# Copyright (c) 2017, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
Neural network builder class to construct Core ML models.
from math import floor as _math_floor
import numpy as _np
from ... import (
from ... import proto as _proto
from .. import datatypes
from .._interface_management import set_training_features, set_transform_interface_params
from .quantization_utils import _convert_array_to_nbit_quantized_bytes, _unpack_to_bytes
from .spec_inspection_utils import _summarize_network_layer_info
from .update_optimizer_utils import AdamParams, SgdParams
_SUPPORTED_UPDATABLE_LAYERS = ["innerProduct", "convolution"]
def _set_recurrent_activation(param, activation):
if isinstance(activation, bytes):
activation = activation.decode("utf8")
activation = (
activation.upper() if isinstance(activation, str) else activation
if activation == "SIGMOID":
elif activation == "TANH":
elif activation == "LINEAR":
elif activation == "SIGMOID_HARD" or activation == "HARD_SIGMOID":
# The standard name is "hard_sigmoid", but in nn there are still usages of "sigmoid_hard".
elif activation == "SCALED_TANH":
elif activation == "RELU":
raise TypeError(
"Unsupported activation type with Recurrent layer: %s." % activation
def _verify_quantization_arguments(weight=bytes(), output_channels=1, **kwargs):
quantization_type = kwargs.get("quantization_type", "").lower()
nbits = kwargs.get("nbits", 8)
quant_scale = kwargs.get("quant_scale", None)
quant_bias = kwargs.get("quant_bias", None)
quant_lut = kwargs.get("quant_lut", None)
int_8_dynamic_quantize = kwargs.get("int_8_dynamic_quantize", False)
if int_8_dynamic_quantize and nbits != 8:
raise ValueError("nbits must be 8 when 'int_8_dynamic_quantize' is true ")
if int_8_dynamic_quantize and quant_bias is not None:
raise ValueError(
"quant_bias must be empty when 'int_8_dynamic_quantize' is true "
if int_8_dynamic_quantize and quant_scale.size != 1:
raise ValueError(
"quant_scale must be of size 1 when 'int_8_dynamic_quantize' is true "
if not isinstance(weight, bytes):
raise ValueError("Weight must be of type bytes() for quantization")
if quantization_type == "linear":
if not int_8_dynamic_quantize:
if quant_scale is None or quant_bias is None:
raise ValueError(
"quant_scale and quant_bias parameters must be provided for linear quantization type"
if not _np.isscalar(quant_scale) and (len(quant_scale) != 1 and len(quant_scale) != output_channels):
raise ValueError(
"quant_scale should be of type float or an array of length outputChannels"
if not int_8_dynamic_quantize:
if not _np.isscalar(quant_scale) and len(quant_bias) != 1 and len(quant_bias) != output_channels:
raise ValueError(
"quant_bias should be of type float or an array of length outputChannels"
elif quantization_type == "lut":
if quant_lut is None:
raise ValueError(
"quant_lut must be provided for look up table quantization type"
if len(quant_lut) != 2 ** nbits:
raise ValueError("quant_lut must be an array of length 2^nbits")
raise ValueError("quantization_type must be either linear or lut")
if quantization_type == "linear" or "lut":
if nbits > 8 or nbits < 1:
raise ValueError("nbits must be between 1 and 8")
def _fill_quantized_weights(weights_message=None, W=bytes(), use_int_8=False, **kwargs):
if use_int_8:
weights_message.int8RawValue = bytes()
weights_message.int8RawValue += W
weights_message.rawValue = bytes()
weights_message.rawValue += W
nbits = kwargs.get("nbits", 8)
weights_message.quantization.numberOfBits = nbits
quantization_type = kwargs.get("quantization_type", "").lower()
if quantization_type == "linear":
quant_scale = kwargs.get("quant_scale", [1.0])
quant_bias = kwargs.get("quant_bias", [0.0])
if not use_int_8:
quant_lut = kwargs.get("quant_lut", [0.0, 1.0])
def _get_nn_spec(spec):
if spec.HasField("neuralNetworkClassifier"):
return spec.neuralNetworkClassifier
elif spec.HasField("neuralNetworkRegressor"):
return spec.neuralNetworkRegressor
elif spec.HasField("neuralNetwork"):
return spec.neuralNetwork
return None
def _get_lstm_weight_fields(lstm_wp):
Get LSTM weight fields.
lstm_wp: _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.LSTMWeightParams
return [
def _fill_tensor_fields(tensor_field, ranks=None, shapes=None):
Fill the tensor fields.
ranks - ``NONE`` or a list of integers with the same length of number of inputs/outputs
shapes - ``NONE`` or a list of shapes the same length of number of inputs/outputs. Each shape is a list or tuple
if ranks is None and shapes is None:
if ranks is None and shapes is not None:
ranks = [len(shape) for shape in shapes]
# Fill ranks only
for rank in ranks:
if rank is None:
if not issubclass(type(rank), (int, _np.integer)):
rank = -1 # Variable rank set to -1
field = tensor_field.add()
field.rank = rank
if ranks is not None and shapes is not None:
if len(ranks) != len(shapes):
raise ValueError("Number of rank and shape of tensor field does not match.")
for i in range(0, len(ranks)):
shape = shapes[i]
rank = ranks[i]
# Ignore incomplete info
if shape is None or rank is None:
# Raise error on inconsistent input
if rank != len(shape):
raise ValueError("Rank and shape does not match")
# Add the shape to the proto
is_symbolic = False
for s in shape:
if not issubclass(type(s), (int, _np.integer)):
s = -1 # Symbolic shape set to -1
class NeuralNetworkBuilder:
Neural network builder class to construct Core ML models.
The NeuralNetworkBuilder constructs a Core ML neural network specification
layer by layer. The layers should be added in such an order that the inputs
to each layer (referred to as blobs of each layer) have been previously
defined. The builder can also set preprocessing steps to handle
specialized input formats (such as images), and set class labels for neural
network classifiers.
Refer to the protobuf messages in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto)
for more details.
.. sourcecode:: python
import numpy as np
from coremltools.models import datatypes
from coremltools.models.neural_network import NeuralNetworkBuilder
from coremltools.models.utils import save_spec
# Create a neural network binary classifier that classifies
# 3-dimensional data points
# Specify input and output dimensions
input_dim = (3,)
output_dim = (2,)
# Specify input and output features
input_features = [("data", datatypes.Array(*input_dim))]
output_features = [("probs", datatypes.Array(*output_dim))]
# Create random weights and bias
weights = np.random.rand(2, 3)
bias = np.random.rand(2)
# Build a simple neural network with 1 inner product layer
builder = NeuralNetworkBuilder(input_features, output_features)
# save the spec by the builder
save_spec(builder.spec, "network.mlmodel")
def __init__(
Construct a NeuralNetworkBuilder object to build an MLModel specification with a
model interface, or a NeuralNetwork protobuf message, either from scratch or using an
existing specification.
input_features: [(str, datatypes.Array)] or None
List of input feature of the network.
Each feature is a ``(name, array)`` tuple, where ``name`` is the
name of the feature, and ``array`` is a ``datatype.Array`` object
describing the feature type.
* When ``spec`` is ``None`` (building from scratch), ``input_features`` must not be ``None``.
output_features: [(str, datatypes.Array or None)] or None
List of output feature of the network. Each feature is a
``(name, array)`` tuple, where ``name`` is the name of the feature,
and ``array`` is a ``datatypes.Array`` object describing the feature type.
* The ``array`` can be ``None`` if not known.
* When ``spec`` is ``None`` (building from scratch), ``output_features`` must not be ``None``.
mode: str ('classifier', 'regressor' or None)
Mode (one of ``'classifier'``, ``'regressor'``, or ``None``).
When ``mode = 'classifier'``, a NeuralNetworkClassifier spec will be
constructed. When ``mode = 'regressor'``, a NeuralNetworkRegressor
spec will be constructed.
disable_rank5_shape_mapping: bool
Only applicable for neural networks.
If True, inputs are no longer forced to map to rank 5 tensors
(rank is equal to the length of the shape of the tensor).
Instead, for multi-array inputs ``"EXACT_ARRAY_MAPPING"`` mapping is used, whereas
for image inputs ``"RANK4_IMAGE_MAPPING"`` is used. For details,
see description of enums ``NeuralNetworkMultiArrayShapeMapping``
and ``NeuralNetworkImageShapeMapping`` in NeuralNetwork.proto.
When ``spec`` is not ``None``, this argument will be ignored.
spec: None or coremltools.proto.Model_pb2
If ``None``, a new MLModel spec will be created by the builder with
input and output features.
Otherwise, the builder will continue to build on ``spec``.
This is useful when the MLModel is built incrementally.
nn_spec: None or coremltools.proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2
If ``None``, a new, empty NeuralNetwork proto will be created for spec.
If ``nn_spec`` is not ``None`` and ``spec`` is ``None``, the builder will
build a NeuralNetwork spec without wrapping it within an MLModel.
This is useful to create nested NeuralNetworks for models
with control flow operations.
use_float_arraytype: bool
If true, the datatype of input/output multiarrays is set to Float32 instead
of double.
