Source code for coremltools.models.model

# Copyright (c) 2017, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

import atexit as _atexit
import json
import os as _os
import shutil as _shutil
import tempfile as _tempfile
import warnings as _warnings
from copy import deepcopy as _deepcopy
from typing import Optional as _Optional

import numpy as _np
import numpy as _numpy

from coremltools import (
    ComputeUnit as _ComputeUnit,
    _logger as logger,
    proto as _proto,
    SpecializationStrategy as _SpecializationStrategy,
    ReshapeFrequency as _ReshapeFrequency,
from coremltools._deps import _HAS_TF_1, _HAS_TF_2, _HAS_TORCH
from import Program as _Program
from import ScopeSource as _ScopeSource

from .utils import (
from .utils import load_spec as _load_spec
from .utils import save_spec as _save_spec

    import torch as _torch

if _HAS_TF_1 or _HAS_TF_2:
    import tensorflow as _tf

    from ..libmodelpackage import ModelPackage as _ModelPackage
    _ModelPackage = None

    from ..libcoremlpython import _MLModelProxy
except Exception as e:
    logger.warning(f"Failed to load _MLModelProxy: {e}")
    _MLModelProxy = None

_HAS_PIL = True
    from PIL import Image as _PIL_IMAGE
    _HAS_PIL = False

_MLMODEL_QUANTIZED = "quantized_model"


# Linear quantization
# Linear quantization represented as a lookup table
_QUANTIZATION_MODE_LOOKUP_TABLE_LINEAR = "_lookup_table_quantization_linear"
# Lookup table quantization generated by K-Means
_QUANTIZATION_MODE_LOOKUP_TABLE_KMEANS = "_lookup_table_quantization_kmeans"
# Custom lookup table quantization
_QUANTIZATION_MODE_CUSTOM_LOOKUP_TABLE = "_lookup_table_quantization_custom"
# Dequantization
_QUANTIZATION_MODE_DEQUANTIZE = "_dequantize_network"  # used for testing
# Symmetric linear quantization
_QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_SYMMETRIC = "_linear_quantization_symmetric"




def _verify_optimization_hint_input(optimization_hint_input: _Optional[dict] = None) -> None:
    Throws an exception if ``optimization_hint_input`` is not valid.
    if optimization_hint_input is None:
    if not isinstance(optimization_hint_input, dict):
        raise TypeError('"optimization_hint_input" must be a dictionary or None')

    if optimization_hint_input != {} and _macos_version() < (15, 0):
        raise ValueError('Optimization hints are only available on macOS >= 15.0')

    for k in optimization_hint_input.keys():
        if k not in ('reshapeFrequency', 'specializationStrategy'):
            raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized key in optimization_hint dictionary: {k}")

    if "specializationStrategy" in optimization_hint_input and not isinstance(optimization_hint_input["specializationStrategy"], _SpecializationStrategy):
        raise TypeError('"specializationStrategy" value of "optimization_hint_input" dictionary must be of type coremltools.SpecializationStrategy')

    if "reshapeFrequency" in optimization_hint_input and not isinstance(optimization_hint_input["reshapeFrequency"], _ReshapeFrequency):
        raise TypeError('"reshapeFrequency" value of "optimization_hint_input" dictionary must be of type coremltools.ReshapeFrequency')

class _FeatureDescription:
    def __init__(self, fd_spec):
        self._fd_spec = fd_spec

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Features(%s)" % ",".join(map(lambda x:, self._fd_spec))

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._fd_spec)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        for f in self._fd_spec:
            if key ==
                return f.shortDescription
        raise KeyError("No feature with name %s." % key)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        for f in self._fd_spec:
            if key ==
                return True
        return False

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        for f in self._fd_spec:
            if key ==
                f.shortDescription = value
        raise AttributeError("No feature with name %s." % key)

    def __iter__(self):
        for f in self._fd_spec:

class MLState:
    def __init__(self, proxy):
        Holds state for an MLModel.

        This is an opaque object. Nothing can be done with it except pass it to MLModel.predict.

