MIL Graph Passes

Graph Passes supported by the Model Intermediate Language (MIL):



Remove duplicated large constants (tensor with 100+ elements)

For example

Input graph (where weight and bias are large constants):
    weight_q = const(weight)
    weight_k = const(weight)
    bias_q = const(bias)
    bias_k = const(bias)
    q_embedding = linear(x=q, weight=weight_q, bias=bias_q)
    k_embedding = linear(x=k, weight=weight_k, bias=bias_k)

Output graph:
    weight_q = const(weight)
    bias_q = const(bias)
    q_embedding = linear(x=q, weight=weight_q, bias=bias_q)
    k_embedding = linear(x=k, weight=weight_q, bias=bias_q)

Concretely, this graph pass consists of two stages:

  1. Deduplication of const op:

    We consider a const as duplicated if there exists such a previous const that has same dtype and value

  2. Deduplication of constexpr_* op:

    We consider a constexpr_* as duplicated if there exists such a previous constexpr_* that has the same op_type and input attributes.


Replace non-const ops that have const Var. Outputs are replaced with the const op. Example:

    %2, %3 = non_const_op(...)  # %2 is const, %3 isn't const
    %4 = other_op(%2, %3)

    _, %3 = non_const_op(...)  # _ is the ignored output
    %2_const = const()         # %2_const name is for illustration only
    %4 = other_op(%2_const, %3)

Support options:

  • skip_const_by_size: Skip folding const ops that have larger number of elements than a threshold.


Eliminate unused ops in program. Ops whose outputs do not contribute to final outputs will be deleted.

# Before dead_code_elimination pass.
main(%x: (2, 4, fp32)) {
  block0() {
    %const_2: (4, 2, fp32)* = const(val=[...])
    %const_3: (4, fp32)* = const(val=[...])
    %tx_0: (bool)* = const(val=False)
    %ty_0: (bool)* = const(val=False)
    %matmul_0: (2, 2, fp32) = matmul(x=%x, y=%const_2, transpose_x=%tx_0, transpose_y=%ty_0)
    %linear_0: (2, 4, fp32) = linear(x=%x, weight=%const_2, bias=%const_3)
  } -> (%linear_0)

# After dead_code_elimination pass.
main(%x: (2, 4, fp32)) {
  block0() {
    %const_2: (4, 2, fp32)* = const(val=[...])
    %const_3: (4, fp32)* = const(val=[...])
    %linear_0: (2, 4, fp32) = linear(x=%x, weight=%const_2, bias=%const_3)
  } -> (%linear_0)

In the example above, %matmul_0 is an op that is not used in the computation. This op and its input ops (%tx_0 and %ty_0) are eliminated in this pass.


For each function, this pass renames ops and variables with the same name as any preceding ops/variables across all scopes in the given function, where the precedence is implementation-specific. Note that an op name and variable names are tracked separately, so an op may have the same name as a variable.

The pass preserves input and output name. Raises ValueError if we cannot dedup without changing the input/output var names.

def prog(x):
    x = mb.cast(x=x, dtype="fp16", name="castop")
    x = mb.cast(x=x, dtype="fp32", name="castop")
    x = mb.square(x=x, name="square_last")
    return x

# Before dedup pass, the op names are ["castop", "castop", "square_last"].
# After dedup pass, the op names are ["castop", "castop_1", "square_last"].

Translate to linear when the operand is a descendant of const, since such an operand may be folded into const or fused into constexpr later by graph passes. In op translation, we prefer linear whenever possible because it requires const or constexpr weight and bias.

If such const folding or constexpr fusion did not happen, this pass would clean up the too-ambitious linear ops by replacing them with matmul ops.


Detect the reduce_sum —> mul/real_div pattern than can be mapped to reduce_mean. That is, the operation reduce_sum/count == reduce_mean.

Input graph

                            const (scalar)
input ----> reduce_sum ----> mul/real_div -----------> output

Output graph

input --------> reduce_mean ---------> output

When a block does not modify a block input var, eliminate that block input var and use the corresponding var in the outer scope. Example:

# Before loop_invariant_elimination pass.
# Notice that ``%b.x`` is constant through while loop iterates.
main(%a: (1, 2, fp32),
     %b: (1, 2, fp32)) {
  block0() {
    %loop:0: (1, 2, fp32), %loop:1: (1, 2, fp32) =            while_loop(loop_vars=(%a, %b))
      loop_cond(%a.x, %b.x) {
        %cond_var: (bool) = some_op(x=%a.x, y=%b.x)
      } -> (%cond_var)
      loop_body(%a.x, %b.x) {
        %add_0: (1, 2, fp32) = add(x=%a.x, y=%b.x)
      } -> (%add_0, %b.x)
  } -> (%loop:0, %loop:1)

# After loop_invariant_elimination pass.
main(%a: (1, 2, fp32),
     %b: (1, 2, fp32)) {
  block0() {
    %loop:1: (1, 2, fp32) = identity(x=%b)
    %loop:0: (1, 2, fp32) =            while_loop(loop_vars=(%a))
      loop_cond(%a.x) {
        %cond_var: (bool) = some_op(x=%a.x, y=%b)
      } -> (%cond_var)
      loop_body(%a.x) {
        %add_0: (1, 2, fp32) = add(x=%a.x, y=%b)
      } -> (%add_0)
  } -> (%loop:0, %loop:1)

where we eliminate loop invariant %b.x from while_loop, which returns 1 instead of 2 outputs. We also preserve the return var names with identity.


