# Copyright (c) 2023, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clausefrom
import re
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional
from coremltools import _logger as logger
from coremltools.converters.mil.input_types import EnumeratedShapes, ImageType, Shape
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Block
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Builder as mb
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Function, Program, types
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.graph_pass import AbstractGraphPass
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.helper import block_context_manager
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.pass_registry import register_pass
class NameSanitizer:
def __init__(self, prefix=None):
# to hold all names encountered,
# to make sure that all new names are unique
self.all_names = set()
self.prefix = "_" if prefix is None else prefix
def _replace_invalid_char_with_underscore(name):
return re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", name)
def sanitize_name(self, name: str, allow_prefix_underscore: Optional[bool] = True) -> str:
Sanitize the input string and return it back.
Input string should be of the format: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
If it is not, then it is sanitized in the following manner:
- first, any character that is not [a-zA-Z0-9_] is replaced with "_"
- if the starting character is not [a-zA-Z_], it is prefixed with self.prefix
- the resulting string must be unique. If it has been encountered before,
it is appended by "_0" or "_1" and so on, until it becomes unique.
:name: str
current name
:return: str
updated name. Returns the same string, if sanitization not required.
# replace any character that is not [a-zA-Z0-9_] with an underscore
new_name = self._replace_invalid_char_with_underscore(name)
# now check if the name starts with anything but [A-Za-z_]
# if so, then add the prefix
if re.match("[^a-zA-Z_]", new_name):
new_name = self.prefix + new_name
reserved_names = [
if new_name in reserved_names:
new_name += "_workaround"
# if the name start with _, we append "var" in front of it
if not allow_prefix_underscore:
if new_name.startswith("_"):
new_name = "var" + new_name
if new_name == name:
# return if nothing has changed
return name
# name has changed
# make sure it is unique, then return
if new_name in self.all_names:
idx = 0
new_name += "_" + str(idx)
while new_name in self.all_names:
idx += 1
new_name += "_" + str(idx)
# now we have a unique name
return new_name
def sanitize_block(
Sanitize the vars and op names inside the block to adhere to the format [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
if sanitize_model_inputs_outputs_only:
block, sanitizer_vars, main_input_types, sanitize_main_input_only=True
NameSanitizer._sanitize_main_outputs_only(block, sanitizer_vars)
NameSanitizer._sanitize_block_input_vars(block, sanitizer_vars, main_input_types)
block, sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops
NameSanitizer._sanitize_op_names(block, sanitizer_ops)
def _sanitize_block_input_vars(
block, sanitizer_vars, main_input_types, sanitize_main_input_only=False
# iterate over all the block input vars and sanitize the names
if isinstance(block, Function):
# this is the "main" block
# block.inputs is a dict from input names to input vars
# iterate over the input vars of the main program and sanitize their names
new_input_dict = OrderedDict()
input_name_updated = False
for input_name, var in block.inputs.items():
msg = "Main block's input name, '{}', is different from its corresponding var's name, '{}'."
assert input_name == var.name, msg.format(input_name, var.name)
new_name = sanitizer_vars.sanitize_name(var.name)
new_input_dict[new_name] = var
if new_name != var.name:
msg = "Input, '{}', of the source model, has been renamed to '{}' in the Core ML model."
warnings.warn(msg.format(var.name, new_name))
if var.name in block.placeholder_inputs:
block.placeholder_inputs[new_name] = block.placeholder_inputs.pop(var.name)
input_name_updated = True
if main_input_types is not None:
# update prog's main_input_types, since we are updating the name of a model input here
for i in range(len(main_input_types)):
if main_input_types[i].name == input_name:
main_input_types[i].name = new_name
if input_name_updated:
block._input_dict = new_input_dict
elif not sanitize_main_input_only:
# in this case block is not the "main" function
# in this case block.inputs is a list of input vars of the block
for var in block.inputs:
new_name = sanitizer_vars.sanitize_name(var.name)
if new_name != var.name:
def _sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars, emit_warning=False):
new_name = sanitizer_vars.sanitize_name(var.name)
if new_name != var.name:
if emit_warning:
msg = "Output, '{}', of the source model, has been renamed to '{}' in the Core ML model."
warnings.warn(msg.format(var.name, new_name))
def _sanitize_op_names(block, sanitizer_ops):
# iterate over all the ops and sanitize the op names
for op in list(block.operations):
if op.name is not None:
op.name = sanitizer_ops.sanitize_name(op.name)
def _sanitize_output_vars_and_nested_blocks(block, sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops):
for op in list(block.operations):
for b in op.blocks:
NameSanitizer.sanitize_block(b, sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops)
for var in op.outputs:
if isinstance(block, Function) and var in block.outputs:
NameSanitizer._sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars, emit_warning=True)
NameSanitizer._sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars)
def _sanitize_main_outputs_only(block, sanitizer_vars):
for op in list(block.operations):
for var in op.outputs:
if isinstance(block, Function) and var in block.outputs:
NameSanitizer._sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars, emit_warning=True)
# TODO: rdar://122845072 ([Infra] Refactor the transform_function_signatures, adjust_io_to_supported_types and update_output_dtypes using a shared graph pass)
class update_output_dtypes(AbstractGraphPass):
Update the dtypes of output vars of each function block to match the dtypes
provided in ``function.output_types``. The output types for the main function
is populated by the ``outputs`` argument provided by the user in the ``coremltools.convert()`` API.
This graph pass assumes that the list of outputs in ``function.output_types`` (if not ``None``),
are in the same order as the output vars.
def adjust_function_output_types(self, func: Function) -> None:
Adjust output dtypes for a pymil function.
user_provided_output_types = func.output_types
output_vars = func.outputs
input_vars = list(func.inputs.values())
if user_provided_output_types is None or len(user_provided_output_types) == 0:
if len(output_vars) != len(user_provided_output_types):
msg = (
"Number of outputs provided by the user, which is {}, "
"does not match the number of outputs generated by the model, which is {}"
raise ValueError(msg.format(len(user_provided_output_types), len(output_vars)))
new_outputs = []
for i, output_type in enumerate(user_provided_output_types):
required_output_dtype = output_type.dtype
output_var = output_vars[i]
if (
required_output_dtype is None
or not (
types.is_tensor(output_var.sym_type) or types.is_scalar(output_var.sym_type)
or required_output_dtype == output_var.dtype
# no need to update the output var's dtype in this case
elif output_var in input_vars:
# Here is this rare special case, that the program input is also an output
# For this case, we don't do anything, and throw a warning message
f"Output var '{output_var.name}' is also an input var, hence the "
f"dtype cannot be changed: output var '{output_var.name}' remains "
f"dtype {types.builtin_to_string(output_var.dtype)}"
output_var_name = output_var.name
output_var_name + "_type_" + types.builtin_to_string(output_var.dtype)
new_output_var = mb.cast(
x=output_var, dtype=types.builtin_to_string(required_output_dtype)
Block._copy_scope_info(output_var, new_output_var)
def apply(self, prog: Program):
for func in prog.functions.values():