbols in the shape appear in ``x.shape``. ``-1`` is illegal
if ``x`` is variadic rank.
* ``0``: If ``K == rank(x)`` then ``0`` means inheriting from the corresponding
dimension in ``x.shape``. ``0`` is illegal if ``x`` is variadic rank.
tensor<\*?, T>
* Tensor with shape determined by the input shape.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
if any_symbolic(self.shape.shape):
# We can't infer any shape if shape has variable length.
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, (get_new_variadic_symbol(),))
# shape has fixed length here.
if self.shape.sym_val is None:
shape = tuple([get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.shape.shape[0])])
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, shape)
t, _ = self._get_type_val()
return t
@precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL)
def value_inference(self):
_, val = self._get_type_val()
return val
def _get_type_val(self):
count_neg_one = np.count_nonzero(self.shape.sym_val == -1)
if count_neg_one > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Reshape op supports only one dimension to be -1, "
f"but got {count_neg_one} dimensions be -1."
if not any_symbolic(self.x.shape) and self.shape.val is not None:
ret_shape = self._infer_shape_static()
ret_shape = self._infer_shape_dynamic()
ret_val = None
if self.x.sym_val is not None and all(
isscalar(a) and not is_symbolic(a) for a in ret_shape
ret_val = reshape_with_symbol(self.x.sym_val, ret_shape)
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape)), ret_val
def replace_zeros_in_shape(from_shape: List[int], to_shape: List[int]) -> List[int]:
"""Replaces 0s in `to_shape` by the corresponding dims in `from_shape`."""
if to_shape.count(0):
if len(from_shape) != len(to_shape):
raise ValueError(
f"When there is 0 in shape, the rank of x ({len(from_shape)}) "
f"must equal to the target shape len ({len(to_shape)})."
to_shape = [s if s != 0 else from_shape[dim] for dim, s in enumerate(to_shape)]
return to_shape
def replace_neg_one_in_shape(from_shape: List[int], to_shape: List[int]) -> List[int]:
"""Replaces -1 in `to_shape` by the corresponding dims in `from_shape`."""
if to_shape.count(-1):
neg_one_idx = to_shape.index(-1)
total_element_num = np.prod(from_shape)
remain_element_num = np.prod(
[dim for idx, dim in enumerate(to_shape) if idx != neg_one_idx]
infer_dim = total_element_num // remain_element_num
to_shape[neg_one_idx] = infer_dim
return to_shape
def _infer_shape_static(self):
from_shape = list(self.x.shape)
to_shape = list(self.shape.val)
to_shape = self.replace_zeros_in_shape(from_shape, to_shape)
to_shape = self.replace_neg_one_in_shape(from_shape, to_shape)
if np.prod(from_shape) != np.prod(to_shape):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid target shape in `reshape` op ({from_shape} to {list(self.shape.val)})."
return to_shape
def _infer_shape_dynamic(self):
x_vol = np.prod(self.x.shape)
# shape is const, and thus sym_val is not None
sym_shape = self.shape.sym_val
sym_shape = [get_new_symbol() if d == -1 else d for d in sym_shape]
ret_shape = reshape.enforce_volumetric_constraint(x_vol, sym_shape)
ret_shape = sym_shape
return ret_shape
def enforce_volumetric_constraint(left_volume, inshape):
left_symbols = set()
if is_symbolic(left_volume):
left_symbols = left_volume.free_symbols
# Generally, we want to solve for right in terms of left. But this
# is kinda annoying actually.
shape = list(inshape)
# Handling when reshape is given 0 instead of actual input
# input tensor shape: [4, 3, 2], reshape:[0, -1], output tensor shape: [4, 6]
infer_dim_index = shape.index(-1) if -1 in shape else None
right_volume = 1
for i in shape:
if i != -1:
right_volume = right_volume * i
if infer_dim_index:
shape[infer_dim_index] = left_volume // right_volume
if not is_symbolic(right_volume):
return shape
constraints = [left_volume - right_volume]
solve_for = [s for s in shape if is_symbolic(s)]
for rightsym in solve_for:
sol = sm.solve(constraints, [rightsym], dict=True)
if not isinstance(sol, list):
sol = [sol]
# look for an acceptable solution
for s in sol:
if 0 in s.values():
for i in range(len(shape)):
if shape[i] in s:
v = s[shape[i]]
if len(v.free_symbols - left_symbols) > 0:
shape[i] = int(v)
shape[i] = v
return shape
class reverse(Operation):
Reverse the order of the input tensor ``x`` along specified ``axes`` (dimensions).