Remove ops that have no effect.

    %1 (1, 96, 128, 64, fp32) = ...
    %2 (1, 96, 128, 64, fp32) = reshape(%1)
    %3 (1, 96, 128, 64, fp32) = add(%2, constant)

    %1 (1, 96, 128, 64, fp32) = ...
    %3 (1, 96, 128, 64, fp32) = add(%1, constant)

If there are multiple ops with “identical” inputs, then they are redundant and all but one of them can be removed. This pass checks and removes such ops.

Since all inputs to ops in MIL are named, two ops with same op_types can be compared by comparing their correspondingly named inputs. Inputs are treated as identical if one of the following is true:

  • The input is a constant var, in which case its value should have the same dtype and numerical value.

  • The input is a non constant var, in which case it should be the same var object.

This pass iterates over the ops, takes its first output var, and then builds a candidate op list from the child ops of this var. This candidate ops list contains ops of the same op_type, arranged in topological order. From each of these candidate ops in the list, the second, third, and subsequent ops are pairwise compared with the first op, and if identical to it, they are removed. For example:

    %0 = op0(...)
    %1 = op1(...)
    %2 = const(val=4.5)
    %3 = const(val=4.5)
    %4 = op2(%1, %0, %2)
    %5 = op3(%1, %0, %3)

    %0 = op0(...)
    %1 = op1(...)
    %2 = const(val=4.5)
    %3 = const(val=4.5) # this will get removed later by dead code elimination pass
    %4 = op2(%1, %0, %2)

In the example above, op3 is removed and all uses of %5 is replaced by %4. For more examples, see “TestRemoveRedundantOpsPass”.


Convert symbolic shape in reshape to integers.

Note: This does not perform any optimization, but simply replaces symbols with positive integers if solved from volumetric constraint, or -1. Therefore, this pass fails if more than one symbol needs to be resolved to -1.

# Before remove_symbolic_reshape pass.
main(%x: (s0, 4, fp32)) {
  block0() {
    %reshape_0_shape_0: (3,i32)^ = const(val=(s0, s1, 2))
    %reshape_0: (s0, 2, 2, fp32) = reshape(x=%x, shape=%reshape_0_shape_0)
  } -> (%reshape_0)

# After remove_symbolic_reshape pass.
main(%x: (s0, 4, fp32)) {
  block0() {
    %reshape_0_shape_0x: (3,i32)* = const(val=[-1, 2, 2])
    %reshape_0: (-1, 2, 2, fp32) = reshape(x=%x, shape=%reshape_0_shape_0x)
  } -> (%reshape_0)

TODO (rdar://59165842): Use expand_dims, squeeze etc to use 0 instead of dynamic reshape with -1.


Topologically re-orders the list of operations in a program by places each operation closer to its first use, or at the end if it’s not consumed by any other operation.

Currently, This pass re-orders only Transpose and Cast operations.

# Example: input program
main(x: (2, 4, fp32)) {
    x = mb.cast(x=x, dtype="fp16")
    x1 = mb.square(x=x)
    x1_t = mb.transpose(x=x1, perm=[1, 0])
    x2 = mb.cast(x=x1_t, dtype="fp32")
    x3 = mb.log(x=x)
    x3_t = mb.transpose(x=x3, perm=[1, 0])
    x4 = mb.cast(x=x3_t, dtype="fp32")
    x5 = mb.relu(x=x)
    x6 = mb.cast(x=x5, dtype="fp32")
    x7 = mb.relu(x=x6)
    x8 = mb.relu(x=x)
} -> x2, x4, x7, x8

# After moving `cast` ops becomes
main(x: (2, 4, fp32)) {
    x = mb.cast(x=x, dtype="fp16")
    x1 = mb.square(x=x)
    x1_t = mb.transpose(x=x1, perm=[1, 0])
    x3 = mb.log(x=x)
    x3_t = mb.transpose(x=x3, perm=[1, 0])
    x5 = mb.relu(x=x)
    x6 = mb.cast(x=x5, dtype="fp32")
    x7 = mb.relu(x=x6)
    x8 = mb.relu(x=x)
    x4 = mb.cast(x=x3_t, dtype="fp32")
    x2 = mb.cast(x=x1_t, dtype="fp32")
} -> x2, x4, x7, x8

# After moving `transpose` ops becomes
main(x: (2, 4, fp32)) {
    x = mb.cast(x=x, dtype="fp16")
    x1 = mb.square(x=x)
    x3 = mb.log(x=x)
    x5 = mb.relu(x=x)
    x6 = mb.cast(x=x5, dtype="fp32")
    x7 = mb.relu(x=x6)
    x8 = mb.relu(x=x)
    x3_t = mb.transpose(x=x3, perm=[1, 0])
    x4 = mb.cast(x=x3_t, dtype="fp32")
    x1_t = mb.transpose(x=x1, perm=[1, 0])
    x2 = mb.cast(x=x1_t, dtype="fp32")
} -> x2, x4, x7, x8



