# Copyright (c) 2023, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
import numpy as np
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Block
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Builder as mb
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Operation, Var
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import types as _types
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.ops.defs._utils import broadcast_shapes
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.graph_pass import AbstractGraphPass
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.helper import block_context_manager
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.pass_registry import register_pass
class divide_to_multiply(AbstractGraphPass):
Convert divide into multiply if the divisor is ``const``.
def apply(self, prog):
for f in prog.functions.values():
def _divide_to_multiply_block(self, block):
for op in list(block.operations):
for b in op.blocks:
if len(op.blocks) > 0:
# This op can't be divided.
# If real_div has integer input, the result is an integer (following TensorFlow spec).
# Hence, this pass needs disabled if the input is not float, since it translates y
# to a floating point number. If x or y was originally an integer, and y becomes
# a floating point number, then the original type
# signature (with integer output) would not be preserved.
if op.op_type == "real_div" and op.y.val is not None and _types.is_float(op.x.dtype):
new_y_val = np.array(1.0, dtype=op.y.val.dtype) / op.y.val
if not np.isfinite(new_y_val).all():
x = mb.mul(x=op.x, y=new_y_val, name="_inversed_" + op.name, before_op=op)
anchor_op=op, old_var=op.outputs[0], new_var=x
class select_optimization(AbstractGraphPass):
For ``select(cond, a, b)``, there are 2 cases where we can replace it with a single simpler op
1. If ``cond`` is a const scalar (or a const tensor but all elements are the same, which is
equivalent to a scalar), then we replace ``select(cond, a, b)`` with simply ``a`` or ``b``
.. code-block::
Input graph:
const(scalar cond) -|
a ------------------|-> select -> output
b ------------------|
Output graph:
if cond:
a -> output
b -> output
2. If ``cond`` is a more complicated const, and ``a`` is an inf const,
then we replace ``a`` with ``select(cond, a, 0)``, then return ``a + b``
.. code-block::
Input graph:
const(cond) -|
const(±inf) -|-> select -> output
b -----------|
Output graph:
select(cond, ±inf, 0) -|
|-> add -> output
b ---------------------|
Note that ``select(cond, ±inf, 0))`` will further get eliminated by
``const_elimination``, so in the end the op in graph is simply ``add``
This replacement is based on floating-point arithmetic
.. code-block::
inf + b = inf
-inf + b = -inf
0 + b = b
PS: if ``a`` is not inf const but ``b`` is, then we would swap ``a`` and ``b``
def apply(self, prog):
def apply_block(block: Block):
for op in list(block.operations):
for b in op.blocks:
if op.op_type == "select":
for f in prog.functions.values():
def try_to_transform_select(self, select_op: Operation) -> bool:
assert select_op.op_type == "select"
cond_val = select_op.cond.val
# this pass only handles const cond
if cond_val is None:
return False
a_val = select_op.a.val
b_val = select_op.b.val
# if everything is const, then let const_elimination do its job
if a_val is not None and b_val is not None:
return False
# try case 1: const scalar cond
# (or const tensor cond but all elements are the same, which is equivalent to a scalar)
result_candidate = self.try_to_transform_const_scalar_cond(select_op, cond_val)
if result_candidate is not None and self.try_to_modify_block(select_op, result_candidate):
return True
# try case 2: complicated const cond + inf const a or b
result_candidate = self.try_to_transform_inf_const_selection(
select_op, cond_val, a_val, b_val
if result_candidate is not None and self.try_to_modify_block(select_op, result_candidate):
return True
return False
def try_to_transform_const_scalar_cond(select_op: Operation, cond_val: np.ndarray) -> Var:
assert select_op.op_type == "select"
assert cond_val is not None
a = select_op.a
b = select_op.b
x: Var = None