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
axes: const<D, i32> (Optional)
* Dimension(s) to reverse. Each axis must be in the range ``[-rank(x), rank(x))``.
* Defaults to None (reverse on all dimensions).
tensor<\*?, T>
* Same type and shape as the input tensor.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
See `tf.reverse <https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/reverse>`_
and `TORCH <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#torch.flip>`_.
input_spec = InputSpec(
axes=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
return self.x.sym_type
def value_inference(self):
res = self.x.val
axes = self.axes.val if self.axes is not None else range(self.x.rank)
for axis in axes:
res = np.flip(res, axis=axis)
return res
class reverse_sequence(Operation):
Reverse variable length slices for specified axes / dimensions of the input
tensor. This op first slices input tensor along the ``batch_axis`` dimension, then
partially reverses the elements along the ``seq_axis`` for the first ``lengths[i]``
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
lengths: tensor<L, i32> (Required)
* 1-dimensional tensor of length ``x.shape[batch_axis]`` specifying the length
of the sequence to reverse.
* Values must be in range ``[0, x.shape[seq_axis]]``.
seq_axis: const<i32> (Optional)
* The dimension to reverse.
* Defaults to ``0``.
batch_axis: const<i32> (Optional)
* Dimension for slicing.
* Defaults to ``0``.
tensor<\*?, T>
* Same type and shape as the input tensor.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
`tf.reverse_sequence <https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/reverse_sequence>`_
input_spec = InputSpec(
seq_axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
batch_axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
return self.x.sym_type
def value_inference(self):
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
class slice_by_index(Operation):
Method for numpy style indexing and slicing.
With a tensor ``x``, this method achieves the following:
``result = x[begin[0]: end[0]: stride[0], begin[1]: end[1]: stride[1], ...]``
Note: This method does not support pure indexing. You would need to do a
squeeze if indexing is intended.
x: tensor<*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor
begin: tensor<[rank(x)], i32> (Required)
* Starting index for the dimension of slicing.
end: tensor<[rank(x)], i32> (Required)
* Ending index for the dimension of slicing.
stride: tensor<[rank(x)], i32> (Optional)
* Default is all ``1``.
* Stride for the dimension of slicing.
begin_mask: tensor<[rank(x)], bool> (Optional)
* Default to all ``False``.
* If ``begin_mask[i]==True``, ignores ``begin[i]``, and set ``begin[i]`` to ``0``.
end_mask: tensor<[rank(x)], bool> (Optional)
* Default to all ``False``.
* If ``end_mask[i]==True``, ignores ``end[i]``, and set ``end[i]`` to ``x.shape[i]``.
squeeze_mask: tensor<[rank(x)], bool> (Optional)
* Default to all ``False``.
* If ``squeeze_mask[i]==true``, ignores ``end[i]``, and do the pure index at ``begin[i]``.
tensor<\*?, T>
- Scalar or tensor.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
stride=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
begin_mask=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
end_mask=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
squeeze_mask=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
# solve shape
ret_shape = solve_slice_by_index_shape(
if len(ret_shape) == 0:
# Scalar case.
return self.x.dtype
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
def value_inference(self):
if self.x.sym_val is None or self.begin.val is None or self.end.val is None:
return None
# solve the data slices and slice tensor
slices = solve_slice_by_index_slice(
res = self.x.sym_val[slices]
# remove squeeze_axes
squeeze_axes = get_squeeze_axes(get_param_val(self.squeeze_mask), self.x.rank)
if len(squeeze_axes) > 0:
if len(squeeze_axes) == len(res.shape):
if len(res) == 0:
logger.warning("%s seems to be a 0 sized tensor", self.name)
return np.array([])
res = np.squeeze(res).tolist()
if is_symbolic(res):
return res
elif self.x.dtype == types.int32 or self.x.dtype == types.int64:
res = np.int32(res)
elif self.x.dtype == types.float or self.x.dtype == types.double:
res = np.float32(res)
raise ValueError(
"Unable to convert type {}".format(self.x.sym_val.dtype)
res = np.squeeze(res, axis=tuple(squeeze_axes))
return res
class slice_by_size(Operation):
Slice input tensor starting from the given ``begin`` index and by
the amount specified by the ``size`` input, for each dimension.