Identify the pattern that corresponds to the exact version of gelu, and replace it with a single gelu layer with mode=EXACT. The pattern is y = 0.5 * x * (1 + erf (x / srqt (2)), which can be represented by one of the following:

    [...] ----> div (1.414) ---> erf ---> add (1) -----> mul (0.5) ---> mul ---> [...]
      |                                                                  ^
      |                                                                  |

    [...] ----> div (1.414) ---> erf ---> add (1) -----> mul ---> mul (0.5) ---> [...]
      |                                                   ^
      |                                                   |

    [...] ----> div (1.414) ---> erf ---> add (1) -----> mul ------> [...]
      |                                                   ^
      |                                                   |
      |---------------> mul(0.5) --------------------------

All of them are converted to:
    [...] ----> gelu (mode=EXACT) ---> [...]

Identify the pattern that corresponds to the tanh approximate version of gelu, and replace it with a single gelu layer with mode=TANH_APPROXIMATION.

The implementation of this pass uses the generic graph pattern matching and transform algorithm implemented in and documented in coremltools/converters/mil/experimental/passes/

Graph for get_gelu_pattern1()

y = x * (0.5 * (tanh(((.0447)x^3 + x ) * sqrt(2/pi)) + 1))

[...] -----> pow (3) ----> mul (.044715) ---> add -----> mul (sqrt(2/pi)) ---> tanh ----> add (1) ----> mul (0.5) -----> mul ---> [...]
  |                                            ^                                                                          ^
  |                                            |                                                                          |

Graph for get_gelu_pattern2()

y = (0.5 * x) * (tanh(((.0447)x^3 + x ) * sqrt(2/pi)) + 1)

               ^                                                                                                      |
               |                                                                                                      V
[...] -----> mul(0.5)    pow (3) ----> mul (.044715) ---> add -----> mul (sqrt(2/pi)) ---> tanh ----> add (1) -----> mul ---> [...]
  |                        ^                               ^
  |                        |                               |

Detect the mul —> max pattern than can be mapped to leaky_relu.

In code form - Input

%2 = const(value = alpha) # where 0 <= alpha <= 1
%3 = mul(%1, %2) # alpha * x
%4 = max(%3, %1) # max(alpha * x, x)

In code form - Output

%4 = leaky_relu(x=%1, alpha=%2)

In graphical form - Input graph

         const (val = alpha)
input ----> mul ---------------> maximum -----------> output
  |                                 |

In graphical form - Output graph

input --------> leaky_relu ---------> output

Detect the following patterns that can be mapped to a prelu op. Essentially, the prelu op can be broken down into the following ops:

y = a * relu(-1 * x) + relu(x)

Pattern 1

               | ------------> relu --------------------|
               |                                        V
x (BCHW) ------|                                       add -----> y (BCHW)
               |                                        ^
               --------> mul -------> relu -----> mul---|
                          ^                        ^
                          |                        |
                     Const(val=-1)            Const(name=a, shape=(C,1,1) or (1,C,1,1))

This will be mapped to:

x (BCHW) ------> prelu(alpha=a, shape=(C,)) ---------> y (BCHW)

Pattern 2

                                | ------------> relu --------------------|
                                |                                        V
x (BCHW) -->transpose(BHWC)---->|                                       add -----> y (BHWC)
                                |                                        ^
                                --------> mul -------> relu -----> mul---|
                                           ^                        ^
                                           |                        |
                                  Const(val=-1)    Const(shape=(C,) or (1,C) or (1,1,C) or (1,1,1,C))

This will be mapped to:

x (BCHW) ------> prelu ---------> transpose ------> y (BHWC)

If prelu has the same leakage factor across all channels, it will be converted to leaky_relu.



The conv_transpose input output_shape is an optional input. Since we can infer the output shape from type_inference, we add output_shape input whenever it is known to be constant at compile time. For example:

  %1: (1, 5, 39, fp32) = conv_transpose(...) # no output_shape input.

  %2: (3, i32) = const(val=[1,5,39])
  %3: (1, 5, 39, fp32) = conv_transpose(..., output_shape=%2)

In TensorFlow, tf.keras.layers.Conv1D is a composite op:

expand a dummy dim -> Conv2D -> squeeze the dummy dim

In PyTorch, this is also true for some backends (mkldnn and xpu).

This decomposition wrecks the coremltools conv1d graph passes, so we should recompose the fragments back to MIL conv, which natively supports conv1d:

Pattern 1:
        %2 = expand_dims(%1, axes=-2) or expand_dims(%1, axes=2), %1.rank = 3
        %3 = conv(%2)
        %4 = squeeze(%3, axes=-2) or squeeze(%3, axes=2)

        %4 = conv(%1)

Pattern 2 (TensorFlow channel_last):
        %2 = expand_dims(%1, axes=-3) or expand_dims(%1, axes=1), %1.rank = 3
        %3 = transpose(%2, perm=(0, 3, 1, 2))
        %4 = conv(%3)
        %5 = transpose(%4, perm=(0, 2, 3, 1))
        %6 = squeeze(%5, axes=-3) or squeeze(%5, axes=1)

        %3 = transpose(%1, perm=(0, 2, 1))
        %4 = conv(%3)
        %6 = transpose(%4, perm=(0, 2, 1))

Fuse the following batch_norm layer into conv and conv_transpose. That is, convert conv + batch_norm to conv, by modifying the weight and bias in the conv layer.