        See Also
        self.__proxy__ = proxy

[docs] class MLModel: """ This class defines the minimal interface to a Core ML object in Python. At a high level, the protobuf specification consists of: - Model description: Encodes names and type information of the inputs and outputs to the model. - Model parameters: The set of parameters required to represent a specific instance of the model. - Metadata: Information about the origin, license, and author of the model. With this class, you can inspect a Core ML model, modify metadata, and make predictions for the purposes of testing (on select platforms). Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python # Load the model model = MLModel("HousePricer.mlmodel") # Set the model metadata = "Author" model.license = "BSD" model.short_description = "Predicts the price of a house in the Seattle area." # Get the interface to the model model.input_description model.output_description # Set feature descriptions manually model.input_description["bedroom"] = "Number of bedrooms" model.input_description["bathrooms"] = "Number of bathrooms" model.input_description["size"] = "Size (in square feet)" # Set model.output_description["price"] = "Price of the house" # Make predictions predictions = model.predict({"bedroom": 1.0, "bath": 1.0, "size": 1240}) # Get the spec of the model spec = model.get_spec() # Save the model"HousePricer.mlpackage") # Load the model from the spec object spec = model.get_spec() # modify spec (e.g. rename inputs/outputs etc) model = MLModel(spec) # if model type is mlprogram, i.e. spec.WhichOneof('Type') == "mlProgram", then: model = MLModel(spec, weights_dir=model.weights_dir) # Load a non-default function from a multifunction .mlpackage model = MLModel("MultifunctionModel.mlpackage", function_name="deep_features") See Also -------- predict """
[docs] def __init__( self, model, is_temp_package=False, mil_program=None, skip_model_load=False, compute_units=_ComputeUnit.ALL, weights_dir=None, function_name=None, optimization_hints: _Optional[dict] = None, ): """ Construct an MLModel from an ``.mlmodel``. Parameters ---------- model: str or Model_pb2 For an ML program (``mlprogram``), the model can be a path string (``.mlpackage``) or ``Model_pb2``. If it is a path string, it must point to a directory containing bundle artifacts (such as ``weights.bin``). If it is of type ``Model_pb2`` (spec), then you must also provide ``weights_dir`` if the model has weights, because both the proto spec and the weights are required to initialize and load the model. The proto spec for an ``mlprogram``, unlike a neural network (``neuralnetwork``), does not contain the weights; they are stored separately. If the model does not have weights, you can provide an empty ``weights_dir``. For non- ``mlprogram`` model types, the model can be a path string (``.mlmodel``) or type ``Model_pb2``, such as a spec object. is_temp_package: bool Set to ``True`` if the input model package dir is temporary and can be deleted upon interpreter termination. mil_program: Set to the MIL program object, if available. It is available whenever an MLModel object is constructed using the unified converter API `coremltools.convert() <>`_. skip_model_load: bool Set to ``True`` to prevent Core ML Tools from calling into the Core ML framework to compile and load the model. In that case, the returned model object cannot be used to make a prediction. This flag may be used to load a newer model type on an older Mac, to inspect or load/save the spec. Example: Loading an ML program model type on a macOS 11, since an ML program can be compiled and loaded only from macOS12+. Defaults to ``False``. compute_units: coremltools.ComputeUnit The set of processing units the model can use to make predictions. An enum with four possible values: - ``coremltools.ComputeUnit.ALL``: Use all compute units available, including the neural engine. - ``coremltools.ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY``: Limit the model to only use the CPU. - ``coremltools.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_GPU``: Use both the CPU and GPU, but not the neural engine. - ``coremltools.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE``: Use both the CPU and neural engine, but not the GPU. Available only for macOS >= 13.0. weights_dir: str Path to the weight directory, required when loading an MLModel of type ``mlprogram``, from a spec object, such as when the argument ``model`` is of type ``Model_pb2``. function_name : str The name of the function from ``model`` to load. If not provided, ``function_name`` will be set to the ``defaultFunctionName`` in the proto. optimization_hints : dict or None Keys are the names of the optimization hint, either 'reshapeFrequency' or 'specializationStrategy'. Values are enumeration values of type ``coremltools.ReshapeFrequency`` or ``coremltools.SpecializationStrategy``. Notes ----- Internally this maintains the following: - ``_MLModelProxy``: A pybind wrapper around CoreML::Python::Model (see `coremltools/coremlpython/ <>`_) - ``package_path`` (mlprogram only): Directory containing all artifacts (``.mlmodel``, weights, and so on). - ``weights_dir`` (mlprogram only): Directory containing weights inside the package_path. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python loaded_model = MLModel("my_model.mlmodel") loaded_model = MLModel("my_model.mlpackage") """ def cleanup(package_path): if _os.path.exists(package_path): _shutil.rmtree(package_path) def does_model_contain_mlprogram(model) -> bool: """ Is this an mlprogram or is it a pipeline with at least one mlprogram? """ model_type = model.WhichOneof("Type") if model_type == "mlProgram": return True elif model_type not in ("pipeline", "pipelineClassifier", "pipelineRegressor"): return False # Does this pipeline contain an mlprogram? if model_type == "pipeline": pipeline_models = model.pipeline.models elif model_type == "pipelineClassifier": pipeline_models = model.pipelineClassifier.pipeline.models else: assert model_type == "pipelineRegressor" pipeline_models = model.pipelineRegressor.pipeline.models for m in pipeline_models: if does_model_contain_mlprogram(m): return True return False if not isinstance(compute_units, _ComputeUnit): raise TypeError('"compute_units" parameter must be of type: coremltools.ComputeUnit') elif (compute_units == _ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE and _is_macos() and _macos_version() < (13, 0) ): raise ValueError( 'coremltools.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE is only available on macOS >= 13.0' ) _verify_optimization_hint_input(optimization_hints) self.compute_unit = compute_units self.function_name = function_name if optimization_hints is not None: self.optimization_hints = optimization_hints.copy() else: self.optimization_hints = None self.is_package = False self.is_temp_package = False self.package_path = None self._weights_dir = None if mil_program is not None and not isinstance(mil_program, _Program): raise ValueError('"mil_program" must be of type ""') self._mil_program = mil_program if isinstance(model, str): model = _os.path.abspath(_os.path.expanduser(_os.path.expandvars(model))) if _os.path.isdir(model): self.is_package = True self.package_path = model self.is_temp_package = is_temp_package self._weights_dir = _try_get_weights_dir_path(model) self.__proxy__, self._spec, self._framework_error = self._get_proxy_and_spec( model, compute_units, skip_model_load=skip_model_load, optimization_hints=optimization_hints, ) elif isinstance(model, _proto.Model_pb2.Model): if does_model_contain_mlprogram(model): if model.WhichOneof("Type") == "mlProgram" and weights_dir is None: raise Exception( "MLModel of type mlProgram cannot be loaded just from the model spec object. " "It also needs the path to the weights file. Please provide that as well, " "using the 'weights_dir' argument." ) self.is_package = True self.is_temp_package = True filename = _create_mlpackage(model, weights_dir) self.package_path = filename self._weights_dir = _try_get_weights_dir_path(filename) else: filename = _tempfile.mktemp(suffix=_MLMODEL_EXTENSION) _save_spec(model, filename) self.__proxy__, self._spec, self._framework_error = self._get_proxy_and_spec( filename, compute_units, skip_model_load=skip_model_load, optimization_hints=optimization_hints ) try: _os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass else: raise TypeError( "Expected model to be a .mlmodel file, .mlpackage file or a Model_pb2 object" ) self._input_description = _FeatureDescription(self._spec.description.input) self._output_description = _FeatureDescription(self._spec.description.output) self._model_input_names_set = set([ for i in self._spec.description.input]) if self.is_package and self.is_temp_package: _atexit.register(cleanup, self.package_path) # If function_name is not passed, self.function_name defaults to defaultFunctionName in the proto. default_function_name = self._spec.description.defaultFunctionName if self.function_name is None and len(default_function_name) > 0: self.function_name = default_function_name if self.function_name is not None: if not self._is_multifunction() and self.function_name != "main": raise ValueError('function_name must be "main" for non multifunction model') # Updated self._model_input_names_set based on self.function_name. # self._model_input_names_set defines the allowed input keys for the data dictionary passed to self.predict(). if self.function_name is not None and self._is_multifunction(): f = self._get_function_description(self.function_name) self._model_input_names_set = set([ for i in f.input])