.. sourcecode:: python
# Construct a builder that builds a neural network classifier with a 299 x 299 x 3
# dimensional input and 1000 dimensional output
input_features = [("data", datatypes.Array((299, 299, 3)))]
output_features = [("probs", datatypes.Array((1000,)))]
builder = NeuralNetworkBuilder(input_features, output_features, mode="classifier")
See Also
set_input, set_output, set_class_labels
self.spec = spec
self.nn_spec = nn_spec
self._disable_rank5_shape_mapping = disable_rank5_shape_mapping
self.layers = []
self.layer_specs = {}
self.named_parameters = []
self.rank_dict = {}
if self.spec is not None: # Existing spec
if self.nn_spec is None:
self.nn_spec = _get_nn_spec(self.spec)
for layer_spec in self.nn_spec.layers:
self.layer_specs[layer_spec.name] = layer_spec
# Both spec and nn_spec are not None
raise ValueError(
"Attempting to assign another NeuralNetwork Spec to an existing MLModel Spec"
if input_features is None and output_features is None:
if (
self.spec is None and self.nn_spec is not None
): # Building nested Neural Network
# Set the interface params.
if self.spec is None:
self.spec = _proto.Model_pb2.Model()
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION
if disable_rank5_shape_mapping:
self.spec.specificationVersion = _MINIMUM_NDARRAY_SPEC_VERSION
# When output_features in None, use some dummy sized type
out_features_with_shape = []
for out_feature in output_features:
feat_name, feat_type = out_feature
if feat_type is None:
out_features_with_shape.append((str(feat_name), datatypes.Array(1)))
# Set interface inputs and outputs
if len(self.spec.description.input) > 0:
del self.spec.description.input[:]
if len(self.spec.description.output) > 0:
del self.spec.description.output[:]
if use_float_arraytype:
array_datatype = _proto.Model_pb2.ArrayFeatureType.FLOAT32
array_datatype = _proto.Model_pb2.ArrayFeatureType.DOUBLE
self.spec = set_transform_interface_params(
for input in input_features:
self.rank_dict[input[0]] = len(input[1].dimensions)
for idx, output_feature in enumerate(output_features):
if output_features[idx][1] is None:
if self.nn_spec is None:
if mode == "classifier":
nn_spec = self.spec.neuralNetworkClassifier
elif mode == "regressor":
nn_spec = self.spec.neuralNetworkRegressor
nn_spec = self.spec.neuralNetwork
self.nn_spec = nn_spec
if disable_rank5_shape_mapping and self.nn_spec:
self.nn_spec.arrayInputShapeMapping = (
self.nn_spec.imageInputShapeMapping = (
def set_output(self, output_names, output_dims):
Set the outputs of the network spec.
output_names: list of str
The output names of the network.
output_dims: [tuple]
The output dimensions of the network. The ordering of ``output_dims`` is the same
as ``output_names``.
.. sourcecode:: python
# Set the neural network spec outputs to be 3 dimensional vector feature1 and
# 4 dimensional vector feature2.
builder.set_output(output_names=["feature1", "feature2"], output_dims=[(3,), (4,)])
See Also
set_input, set_class_labels
if len(output_names) != len(output_dims):
raise ValueError("output_names and output_dims must be of the same sizes.")
spec = self.spec
for idx, dim in enumerate(output_dims):
].type.multiArrayType.dataType = _proto.Model_pb2.ArrayFeatureType.DOUBLE
spec.description.output[idx].name = output_names[idx]
def set_class_labels(
self, class_labels, predicted_feature_name="classLabel", prediction_blob=""
Set class labels to the model spec to make it a neural network classifier.
class_labels: list of int or list of str
A list of integers or strings that map the index of the output of a
neural network to labels in a classifier.
predicted_feature_name: str
Name of the output feature for the class labels exposed in the
Core ML neural network classifier, defaults: ``'classLabel'``.
prediction_blob: str
If provided, then this is the name of the neural network blob which
generates the probabilities for each class label (typically the output
of a softmax layer). If not provided, then the last output layer is
See Also
set_input, set_output, set_pre_processing_parameters
spec = self.spec
nn_spec = self.nn_spec
if len(spec.description.output) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Model should have at least one output (the probabilities) to automatically make it a classifier."
probOutput = spec.description.output[0]
if len(class_labels) == 0:
class_type = type(class_labels[0])
if not isinstance(class_labels[0], (int, str)):
raise TypeError(
"Class labels must be of type Integer or String. (not %s)" % class_type
spec.description.predictedProbabilitiesName = probOutput.name
spec.description.predictedFeatureName = predicted_feature_name
classLabel = spec.description.output.add()
classLabel.name = predicted_feature_name
if class_type == int:
for c in class_labels:
for c in class_labels:
if prediction_blob != "":
# correctness here will be checked in the validator -- i.e. to
# make sure this string corresponds to a real blob
nn_spec.labelProbabilityLayerName = prediction_blob
else: # not provided
# assume it's the last blob produced in the network
nn_spec.labelProbabilityLayerName = nn_spec.layers[-1].output[0]
def add_optionals(self, optionals_in, optionals_out):
Add optional inputs and outputs to the model spec.
optionals_in: list of str
List of inputs that are optionals.
optionals_out: list of str
List of outputs that are optionals.
See Also
set_input, set_output
spec = self.spec
if (not optionals_in) and (not optionals_out):
input_types = [
datatypes.Array(dim) if isinstance(dim, int) else datatypes.Array(*dim)
for (name, dim) in optionals_in
output_types = []
for name, dim in optionals_out:
if not dim:
elif isinstance(dim, int):
input_names = [str(name) for (name, dim) in optionals_in]
output_names = [str(name) for (name, dim) in optionals_out]
input_features = list(zip(input_names, input_types))
output_features = list(zip(output_names, output_types))
len_before_in = len(spec.description.input)
len_before_out = len(spec.description.output)
# this appends to the existing model interface
set_transform_interface_params(spec, input_features, output_features, True)
# add types for any extra hidden inputs
for idx in range(len_before_in, len(spec.description.input)):
].type.multiArrayType.dataType = _proto.Model_pb2.ArrayFeatureType.DOUBLE
for idx in range(len_before_out, len(spec.description.output)):
].type.multiArrayType.dataType = _proto.Model_pb2.ArrayFeatureType.DOUBLE
def _check_fp16_weight_params_lstms(self, lstm_wp, has_peephole=True):
Checks if an LSTM layer has at least one ``weight_param`` which is in FP16 format.
lstm_wp: LSTM weights.
has_peephole: if the LSTM has a peephole.
if len(lstm_wp.inputGateWeightMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.forgetGateWeightMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.blockInputWeightMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.outputGateWeightMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.inputGateRecursionMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.forgetGateRecursionMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.blockInputRecursionMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.outputGateRecursionMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.inputGateWeightMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if has_peephole:
if len(lstm_wp.inputGatePeepholeVector.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.forgetGatePeepholeVector.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(lstm_wp.outputGatePeepholeVector.float16Value) > 0:
return True
return False
def _check_fp16_weight_param_exists(self, layers):
Checks if the network has at least one ``weight_param`` which is in FP16 format.
layers: list of nn_spec.layer
List of layers.
for layer in layers:
layer_type = layer.WhichOneof("layer")
# Convolution
if layer_type == "convolution":
if len(layer.convolution.weights.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.convolution.hasBias and len(layer.convolution.bias.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# Batchnorm
elif layer_type == "batchnorm":
if len(layer.batchnorm.mean.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# InnerProduct
elif layer_type == "innerProduct":
if len(layer.innerProduct.weights.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.innerProduct.hasBias and len(layer.innerProduct.bias.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# BatchedMatmul
elif layer_type == "batchedMatmul":
if len(layer.batchedMatmul.weights.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.batchedMatmul.hasBias and len(layer.batchedMatmul.bias.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# Embedding layer
elif layer_type == "embedding":
if len(layer.embedding.weights.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.embedding.hasBias and len(layer.embedding.bias.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# Embedding ND layer
elif layer_type == "embeddingND":
if len(layer.embeddingND.weights.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.embeddingND.hasBias and len(layer.embeddingND.bias.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# Scale layer
elif layer_type == "scale":
if len(layer.scale.shapeScale.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.scale.hasBias and len(layer.scale.bias.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# Bias layer
elif layer_type == "bias":
if len(layer.bias.bias.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# LoadConstant layer
elif layer_type == "loadConstant":
if len(layer.loadConstant.data.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# Simple Recurrent
elif layer_type == "simpleRecurrent":
if len(layer.simpleRecurrent.weightMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.simpleRecurrent.hasBiasVector and len(layer.simpleRecurrent.biasVector.float16Value) > 0:
return True
elif layer_type == "gru":
if len(layer.gru.updateGateWeightMatrix.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if layer.gru.hasBiasVectors and len(layer.gru.outputGateBiasVector.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# uniDirectionalLSTM Layers
elif layer_type == "uniDirectionalLSTM":
return self._check_fp16_weight_params_lstms(lstm_wp=layer.uniDirectionalLSTM.weightParams,
# biDirectionalLSTM Layers
elif layer_type == "biDirectionalLSTM":
for lstm_wp in layer.biDirectionalLSTM.weightParams:
if self._check_fp16_weight_params_lstms(lstm_wp=lstm_wp,
return True
# branch Layers
elif layer_type == "branch":
if len(layer.branch.ifBranch.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(layer.branch.elseBranch.float16Value) > 0:
return True
# loop Layers
elif layer_type == "loop":
if len(layer.loop.conditionNetwork.float16Value) > 0:
return True
if len(layer.loop.bodyNetwork.float16Value) > 0:
return True
return False
def make_updatable(self, trainables):
Make the builder's NeuralNetwork spec updatable.
trainables: list of str
List of layer names to be set trainable.
if self.spec is None:
# check if any layer weights/biases is in FP16 format
if self._check_fp16_weight_param_exists(self.nn_spec.layers):
raise ValueError("This model has at least one layer with FP16 weights or bias formats. These networks will "
"always be optimized to a full FP16 model format which is not supported to be marked "
"updatable. Either make sure the model has no FP16 WeightParams or split the "
"network to two models with updatable part of the model as a separate model with no FP16 "
"WeightParams. Note that updatable pipelines model can only have the last sub model marked "
"as updatable.")
self.spec.isUpdatable = True
if (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _MINIMUM_UPDATABLE_SPEC_VERSION
self.spec.specificationVersion = _MINIMUM_UPDATABLE_SPEC_VERSION
for trainable in trainables:
if trainable not in self.layer_specs:
raise ValueError("Layer %s does not exist." % trainable)
spec_layer = self.layer_specs[trainable]
spec_layer_type = spec_layer.WhichOneof("layer")
if spec_layer_type not in _SUPPORTED_UPDATABLE_LAYERS:
raise ValueError(
"Layer %s is not supported to be marked as updatable. Only %s layers "
"are supported to be marked updatable."
spec_layer.isUpdatable = True
typed_layer = getattr(spec_layer, spec_layer.WhichOneof("layer"))
for fd in typed_layer.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
field = getattr(typed_layer, fd.name)
if type(field) == _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.LSTMWeightParams:
wfs = _get_lstm_weight_fields(field)
for wf in wfs:
wf.isUpdatable = True
elif type(field) == _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.WeightParams:
field.isUpdatable = True
def set_categorical_cross_entropy_loss(self, name, input):
Categorical Cross Entropy is used for single label categorization
(only one category is applicable for each data point).
name: The name of the loss layer
input: The name of the input
The ``input`` should be a vector of length N representing the
distribution over N categories. This must be the output of a softmax.