    %2 = conv(%1)
    %3 = batch_norm(%2)

    %3 = conv(%1)

Fold add/sub into bias of conv and conv_transpose. That is, convert conv + add/sub to conv, when add/sub is adding a constant.

Two patterns are supported:

Pattern 1:
    %2 = conv(%1)
    %3 = add(%2, constant) # where constant has shape (1,C,1)/(C,1) for 1d conv, (1,C,1,1)/(C,1,1) for 2d conv etc

    %3 = conv(%1)

Pattern 2:
    %2 = conv(%1)
    %3 = transpose(%2)
    %4 = add(%3, constant) # where constant has a broacasable shape

    %2 = conv(%1)
    %4 = transpose(%2)

Fold mul/div into conv/conv_transpose by updating the weight/bias of the convolution layers.

The scale const can be a single number (scalar) or a vector with a broadcastable shape. For example, if the output of the conv/deconv layer is (B, Cout, H, W), const of shape (Cout, 1, 1) and (1, Cout, 1, 1) are allowed.

    %2 = conv(%1)
    %3 = mul(%2, constant) # where constant is the scale constant

    %3 = conv(%1)

When we observe pad -> transpose -> conv, we move the pad to be next to conv. This allows us to meld pad + conv if possible.

    %1 = pad(%0, ...)
    %2 = transpose(%1, ...)
    %3 = conv(%2, ...)

    %1.a = transpose(%0, ...)
    $2.a = pad(%1.a, ...)
    %3 = conv(%2.a)



Convert divide into multiply if the divisor is const.


For select(cond, a, b), there are 2 cases where we can replace it with a single simpler op

  1. If cond is a const scalar (or a const tensor but all elements are the same, which is equivalent to a scalar), then we replace select(cond, a, b) with simply a or b

    Input graph:
        const(scalar cond) -|
        a ------------------|-> select -> output
        b ------------------|
    Output graph:
        if cond:
            a -> output
            b -> output
  2. If cond is a more complicated const, and a is an inf const, then we replace a with select(cond, a, 0), then return a + b

    Input graph:
        const(cond) -|
        const(±inf) -|-> select -> output
        b -----------|
    Output graph:
        select(cond, ±inf, 0) -|
                               |-> add -> output
        b ---------------------|

    Note that select(cond, ±inf, 0)) will further get eliminated by const_elimination, so in the end the op in graph is simply add

    This replacement is based on floating-point arithmetic

    inf + b = inf
    -inf + b = -inf
    0 + b = b

    PS: if a is not inf const but b is, then we would swap a and b


Fold mul + add into a batchnorm if the const feeding into the mul/add is of shape (1,C,1,1) or (C,1,1) and input to mul is of rank 4.

         [Const]   [Const]
            |         |
            V         V
[...] --> [Mul] --> [Add] --> [...]

That is,

    %2 = op1(%1)
    %3 = mul(%2, constant)
    %4 = add(%3, constant)
    %5 = op2(%4)


[...] --> [BatchNorm] --> [...]

That is,
    %2 = op1(%1)
    %4 = batchnorm(%2)
    %5 = op2(%4)

Identify the pattern of a rank-0 binary elementwise operation followed by an expand_dims op. In the MIL backend, the output of the elementwise op becomes rank 1. Hence, an expand_dims op should be added after both of the rank-0 tensors, and the final expand_dims should be removed. If the output var of the binary elementwise op is consumed by more than one op, a squeeze op is inserted.


[...](rank-0) --> sub --> expand_dims (axes=[0]) --> [...]
                   ^   |
                   |   |--> op2
                   |   |
                   |   |--> op3
             [scalar const]


[...](rank-0) --> expand_dims (axes=[0]) --> sub --> [...]
                                              ^   |
                                              |   |--> squeeze ---> op2
                                              |                |
                                              |                |--> op3
                                        expand_dims (axes=[0])
                                        [scalar const]



Convert linear + add/sub to a single linear by updating the weight and bias of the linear layer.

Example 1:
        %4 = linear(x=%1, weight=%2, bias=%3) # %2 is a rank-2 const tensor (weight)
                                              # %3 is a rank-1 const tensor (bias)
        %6 = add(x=%4, y=%5) # %5 is a const tensor with same shape as %3

        %8 = linear(x=%1, weight=%2, bias=%7) # where %7 is a new const tensor with value
                                              # %7 = %3 + %6

Example 2:
        %4 = linear(x=%1, weight=%2, bias=%3) # %2 is a rank-2 const tensor (weight)
                                              # %3 is a rank-1 const tensor (bias)
        %6 = sub(x=%5, y=%4) # %5 is a const tensor with a broacasable shape with %3.
                               i.e. if %3 has shape (Dout), %5 could be (1, Dout).