def _get_proxy_and_spec( self, filename: str, compute_units: _ComputeUnit, skip_model_load: _Optional[bool] = False, optimization_hints: _Optional[dict] = None, ): filename = _os.path.expanduser(filename) specification = _load_spec(filename) if _MLModelProxy and not skip_model_load: # check if the version is supported engine_version = _MLModelProxy.maximum_supported_specification_version() if specification.specificationVersion > engine_version: # in this case the specification is a newer kind of .mlmodel than this # version of the engine can support so we'll not try to have a proxy object return None, specification, None function_name = "" if self.function_name is None else self.function_name if optimization_hints is not None: optimization_hints_str_vals = {k: for k, v in optimization_hints.items()} else: optimization_hints_str_vals = {} try: return ( _MLModelProxy(filename,, function_name, optimization_hints_str_vals), specification, None, ) except RuntimeError as e: _warnings.warn( "You will not be able to run predict() on this Core ML model." + " Underlying exception message was: " + str(e), RuntimeWarning, ) return None, specification, e return None, specification, None @property def short_description(self): return self._spec.description.metadata.shortDescription @short_description.setter def short_description(self, short_description): self._spec.description.metadata.shortDescription = short_description @property def input_description(self): return self._input_description @property def output_description(self): return self._output_description @property def user_defined_metadata(self): return self._spec.description.metadata.userDefined @property def author(self): return @author.setter def author(self, author): = author @property def license(self): return self._spec.description.metadata.license @license.setter def license(self, license): self._spec.description.metadata.license = license @property def version(self): return self._spec.description.metadata.versionString @property def weights_dir(self): return self._weights_dir @version.setter def version(self, version_string): self._spec.description.metadata.versionString = version_string def __repr__(self): return self._spec.description.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def save(self, save_path: str): """ Save the model to an ``.mlmodel`` format. For an MIL program, the ``save_path`` is a package directory containing the ``mlmodel`` and weights. Parameters ---------- save_path: Target file path / bundle directory for the model. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python"my_model_file.mlmodel") loaded_model = MLModel("my_model_file.mlmodel") """ save_path = _os.path.expanduser(save_path) # Clean up existing file or directory. if _os.path.exists(save_path): if _os.path.isdir(save_path): _shutil.rmtree(save_path) else: _os.remove(save_path) if self.is_package: name, ext = _os.path.splitext(save_path) if not ext: save_path = "{}{}".format(save_path, _MLPACKAGE_EXTENSION) elif ext != _MLPACKAGE_EXTENSION: raise Exception( "For an ML Program, extension must be {} (not {}). Please see to see the difference between neuralnetwork and mlprogram model types.".format( _MLPACKAGE_EXTENSION, ext ) ) _shutil.copytree(self.package_path, save_path) if self._mil_program is not None and all( [ _ScopeSource.EXIR_DEBUG_HANDLE in function._essential_scope_sources for function in self._mil_program.functions.values() ] ): debug_handle_to_ops_mapping = ( self._mil_program.construct_debug_handle_to_ops_mapping() ) if len(debug_handle_to_ops_mapping) > 0: debug_handle_to_ops_mapping_as_json = json.dumps( { "version" : self.user_defined_metadata[_METADATA_VERSION], "mapping" : debug_handle_to_ops_mapping, } ) saved_debug_handle_to_ops_mapping_path = _os.path.join( save_path, "executorch_debug_handle_mapping.json" ) with open(saved_debug_handle_to_ops_mapping_path, "w") as f: f.write(debug_handle_to_ops_mapping_as_json) saved_spec_path = _os.path.join( save_path, "Data", _MLPACKAGE_AUTHOR_NAME, _MODEL_FILE_NAME ) _save_spec(self._spec, saved_spec_path) else: _save_spec(self._spec, save_path)
[docs] def get_compiled_model_path(self): """ Returns the path for the underlying compiled ML Model. **Important**: This path is available only for the lifetime of this Python object. If you want the compiled model to persist, you need to make a copy. """ return self.__proxy__.get_compiled_model_path()