if np.all(cond_val):
x = mb.identity(x=a, before_op=select_op)
elif np.all(np.logical_not(cond_val)):
x = mb.identity(x=b, before_op=select_op)
return None
result_shape = broadcast_shapes(a.shape, b.shape)
# cannot simply replace with a or b if broadcasting
if x.shape != result_shape:
return None
return x
def try_to_transform_inf_const_selection(
select_op: Operation, cond_val: np.ndarray, a_val: np.ndarray, b_val: np.ndarray
) -> Var:
assert select_op.op_type == "select"
assert cond_val is not None
# check if a or b is all infinity constants
# if a is not but b is, then swap a and b
a: np.ndarray = None
b: Var = None
if a_val is not None and np.all(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(a_val))):
a = a_val
b = select_op.b
elif b_val is not None and np.all(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(b_val))):
a = b_val
b = select_op.a
cond_val = np.logical_not(cond_val)
return None
# build add
cond_val, a = np.broadcast_arrays(cond_val, a)
a = a.copy()
a[np.where(np.logical_not(cond_val))] = 0.0
return mb.add(x=a, y=b, before_op=select_op, name=select_op.outputs[0].name)
def try_to_modify_block(select_op: Operation, new_var: Var) -> bool:
block: Block = select_op.enclosing_block
if not block.try_replace_uses_of_var_after_op(
return False
return True
class fuse_elementwise_to_batchnorm(AbstractGraphPass):
Fold ``mul`` + ``add`` into a ``batchnorm``
if the ``const`` feeding into the ``mul``/``add`` is of shape ``(1,C,1,1)`` or ``(C,1,1)``
and input to ``mul`` is of rank 4.
.. code-block::
[Const] [Const]
| |
[...] --> [Mul] --> [Add] --> [...]
That is,
%2 = op1(%1)
%3 = mul(%2, constant)
%4 = add(%3, constant)
%5 = op2(%4)
[...] --> [BatchNorm] --> [...]
That is,
%2 = op1(%1)
%4 = batchnorm(%2)
%5 = op2(%4)
def apply(self, prog):
for f in prog.functions.values():
block_changed = True
while block_changed:
block_changed = self._fuse_elementwise_to_batchnorm_block(f)
def _match_pattern(op):
if op.outputs[0] in op.enclosing_block.outputs:
return None
if op.op_type == "mul":
# find add
child_ops = op.outputs[0].child_ops
if len(child_ops) == 1:
add_op_candidate = list(child_ops)[0]
if add_op_candidate.op_type == "add":
return add_op_candidate
return None
def _try_to_transform(mul_op, add_op, block):
def _find_const_input_val(op):
if op.x.val is not None:
return op.x.val
if op.y.val is not None:
return op.y.val
return None
def _check_shape(arr):
return True if shape is of form
(1,C,1,1) or (C,1,1)
rank = len(arr.shape)
if not (rank == 3 or rank == 4):
return False
C = arr.shape[-3]
if not (arr.shape == (1, C, 1, 1) or arr.shape == (C, 1, 1)):
return False
return True
non_const_input_mul = mul_op.x if mul_op.x.val is None else mul_op.y
if non_const_input_mul.rank != 4:
return False
gamma = _find_const_input_val(mul_op)
beta = _find_const_input_val(add_op)
if gamma is None or beta is None:
return False
if not (isinstance(gamma, np.ndarray) and isinstance(beta, np.ndarray)):
return False
# check that gamma and beta have shape (1,C,1,1) or (C,1,1)
# that is they are doing vector addition on the axis=-3, which is what the
# batchnorm layer does (batchnorm layer only works on rank 4 input tensors)
if not (_check_shape(gamma) and _check_shape(beta)):
return False
C = gamma.shape[-3]
if C == 1:
return False
out_name = add_op.outputs[0].name
x = mb.batch_norm(
mean=np.zeros((C,), np.float32),
variance=np.ones((C,), np.float32),
anchor_op=add_op, old_var=add_op.outputs[0], new_var=x
# Remove all the ops at once
block.remove_ops([mul_op, add_op])
return True
def _fuse_elementwise_to_batchnorm_block(self, block):
fusion_occurred = False
for op in list(block.operations):
if op.enclosing_block is None:
for b in op.blocks:
block_changed = True
while block_changed:
block_changed = self._fuse_elementwise_to_batchnorm_block(b)
if len(op.blocks) > 0:
# This op can't be mul
add_op = self._match_pattern(op)
if add_op is not None:
if self._try_to_transform(op, add_op, block):
fusion_occurred = True
return fusion_occurred
class rank0_expand_dims_swap(AbstractGraphPass):
Identify the pattern of a ``rank-0`` binary elementwise operation followed by an ``expand_dims`` op.