x: tensor<*?, T> (Required)
* Input tensor.
begin: tensor<[rank(x)], i32> (Required)
* The begin index for slice.
size: tensor<[rank(x)], i32> (Required)
* The size that is to be sliced. If ``size`` is ``-1``,
all the remaining elements starting with "begin" are sliced.
tensor<\*?, T>
* Scalar or tensor.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
if self.begin.rank != 1:
raise ValueError(
"begin should be 1-D tensor, got {}-D tensor instead".format(
if self.size.rank != 1:
raise ValueError(
"size should be 1-D tensor, got {}-D tensor instead".format(
if self.x.rank != self.begin.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"Length of begin {} doesn't equal to input rank {}.".format(
len(self.begin.shape[0]), len(self.x.rank)
if self.x.rank != self.size.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"Length of size {} doesn't equal to input rank {}.".format(
len(self.size.shape[0]), len(self.x.rank)
x_shape = self.x.shape
ret_shape = []
if self.size.sym_val is None:
ret_shape = [get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.x.rank)]
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
for idx, s in enumerate(self.size.sym_val):
if is_symbolic(s):
elif s != -1:
elif self.begin.sym_val is not None:
ret_shape.append(x_shape[idx] - self.begin.sym_val[idx])
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
@precondition(allow=VALUE | SYMBOL)
def value_inference(self):
if any_symbolic(self.begin.sym_val):
return None
if any_symbolic(self.size.sym_val):
return None
if self.x.val is None:
return None
slices = []
for i in range(self.x.rank):
begin_val = self.begin.val[i]
if begin_val < 0:
if is_symbolic(self.x.shape[i]):
return None
begin_val += self.x.shape[i]
if self.size.val[i] > 0:
slices.append(slice(begin_val, begin_val + self.size.val[i]))
slices.append(slice(begin_val, None, None))
return self.x.val[tuple(slices)]
class space_to_depth(Operation):
Rearrange elements in a tensor from spatial into depth (channel) dimension.
x: tensor<[n, C, H, W], T> (Required)
* Input tensor of rank ``4``.
block_size: const<i32> (Required)
* The size of the spatial block. Must be greater than ``1`` and divisible
by spatial dimensions ``H, W``.
tensor<[n, C x block_size^2, H / block_size, W / block_size], T>
* Where ``b`` is the block size.
T: fp16, fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
block_size=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32)
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),
def type_inference(self):
x_type = self.x.dtype
n, c, h, w = self.x.shape
bs = self.block_size.val
ret_shape = (n, c * (bs * bs), h // bs, w // bs)
return types.tensor(x_type, ret_shape)
class space_to_batch(Operation):
Rearrange elements in a tensor from spatial into batch dimensions.
x: tensor<[n, C, H, W], T> (Required)
* Input tensor must have rank ``4``.
* The first and the second dimension are batch, channel; respectively.
* The remaining dimensions ``(H, W)`` are treated as "spatial dimensions".
block_shape: const tensor<[2], i32> (Required)
* The length of the ``block_shape`` must be ``2``.
* It defines the shapes of the block in which the spatial dimensions are divided.
paddings: const tensor<[2, 2], i32> (Required)
* It must have shape ``(2, 2)``.
* It defines the padding for each spatial dimension.
tensor<[new_n, C, new_H, new_W], T>
* ``new_n = n * block_shape[0] * block_shape[1]``
* ``new_H = (H + paddings[0][0] + padding[0][1])/block_shape[0]``
* ``new_W = (W + paddings[1][0] + padding[1][1])/block_shape[1]``
* The output has the same rank as the input.