.. math::
Loss_ {CCE}(input, target) = -\sum_{i = 1} ^ {N}(target == i) log(input[i]) = - log(input[target])
if self.spec is None:
if name in self.layer_specs:
raise ValueError("Name %s is already used." % name)
if input is None:
raise ValueError("Loss Layer input must be specified")
target = input + "_true"
if len(self.nn_spec.layers) < 1:
raise ValueError(
"Loss layer (%s) cannot be attached to an empty model." % name
# validate input
# input must be a softmax layer output
input_validated = False
for _, layer in enumerate(self.nn_spec.layers[::-1]):
layer_outputs = list(layer.output)
layer_type = layer.WhichOneof("layer")
if input in layer_outputs and layer_type == "softmax":
input_validated = True
if not input_validated:
raise ValueError(
"Categorical Cross Entropy loss layer input (%s) must be a softmax layer output."
% input
# validate target
output_names = [x.name for x in self.spec.description.output]
if target in output_names:
raise ValueError(
"Loss layer target (%s) must not be a model output." % target
updating_classifier = False
predicted_probabilities_name = self.spec.description.predictedProbabilitiesName
predicted_feature_name = self.spec.description.predictedFeatureName
if (
and input == predicted_probabilities_name
updating_classifier = True
loss_layer = self.nn_spec.updateParams.lossLayers.add()
self.layer_specs[name] = loss_layer
loss_layer.name = name
loss_layer.categoricalCrossEntropyLossLayer.input = input
loss_layer.categoricalCrossEntropyLossLayer.target = target
training_inputs = self.spec.description.trainingInput
training_input = training_inputs.add()
if updating_classifier:
training_input.name = predicted_feature_name
classifier_output_type = [
for x in self.spec.description.output
if x.name == predicted_feature_name
model_type = classifier_output_type[0].WhichOneof("Type")
if model_type == "stringType":
datatypes._set_datatype(training_input.type, datatypes.String())
elif model_type == "int64Type":
datatypes._set_datatype(training_input.type, datatypes.Int64())
training_input.name = target
datatypes._set_datatype(training_input.type, datatypes.Array(1))
training_input.type.multiArrayType.dataType = _proto.Model_pb2.ArrayFeatureType.INT32
"Now adding input {} as target for categorical cross-entropy loss layer.".format(
def set_mean_squared_error_loss(self, name, input_feature=None):
input_feature: [(str, datatypes.Array)] or None
The input feature of the loss layer. Each feature is a
``(name, array)`` tuple, where ``name`` is the name of the model's
tensor our loss will be attached to, and ``array`` is a
``datatypes.Array`` object describing the shape of that tensor.
Both the name and the array's shape must be provided in the tuple.
feature = [('output_tensor', datatypes.Array((299, 299, 3)))]
if self.spec is None:
if name in self.layer_specs:
raise ValueError("Name %s is already used." % name)
if input_feature is None:
raise ValueError("Loss Layer input must be specified")
if not isinstance(input_feature, tuple):
raise ValueError(
"Loss layer input must be a tuple of type (string, datatype)"
(fname, ftype) = input_feature
if not isinstance(fname, str):
raise ValueError(
"Loss layer input must be a tuple of type (string, datatype)"
if not isinstance(ftype, datatypes.Array):
raise ValueError(
"Loss layer input must be a tuple of type (string, datatype)"
target = fname + "_true"
loss_layer = self.nn_spec.updateParams.lossLayers.add()
self.layer_specs[name] = loss_layer
loss_layer.name = name
output_names = [x.name for x in self.spec.description.output]
if target in output_names:
raise ValueError(
"Loss Layer target (%s) must not be a model output" % target
loss_layer.meanSquaredErrorLossLayer.input = input_feature[0]
loss_layer.meanSquaredErrorLossLayer.target = target
training_inputs = self.spec.description.trainingInput
training_input = training_inputs.add()
training_input.name = target
datatypes._set_datatype(training_input.type, input_feature[1])
training_input.type.multiArrayType.dataType = _proto.Model_pb2.ArrayFeatureType.DOUBLE
"Now adding input {} as target for mean squared error loss layer.".format(
def set_sgd_optimizer(self, sgd_params):
if self.spec is None:
if not isinstance(sgd_params, SgdParams):
raise Exception("sgd_params must be of instance SgdParams")
sgd_optimizer = self.nn_spec.updateParams.optimizer.sgdOptimizer
# set learning rate
sgd_optimizer.learningRate.defaultValue = sgd_params.lr.value
sgd_optimizer.learningRate.range.minValue = sgd_params.lr.min
sgd_optimizer.learningRate.range.maxValue = sgd_params.lr.max
# set mini batch size
sgd_optimizer.miniBatchSize.defaultValue = sgd_params.batch.value
# set momentum
sgd_optimizer.momentum.defaultValue = sgd_params.momentum.value
sgd_optimizer.momentum.range.minValue = sgd_params.momentum.min
sgd_optimizer.momentum.range.maxValue = sgd_params.momentum.max
def set_adam_optimizer(self, adam_params):
if self.spec is None:
if not isinstance(adam_params, AdamParams):
raise Exception("adam_params must be of instance AdamParams")
adam_optimizer = self.nn_spec.updateParams.optimizer.adamOptimizer
# set learning rate
adam_optimizer.learningRate.defaultValue = adam_params.lr.value
adam_optimizer.learningRate.range.minValue = adam_params.lr.min
adam_optimizer.learningRate.range.maxValue = adam_params.lr.max
# set mini batch size
adam_optimizer.miniBatchSize.defaultValue = adam_params.batch.value
# set beta1
adam_optimizer.beta1.defaultValue = adam_params.beta1.value
adam_optimizer.beta1.range.minValue = adam_params.beta1.min
adam_optimizer.beta1.range.maxValue = adam_params.beta1.max
# set beta2
adam_optimizer.beta2.defaultValue = adam_params.beta2.value
adam_optimizer.beta2.range.minValue = adam_params.beta2.min
adam_optimizer.beta2.range.maxValue = adam_params.beta2.max
# set eps
adam_optimizer.eps.defaultValue = adam_params.eps.value
adam_optimizer.eps.range.minValue = adam_params.eps.min
adam_optimizer.eps.range.maxValue = adam_params.eps.max
def set_epochs(self, epochs=1, allowed_set=None):
if self.spec is None:
self.nn_spec.updateParams.epochs.defaultValue = epochs
if allowed_set is None:
def set_shuffle(self, seed=None):
if self.spec is None:
# Validate that seed passed in is integer
if seed is not None:
if not isinstance(seed, int):
raise TypeError("Shuffle seed value must be integer")
self.nn_spec.updateParams.shuffle.defaultValue = True
if seed is not None:
self.nn_spec.updateParams.seed.defaultValue = seed
def _add_generic_layer(
generic_layer = self.nn_spec.layers.add()
generic_layer.name = name
if input_names is not None:
if name in self.layer_specs:
raise ValueError(
'Layer with name "%s" has already been added. Please use a unique name.'
% name
self.layer_specs[name] = generic_layer
_fill_tensor_fields(generic_layer.inputTensor, input_ranks, input_shapes)
_fill_tensor_fields(generic_layer.outputTensor, output_ranks, output_shapes)
# Pass Rank Information
# Generic Layer copies rank of first input to all of its output
# All the layers that modifies rank apart from first input must override
if input_names is not None and len(input_names) > 0:
for output_ in output_names:
self.rank_dict[output_] = self._get_rank(input_names[0])
return generic_layer
def inspect_layers(self, last=-1, verbose=False):
""" Prints the summary for last "last" number of layers.
last: int
The numbers of layers to inspect, starting from the last one.
verbose: bool
Whether to display layer-specific parameters or not.
n_layers = len(self.nn_spec.layers)
if last < 0:
last = n_layers
for i, alayer in enumerate(self.nn_spec.layers[::-1]):
if i >= last:
) = _summarize_network_layer_info(alayer)
"[Id: {}], Name: {} (Type: {})".format(
n_layers - i - 1, name, layer_type
print(" " * 10 + "Updatable: {}".format(alayer.isUpdatable))
print(" " * 10 + "Input blobs: {}".format(in_blobs))
print(" " * 10 + "Output blobs: {}".format(out_blobs))
if verbose and len(params_info) > 0:
print(" " * 10 + "Parameters: ")
for param in params_info:
print(" " * 14 + "{} = {}".format(param[0], param[1]))
def inspect_loss_layers(self):
""" Prints the summary for the loss layer.
n_loss_layers = len(self.nn_spec.updateParams.lossLayers)
if n_loss_layers < 1:
print("no loss layer detected.")
