Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2022, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

import numpy as np

from import types
from import InputSpec, TensorInputType
from import VALUE, Operation, precondition
from import register_op
from import _IOS17_TARGET

def _rank_promoted_to_same_as_data(data, axis, param):
    Reshapes `param` to be the same shape as `data`.
    if axis is not None:
        axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + len(data.shape)
    if len(param.shape) == 0:
        return np.reshape(param, np.ones(len(data.shape), np.int32))
        axes = [i for i in range(len(data.shape)) if i != axis]
        return np.expand_dims(param, axis=tuple(axes))

def _check_scale_zp_shapes(input_data, scale, zero_point, axis):
    def assert_vector_size_same_as_axial_dimension(param, axis_dim_size, name):
        if param.rank == 1 and param.shape[0] != axis_dim_size:
            raise ValueError(
                "Parameter {}, if vector, needs to have same size as the dimension size along the parameter input".format(

    if scale.rank == 0:
        # ios17.dequantize doesn't want axis defined for scalar quant params.
        if axis is not None:
            raise ValueError("axis should not be provided to quantize if scale/zp are scalars")
        if zero_point is not None and zero_point.rank != 0:
            raise ValueError("zero_point should be a scalar if scale is a scalar")
    elif scale.rank == 1:
        if axis is None or axis.val is None:
            raise ValueError("axis should be provided to quantize if scale/zp are not scalars")
        if axis.val < -input_data.rank or axis.val >= input_data.rank:
            raise ValueError(
                "Parameter axis needs to be in the range -input.rank <= axis < input.rank"

        input_axis_dim_size = input_data.shape[axis.val]
        assert_vector_size_same_as_axial_dimension(scale, input_axis_dim_size, "scale")
        if zero_point is not None:
            if zero_point.rank != 1:
                raise ValueError("zero_point should be a vector if scale is a vector")
                zero_point, input_axis_dim_size, "zero_point"
        raise ValueError("Params scale & zero_point should both be scalars or vectors")