        %9 = linear(x=%1, weight=%7, bias=%8) # where %7 is a new const tensor with value %7 = -%2
                                              # %8 = %5 - %3

Convert matmul + add/sub to linear whenever possible.

    %3 = matmul(x=%1, y=%2)  # %1 or %2 is const and rank 2 (weight)
    %5 = add(x=%3, y=%4) # %4 is const. add(x=%4, y=%3) is equivalent
                         # sub is similar.

    # assuming %2 above is const and rank 2
    %5 = linear(x=%1, weight=%2, bias=%4)

Fuse transpose + matmul to matmul if possible, since matmul has args transpose_x and transpose_y to transpose last 2 dims

Positive example:
    Input graph:
        transpose(x=x, perm=(1, 0)) -|
                                     |-> matmul(x=transposed_x, y=transposed_y)
        transpose(x=y, perm=(1, 0)) -|

    Output graph:
        matmul(x=x, y=y, transpose_x=True, transpose_y=True)

Negative example:
    Input graph:
        transpose(x=x, perm=(1, 0, 2)) -|
                                        |-> matmul(x=transposed_x, y=transposed_y)
        transpose(x=y, perm=(1, 0, 2)) -|

    Output graph:
        Same to input graph, nothing changes



A graph optimization pass on PyMIL to detect and fuse several variants of layer_norm or instance_norm. Pattern 1 corresponds to either layer_norm or instance_norm. Patterns 2-4 are instance_norm. Pattern 5 is layer_norm. You can find these patterns in the methods for this class in the source code. To quickly view the source code, click the [source] button at the end of the class definition.



This graph pass does const folding to a chain of supported ops starts with a constexpr_affine_dequantize op. More types of op are supported when quantization is tensor-wise, and only a subset is supported for channel-wise. For example

Input graph:
    data -> constexpr_affine_dequantize -> transpose -> expand_dims -> out

Output graph:
    new_data -> constexpr_affine_dequantize -> out

where new_data is computed by data -> transpose -> expand_dims.

Note that, the graph pass only supports const folding of a single linked list pattern. For example, the following pattern will not be changed

      |-> constexpr_affine_dequantize -> transpose -> out
data -|
      |-> constexpr_affine_dequantize -> reshape -> out_2

since the quantized data is used by multiple constexpr


For general quantized operators, in Core ML, we represent them as dequantize -> the floating-point version of this operator -> quantize, because mathematically it is the floating-point tensor rather than its quantized integer representation that gets operated upon.

For some quantized operators that do not involve floating-point arithmetic, however, it is unnecessary to prepend dequantize and append quantize. Examples are:

  • reshape


In Core ML quantization, the performance is better when zero point = 0, so we try to make zero point = 0 if possible:

  • zero point = -128
    • this must be an int8 quantization

    • equivalent to uint8 quantization with 0 zero point

  • zero point = 128
    • this must be an uint8 quantization

    • equivalent to int8 quantization with 0 zero point

Since zero point = 0 is equivalent to zero point = None in Core ML semantics, we further canonicalize to zero point = None to:

  • make further graph passes easier

  • avoid serializing trivial 0

The zero point = 0 case can be canonicalized trivially

Input op:


Output op:


To guarantee the conservation of output regardless the zero-point shift in zero point = ±128 cases, we would only transform:

  • const dequantize, where we fuse the zero-point shift into the const

Input op:

    dequantize(input=const, zero_point=±128)

Output op:

    dequantize(input=const∓128, zero_point=None)
  • quantize -> dequantize, where we nullify both simultaneously

Input graph:

    input -> quantize(zero_point=±128) -> dequantize(zero_point=±128) -> output

Output graph:

    input -> quantize(zero_point=None) -> dequantize(zero_point=None) -> output

When a dequantize is followed by an identical quantize (same scale, zero point, axis), they cancel out and can be eliminated

Input graph:
    input -> dequantize -> quantize -> output

Output graph:
    input -> output

PS: On the other hand, the reversed pattern, i.e., quantize -> dequantize, is not redundant, since that is the pattern which naturally occurs when a quantized op is converted. In current activation quantization conversion, a quantized op becomes

dequantize -> regular op -> quantize

so if we have a sequence of quantized ops, we will get

dequantize -> regular op1 -> quantize -> dequantize -> regular op2 -> quantize

The quantize -> dequantize pair in the middle is not redundant, even if they have identical scales and zero points and axes, since removing them will lead to loss of information about the quantization parameters of the output var of op1


In the backend, for better performance, quantized op can have 1 input scale fused within the quantized op kernel. For binary ops, there are 2 inputs, but only 1 can get fused. For example, for quantized add

MIL graph (consists of MIL ops):

    dequantize(x, s_x, zp_x) -|
    x_fp = (x - zp_x) * s_x   |
                              |->  add(x_fp, y_fp)   -> quantize(z_fp, s_z, zp_z)
    dequantize(y, s_y, zp_y) -|   z_fp = x_fp + y_fp      z = z_fp / s_z + zp_z
    y_fp = (y - zp_y) * s_y

Backend graph (consists of backend instructions, usually including + - * / and fused *+):

    x_shift = x - zp_x -------------------------|
                                                |-> z_fp = s_x * x_shift + y_fp -> z = z_fp / s_z + zp_z
    y_shift = y - zp_y -> y_fp = s_y * y_shift -|

Where x and y are the inputs, z is the output, s and zp are the corresponding scale and zero point.

