# Copyright (c) 2023, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import Builder as mb
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.graph_pass import AbstractGraphPass
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.helper import block_context_manager
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.passes.pass_registry import register_pass
class loop_invariant_elimination(AbstractGraphPass):
When a block does not modify a block input var, eliminate that block
input var and use the corresponding var in the outer scope. Example:
.. code-block::
# Before loop_invariant_elimination pass.
# Notice that ``%b.x`` is constant through while loop iterates.
main(%a: (1, 2, fp32),
%b: (1, 2, fp32)) {
block0() {
%loop:0: (1, 2, fp32), %loop:1: (1, 2, fp32) = \
while_loop(loop_vars=(%a, %b))
loop_cond(%a.x, %b.x) {
%cond_var: (bool) = some_op(x=%a.x, y=%b.x)
} -> (%cond_var)
loop_body(%a.x, %b.x) {
%add_0: (1, 2, fp32) = add(x=%a.x, y=%b.x)
} -> (%add_0, %b.x)
} -> (%loop:0, %loop:1)
# After loop_invariant_elimination pass.
main(%a: (1, 2, fp32),
%b: (1, 2, fp32)) {
block0() {
%loop:1: (1, 2, fp32) = identity(x=%b)
%loop:0: (1, 2, fp32) = \
loop_cond(%a.x) {
%cond_var: (bool) = some_op(x=%a.x, y=%b)
} -> (%cond_var)
loop_body(%a.x) {
%add_0: (1, 2, fp32) = add(x=%a.x, y=%b)
} -> (%add_0)
} -> (%loop:0, %loop:1)
where we eliminate loop invariant ``%b.x`` from ``while_loop``, which returns 1
instead of 2 outputs. We also preserve the return var names with identity.
def apply(self, prog):
for f in prog.functions.values():
def _detect_loop_invariants(while_op):
block = while_op.blocks[1] # body block
loop_invariant_ids = [] # list of index in op.loop_vars, block.inputs
for i, vx_in in enumerate(block.inputs):
vx_out = block.outputs[i] # first output is cond var.
return_input_as_output = vx_in == vx_out
# this block output is a var from outside of the block
enclosing_block = while_op.enclosing_block
output_from_outside_of_block = enclosing_block.is_var_visible_in_block(
vx_out, upto_op=while_op
if return_input_as_output or output_from_outside_of_block:
# TODO: All outputs that depend on only invariants are invariant. We
# need to move computation out of while loop.
return loop_invariant_ids
def _loop_invariant_elimination_block(self, block):
# Phase 1: Find vars needed to be renamed.
# while_loop outputs need to be renamed if the output will be eliminated
# (due to loop invariant) and is returned as block output (which would
# change the return var name and the program interface).
# list[(v_src, v_tgt, before_op)]: will rename v_src to v_tgt before
# before_op (a while_loop)
output_rename = []
for op in list(block.operations):
for b in op.blocks:
if op.op_type != "while_loop":
loop_invariant_ids = self._detect_loop_invariants(op)
for i in loop_invariant_ids:
output_rename.append((op.loop_vars[i], op.outputs[i], op))
if len(loop_invariant_ids) > 0:
# Avoid the following case:
# %a, %b = while_loop(..., name="b")
# becomes
# %b = identity(..., name="b")
# %a = while_loop(..., name="b")
# (two ops with the same name -> name collision)
op.name = op.name + "_renamed"
# Phase 2: insert rename ops. This changes block.operations
for v_src, v_tgt, op in output_rename:
if v_tgt in block.outputs:
# rename the loop output to existing block output names
res = mb.identity(x=v_src, before_op=op, name=v_tgt.name)
anchor_op=op, old_var=v_tgt, new_var=res
# Phase 3: Perform loop invariant elimination without fear!
for op in list(block.operations):
if op.op_type != "while_loop":
loop_invariant_ids = self._detect_loop_invariants(op)
# replace uses of loop_invariants with its source from outside of the
# while_loop op.
for i in loop_invariant_ids:
for block in op.blocks:
anchor_op=None, old_var=block.inputs[i], new_var=op.loop_vars[i]
# replace block inputs
for block in op.blocks:
block.remove_inputs([block.inputs[i] for i in loop_invariant_ids])
# remove invariants from while_loop loop_vars
for i in loop_invariant_ids:
# replace usage of while_loop outputs that we'll eliminate.
anchor_op=op, old_var=op.outputs[i], new_var=op.loop_vars[i]
# Remove after replacing to ensure program is valid
for i in loop_invariant_ids:
op.loop_vars = tuple(
v for i, v in enumerate(op.loop_vars) if i not in loop_invariant_ids
op._input_vars["loop_vars"] = op.loop_vars
# remove invariants from while_loop body_block outputs
body_block = op.blocks[1]
[v for i, v in enumerate(body_block.outputs) if i not in loop_invariant_ids]
# op._output_vars doesn't include cond var
op._output_vars = [
v for i, v in enumerate(op._output_vars) if i not in loop_invariant_ids
# check healthy state