[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS17_TARGET) class quantize(Operation): """ Performs affine/linear quantization on an input tensor. The original data comes from the first "input". The other parameters -- ``scale``, ``zero_point``, and ``axis`` -- describe how quantization should occur:: quantized_data = clip(round(input / scale) + zero_point) Parameters ---------- input: tensor<SrcT, [1..]> (Required) zero_point: const tensor<DstT, [0..1]> (Optional) * The ``zero_point`` can be either a scalar or a vector. If not provided, it is assumed to be ``0``. * The ``zero_point`` follows similar broadcasting rules and size constraints as ``scale``. scale: const tensor<SrcT, [0..1]> (Required) * The ``scale`` can be either a scalar or a vector. * If ``scale`` is a vector, for implementation, it is broadcasted to the following shape: - The rank of ``scale`` becomes the same as the rank of the input. - Constraint: ``size(scale-vector) == input.shape[axis]``. - For ``i == axis``, ``scale.shape[i] == input.shape[i]``. - For ``i != axis``, ``scale.shape == 1``. - For example: - Assume ``input.shape = (2, 3, 4, 5)`` and ``axis = 1``. - If ``scale`` is a vector, then ``scale.size`` needs to be equal to ``input.shape[axis]``; that is, equal to ``3``. - This is broadcasted to ``(1, 3, 1, 1)``. output_dtype: const tensor<string, []> (Required) * This parameter can take ``"uint8"``, ``"int8"`` as values. * The ``output_dtype`` value must match the ``zero_point`` dtype. axis: const tensor<int32, []> (Optional) Returns ------- tensor<DstT, [1..]> Attributes ---------- SrcT: fp16, fp32 DstT: uint8, int8 """ input_spec = InputSpec( input=TensorInputType(type_domain="SrcT"), zero_point=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="DstT"), scale=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="SrcT"), axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32), output_dtype=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain=types.str), ) type_domains = { "SrcT": (types.fp16, types.fp32), "DstT": (types.uint8, types.int8), } def type_inference(self): out_dtype = types.string_to_builtin(self.output_dtype.val) if out_dtype not in {types.int8, types.uint8}: raise ValueError( '"quantize" op: unrecognized output dtype "{}"'.format(self.output_dtype.val) ) if self.zero_point is not None: if out_dtype != self.zero_point.dtype: raise ValueError( "output_dtype & zero_point dtype mismatch: {}, {}".format( self.output_dtype.val, types.builtin_to_string(self.zero_point.dtype) ) ) _check_scale_zp_shapes(self.input, self.scale, self.zero_point, self.axis) return types.tensor(out_dtype, self.input.shape) @precondition(allow=VALUE) def value_inference(self): original_data = self.input.val if self.zero_point is not None: zero_point = self.zero_point.val else: zero_point = np.int8(0) if self.output_dtype.val == "int8" else np.uint8(0) scale = self.scale.val axis = None if self.axis is not None: axis = self.axis.val dtype_info = np.iinfo(zero_point.dtype) sc = _rank_promoted_to_same_as_data(original_data, axis, scale) zp = _rank_promoted_to_same_as_data(original_data, axis, zero_point) val = np.clip( np.around(original_data / sc) + zp.astype(np.float32), dtype_info.min, dtype_info.max ) return val.astype(zero_point.dtype)
[docs] @register_op(opset_version=_IOS17_TARGET) class dequantize(Operation): """ Performs dequantization on an input tensor with affine/linear quantization. The quantized data comes from the first "input". The other parameters -- ``scale``, ``zero_point``, and ``axis`` -- describe how unquantized values can be extracted from it, using the following equation for affine/linear quantization:: unquantized_data = scale * (input - zero_point) Parameters ---------- input: tensor<SrcT, [1..]> (Required) zero_point: const tensor<SrcT, [0..1]> (Optional) * The ``zero_point`` can be either a scalar or a vector. If not provided, it is assumed to be ``0``. * The ``zero_point`` follows similar broadcasting rules and size constraints as ``scale``. scale: const tensor<DstT, [0..1]> (Required) * The ``scale`` can be either a scalar or a vector. * If ``scale`` is a vector, for implementation, it is broadcasted to the following shape: - The rank of ``scale`` becomes the same as the rank of the input. - Constraint: ``size(scale-vector) == input.shape[axis]``. - For ``i == axis``, ``scale.shape[i] == input.shape[i]``. - For ``i != axis``, ``scale.shape == 1``. - For example: - Assume ``input.shape = (2, 3, 4, 5)`` and ``axis = 1``. - If ``scale`` is a vector, then ``scale.size`` needs to be equal to ``input.shape[axis]``; that is, equal to ``3``. - This is broadcasted to ``(1, 3, 1, 1)``. axis: const tensor<int32, []> (Optional) Returns ------- tensor<DstT, [1..]> Attributes ---------- SrcT: uint8, int8 DstT: fp16, fp32 """ input_spec = InputSpec( input=TensorInputType(type_domain="SrcT"), zero_point=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain="SrcT"), scale=TensorInputType(const=True, type_domain="DstT"), axis=TensorInputType(const=True, optional=True, type_domain=types.int32), ) type_domains = { "DstT": (types.fp16, types.fp32), "SrcT": (types.uint8, types.int8), } def type_inference(self): _check_scale_zp_shapes(self.input, self.scale, self.zero_point, self.axis) return types.tensor(self.scale.dtype, self.input.shape) def can_materialize_val(self) -> bool: if self.input.val is None: return False if self.scale.val is None: return False if self.zero_point is not None and self.zero_point.val is None: return False if self.axis is not None and self.axis.val is None: return False return True def materialized_val_inference(self) -> np.ndarray: if not self.can_materialize_val(): return None quantized_data = self.input.val if self.zero_point is not None: zero_point = self.zero_point.val else: zero_point = np.int8(0) if self.input.dtype == types.int8 else np.uint8(0) scale = self.scale.val axis = None if self.axis is not None: axis = self.axis.val sc = _rank_promoted_to_same_as_data(quantized_data, axis, scale) zp = _rank_promoted_to_same_as_data(quantized_data, axis, zero_point) val = sc * (quantized_data.astype(np.float32) - zp.astype(np.float32)) return val.astype(scale.dtype)