The reason why fusing one scale leads to better performance is, instead of 2 instructions x_fp = s_x * x_shift and z_fp = x_fp + y_fp, a single z_fp = x_shift * s_x + y_fp instruction achieves the same result.

In this pass, we normalize s_y to 1, so the y_fp = s_y * y_shift instruction can get skipped as well, leading to even better performance. This pass only applies to distributive binary ops such as add and sub

Appendix: Mathematical and Computer-Scientific Details

Mathematically, for a binary operator .op.

z_fp = (x - zp_x) * s_x .op. (y - zp_y) * s_y
     = s_y * [(x - zp_x) * s_x/s_y .op. (y - zp_y) * 1]

The corresponding pseudo code is

# before
z_fp = (x - zp_x) * s_x .op. (y - zp_y) * s_y
z = z_fp / s - zp_z

# after
z_fp_modified = (x - zp_x) * s_x/s_y .op. (y - zp_y) * 1.0
z = z_fp_modified / (s_z/s_y) - zp_z

Concretely, as a MIL graph pass

Input graph:
    dequantize(scale=s_x) -|
                           |-> op -> quantize(scale=s_z)
    dequantize(scale=s_y) -|

Output graph:
    dequantize(scale=s_x/s_y) -|
                               |-> op -> quantize(scale=s_z/s_y)
    dequantize(scale=1.0)     -|

PS: we only support scalar s_y for now. If s_y is not scalar but s_x is, we would swap x and y. Support for both-vector case is to be explored, due to the broadcasting complication.


dequantize op with constant input is equivalent to constexpr_affine_dequantize. This is one of the canonicalization pass that transforms all such dequantize ops to respective constexpr_affine_dequantize ops.

Input graph:

    dequantize(input=const) -> downstream op

Output graph:

    constexpr_affine_dequantize -> downstream op

This pass is being performed because constant tensors being propagated through dequantize op would be serialized in bloated/decompressed fashion, whereas with constexpr_affine_dequantize, constant weights/tensors remain compressed at serialization.



This optimization pass performs the following:

  • Removes redundant cast op; that is, cast where source and destination tensors have same dtypes.

  • Fuses two consecutive cast ops if applicable, repeatedly.

This is a non-algebraic translation which assumes that the upcasting doesn’t change the user’s intent.

  1. Example for redundant cast op removal: .. code-block:

       Input graph:
       input(fp16) -> cast(dtype="fp16") -> relu -> out
       Output graph:
       input -> relu -> out
    The input and output tensors for the ``cast`` op are both with type of ``fp16``.
    Hence, it can be removed.
  2. Example for two cast ops fusion: .. code-block:

       Input graph:
       input(int8) -> cast(dtype="fp16") -> cast(dtype="fp32") -> out
       Output graph:
       input(int8) -> cast(dtype="fp32") -> out
    The data range and resolution of the above graph are limited by the int8 input,
    so the fusion is allowed.
  3. Negative example for two cast ops fusion: .. code-block:

       Input graph:
       input(fp32) -> cast(dtype="bool") -> cast(dtype="fp16") -> out
       Output graph:
       Same as input graph.
    The above two ``cast`` ops cannot be merged, since after the first cast,
    the resolution of the numerical output is downcasted to binary (``0, 1``).
    If we fuse them, the output would be in the range and resolution of ``fp16`` instead.
  4. Another Negative example for two cast ops fusion: .. code-block:

       Input graph:
       input(int32) -> cast(dtype="int8") -> cast(dtype="uint8") -> out
       Output graph:
       Same as input graph.
    The above two ``cast`` ops cannot be merged, since in the original graph,
    by going through two casts, the output numerical range is capped to ``[0, 127]``.
    However, if two ``cast`` ops are reduced to 1 ``cast(dtype="uint8")``, the output
    numerical would in the range of ``[0, 255]``. The fusion would cause numerical
    issue for the numbers between ``[128, 255]``, which is prohibited.

In general, two cast ops can be merged if the output data range and resolution is not affected.

For more examples, please see the unittests that start with prefix TestCastOptimization in


Identify two consecutive pad layers which could be merged into a single pad layer.

This is possible only if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • The paddings are “constant” and have the same constant_val.

  • The paddings act along different axes.

Input graph:
input(1, 2, 6, 8) ------> pad([1, 1], mode='reflect) -----> pad([1, 1, 0, 0], mode='reflect') ---> out(1, 2, 8, 10)

Output graph:
input(1, 2, 6, 8) ------> pad([1, 1, 1, 1], mode='reflect) ---> out(1, 2, 8, 10)

Identify consecutive relu layers which could be merged into a single relu layer.

Input graph:
input ------> relu -----> 1 or more relu layers ---> out

Output graph:
input ------> relu ---> out

Identify consecutive reshape ops which could be merged into a single reshape.

Input graph:
input -> reshape -> 1 or more reshapes -> output

Output graph:
input -> reshape -> output

Identify consecutive ‘transpose’ layers which could be merged into a single ‘transpose’ layer.