In the MIL backend, the output of the ``elementwise`` op becomes rank 1. Hence, an ``expand_dims`` op
should be added after both of the ``rank-0`` tensors, and the final ``expand_dims`` should be removed.
If the output var of the binary elementwise op is consumed by more than one op, a ``squeeze`` op
is inserted.
.. code-block::
[...](rank-0) --> sub --> expand_dims (axes=[0]) --> [...]
^ |
| |--> op2
| |
| |--> op3
[scalar const]
.. code-block::
[...](rank-0) --> expand_dims (axes=[0]) --> sub --> [...]
^ |
| |--> squeeze ---> op2
| |
| |--> op3
expand_dims (axes=[0])
[scalar const]
def apply(self, prog):
for f in prog.functions.values():
block_changed = True
while block_changed:
block_changed = self._rank0_expand_dims_swap(f)
def _try_to_transform(op, block):
op_type = op.op_type
ops_to_remove = []
if op.x.rank != 0 or op.y.rank != 0:
return False
# One and only one input is a scalar const
if (op.x.val is None) == (op.y.val is None):
return False
var_1, var_2 = op.x, op.y
# check if the output is consumed by exact one expand_dims op and other ops
expand_dims_ops = []
other_ops = []
child_ops = list(op.outputs[0].child_ops)
for child_op in child_ops:
if child_op.op_type == "expand_dims":
if len(expand_dims_ops) != 1:
return False
# check the expand_dim op has axes = [0]
expand_dims_op = expand_dims_ops[0]
expand_dims_op_axes_val = expand_dims_op.axes.val
if isinstance(expand_dims_op_axes_val, np.ndarray):
expand_dims_op_axes_val = expand_dims_op_axes_val.tolist()
if expand_dims_op_axes_val != [0]:
return False
ops_to_remove += other_ops
for out in op.outputs:
if out in block.outputs:
return False
# add a expand_dims op after each rank-0 tensor
var_1_expand = mb.expand_dims(x=var_1, axes=[0], before_op=op)
var_2_expand = mb.expand_dims(x=var_2, axes=[0], before_op=op)
# add a new elementwise binary op
elem_op = getattr(mb, op_type)
# replace var for the expand_dims op
x = elem_op(
x=var_1_expand, y=var_2_expand, name=expand_dims_op.outputs[0].name, before_op=op
anchor_op=expand_dims_op, old_var=expand_dims_op.outputs[0], new_var=x
# replace var for other ops
if len(other_ops) >= 1:
elem_op_output = op.outputs[0]
squeeze = mb.squeeze(x=x, before_op=op)
for other_op in other_ops:
new_op = getattr(mb, other_op.op_type)
kargs = {}
for k, v in other_op.inputs.items():
if v == elem_op_output:
kargs[k] = squeeze
kargs[k] = v
kargs["name"] = other_op.name
kargs["before_op"] = other_op
new_var = new_op(**kargs)
anchor_op=other_op, old_var=other_op.outputs[0], new_var=new_var
# Remove all the ops at once
return True
def _rank0_expand_dims_swap(self, block):
fusion_occurred = False
for op in list(block.operations):
if op.enclosing_block is None:
for b in op.blocks:
block_changed = True
while block_changed:
block_changed = self._rank0_expand_dims_swap(b)
if len(op.blocks) > 0:
# This op can't be elementwise binary ops
if op.op_type in ["add", "sub", "mul", "real_div", "floor_div"]:
if self._try_to_transform(op, block):
fusion_occurred = True
return fusion_occurred