Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2022, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

import numpy as np

from import types
from import (DefaultInputs,
from import (VALUE, Operation,
from import register_op
from import \
    topk as _topk_iOS15
from import _IOS16_TARGET

[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS16_TARGET) class fill_like(Operation): """ Returns a tensor with the same shape as the input tensor filled with a constant value. Parameters ---------- ref_tensor: tensor<\*?, T> (Required) * Input tensor. value: const<U> (Optional) * Default is ``0.0``. * Constant value to fill in. Returns ------- tensor<\*?, T> * Tensor with shape determined by the input tensor. Attributes ---------- T: fp16, fp32, int32, bool U: fp16, fp32, int32, bool """ input_spec = InputSpec( ref_tensor=TensorInputType(type_domain="T"), value=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="U"), ) type_domains = { "T": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool), "U": (types.fp16, types.fp32, types.int32, types.bool), } def default_inputs(self): return DefaultInputs( value=0. ) def type_inference(self): return types.tensor(self.value.dtype, self.ref_tensor.shape) @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): return np.full(shape=self.ref_tensor.shape, fill_value=self.value.val)
[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS16_TARGET) class topk(_topk_iOS15): """ A version of ``topk`` for iOS 16+. This section documents the differences. The following are additional parameters for the iOS 16+ version. For the rest of the documentation, see `the iOS 15 version of topk <>`_. Parameters ---------- sort: const<bool> (Optional) * Defaults to ``True``. * If ``True``, ``top-k`` elements are themselves sorted. Otherwise, no particular ordering is guaranteed. return_indices: const<bool> (Optional) * Defaults to ``True``. * If ``True``, returns both values and indices. Otherwise, returns only the ``top-k`` values. Returns ------- tensor<\*?, T> * Values of top/bottom ``k`` elements. tensor<\*?, int32> * Only returned when ``return_indices = True`` * Indices of the top/bottom ``k`` elements along axis. Attributes ---------- T: fp32, int32 """ input_spec = _topk_iOS15.input_spec + InputSpec( sort=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool), return_indices=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.bool), ) def default_inputs(self): return super().default_inputs() + DefaultInputs(sort=True, return_indices=True) def type_inference(self): value_type, indices_type = super().type_inference() if not self.return_indices.val: return value_type return value_type, indices_type @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): values, indices = super().value_inference() if not self.return_indices.val: return values return values, indices