Input graph:
input ------> transpose -----> 1 or more transpose layers ---> out

Output graph:
input ------> transpose ---> out

Reduce transposes when it is applicable. For example:

# Example 1
    Input graph:
    input -----> transpose(axis=[1,0]) -----> transpose(axis=[1,0]) ---> out

    Output graph:
    input -----> identity -----> out

# Example 2
    Input graph:

    Output graph:

# Example 3
    Input graph:

    Output graph:

Please see TransposeOptimizationPass for more details.


This pass is divided into 3 phases:

1st phase: Information gathering.

  • Plug in Identity ops for all output nodes. This allows us to treat all ops uniformly during traversal.

  • Block is traversed in the topological order, starting from the ops connected to the inputs.

  • During the traversal, a value is associated with every var in the block. This value can be either of type _HypotheticalValue or _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue. The main purpose of type _HypotheticalValue is to indicate that it is not of type _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue.

  • _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue represents either one or multiple transpose ops with the same perm value. This information is stored in this class. It also wraps a _HypotheticalValue that was the last hypothetical value which was generated prior to the origin of _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue.

  • Each op decides which type of hypothetical value to associate with its output vars, based on its op type, attributes, and the types of the hypothetical values of its input vars.

  • Ops are classified into 4 categories: unary like, axis update, transpose, and materialize (for all the rest).

  • Transpose ops are the ops from which a _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue originate.
    • If the input to it is a _HypotheticalValue, its output will be a _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue, indicating that this transpose op is available to get cancelled downstream.

    • If the input to it is a _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue, then it is checked whether this op cancels it or not.
      • If the op cancels it, a _HypotheticalValue value is generated at the output and the information about this transpose cancellation is recorded in the dictionary transpose_op_to_cancel_ops.

      • If the op does not cancel, the current transpose op is categrorized as a materialize op. Therefore, the information in dictionary transpose_op_to_materialize_ops is updated accordingly. The output of the op is now mapped to a _HypotheticalValue.

  • Unary like ops: These simply transfer their input hypothetical value type to the output.

  • Axis update ops: If a transpose can pass through them, they are treated like a unary op and the dictionary transpose_op_to_axis_update_ops is updated. If the op cannot be updated in any manner to allow a transpose to pass through, this op is then categorized as a materialize op and handled accordingly.

  • Materialize ops: All _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue input vars, if present, materialize here. Output of this op is always of type _HypotheticalValue. If the input is a _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue, update the dictionary transpose_op_to_materialize_ops.

  • To treat an op like a unary op, add its type to _UNARY_LIKE_OP_TYPES. In future changes we want to make this process automatic by detecting an op as a unary like by its “traits”.

  • To treat an op like axis update op, add a class specific to the op implementing the class TransformAxisUpdateOps. For examples, see classes _TransformConcat, _TransformPad, and so on. The dictionary AXIS_UPDATE_OPS is automatically filled in by the decorator _TransposeOptimization.register_axis_update_op.

2nd phase: Determining which transpose ops to remove from the graph.

All transpose ops that have a corresponding compliment op in dict transpose_op_to_cancel_ops is a candidate. However, you need to ensure the following:

  • If a transpose op is removed, then all of its cancel ops in transpose_op_to_cancel_ops must also be removed, to ensure correctness of the graph. The same is true in the reverse direction as well; that is, for every cancel op that is removed, all its parent transpose ops upstream must also be removed.

  • transpose ops should be removed only if the number of cancel ops is greater than the number of transpose ops that would get freshly introduced to the block as a result of materialization ops. Currently in the algorithm, each materialization op/output var (dicts transpose_op_to_materialize_ops/old_output_vars) results in one more transpose op, although this can be further optimized in the future.

To resolve this, we recognize that nodes consisting of sets (a) and (b) form a bipartitle graph, where, (a) == starting transpose ops (originators of _LazyTransposeHypotheticalValue) and (b) == set of transpose cancel ops and materialize ops.

  • In this bipartite graph, we find all the connected components for each connected component. Either the entire set of transpose ops in it are removed/materialized, or none of them are touched.

  • Thus for each set, a determination is made based on counting the number of cancel ops and materialize ops.

  • Based on this determination, the final set of transpose ops to be removed is updated.

3rd phase: Transforming the graph.

  • transpose starting ops and the cancel ops are removed.

  • Axis update ops, affected by these transpose ops, are updated.

  • Transposes are materialized; that is, added just before the materialize ops, which are linked to the starting transpose ops. The starting transpose op can be materialized (inserted) multiple times, before each of the materialize ops downstream.

  • Block outputs are handled in a similar fashion as the materialize ops.

  • Type inference on all ops is invoked after all the transformations.

  • All Identity ops that are plugged into the graph to treat outputs as materialized are removed.


If the debug flag is set to True, the block before and after the transformation is plotted, with transpose nodes highlighted.



Identify nested, interleaved concat ops which can be replaced by a single concat and a pixel shuffle layer.

This pattern occurs with the faster up-convolution from the FCRN model (Laina et al., 2016).