T: fp16, fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
block_shape=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
paddings=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),
def type_inference(self):
x_shape = self.x.shape
block_shape = self.block_shape.val
paddings = self.paddings.val
if self.x.rank != 4:
msg = "Input to space_to_batch op must be rank 4. Instead got an input with rank {}".format(self.x.rank)
raise ValueError(msg)
if paddings.shape != (block_shape.shape[0], 2):
msg = "block_shape and paddings must have shape [2], [2, 2] accordingly in the space_to_batch op. "\
"Got {}, {}.".format(block_shape.shape, paddings.shape)
raise ValueError(msg)
m = block_shape.shape[0]
if m != 2:
msg = "space_to_batch op only supports spatial dimensions = 2. Got {}".format(m)
raise ValueError(msg)
b = x_shape[0]
c = x_shape[1]
spatial_shape = x_shape[2:2+m]
if self.x.rank != m + 2:
raise ValueError("The input rank of space_to_batch op must exactly be " \
"len(block_shape){} + 2! Got {}".format(self.block_shape.val, self.x.rank))
padded_spatial_shape = [x + paddings[i][0] + paddings[i][1] for i, x in enumerate(spatial_shape)]
new_b = b * np.prod(block_shape)
new_spatial_shape = [padded_spatial_shape[i]/block_shape[i] for i in range(m)]
ret_shape = [new_b, c] + new_spatial_shape
x_type = self.x.dtype
return types.tensor(x_type, ret_shape)
class batch_to_space(Operation):
Rearrange elements in a tensor from batch into spatial dimensions.
x: tensor<[n, C, H, W], T> (Required)
* Input tensor must have rank ``4``.
* The first and the second dimension are batch, channel; respectively.
* The remaining dimensions ``(H, W)`` are treated as "spatial dimensions".
block_shape: const tensor<[2], i32> (Required)
* The length of the ``block_shape`` must be ``2``.
* It defines the shapes of the block in which the spatial dimensions are multiplied.
crops: const tensor<[2, 2], i32> (Required)
* It must have shape ``(2, 2)``.
* It defines the amount to crop from each spatial dimension.
tensor<[new_n, C, new_H, new_W], T>
* ``new_n = n / (block_shape[0] * block_shape[1])``
* ``new_H = (H * block_shape[0]) - paddings[0][0] - padding[0][1]``
* ``new_W = (W * block_shape[1]) - paddings[1][0] - padding[1][1]``
* The output has the same rank as the input.
T: fp16, fp32
input_spec = InputSpec(
block_shape=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
crops=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),
def type_inference(self):
x_shape = self.x.shape
block_shape = self.block_shape.val
crops = self.crops.val
if self.x.rank != 4:
msg = "Input to batch_to_space op must be rank 4. Instead got an input with rank {}".format(self.x.rank)
raise ValueError(msg)
if crops.shape != (block_shape.shape[0], 2):
msg = "block_shape and crops must have shape [2], [2, 2] accordingly in the batch_to_space op. "\
"Got {}, {}.".format(block_shape.shape, crops.shape)
raise ValueError(msg)
m = block_shape.shape[0]
if m != 2:
msg = "batch_to_space op only supports spatial dimensions = 2. Got {}".format(m)
raise ValueError(msg)
b = x_shape[0]
c = x_shape[1]
spatial_shape = x_shape[2:2+m]
if self.x.rank != m + 2:
raise ValueError("The input rank of batch_to_space op must exactly be " \
"len(block_shape){} + 2! Got {}".format(self.block_shape.val, self.x.rank))
if not is_symbolic(b) and b % np.prod(block_shape) != 0:
msg = ("Batch size must be perfectly divided by the product of block_shape. Got batch size {}, and block_shape {}."
).format(b, block_shape)
raise ValueError(msg)
new_b = b / np.prod(block_shape)
new_spatial_shape = [spatial_shape[i] * block_shape[i] for i in range(m)]
cropped_spatial_shape = [x - crops[i][0] - crops[i][1] for i, x in enumerate(new_spatial_shape)]
ret_shape = [new_b, c] + cropped_spatial_shape
x_type = self.x.dtype
return types.tensor(x_type, ret_shape)
class squeeze(Operation):
Remove single-dimension dimensions in a 1-D or higher tensor.
x: tensor<\*?,T> (Required)
* Must be at least 1-D.
axes: const<K,i32> (Optional)
* Axes to squeeze out.
* The behaviour of squeezing non-single dimensions follow PyTorch instead of NumPy, where
it ignores non-single dimensions instead of erroring out. More specifically, if x has
shape (2, 3, 4) and axes is [0, 1], the output will be a tensor with shape (2, 3, 4).
* Default to remove all single-dimensions.