for i, loss_layer in enumerate(self.nn_spec.updateParams.lossLayers[::-1]):
loss_type = loss_layer.WhichOneof("LossLayerType")
loss_name = loss_layer.name
loss_input = None
loss_target = None
if loss_type == "categoricalCrossEntropyLossLayer":
loss_input = loss_layer.categoricalCrossEntropyLossLayer.input
loss_target = loss_layer.categoricalCrossEntropyLossLayer.target
elif loss_type == "meanSquaredErrorLossLayer":
loss_input = loss_layer.meanSquaredErrorLossLayer.input
loss_target = loss_layer.meanSquaredErrorLossLayer.target
"[Id: {}], Name: {} (Type: {})".format(
n_loss_layers - i - 1, loss_name, loss_type
print(" " * 10 + "Loss Input: {}".format(loss_input))
print(" " * 10 + "Loss Target: {}".format(loss_target))
def inspect_optimizer(self):
""" Prints the summary for the optimizer.
optimizer = self.nn_spec.updateParams.optimizer
optimizer_type = optimizer.WhichOneof("OptimizerType")
print("Optimizer Type: {}".format(optimizer_type))
if optimizer_type == "sgdOptimizer":
lr = optimizer.sgdOptimizer.learningRate
batch = optimizer.sgdOptimizer.miniBatchSize
momentum = optimizer.sgdOptimizer.momentum
"lr: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
lr.defaultValue, lr.range.minValue, lr.range.maxValue
"batch: {}, allowed_set: {}".format(
batch.defaultValue, batch.set.values
"momentum: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
elif optimizer_type == "adamOptimizer":
lr = optimizer.adamOptimizer.learningRate
batch = optimizer.adamOptimizer.miniBatchSize
beta1 = optimizer.adamOptimizer.beta1
beta2 = optimizer.adamOptimizer.beta2
eps = optimizer.adamOptimizer.eps
"lr: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
lr.defaultValue, lr.range.minValue, lr.range.maxValue
"batch: {}, allowed_set: {}".format(
batch.defaultValue, batch.set.values
"beta1: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
beta1.defaultValue, beta1.range.minValue, beta1.range.maxValue
"beta2: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
beta2.defaultValue, beta2.range.minValue, beta2.range.maxValue
"epsilon: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
eps.defaultValue, eps.range.minValue, eps.range.maxValue
def inspect_updatable_layers(self):
""" Prints all updatable layers with their inputs and outputs.
for _, layer in enumerate(self.nn_spec.layers[::-1]):
if layer.isUpdatable:
) = _summarize_network_layer_info(layer)
print("Name: {} (Type: {})".format(name, layer_type))
print(" " * 10 + "Input blobs: {}".format(in_blobs))
print(" " * 10 + "Output blobs: {}".format(out_blobs))
def inspect_output_features(self):
""" Prints the name and type of output features.
output_features = self.spec.description.output
n_output_features = len(output_features)
if n_output_features < 1:
for i, output_feature in enumerate(output_features[::-1]):
"[Id: {}] Name: {}".format(
n_output_features - i - 1, output_feature.name
print(" " * 10 + "Type: {}".format(output_feature.type))
def inspect_conv_channels(self, layer_name):
""" Prints the output and kernel channels of a convolution layer.
if self.spec is None:
if layer_name not in self.layer_specs:
raise ValueError("Layer %s does not exist." % (layer_name))
spec_layer = self.layer_specs[layer_name]
if spec_layer.WhichOneof("layer") != "convolution":
raise ValueError("Layer %s is not a convolution layer." % (layer_name))
output_channels = spec_layer.convolution.outputChannels
kernel_channels = spec_layer.convolution.kernelChannels
print("outputChannels: {}".format(output_channels))
print("kernelChannels: {}".format(kernel_channels))
def inspect_innerproduct_channels(self, layer_name):
""" Prints the output and kernel channels of an innerProduct layer.
if self.spec is None:
if layer_name not in self.layer_specs:
raise ValueError("Layer %s does not exist." % (layer_name))
spec_layer = self.layer_specs[layer_name]
if spec_layer.WhichOneof("layer") != "innerProduct":
raise ValueError("Layer %s is not an innerProduct layer." % (layer_name))
input_channels = spec_layer.innerProduct.inputChannels
output_channels = spec_layer.innerProduct.outputChannels
print("inputChannels: {}".format(input_channels))
print("outputChannels: {}".format(output_channels))
def _get_rank(self, name):
return self.rank_dict[name] if name in self.rank_dict else -1
def _set_max_input_rank(self, input_names, output_name):
if len(input_names) == 0:
raise ValueError("Input name list empty for collecting rank information")
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
for i in range(0, len(input_names)):
input_rank = self._get_rank(input_names[i])
if input_rank == -1:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
self.rank_dict[output_name] = max(self._get_rank(output_name), input_rank)
def _set_rank_for_reduce_op(
self, input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
if keepdims:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_name)
if reduce_all or self._get_rank(input_name) == 1:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 1
elif axes is not None and len(axes) > 0:
rank = self._get_rank(input_name) - len(axes)
self.rank_dict[output_name] = rank if rank != 0 else 1
raise ValueError(
"Reduce Ops must provide axes to reduce on if reduce_all is False"
def add_inner_product(
Add an inner product layer to the model.
Refer to the ``InnerProductLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
W: numpy.array or bytes()
Weight matrix of shape ``(output_channels, input_channels)``.
If ``W`` is of type ``bytes()`` (quantized), other quantization
related arguments must be provided as well (see below).
b: numpy.array
Bias vector of shape: ``(output_channels, )``.
input_channels: int
Number of input channels.
output_channels: int
Number of output channels.
has_bias: boolean
Whether the bias vector of this layer is ignored in the spec.
- If True, the bias vector of this layer is not ignored.
- If False, the bias vector is ignored.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
Quantization arguments, used when ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``:
int_8_dynamic_quantize: boolean
Whether to quantize and dequantize before and after inner product, respectively.
Expects byte weights, representing int8 values, if True.
See NeuralNetwork.proto for other validation conditions.
is_quantized_weight: bool, optional
Set it to true when ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``, representing
quantized weights, default: false.
quantization_type: str
When weights are quantized (that is, ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``),
this should be either ``"linear"`` or ``"lut"``.
nbits: int
Should be between 1 and 8 (inclusive). Number of bits per weight
value. Only applicable when weights are quantized.
quant_scale: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
scale vector to be used with linear quantization. Must be of
length either 1 or output_channels.
quant_bias: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
bias vector to be used with linear quantization. Must be of
length either 1 or output_channels.
quant_lut: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
the LUT (look up table) to be used with LUT quantization.
Must be of length 2^n bits.
See Also
add_embedding, add_convolution, add_batched_mat_mul
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.innerProduct
# Fill in the parameters
spec_layer_params.inputChannels = input_channels
spec_layer_params.outputChannels = output_channels
spec_layer_params.hasBias = has_bias
spec_layer_params.int8DynamicQuantize = int_8_dynamic_quantize
weights = spec_layer_params.weights
if not is_quantized_weight and isinstance(W, _np.ndarray):
if has_bias:
bias = spec_layer_params.bias
return spec_layer
def add_embedding(
Add an embedding layer to the model.
Refer to the ``EmbeddingLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
W: float32 numpy.array or bytes()
Weight matrix of shape ``(output_channels, input_dim)``.
If ``W`` is of type ``bytes()`` (quantized to 1-8 bits), other
quantization related arguments must be provided as well (see below).
b: numpy.array
Bias vector of shape ``(output_channels, )``.
input_dim: int
Size of the vocabulary (1 + maximum integer index of the words).
output_channels: int
Number of output channels.
has_bias: boolean
Whether the bias vector of this layer is ignored in the ``spec``.
- If True, the bias vector of this layer is not ignored.
- If False, the bias vector is ignored.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
Quantization arguments expected, when ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``:
is_quantized_weight: bool
Set it to true when ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``, representing quantized weights.
quantization_type: str
When weights are quantized (that is, ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``),
this should be either ``"linear"`` or ``"lut"``.
nbits: int
Should be between 1 and 8 (inclusive). Number of bits per weight value.
quant_scale: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
Scale vector to be used with linear quantization.
Must be of length either 1 or output_channels.
quant_bias: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
Bias vector to be used with linear quantization.
Must be of length either 1 or output_channels.
quant_lut: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
The LUT (look up table) to be used with LUT quantization.
Must be of length 2^n bits.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
# Fill in the parameters
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.embedding
spec_layer_params.inputDim = input_dim
spec_layer_params.outputChannels = output_channels
spec_layer_params.hasBias = has_bias
weights = spec_layer_params.weights
if not is_quantized_weight:
if has_bias:
bias = spec_layer_params.bias
return spec_layer
def add_softmax(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a softmax layer to the model.
Refer to the ``SoftmaxLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_activation, add_inner_product, add_convolution
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_activation(
Add an activation layer to the model.
Refer to the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
non_linearity: str
The ``non_linearity`` (activation) function of this layer.
It can be one of the following:
- ``'RELU'``: Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) function.
- ``'SIGMOID'``: sigmoid function.
- ``'TANH'``: tanh function.
- ``'SCALED_TANH'``: scaled tanh function, defined as:
``f(x) = alpha * tanh(beta * x)``
where ``alpha`` and ``beta`` are constant scalars.
- ``'SOFTPLUS'``: softplus function.
- ``'SOFTSIGN'``: softsign function.
- ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``: hard sigmoid function, defined as:
``f(x) = min(max(alpha * x + beta, -1), 1)``
where ``alpha`` and ``beta`` are constant scalars.
- ``'LEAKYRELU'``: leaky relu function, defined as:
``f(x) = (x >= 0) * x + (x < 0) * alpha * x``
where ``alpha`` is a constant scalar.
- ``'PRELU'``: Parametric ReLU function, defined as:
``f(x) = (x >= 0) * x + (x < 0) * alpha * x``
where ``alpha`` is a multi-dimensional array of same size as ``x``.
- ``'ELU'``: Exponential linear unit function, defined as:
``f(x) = (x >= 0) * x + (x < 0) * (alpha * exp(x) - 1)``
where ``alpha`` is a constant scalar.