# Before the concat_to_pixel_shuffle pass.
input(N, C, H, W) -------------------
input(N, C, H, W) -----> concat(axis=2, interleave=True) -----> concat(axis=3, interleave=True) ----> output
input(N, C, H, W) -----> concat(axis=2, interleave=True) --------------------
            |                       ^
            |                       |
input(N, C, H, W) -------------------

# After the concat_to_pixel_shuffle pass.
input(N, C, H, W) ---------------
input(N, C, H, W) -----> concat(axis=1, interleave=True) -----> pixel_shuffle(upscale_factor=2) ----> output
input(N, C, H, W) --------------|
input(N, C, H, W) ---------------

Detect the pattern concat-->reshape--->transpose--->reshape, where concat is along the channel axis (axis=-3), and map this pattern to the concat with interleave op.

This pattern occurs, for example, in the shufflenet model in torchvision.

    %3 = concat(%1.a, %1.b, ..., axis=-3, interleave=False) #shape = (B, n*C, H, W)
    %4 = reshape(%3) #shape = (B, n, C, H, W)
    %5 = transpose(%4, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3, 4]) # shape = (B, C, n, H, W)
    %6 = reshape(%5) # shape = (B, C*n, H, W)

    %6 = concat(%1.a, %1.b, ..., axis=-3, interleave=True)

Detect the pattern reshape_1-->transpose-->reshape_2, where reshape_1 has an output tensor with rank >= 6, and reshape_2 produces a tensor with rank <= 5.

In general, we can expand this pattern into a sequence of rank 4 reshape and transpose ops, which is supported by the Core ML runtime.

    %1 = reshape(%x, shape=(d1, d2, d3, d4, ..., dn))
    %2 = transpose(%1, perm=(p1, p2, ..., pn))
    %3 = reshape(%2, shape=(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5))

    %t1 = reshape(%x, shape=(y11, y12, y13, y14))
    %h1 = transpose(%t1, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
    %t2 = reshape(%h1, shape=(y21, y22, y23, 214))
    %h2 = transpose(%t2, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
    %hn = transpose(%tn, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
    %3 = reshape(%hn, shape=(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5))

Detect if onehot (axis=-1, on_value=1, off_value=0) is followed by a matmul op (no bias). If so, they can be replaced by a gather op.

    %2 = one_hot(%1, on_value=1, off_value=0, axis=-1)
    %3 = const() # rank 2
    %4  = matmul(%2, %3)

    %4 = gather(%3, %2, axis=0)

A stack followed by a reshape layer can be replaced by a concat if the reshape simply removes the new axis and doubles the size of one of the axes next to it.

If the new axis is reshaped to the “right” (that is, the axis just after it is doubled), then we can use a concat. If it is reshaped to the “left” (the axis just before it is doubled), then the concat needs to set the interleaved flag.


    %1 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %2 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %3 = stack((%1,%2), axis=2) # shape = (1, 5, 2, 3, 4)
    %4 = reshape(%3, shape=[1, 10, 3, 4])

    %1 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %2 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %4 = concat((%1,%2), axis=1, interleave=True) # shape = (1, 10, 3, 4)

    %1 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %2 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %3 = stack((%1, %2), axis=1) # shape = (1, 2, 5, 3, 4)
    %4 = reshape(%3, shape=[1, 10, 3, 4])

    %1 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %2 = tensor(1, 5, 3, 4)
    %4 = concat((%1, %2), axis = 1) # shape = (1, 10, 3, 4)

Identify a reflection padding layer composed out of slices and concats.

Input graph:

        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
        |                                                                                     v
input(1, 2, 6, 8) ------> slice_by_index(begin=[0, 0, 0, 1], end=[0, 0, 0, 2]) -----> concat(axis=3) ---> out(1, 2, 6, 10)
        |                                                                                     ^
        ----------------> slice_by_index(begin=[0, 0, 0, -2], end=[0, 0, 0, -1]) -------------|

Output graph:

input(1, 2, 6, 8) -----0> pad(mode=reflect, size=[0, 0, 1, 1]) -----> out(1, 2, 6, 10)



Plug in to transpose image input in NHWC format to NCHW format.

Follow these steps:

  1. Check whether there are any inputs that the users specify as ImageType.

  2. Check the channel’s dimension for all inputs that are ImageType.

    1. channel_first == True We do not modify this input, since channel_first is the intended behaviour for feeding images for optimal performance.

    2. channel_first == False We convert the input into a “channel_first” input, and plug in a transpose for the input to maintain the remaining graph’s dimensionality.


Sanitize the names of model input and output vars to make sure that they are of the format as described in the NameSanitizer class; that is, of the format [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*.


Update the dtypes of output vars of each function block to match the dtypes provided in function.output_types. The output types for the main function is populated by the outputs argument provided by the user in the coremltools.convert() API. This graph pass assumes that the list of outputs in function.output_types (if not None), are in the same order as the output vars.



For each input of dtype float32, inject a cast op to change it to float16 dtype.

For each output of dtype float16, inject a cast op to change it back to float32.

This pass is the registered interface for FP16ComputePrecision, which makes it consistent with other passes’ interfaces.

Support options:

  • skip_ops_by_type: Skip op types specified by comma-separated string; for example, "mul,const".