* Tensor with same type as input ``x`` and rank ``rank(x)-K``.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
input_spec = InputSpec(
axes=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(
def type_inference(self):
x_type = self.x.dtype
x_shape = self.x.shape
squeezed_shape = list(x_shape)
if self.axes is None:
# Squeeze all single-dim, assuming symbolic dims != 1
squeezed_shape = [s for s in squeezed_shape if s != 1]
axes = self.axes.val
axes = [axis if axis >= 0 else axis + self.x.rank for axis in axes]
for i in sorted(axes)[::-1]: # descending order
if len(squeezed_shape) <= i:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid axis {i} in squeeze. The axis should be smaller than {len(squeezed_shape)}"
if squeezed_shape[i] == 1:
# Only remove the dim_size=1 dimension.
return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(squeezed_shape)) if len(squeezed_shape) != 0 else x_type
def value_inference(self):
if self.x.val is None:
return None
if self.axes is None:
val = np.squeeze(self.x.val)
val = np.squeeze(self.x.val, axis=tuple(self.axes.val))
return val if val.shape != () else self.x.val[0]
class transpose(Operation):
Permute tensor ``x`` dimensions according to ``perm``.
x: tensor<\*?, T> (Required)
* Must be at least 1-D. ``x`` may have a symbolic shape.
perm: const<[rank(x)], i32> (Required)
* Permutation order. -rank(x) <= perm[I] < rank(x) for all perm entries.
* Tensor with same rank and type as ``x``.
T: fp16, fp32, i32, bool
`torch.Tensor.permute <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/tensors.html#torch.Tensor.permute>`_
input_spec = InputSpec(
perm=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool),
def type_inference(self):
x_type = self.x.dtype
perm = self.perm.val
x_shape = np.array(self.x.shape)
if len(perm) != self.x.rank:
msg = "perm should have the same length as rank(x): {} != {}"
raise ValueError(msg.format(len(perm), self.x.rank))
if self.x.rank == 0:
return self.x.sym_type # scalar cannot be transposed
if any_variadic(self.x.shape):
ret_shape = get_new_variadic_symbol()
ret_shape = x_shape[perm]
return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(ret_shape))
def value_inference(self):
return np.transpose(self.x.val, axes=self.perm.val)
class pixel_shuffle(Operation):
Rearrange elements in a tensor from depth (channel) into spatial dimensions.
Equivalent to PyTorch's ``PixelShuffle``.
x: tensor<[n, C x f^2, H, W], T> (Required)
* Input tensor of rank ``4``.
upscale_factor: const<i32>
* Factor to increase spatial resolution by.
tensor<[n, C, H x f, W x f], T>
* Where ``f`` is the upscale factor.
T: fp16, fp32
`torch.nn.PixelShuffle <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.PixelShuffle.html?highlight=pixel%20shuffle#torch.nn.PixelShuffle>`_
input_spec = InputSpec(
upscale_factor=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32),
def type_inference(self):
x_type = self.x.dtype
n, c, h, w = self.x.shape
f = self.upscale_factor.val
ret_shape = (n, c // (f * f), h * f, w * f)
return types.tensor(x_type, ret_shape)
class sliding_windows(Operation):
Return a tensor containing all windows of ``size``, separated by stride along the
given ``axis``.
x: tensor<[\*d0, d_axis, *dn], T>
* Input tensor.
axis: const<i32>
* Axis to perform the operation.
size: const<i32>
* Number of elements in the sliding window.
stride: const<i32> Optional
* Default to ``1``.
* The stride of the input elements in the sliding window.
tensor<[\*d0, d_axis - size // stride + 1, size, \*dn], T>
* The output will be a tensor of rank ``N+1`` where ``N`` is the input tensor
T: fp16, fp32, int32
input_spec = InputSpec(
axis=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
size=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.int32),
stride=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32),
type_domains = {
"T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32),
def default_inputs(self):
return DefaultInputs(stride=1)
def type_inference(self):
x_shape = self.x.shape
axis = self.axis.val
size = self.size.val
stride = self.stride.val
ret_shape = list(x_shape)
ret_shape[axis] = (x_shape[axis] - size) // stride + 1
pos_axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + self.x.rank
ret_shape.insert(pos_axis + 1, size)
return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))