- ``'PARAMETRICSOFTPLUS'``: Parametric softplus function, defined as:
``f(x) = alpha * log(1 + exp(beta * x))``
where ``alpha`` and ``beta`` are two multi-dimensional arrays
of same size as ``x``.
- ``'THRESHOLDEDRELU'``: Thresholded ReLU function, defined as:
``f(x) = (x >= alpha) * x``
where ``alpha`` is a constant scalar.
- ``'LINEAR'``: linear function.
``f(x) = alpha * x + beta``
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
params: list of float or numpy.array
Parameters for the activation, depending on non_linearity.
- When ``non_linearity`` is one of [``'RELU'``, ``'SIGMOID'``, ``'TANH'``, ``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SOFTPLUS'``, ``'SOFTSIGN'``],
params is ignored.
- When ``non_linearity`` is one of [``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``, ``'LINEAR'``],
param is a list of 2 floats ``[alpha, beta]``.
- When ``non_linearity`` is one of [``'LEAKYRELU'``, ``'ELU'``, ``'THRESHOLDEDRELU'``],
param is a list of 1 float ``[alpha]``.
- When ``non_linearity`` is ``'PRELU'``, param is a list of 1 numpy array ``[alpha]``.
The shape of ``alpha`` is ``(C,)``, where ``C`` is either the number of input channels or
1. When ``C = 1``, same ``alpha`` is applied to all channels.
- When ``non_linearity`` is ``'PARAMETRICSOFTPLUS'``, param is a
list of 2 numpy arrays ``[alpha, beta]``. The shape of ``alpha`` and
`beta` is ``(C, )``, where ``C`` is either
the number of input channels or 1. When ``C = 1``, same ``alpha`` and
``beta`` are applied to all channels.
See Also
add_convolution, add_softmax
input_rank = (
len(input_shape) if (input_shape and not input_rank) else input_rank
output_rank = (
len(output_shape) if (output_shape and not output_rank) else output_rank
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(
[input_rank] if input_rank else None,
[input_shape] if input_shape else None,
[output_rank] if output_rank else None,
[output_shape] if output_shape else None,
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.activation
# Fill in the parameters
non_linearity = (
if isinstance(non_linearity, str)
else non_linearity
if non_linearity == "RELU":
elif non_linearity == "SIGMOID":
elif non_linearity == "TANH":
elif non_linearity == "SCALED_TANH":
if params is None:
alpha, beta = (0.0, 0.0)
alpha, beta = params[0], params[1]
spec_layer_params.scaledTanh.alpha = alpha
spec_layer_params.scaledTanh.beta = beta
elif non_linearity == "SOFTPLUS":
elif non_linearity == "SOFTSIGN":
elif non_linearity == "SIGMOID_HARD":
if params is None:
alpha, beta = (0.2, 0.5)
alpha, beta = params[0], params[1]
spec_layer_params.sigmoidHard.alpha = alpha
spec_layer_params.sigmoidHard.beta = beta
elif non_linearity == "LEAKYRELU":
if params is None:
alpha = 0.3
alpha = params[0]
spec_layer_params.leakyReLU.alpha = float(alpha)
elif non_linearity == "PRELU":
# PReLU must provide an np array in params[0]
elif non_linearity == "ELU":
# ELU must provide an alpha in params[0]
spec_layer_params.ELU.alpha = float(params)
elif non_linearity == "PARAMETRICSOFTPLUS":
# Parametric softplus must provide two np arrays for alpha and beta
alphas, betas = (params[0], params[1])
# Weight alignment: Keras [H,W,C,F]
elif non_linearity == "THRESHOLDEDRELU":
if params is None:
theta = 1.0
theta = params
spec_layer_params.thresholdedReLU.alpha = float(theta)
elif non_linearity == "LINEAR":
if params is None:
alpha, beta = (1.0, 0.0)
alpha, beta = params[0], params[1]
spec_layer_params.linear.alpha = alpha
spec_layer_params.linear.beta = beta
raise TypeError("Unknown activation type %s." % non_linearity)
return spec_layer
def add_elementwise(self, name, input_names, output_name, mode, alpha=None):
Add an element-wise operation layer to the model.
Refer to the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
A list of input blob names of this layer. The input blobs should have the same shape.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mode: str
A string specifying the mode of the elementwise layer. It can be one of the following:
- ``'CONCAT'``: Concatenate input blobs along the channel axis.
- ``'SEQUENCE_CONCAT'``: Concatenate input blobs along the sequence axis.
- ``'ADD'``: Perform an element-wise summation over the input blobs.
- ``'MULTIPLY'``: Perform an element-wise multiplication over the input blobs.
- ``'DOT'``: Compute the dot product of the two input blobs.
In this mode, the length of ``input_names`` should be 2.
- ``'COS'``: Compute the cosine similarity of the two input blobs.
In this mode, the length of ``input_names`` should be 2.
- ``'MAX'``: Compute the element-wise maximum over the input blobs.
- ```'MIN'```: Compute the element-wise minimum over the input blobs.
- ``'AVE'``: Compute the element-wise average over the input blobs.
alpha: float
* if ``mode == 'ADD'`` and there is only one ``input_name``,
``alpha`` is added to the input.
* if ``mode == 'MULTIPLY'`` and there is only one ``input_name``,
``alpha`` is multiplied to the input.
See Also
add_upsample, add_sequence_repeat
input_names = input_names if isinstance(input_names, list) else [input_names]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
# add one of the following layers
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
if mode == "CONCAT":
spec_layer.concat.sequenceConcat = False
elif mode == "SEQUENCE_CONCAT":
spec_layer.concat.sequenceConcat = True
elif mode == "ADD":
if alpha:
spec_layer.add.alpha = alpha
elif mode == "MULTIPLY":
if alpha:
spec_layer.multiply.alpha = alpha
elif mode == "COS":
spec_layer.dot.cosineSimilarity = True
elif mode == "DOT":
spec_layer.dot.cosineSimilarity = False
elif mode == "MAX":
elif mode == "MIN":
elif mode == "AVE":
raise ValueError("Unsupported elementwise mode %s" % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_upsample(
Add an upsample layer to the model.
Refer to the ``UpsampleLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
scaling_factor_h: int or float
Scaling factor on the vertical direction. Float values only
supported with ``BILINEAR`` and ``ALIGN_CORNERS_*``.
scaling_factor_w: int or float
Scaling factor on the horizontal direction. Float values only
supported with ``BILINEAR`` and ``ALIGN_CORNERS_*``.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mode: str
Overall interpolation mode. The following values are supported:
* ``'NN'``: nearest neighbour
* ``'BILINEAR'``: bilinear interpolation
linear_upsample_mode: str
Specifies the behavior for linear upsampling. Only valid when
Interpolation Mode is ``BILINEAR``.
If input grid is ``[0, Xin-1]`` (corresponding to an input size of
``Xin``), and if the output size is ``Xout``,
then the grid points are sampled in the following manner:
- ``spacing = (Xin-Xin/Xout) / (Xout-1)``
- ``grid_point[i] = min(Xin-1, max(0, i * spacing)), for i = 0,1,2,..,Xout-1``
- ``spacing = (Xin-1) / (Xout-1)``
- ``grid_point[i] = min(Xin-1, max(0, i * spacing)), for i = 0,1,2,..,Xout-1``
- ``spacing = Xin / Xout``
- ``grid_point[i] = min(Xin-1, max(0, i * spacing + 0.5 * spacing - 0.5)), for i = 0,1,2,..,Xout-1``
See Also
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
linear_upsample_mode = (
if isinstance(linear_upsample_mode, str)
else linear_upsample_mode
if mode not in ["NN", "BILINEAR"]:
raise ValueError("Unsupported upsampling mode %s" % mode)
if linear_upsample_mode not in ["DEFAULT", "ALIGN_CORNERS_TRUE", "ALIGN_CORNERS_FALSE"]:
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported linear upsampling mode %s" % linear_upsample_mode
# Default linear upsample mode is backwards compatible, else set spec to iOS14
if (
linear_upsample_mode != "DEFAULT"
and self.spec
and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.upsample
if (
scaling_factor_h - _math_floor(scaling_factor_h) > 0.001
or scaling_factor_w - _math_floor(scaling_factor_w) > 0.001
if mode != "BILINEAR" or linear_upsample_mode not in [
raise ValueError(
"Fractional upsampling only compatible with BILINEAR and ALIGN_CORNERS_TRUE or ALIGN_CORNERS_FALSE"
spec_layer_params.mode = (
spec_layer_params.linearUpsampleMode = (
return spec_layer
def add_scale(
Add a scale layer to the model.
Refer to the ``ScaleLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
W: int or numpy.array
Scale of the input.
b: int or numpy.array
Bias to add to the input.
has_bias: boolean
Whether the bias vector of this layer is ignored in the ``spec``.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
shape_scale: list of int or tuple of int
List of ints that specifies the shape of the scale parameter.
Can be ``[1]``, ``[C]``, ``[1,H,W]``, or ``[C,H,W]``.
shape_bias: list of int
List of ints that specifies the shape of the bias parameter
(if present). Can be ``[1]``, ``[C]``, ``[1,H,W]``, or ``[C,H,W]``.
See Also
if not shape_scale:
shape_scale = [1]
if not shape_bias:
shape_bias = [1]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.scale
spec_layer_params.hasBias = has_bias
# add scale and its shape
scale = spec_layer_params.scale
if isinstance(W, int):
if len(scale.floatValue) != _np.prod(shape_scale):
raise ValueError(
"Dimensions of 'shape_scale' do not match the size of the provided 'scale' parameter"
# add bias and its shape
if has_bias:
bias = spec_layer_params.bias
if isinstance(b, int):
if len(bias.floatValue) != _np.prod(shape_bias):
raise ValueError(
"Dimensions of 'shape_bias' do not match the size of the provided 'b' parameter"
return spec_layer
def add_bias(self, name, b, input_name, output_name, shape_bias=None):
Add a bias layer to the model.