[docs] def get_spec(self): """ Get a deep copy of the protobuf specification of the model. Returns ------- model: Model_pb2 Protobuf specification of the model. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python spec = model.get_spec() """ return _deepcopy(self._spec)
[docs] def predict(self, data, state: _Optional[MLState] = None): """ Return predictions for the model. Parameters ---------- data: dict[str, value] or list[dict[str, value]] Dictionary of data to use for predictions, where the keys are the names of the input features. For batch predictons, use a list of such dictionaries. The following dictionary values types are acceptable: list, array, numpy.ndarray, tensorflow.Tensor and torch.Tensor. state : MLState Optional state object as returned by ``make_state()``. Returns ------- dict[str, value] Predictions as a dictionary where each key is the output feature name. list[dict[str, value]] For batch prediction, returns a list of the above dictionaries. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python data = {"bedroom": 1.0, "bath": 1.0, "size": 1240} predictions = model.predict(data) data = [ {"bedroom": 1.0, "bath": 1.0, "size": 1240}, {"bedroom": 4.0, "bath": 2.5, "size": 2400}, ] batch_predictions = model.predict(data) """ def verify_and_convert_input_dict(d): self._verify_input_dict(d) self._convert_tensor_to_numpy(d) # TODO: remove the following call when this is fixed: rdar://92239209 self._update_float16_multiarray_input_to_float32(d) if self.is_package and _is_macos() and _macos_version() < (12, 0): raise Exception( "predict() for .mlpackage is not supported in macOS version older than 12.0." ) MLModel._check_predict_data(data) if self.__proxy__: return self._get_predictions(self.__proxy__, verify_and_convert_input_dict, data, state) else: # Error case if _macos_version() < (10, 13): raise Exception( "Model prediction is only supported on macOS version 10.13 or later." ) if not _MLModelProxy: raise Exception("Unable to load CoreML.framework. Cannot make predictions.") elif ( _MLModelProxy.maximum_supported_specification_version() < self._spec.specificationVersion ): engineVersion = _MLModelProxy.maximum_supported_specification_version() raise Exception( "The specification has version " + str(self._spec.specificationVersion) + " but the Core ML framework version installed only supports Core ML model specification version " + str(engineVersion) + " or older." ) elif _has_custom_layer(self._spec): raise Exception( "This model contains a custom neural network layer, so predict is not supported." ) else: if self._framework_error: raise self._framework_error else: raise Exception("Unable to load CoreML.framework. Cannot make predictions.")
@staticmethod def _check_predict_data(data): if type(data) not in (list, dict): raise TypeError("\"data\" parameter must be either a dict or list of dict.") if type(data) == list and not all(map(lambda x: type(x) == dict, data)): raise TypeError("\"data\" list must contain only dictionaries") @staticmethod def _get_predictions(proxy, preprocess_method, data, state): if type(data) == dict: preprocess_method(data) state = None if state is None else state.__proxy__ return proxy.predict(data, state) else: assert type(data) == list assert state is None, "State can only be used for unbatched predictions" for i in data: preprocess_method(i) return proxy.batchPredict(data) def _is_stateful(self) -> bool: model_desc = self._spec.description # For a single function model, we check if len(state) > 0 if len(model_desc.functions) == 0: return len(model_desc.state) > 0 # For a multifunction model, we first get the corresponding function description, # and check the state field. f = list(filter(lambda f: == self.function_name, model_desc.functions)) return len(f.state) > 0 def _is_multifunction(self) -> bool: return len(self._spec.description.functions) > 0 def _get_function_description(self, function_name: str) -> _proto.Model_pb2.FunctionDescription: f = list(filter(lambda f: == function_name, self._spec.description.functions)) if len(f) == 0: raise ValueError(f"function_name {function_name} not found in the model.") assert len(f) == 1, f"Invalid proto: two functions with the same name {function_name}." return f[0]
[docs] def make_state(self) -> MLState: """ Returns a new state object, which can be passed to the ``predict`` method. Returns _______ state: MLState Holds state for an MLModel. State functionality is only supported on macOS 15+. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python state = model.make_state() predictions = model.predict(x, state) See Also -------- predict """ if not _is_macos() or _macos_version() < (15, 0): raise Exception("State functionality is only supported on macOS 15+") return MLState(self.__proxy__.newState())
