Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2023, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

import re
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional

from coremltools import _logger as logger
from import EnumeratedShapes, ImageType, Shape
from import Block
from import Builder as mb
from import Function, Program, types
from import AbstractGraphPass
from import block_context_manager
from import register_pass

[docs] @register_pass(namespace="common") class image_input_preprocess(AbstractGraphPass): """ Plug in to ``transpose`` image input in NHWC format to NCHW format. Follow these steps: 1. Check whether there are any inputs that the users specify as ImageType. 2. Check the channel's dimension for all inputs that are ImageType. a) ``channel_first == True`` We do not modify this input, since ``channel_first`` is the intended behaviour for feeding images for optimal performance. b) ``channel_first == False`` We convert the input into a "channel_first" input, and plug in a ``transpose`` for the input to maintain the remaining graph's dimensionality. """ def apply(self, prog): for f_name, f in prog.functions.items(): if f_name == "main": # We need to make sure main exist and start here. self._image_input_preprocess(prog) @staticmethod def _image_input_preprocess(prog): def _transform_to_channel_first(shape): if isinstance(shape, tuple): shape = list(shape) return tuple(shape[:-3] + [shape[-1]] + shape[-3:-1]) else: return shape[:-3] + [shape[-1]] + shape[-3:-1] main_input_types = list(prog.functions["main"].input_types) for idx, input_type in enumerate(main_input_types): if isinstance(input_type, ImageType) and not input_type.channel_first: name = # Build new ImageType to change data layout if isinstance(input_type.shape, Shape): new_shape = _transform_to_channel_first(input_type.shape.shape) new_default = _transform_to_channel_first(input_type.shape.default) shape_type = Shape(shape=new_shape, default=new_default) elif isinstance(input_type.shape, EnumeratedShapes): shape_list = [] for shape in input_type.shape.shapes: if isinstance(shape, Shape): shape_list.append(_transform_to_channel_first(shape.shape)) else: shape_list.append(_transform_to_channel_first(shape)) shape_type = EnumeratedShapes( shapes=shape_list, default=_transform_to_channel_first(input_type.shape.default), ) new_image_type = ImageType( name=name, shape=shape_type, bias=input_type.bias, scale=input_type.scale, color_layout=input_type.color_layout, channel_first=True, ) main_input_types[idx] = new_image_type # Reconstruct Placeholder of Function inputs. placeholder_op = prog.functions["main"].placeholder_inputs[name] old_var = placeholder_op.outputs[0] nchw_shape = _transform_to_channel_first(placeholder_op.sym_shape) placeholder_op.__init__( nchw_shape, dtype=placeholder_op.dtype, ) # Update Function input var prog.functions["main"]._input_dict[name] = placeholder_op.outputs[0] # Add transpose into graph (Transpose from NCHW back to NHWC) curr_block = prog.functions["main"] curr_var = prog.functions["main"].inputs[name] perm = list(range(curr_var.rank)) perm = perm[:-3] + [perm[-2], perm[-1], perm[-3]] with curr_block: new_input = mb.transpose( x=curr_var, perm=perm, before_op=prog.functions["main"].operations[0], + "__transpose_from_nchw__", ) curr_block.replace_uses_of_var_after_op( anchor_op=None, old_var=old_var, new_var=new_input ) prog.functions["main"].input_types = tuple(main_input_types)
class NameSanitizer: def __init__(self, prefix=None): # to hold all names encountered, # to make sure that all new names are unique self.all_names = set() self.prefix = "_" if prefix is None else prefix @staticmethod def _replace_invalid_char_with_underscore(name): return re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", name) def sanitize_name(self, name: str, allow_prefix_underscore: Optional[bool] = True) -> str: """ Sanitize the input string and return it back. Input string should be of the format: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* If it is not, then it is sanitized in the following manner: - first, any character that is not [a-zA-Z0-9_] is replaced with "_" - if the starting character is not [a-zA-Z_], it is prefixed with self.prefix - the resulting string must be unique. If it has been encountered before, it is appended by "_0" or "_1" and so on, until it becomes unique. :name: str current name :return: str updated name. Returns the same string, if sanitization not required. """ # replace any character that is not [a-zA-Z0-9_] with an underscore new_name = self._replace_invalid_char_with_underscore(name) # now check if the name starts with anything but [A-Za-z_] # if so, then add the prefix if re.match("[^a-zA-Z_]", new_name): new_name = self.prefix + new_name reserved_names = [ "any", "bool", "program", "func", "tensor", "list", "dict", "tuple", "true", "false", "string", "bf16", "fp16", "fp32", "fp64", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "state", ] if new_name in reserved_names: new_name += "_workaround" # if the name start with _, we append "var" in front of it if not allow_prefix_underscore: if new_name.startswith("_"): new_name = "var" + new_name if new_name == name: # return if nothing has changed self.all_names.add(name) return name else: # name has changed # make sure it is unique, then return if new_name in self.all_names: idx = 0 new_name += "_" + str(idx) while new_name in self.all_names: idx += 1 new_name += "_" + str(idx) # now we have a unique name self.all_names.add(new_name) return new_name @staticmethod def sanitize_block( block, sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops, main_input_types=None, sanitize_model_inputs_outputs_only=False, ): """ Sanitize the vars and op names inside the block to adhere to the format [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* """ if sanitize_model_inputs_outputs_only: NameSanitizer._sanitize_block_input_vars( block, sanitizer_vars, main_input_types, sanitize_main_input_only=True ) NameSanitizer._sanitize_main_outputs_only(block, sanitizer_vars) else: NameSanitizer._sanitize_block_input_vars(block, sanitizer_vars, main_input_types) NameSanitizer._sanitize_output_vars_and_nested_blocks( block, sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops ) NameSanitizer._sanitize_op_names(block, sanitizer_ops) @staticmethod def _sanitize_block_input_vars( block, sanitizer_vars, main_input_types, sanitize_main_input_only=False ): # iterate over all the block input vars and sanitize the names if isinstance(block, Function): # this is the "main" block # block.inputs is a dict from input names to input vars # iterate over the input vars of the main program and sanitize their names new_input_dict = OrderedDict() input_name_updated = False for input_name, var in block.inputs.items(): msg = "Main block's input name, '{}', is different from its corresponding var's name, '{}'." assert input_name ==, msg.format(input_name, new_name = sanitizer_vars.sanitize_name( new_input_dict[new_name] = var if new_name != msg = "Input, '{}', of the source model, has been renamed to '{}' in the Core ML model." warnings.warn(msg.format(, new_name)) if in block.placeholder_inputs: block.placeholder_inputs[new_name] = block.placeholder_inputs.pop( block.placeholder_inputs[new_name].set_name(new_name) var.set_name(new_name) input_name_updated = True if main_input_types is not None: # update prog's main_input_types, since we are updating the name of a model input here for i in range(len(main_input_types)): if main_input_types[i].name == input_name: main_input_types[i].name = new_name break if input_name_updated: block._input_dict = new_input_dict elif not sanitize_main_input_only: # in this case block is not the "main" function # in this case block.inputs is a list of input vars of the block for var in block.inputs: new_name = sanitizer_vars.sanitize_name( if new_name != var.set_name(new_name) @staticmethod def _sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars, emit_warning=False): new_name = sanitizer_vars.sanitize_name( if new_name != if emit_warning: msg = "Output, '{}', of the source model, has been renamed to '{}' in the Core ML model." warnings.warn(msg.format(, new_name)) var.set_name(new_name) @staticmethod def _sanitize_op_names(block, sanitizer_ops): # iterate over all the ops and sanitize the op names for op in list(block.operations): if is not None: = sanitizer_ops.sanitize_name( @staticmethod def _sanitize_output_vars_and_nested_blocks(block, sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops): for op in list(block.operations): for b in op.blocks: NameSanitizer.sanitize_block(b, sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops) for var in op.outputs: if isinstance(block, Function) and var in block.outputs: NameSanitizer._sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars, emit_warning=True) else: NameSanitizer._sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars) @staticmethod def _sanitize_main_outputs_only(block, sanitizer_vars): for op in list(block.operations): for var in op.outputs: if isinstance(block, Function) and var in block.outputs: NameSanitizer._sanitize_var_names(var, sanitizer_vars, emit_warning=True)
[docs] @register_pass(namespace="common") class sanitize_input_output_names(AbstractGraphPass): """ Sanitize the names of model input and output vars to make sure that they are of the format as described in the NameSanitizer class; that is, of the format ``[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*``. """ def apply(self, prog): sanitizer_vars = NameSanitizer(prefix="var_") sanitizer_ops = NameSanitizer(prefix="op_") # sanitize the input/output of the main block # TODO: rdar://126498947 ([Infra] Investigate the name sanitizer on multifunction model) if "main" in prog.functions: NameSanitizer.sanitize_block( prog.functions["main"], sanitizer_vars, sanitizer_ops, prog.functions["main"].input_types, sanitize_model_inputs_outputs_only=True, )
# TODO: rdar://122845072 ([Infra] Refactor the transform_function_signatures, adjust_io_to_supported_types and update_output_dtypes using a shared graph pass)
[docs] @register_pass(namespace="common") class update_output_dtypes(AbstractGraphPass): """ Update the dtypes of output vars of each function block to match the dtypes provided in ``function.output_types``. The output types for the main function is populated by the ``outputs`` argument provided by the user in the ``coremltools.convert()`` API. This graph pass assumes that the list of outputs in ``function.output_types`` (if not ``None``), are in the same order as the output vars. """ @block_context_manager def adjust_function_output_types(self, func: Function) -> None: """ Adjust output dtypes for a pymil function. """ user_provided_output_types = func.output_types output_vars = func.outputs input_vars = list(func.inputs.values()) if user_provided_output_types is None or len(user_provided_output_types) == 0: return if len(output_vars) != len(user_provided_output_types): msg = ( "Number of outputs provided by the user, which is {}, " "does not match the number of outputs generated by the model, which is {}" ) raise ValueError(msg.format(len(user_provided_output_types), len(output_vars))) new_outputs = [] for i, output_type in enumerate(user_provided_output_types): required_output_dtype = output_type.dtype output_var = output_vars[i] if ( required_output_dtype is None or not ( types.is_tensor(output_var.sym_type) or types.is_scalar(output_var.sym_type) ) or required_output_dtype == output_var.dtype ): # no need to update the output var's dtype in this case new_outputs.append(output_var) elif output_var in input_vars: # Here is this rare special case, that the program input is also an output # For this case, we don't do anything, and throw a warning message new_outputs.append(output_var) logger.warning( f"Output var '{}' is also an input var, hence the " f"dtype cannot be changed: output var '{}' remains " f"dtype {types.builtin_to_string(output_var.dtype)}" ) else: output_var_name = output_var.set_name( output_var_name + "_type_" + types.builtin_to_string(output_var.dtype) ) new_output_var = mb.cast( x=output_var, dtype=types.builtin_to_string(required_output_dtype) ) new_output_var.set_name(output_var_name) Block._copy_scope_info(output_var, new_output_var) new_outputs.append(new_output_var) func.set_outputs(new_outputs) def apply(self, prog: Program): for func in prog.functions.values(): self.adjust_function_output_types(func)