Refer to the ``BiasLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
b: int or numpy.array
Bias to add to the input.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
shape_bias: list of int
List of ints that specifies the shape of the bias parameter
(if present). Can be ``[1]``, ``[C]``, ``[1,H,W]``, or ``[C,H,W]``.
See Also
if not shape_bias:
shape_bias = [1]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.bias
# add bias and its shape
bias = spec_layer_params.bias
if len(shape_bias) != 1 and len(shape_bias) != 3:
raise ValueError("Shape of bias layer must have length 1 or 3.")
if isinstance(b, int):
if len(bias.floatValue) != _np.prod(shape_bias):
raise ValueError(
"Dimensions of 'shape_bias' do not match the size"
"of the provided 'b' parameter"
return spec_layer
def add_sequence_repeat(self, name, nrep, input_name, output_name):
Add a sequence repeat layer to the model.
Refer to the ``SequenceRepeatLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
nrep: int
Number of repetitions of the input blob along the sequence axis.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_upsample, add_elementwise
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.sequenceRepeat
spec_layer_params.nRepetitions = nrep
return spec_layer
def add_convolution(
dilation_factors=[1, 1],
Add a convolution layer to the network.
Refer to the ``ConvolutionLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
kernel_channels: int
Number of channels for the convolution kernels.
output_channels: int
Number of filter kernels. This is equal to the number of channels in the output blob.
height: int
Height of each kernel.
width: int
Width of each kernel.
stride_height: int
Stride along the height direction.
stride_width: int
Stride along the height direction.
border_mode: str
Option for the padding type and output blob shape. Can be either 'valid' or 'same'.
groups: int
Number of kernel groups. Input is divided into groups along the channel axis.
Each kernel group share the same weights.
W: numpy.array or bytes() or None
Weight of the convolution kernels.
* If ``is_deconv`` is False, ``W`` should have
shape ``(height, width, kernel_channels, output_channels)``, where::
kernel_channel = input_channels / groups
* If ``is_deconv`` is True, ``W`` should have
shape ``(height, width, kernel_channels, output_channels / groups)``, where::
kernel_channel = input_channels
* If ``W`` is of type ``bytes()`` (quantized), other quantization-related
arguments must be provided as well (see below).
* For Core ML specification version >=4, ``W`` can be ``None``. In this case,
the convolution layer takes 2 inputs, where the 1st input represents
the input feature map, and the 2nd input represents the weight blob.
b: numpy.array
Biases of the convolution kernels. ``b`` should have shape ``(outputChannels, )``.
has_bias: boolean
Whether bias is ignored.
- If True, bias is not ignored.
- If False, bias is ignored.
is_deconv: boolean
Whether the convolution layer is performing a convolution or a transposed convolution (deconvolution).
- If True, the convolution layer is performing transposed convolution.
- If False, the convolution layer is performing regular convolution.
output_shape: tuple or None
Either ``None`` or a 2-tuple, specifying the output shape ``(output_height, output_width)``.
- Used only when ``is_deconv == True``.
- When ``is_deconv == False``, this parameter is ignored.
- If it is ``None``, the output shape is calculated automatically using the ``border_mode``.
input_name: str or list of str
The input blob name(s) of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
dilation_factors: list of int
Dilation factors across height and width directions. Must be a list of two
positive integers. Defaults to ``[1, 1]``.
padding_top, padding_bottom, padding_left, padding_right: int
Values of height (top, bottom) and width (left, right) padding
to be used if ``border_more`` is ``"valid"``.
same_padding_asymmetry_mode: str
Type of asymmetric padding to be used when ``border_mode`` is ``'same'``.
Can be either ``'BOTTOM_RIGHT_HEAVY'`` or ``'TOP_LEFT_HEAVY'``.
Quantization arguments expected in ``kwargs``, when ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``.
quantization_type: str
When weights are quantized (that is, ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``),
this should be either ``"linear"`` or ``"lut"``.
nbits: int
Should be between 1 and 8 (inclusive). Number of bits per weight
value. Only applicable when weights are quantized.
quant_scale: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
scale vector to be used with linear quantization. Must be of
length either 1 or ``output_channels``.
quant_bias: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
bias vector to be used with linear quantization. Must be of
length either 1 or ``output_channels``.
quant_lut: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
the LUT (look up table) to be used with LUT quantization.
Must be of length 2^n bits.
Depthwise convolution
Depthwise convolution is a special case of convolution, in which:
* ``kernel_channels = 1 (== input_channels / groups)``
* ``output_channels = channel_multiplier * input_channels``
* ``groups = input_channels``
* ``W``: ``[Kernel_height, Kernel_width, 1, channel_multiplier * input_channels]``
See Also
add_convolution3d, add_pooling, add_activation, add_batchnorm
if isinstance(input_name, tuple):
input_names = list(input_name)
elif isinstance(input_name, list):
input_names = input_name
input_names = [input_name]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
# Set the layer params
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.convolution
spec_layer_params.isDeconvolution = is_deconv
if is_deconv and output_shape:
spec_layer_params.outputChannels = output_channels
spec_layer_params.kernelChannels = kernel_channels
border_mode = (
if isinstance(border_mode, str)
else border_mode
same_padding_asymmetry_mode = (
if isinstance(same_padding_asymmetry_mode, str)
else same_padding_asymmetry_mode
if border_mode == "valid":
height_border = spec_layer_params.valid.paddingAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
height_border.startEdgeSize = padding_top
height_border.endEdgeSize = padding_bottom
width_border = spec_layer_params.valid.paddingAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
width_border.startEdgeSize = padding_left
width_border.endEdgeSize = padding_right
elif border_mode == "same":
if not (
same_padding_asymmetry_mode == "BOTTOM_RIGHT_HEAVY"
or same_padding_asymmetry_mode == "TOP_LEFT_HEAVY"
raise ValueError(
"Invalid value %d of same_padding_asymmetry_mode parameter"
% same_padding_asymmetry_mode
spec_layer_params.same.asymmetryMode = (
raise NotImplementedError(
"Border mode %s is not implemented." % border_mode
spec_layer_params.nGroups = groups
spec_layer_params.hasBias = has_bias
# add dilation factors
# If weight comes from another tensor just return
if len(input_names) > 1:
# Weight assignments
quantization = len(kwargs) > 0 and ('quantization_type' in kwargs and kwargs.get('quantization_type') is not None)
if quantization:
weight=W, output_channels=output_channels, **kwargs
nbits = kwargs.get("nbits", 8)
num_weights = (output_channels * kernel_channels * height * width) / groups
if nbits < 8:
byte_arr = _np.frombuffer(W, dtype=_np.uint8)
W = _unpack_to_bytes(byte_arr, num_weights, nbits)
W = _np.frombuffer(W, dtype=_np.uint8)
if is_deconv:
W = _np.reshape(
W, (height, width, kernel_channels, output_channels / groups)
W = _np.reshape(W, (height, width, kernel_channels, output_channels))
# Weight alignment: MLModel Spec requires following weight arrangement:
# is_deconv == False ==> (output_channels, kernel_channels, height, width), where kernel_channel = input_channels / groups
# is_deconv == True ==> (kernel_channels, output_channels / groups, height, width), where kernel_channel = input_channels
if not is_deconv:
Wt = W.transpose((3, 2, 0, 1))
Wt = Wt.flatten()
Wt = W.transpose((2, 3, 0, 1)).flatten()
# Assign weights
weights = spec_layer_params.weights
if not quantization: # no quantization
else: # there is quantization
W_bytes = bytes()
if nbits == 8:
W_bytes += Wt.flatten().tobytes()
W_bytes += _convert_array_to_nbit_quantized_bytes(
Wt.flatten(), nbits
_fill_quantized_weights(weights_message=weights, W=W_bytes, **kwargs)
# Assign biases
if has_bias:
bias = spec_layer_params.bias
for f in range(output_channels):
return spec_layer
def add_convolution3d(
Add a 3 dimensional convolution layer to the network.
Refer to the ``Convolution3DLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_channels: int
Number of input channels.
output_channels: int
Number of filter kernels. This is equal to the number of channels in the output blob.
depth: int
Depth of each kernel.
height: int
Height of each kernel.
width: int
Width of each kernel.
W: numpy.array or bytes()
Weight of the convolution kernels. ``W`` should have shape:
- If ``deconv`` is False:
``(output_channels, kernel_channels, depth, height, width)``, where:
``kernel_channels = input_channels / groups``
- If ``deconv`` is True:
``(output_channels / groups, kernel_channels, depth, height, width)``, where:
``kernel_channels = input_channels``
b: numpy.array
Biases of the convolution kernels. ``b`` should have shape ``(outputChannels, )``.
has_bias: boolean
Whether bias is ignored.
- If True, bias is not ignored.
- If False, bias is ignored.
groups: int
Number of kernel groups. Input is divided into groups along the channel axis. Each
kernel group share the same weights. Defaults to 1.
stride_depth, stride_height, stride_width: int
Stride along the depth, height, and width directions, respectively. Must all be positive
integers. Defaults to 1.
dilation_depth, dilation_width, dilation_height: int
Dilation factors across depth, height, and width directions. Must all be positive
integers. Defaults to 1 in each dimension.
is_deconv: bool
True if this is Convolution Transpose, otherwise False.
output_shape: None or Tuple of int
Applicable only for Deconvolution layer.
``None`` if Convolution.
Tuple of length 3 if Convolution Transpose.
padding_mode: str
Option for the padding type and output blob shape.
Can be ``'custom'``, ``'valid'``, or ``'same'``.