def _input_has_infinite_upper_bound(self) -> bool: """Check if any input has infinite upper bound (-1).""" for input_spec in self.input_description._fd_spec: for size_range in input_spec.type.multiArrayType.shapeRange.sizeRanges: if size_range.upperBound == -1: return True return False def _set_build_info_mil_attributes(self, metadata): if self._spec.WhichOneof('Type') != "mlProgram": # No MIL attributes to set return ml_program_attributes = self._spec.mlProgram.attributes build_info_proto = ml_program_attributes["buildInfo"] # Set ValueType to dictionary of string to string str_type = _proto.MIL_pb2.ValueType() str_type.tensorType.dataType = _proto.MIL_pb2.DataType.STRING dict_type_str_to_str = _proto.MIL_pb2.ValueType() dict_type_str_to_str.dictionaryType.keyType.CopyFrom(str_type) dict_type_str_to_str.dictionaryType.valueType.CopyFrom(str_type) build_info_proto.type.CopyFrom(dict_type_str_to_str) # Copy the metadata build_info_dict = build_info_proto.immediateValue.dictionary for k, v in metadata.items(): key_pair = _proto.MIL_pb2.DictionaryValue.KeyValuePair() key_pair.key.immediateValue.tensor.strings.values.append(k) key_pair.key.type.CopyFrom(str_type) key_pair.value.immediateValue.tensor.strings.values.append(v) key_pair.value.type.CopyFrom(str_type) build_info_dict.values.append(key_pair) def _get_mil_internal(self): """ Get a deep copy of the MIL program object, if available. It's available whenever an MLModel object is constructed using the unified converter API [``coremltools.convert()``]( Returns ------- program: Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python mil_prog = model._get_mil_internal() """ return _deepcopy(self._mil_program) def _verify_input_dict(self, input_dict): # Check if the input name given by the user is valid. # Although this is checked during prediction inside CoreML Framework, # we still check it here to return early and # return a more verbose error message self._verify_input_name_exists(input_dict) # verify that the pillow image modes are correct, for image inputs self._verify_pil_image_modes(input_dict) def _verify_pil_image_modes(self, input_dict): if not _HAS_PIL: return for input_desc in self._spec.description.input: if input_desc.type.WhichOneof("Type") == "imageType": input_val = input_dict.get(, None) if not isinstance(input_val, _PIL_IMAGE.Image): msg = "Image input, '{}' must be of type PIL.Image.Image in the input dict" raise TypeError(msg.format( if input_desc.type.imageType.colorSpace in ( _proto.FeatureTypes_pb2.ImageFeatureType.BGR, _proto.FeatureTypes_pb2.ImageFeatureType.RGB, ): if input_val.mode != "RGB": msg = "RGB/BGR image input, '{}', must be of type PIL.Image.Image with mode=='RGB'" raise TypeError(msg.format( elif ( input_desc.type.imageType.colorSpace == _proto.FeatureTypes_pb2.ImageFeatureType.GRAYSCALE ): if input_val.mode != "L": msg = "GRAYSCALE image input, '{}', must be of type PIL.Image.Image with mode=='L'" raise TypeError(msg.format( elif ( input_desc.type.imageType.colorSpace == _proto.FeatureTypes_pb2.ImageFeatureType.GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16 ): if input_val.mode != "F": msg = "GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16 image input, '{}', must be of type PIL.Image.Image with mode=='F'" raise TypeError(msg.format( def _verify_input_name_exists(self, input_dict): for given_input in input_dict.keys(): if given_input not in self._model_input_names_set: err_msg = "Provided key \"{}\", in the input dict, " \ "does not match any of the model input name(s), which are: {}" raise KeyError(err_msg.format(given_input, self._model_input_names_set)) @staticmethod def _update_float16_multiarray_input_to_float32(input_data: dict): for k, v in input_data.items(): if isinstance(v, _np.ndarray) and v.dtype == _np.float16: input_data[k] = v.astype(_np.float32) def _convert_tensor_to_numpy(self, input_dict): def convert(given_input): if isinstance(given_input, _numpy.ndarray): sanitized_input = given_input elif _HAS_TORCH and isinstance(given_input, _torch.Tensor): sanitized_input = given_input.detach().numpy() elif (_HAS_TF_1 or _HAS_TF_2) and isinstance(given_input, _tf.Tensor): sanitized_input = given_input.eval(session=_tf.compat.v1.Session()) else: sanitized_input = _numpy.array(given_input) return sanitized_input model_input_to_types = {} for inp in self._spec.description.input: type_value = inp.type.multiArrayType.dataType type_name = inp.type.multiArrayType.ArrayDataType.Name(type_value) if type_name != "INVALID_ARRAY_DATA_TYPE": model_input_to_types[] = type_name for given_input_name, given_input in input_dict.items(): if given_input_name not in model_input_to_types: continue input_dict[given_input_name] = convert(given_input)