Defaults to ``'valid'``. Case-insensitive.
padding_front, padding_back, padding_top, padding_bottom, padding_left, padding_right: int
Values of depth (front, back), height (top, bottom), and width (left, right) padding to
be used. Must all be positive integers. All default to 0.
input_name: str or list of str
The input blob name(s) of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
Depthwise convolution
Depthwise convolution is a special case of convolution, in which:
* ``kernel_channels = 1`` (``== input_channels / groups``)
* ``output_channels = channel_multiplier * input_channels``
* ``groups = input_channels``
* ``W``: ``[Kernel_depth, Kernel_height, Kernel_width, 1, channel_multiplier * input_channels]``
See Also
add_convolution, add_pooling, add_activation, add_batchnorm
# Update spec version if necessary
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
if isinstance(input_name, tuple):
input_names = list(input_name)
elif isinstance(input_name, list):
input_names = input_name
input_names = [input_name]
# 3D convolution doesn't currently support 2-inputs
if len(input_names) > 1:
raise ValueError("3D convolution only supports 1 input.")
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
# Set the layer params
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.convolution3d
spec_layer_params.isDeconvolution = is_deconv
spec_layer_params.nGroups = groups
spec_layer_params.outputChannels = output_channels
spec_layer_params.inputChannels = input_channels
spec_layer_params.kernelDepth = depth
spec_layer_params.kernelHeight = height
spec_layer_params.kernelWidth = width
spec_layer_params.strideDepth = stride_depth
spec_layer_params.strideHeight = stride_height
spec_layer_params.strideWidth = stride_width
if is_deconv and output_shape:
supported_padding_modes = {"CUSTOM", "VALID", "SAME"}
if padding_mode.upper() not in supported_padding_modes:
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported padding mode: %s. Must be one of %s"
% (padding_mode, supported_padding_modes)
if padding_mode.upper() == "CUSTOM":
spec_layer_params.customPaddingFront = padding_front
spec_layer_params.customPaddingBack = padding_back
spec_layer_params.customPaddingTop = padding_top
spec_layer_params.customPaddingBottom = padding_bottom
spec_layer_params.customPaddingLeft = padding_left
spec_layer_params.customPaddingRight = padding_right
spec_layer_params.paddingType = (
spec_layer_params.dilationDepth = dilation_depth
spec_layer_params.dilationHeight = dilation_height
spec_layer_params.dilationWidth = dilation_width
# Weight alignment: MLModel Spec requires following weight arrangement:
# is_deconv == False ==> (output_channels, kernel_channels, depth, height, width), where kernel_channel = input_channels / groups
# is_deconv == True ==> (kernel_channels, output_channels / groups, height, width), where kernel_channel = input_channels
if is_deconv:
W = W.transpose((1, 0, 2, 3, 4))
# Assign weights
weights = spec_layer_params.weights
# Assign biases
spec_layer_params.hasBias = has_bias
if has_bias:
bias = spec_layer_params.bias
for f in range(output_channels):
return spec_layer
def add_pooling(
Add a pooling layer to the model that performs spatial pooling.
Refer to the ``PoolingLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
height: int
Height of pooling region.
width: int
Width of pooling region.
stride_height: int
Stride along the height direction.
stride_width: int
Stride along the width direction.
layer_type: str
Type of pooling performed. Can either be ``'MAX'``, ``'AVERAGE'``, or ``'L2'``.
padding_type: str
Option for the type of padding and output blob shape. Can be either
``'VALID'``, ``'SAME'``, or ``'INCLUDE_LAST_PIXEL'``.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
exclude_pad_area: boolean
Whether to exclude padded area in the ``'AVERAGE'`` pooling operation,
default: true. This flag is only used with average pooling.
- If True, the value of the padded area will be excluded.
- If False, the padded area will be included.
is_global: boolean
Whether the pooling operation is global. Defaults to False.
- If True, the pooling operation is global. The pooling region
is of the same size of the input blob.
Parameters ``height``, ``width``, ``stride_height``, and ``stride_width`` will be ignored.
- If False, the pooling operation is not global.
padding_top, padding_bottom, padding_left, padding_right: int
Values of height (top, bottom) and width (left, right) padding
to be used if padding type is ``"VALID"`` or ``"INCLUDE_LAST_PIXEL"``.
same_padding_asymmetry_mode: str.
Type of asymmetric padding to be used when ``padding_type = 'SAME'``.
Can be either ``'BOTTOM_RIGHT_HEAVY'`` or ``'TOP_LEFT_HEAVY'``.
See Also
add_pooling3d, add_convolution, add_activation
# Create spec layer
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.pooling
# Set the parameters
spec_layer_params.type = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.PoolingLayerParams.PoolingType.Value(
padding_type = (
if isinstance(padding_type, str)
else padding_type
same_padding_asymmetry_mode = (
if isinstance(same_padding_asymmetry_mode, str)
else same_padding_asymmetry_mode
if padding_type == "VALID":
height_border = spec_layer_params.valid.paddingAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
height_border.startEdgeSize = padding_top
height_border.endEdgeSize = padding_bottom
width_border = spec_layer_params.valid.paddingAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
width_border.startEdgeSize = padding_left
width_border.endEdgeSize = padding_right
elif padding_type == "SAME":
if not (
same_padding_asymmetry_mode == "BOTTOM_RIGHT_HEAVY"
or same_padding_asymmetry_mode == "TOP_LEFT_HEAVY"
raise ValueError(
"Invalid value %d of same_padding_asymmetry_mode parameter"
% same_padding_asymmetry_mode
spec_layer_params.same.asymmetryMode = (
elif padding_type == "INCLUDE_LAST_PIXEL":
if padding_top != padding_bottom or padding_left != padding_right:
raise ValueError(
"Only symmetric padding is supported with the INCLUDE_LAST_PIXEL padding type"
raise ValueError("Unknown padding_type %s in pooling" % padding_type)
spec_layer_params.avgPoolExcludePadding = exclude_pad_area
spec_layer_params.globalPooling = is_global
return spec_layer
def add_pooling3d(
Add a pooling layer to the model that performs spatial pooling across three dimensions.
Refer to the ``Pooling3DLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
pooling_type: str
Type of pooling performed. Can either be ``'MAX'`` OR ``'AVERAGE'``.
kernel_depth: int
Depth of the pooling region.
kernel_height: int
Height of pooling region.
kernel_width: int
Width of pooling region.
stride_depth: int
Stride along the depth direction
stride_height: int
Stride along the height direction.
stride_width: int
Stride along the width direction.
padding_mode: str
Option for the padding type and output blob shape.
Can be ``'VALID'``, ``'SAME'``, or ``'CUSTOM'``.
custom_padding_front: int
Padding before the input in the depth direction.
custom_padding_back: int
Padding after the input in the depth direction.
custom_padding_top: int
Padding before the input in the height direction.
custom_padding_bottom: int
Padding after the input in the height direction.
custom_padding_left: int
Padding before the input in the width direction.
custom_padding_right: int
Padding after the input in the width direction.
average_pooling_count_excludes_padding: boolean
If true, exclude zeros from padding in average pooling.
Can only be true for ``AVERAGE`` padding.
See Also
add_pooling, add_global_pooling3d
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.pooling3d
spec_layer_params.type = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.Pooling3DLayerParams.PoolingType3D.Value(
spec_layer_params.kernelDepth = kernel_depth
spec_layer_params.kernelHeight = kernel_height
spec_layer_params.kernelWidth = kernel_width
spec_layer_params.strideDepth = stride_depth
spec_layer_params.strideHeight = stride_height
spec_layer_params.strideWidth = stride_width
supported_padding_modes = {"CUSTOM", "VALID", "SAME"}
if padding_mode.upper() not in supported_padding_modes:
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported padding mode: %s. Must be one of %s"
% (padding_mode, supported_padding_modes)
if padding_mode.upper() == "CUSTOM":
spec_layer_params.customPaddingFront = custom_padding_front
spec_layer_params.customPaddingBack = custom_padding_back
spec_layer_params.customPaddingTop = custom_padding_top
spec_layer_params.customPaddingBottom = custom_padding_bottom
spec_layer_params.customPaddingLeft = custom_padding_left
spec_layer_params.customPaddingRight = custom_padding_right
spec_layer_params.paddingType = (
spec_layer_params.countExcludePadding = average_pooling_count_excludes_padding
return spec_layer
def add_global_pooling3d(self, name, input_name, output_name, pooling_type):
Add a layer to pool three spatial dimensions down to one value.
This behaves like a special case of Pooling3DLayerParams in which
the Kernel is the size of the input and there is no padding.
Refer to the ``GlobalPooling3DLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
pooling_type: str
Type of pooling performed. Can either be ``'MAX'`` OR ``'AVERAGE'``.
See Also
add_pooling, add_pooling3d
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.globalPooling3d
spec_layer_params.type = (
return spec_layer
def add_padding(
Add a padding layer to the model that performs padding along spatial dimensions.
Refer to the ``PaddingLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
left: int
Number of elements to be padded on the left side of the input blob.
right: int
Number of elements to be padded on the right side of the input blob.
top: int
Number of elements to be padded on the top of the input blob.
bottom: int
Number of elements to be padded on the bottom of the input blob.
value: float
Value of the elements padded. Used only when ``padding_type = 'constant'``.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
padding_type: str
Type of the padding. Can be one of ``'constant'``, ``'reflection'``, or ``'replication'``.
See Also
add_crop, add_convolution, add_pooling, add_constant_pad
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.padding
# Set the parameters
padding_type = (
if isinstance(padding_type, str)
else padding_type
if padding_type == "constant":
spec_layer_params.constant.value = value
elif padding_type == "reflection":
elif padding_type == "replication":
raise ValueError("Unknown padding_type %s" % padding_type)
height_border = spec_layer_params.paddingAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
height_border.startEdgeSize = top
height_border.endEdgeSize = bottom
width_border = spec_layer_params.paddingAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
width_border.startEdgeSize = left
width_border.endEdgeSize = right
return spec_layer
def add_crop(
self, name, left, right, top, bottom, offset, input_names, output_name
Add a cropping layer to the model.
The cropping layer have two functional modes:
- When it has 1 input blob, it crops the input blob based
on the 4 parameters ``[left, right, top, bottom]``.
- When it has 2 input blobs, it crops the first input blob based
on the dimension of the second blob with an offset.
Refer to the ``CropLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
left: int
Number of elements to be cropped on the left side of the input blob.
When the crop layer takes 2 inputs, this parameter is ignored.
right: int
Number of elements to be cropped on the right side of the input blob.
When the crop layer takes 2 inputs, this parameter is ignored.
top: int
Number of elements to be cropped on the top of the input blob.
When the crop layer takes 2 inputs, this parameter is ignored.
bottom: int
Number of elements to be cropped on the bottom of the input blob.
When the crop layer takes 2 inputs, this parameter is ignored.
offset: list of int
Offset along the height and width directions when the crop layer takes 2 inputs. Must be a list of length 2.
When the crop layer takes 1 input, this parameter is ignored.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer. Must be either a list of 1 string (1 input crop layer),
or a list of 2 strings (2-input crop layer).
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_padding, add_convolution, add_pooling
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.crop
# Set the parameters
offset = [0, 0] if len(input_names) == 1 else offset
height_border = spec_layer_params.cropAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
height_border.startEdgeSize = top
height_border.endEdgeSize = bottom
width_border = spec_layer_params.cropAmounts.borderAmounts.add()
width_border.startEdgeSize = left
width_border.endEdgeSize = right
return spec_layer
def add_simple_rnn(
Add a simple recurrent layer to the model.
Refer to the ``SimpleRecurrentLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
W_h: numpy.array
Weights of the recurrent layer's hidden state.
Must be of shape ``(hidden_size, hidden_size)``.
W_x: numpy.array
Weights of the recurrent layer's input.
Must be of shape ``(hidden_size, input_size)``.
b: numpy.array or None
Bias of the recurrent layer's output. If ``None``, bias is ignored.
Otherwise it must be of shape ``(hidden_size, )``.
hidden_size: int
Number of hidden units. This is equal to the number of channels of output shape.
input_size: int
Number of the number of channels of input shape.
activation: str
Activation function name. Can be one of the following option:
[``'RELU'``, ``'TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID'``, ``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``, ``'LINEAR'``].
See add_activation for more detailed description.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names list of this layer, in the order of ``[x, h_input]``.
output_names: list of str
The output blob names list of this layer, in the order of ``[y, h_output]``.
output_all: boolean
Whether the recurrent layer should output at every time step.
- If False, the output is the result after the final state update.
- If True, the output is a sequence, containing outputs at all time steps.
reverse_input: boolean
Whether the recurrent layer should process the input sequence in the reverse order.
- If False, the input sequence order is not reversed.
- If True, the input sequence order is reversed.
See Also
add_activation, add_gru, add_unilstm, add_bidirlstm
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.simpleRecurrent
spec_layer_params.reverseInput = reverse_input
# set the parameters
spec_layer_params.inputVectorSize = input_size
spec_layer_params.outputVectorSize = hidden_size
if b is not None:
spec_layer_params.hasBiasVector = True
spec_layer_params.sequenceOutput = output_all
activation_f = spec_layer_params.activation
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_f, activation)
# Write the weights
if b is not None:
return spec_layer
def add_gru(
Add a Gated-Recurrent Unit (GRU) layer to the model.
Refer to the ``GRULayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
W_h: [numpy.array]
List of recursion weight matrices. The ordering is ``[R_z, R_r, R_o]``,
where ``R_z``, ``R_r`` and ``R_o`` are weight matrices at update gate,
reset gate and output gate.
The shapes of these matrices are ``(hidden_size, hidden_size)``.
W_x: [numpy.array]
List of input weight matrices. The ordering is ``[W_z, W_r, W_o]``,
where ``W_z``, ``W_r``, and ``W_o`` are weight matrices at update gate,
reset gate and output gate.
The shapes of these matrices are ``(hidden_size, input_size)``.
b: [numpy.array] or None
List of biases of the GRU layer. The ordering is ``[b_z, b_r, b_o]``,
where ``b_z``, ``b_r``, and ``b_o`` are biases at update gate,
reset gate and output gate.
If ``None``, biases are ignored. Otherwise the shapes of the biases are ``(hidden_size, )``.
hidden_size: int
Number of hidden units. This is equal to the number of channels of output shape.
input_size: int
Number of the number of channels of input shape.
activation: str
Activation function used at the output gate. Can be one of the following options:
[``'RELU'``, ``'TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID'``, ``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``, ``'LINEAR'``].
Defaults to ``'TANH'``.
See add_activation for more detailed description.
inner_activation: str
Inner activation function used at update and reset gates.
Can be one of the following options:
[``'RELU'``, ``'TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID'``, ``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``, ``'LINEAR'``].
Defaults to ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``.
See add_activation for more detailed description.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names list of this layer, in the order of ``[x, h_input]``.
output_names: list of str
The output blob names list of this layer, in the order of ``[y, h_output]``.
output_all: boolean
Whether the recurrent layer should output at every time step.
- If False, the output is the result after the final state update.
- If True, the output is a sequence, containing outputs at all time steps.
reverse_input: boolean
Whether the recurrent layer should process the input sequence in the reverse order.
- If False, the input sequence order is not reversed.
- If True, the input sequence order is reversed.
See Also
add_activation, add_simple_rnn, add_unilstm, add_bidirlstm
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.gru
# set the parameters
spec_layer_params.inputVectorSize = input_size
spec_layer_params.outputVectorSize = hidden_size
if b is not None:
spec_layer_params.hasBiasVectors = True
spec_layer_params.sequenceOutput = output_all
spec_layer_params.reverseInput = reverse_input
activation_f = spec_layer_params.activations.add()
activation_g = spec_layer_params.activations.add()
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_f, inner_activation)
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_g, activation)
# Write the weights
R_z, R_r, R_o = W_h
W_z, W_r, W_o = W_x
if b is not None:
b_z, b_r, b_o = b
return spec_layer
def add_unilstm(
Add a Uni-directional LSTM layer to the model.
Refer to the ``UniDirectionalLSTMLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
W_h: [numpy.array]
List of recursion weight matrices. The ordering is [R_i, R_f, R_o, R_z],
where R_i, R_f, R_o, R_z are weight matrices at input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
The shapes of these matrices are (hidden_size, hidden_size).
W_x: [numpy.array]
List of input weight matrices. The ordering is [W_i, W_f, W_o, W_z],
where W_i, W_f, W_o, W_z are weight matrices at input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
The shapes of these matrices are (hidden_size, input_size).
b: [numpy.array] or None
List of biases. The ordering is [b_i, b_f, b_o, b_z],
where b_i, b_f, b_o, b_z are biases at input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
If ``None``, biases are ignored. Otherwise the shapes of the biases are (hidden_size, ).
hidden_size: int
Number of hidden units. This is equal to the number of channels of output shape.
input_size: int
Number of the number of channels of input shape.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names list of this layer, in the order of [x, h_input, c_input].
output_names: list of str
The output blob names list of this layer, in the order of [y, h_output, c_output].
inner_activation: str
Inner activation function used at input and forget gate. Can be one of the following option:
cell_state_update_activation: str
Cell state update activation function used at the cell state update gate.
output_activation: str
Activation function used at the output gate. Can be one of the following option:
peep: [numpy.array] or None
List of peephole vectors. The ordering is [p_i, p_f, p_o],
where p_i, p_f, and p_o are peephole vectors at input gate, forget gate, output gate.
The shapes of the peephole vectors are (hidden_size,).
output_all: boolean
Whether the LSTM layer should output at every time step.
- If False, the output is the result after the final state update.
- If True, the output is a sequence, containing outputs at all time steps.
forget_bias: boolean
If True, a vector of 1s is added to forget gate bias.
coupled_input_forget_gate: boolean
If True, the input gate and forget gate is coupled. i.e. forget gate is not used.
cell_clip_threshold: float
The limit on the maximum and minimum values on the cell state.
If not provided, it is defaulted to 50.0.
reverse_input: boolean
Whether the LSTM layer should process the input sequence in the reverse order.
- If False, the input sequence order is not reversed.
- If True, the input sequence order is reversed.
See Also
add_activation, add_simple_rnn, add_gru, add_bidirlstm
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.uniDirectionalLSTM
params = spec_layer_params.params
weight_params = spec_layer_params.weightParams
# set the parameters
spec_layer_params.inputVectorSize = input_size
spec_layer_params.outputVectorSize = hidden_size
params.sequenceOutput = output_all
params.forgetBias = False
if b is not None:
params.hasBiasVectors = True
if peep is not None:
params.hasPeepholeVectors = True
params.coupledInputAndForgetGate = coupled_input_forget_gate
params.cellClipThreshold = cell_clip_threshold
params.forgetBias = forget_bias
spec_layer_params.reverseInput = reverse_input
activation_f = spec_layer_params.activations.add()
activation_g = spec_layer_params.activations.add()
activation_h = spec_layer_params.activations.add()
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_f, inner_activation)
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_g, cell_state_update_activation)
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_h, output_activation)
# Write the weights
R_i, R_f, R_o, R_z = W_h
W_i, W_f, W_o, W_z = W_x
if b is not None:
b_i, b_f, b_o, b_z = b
if peep is not None:
p_i, p_f, p_o = peep
return spec_layer
def add_bidirlstm(
Add a Bi-directional LSTM layer to the model.
Refer to the ``BiDirectionalLSTMLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
W_h: [numpy.array]
List of recursion weight matrices for the forward layer.
The ordering is ``[R_i, R_f, R_o, R_z]``,
where ``R_i``, ``R_f``, ``R_o``, and ``R_z`` are weight matrices at
input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
The shapes of these matrices are ``(hidden_size, hidden_size)``.
W_x: [numpy.array]
List of input weight matrices for the forward layer. The ordering
is ``[W_i, W_f, W_o, W_z]``,
where ``W_i``, ``W_f``, ``W_o``, and ``W_z`` are weight matrices at
input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
The shapes of these matrices are ``(hidden_size, input_size)``.
b: [numpy.array]
List of biases for the forward layer. The ordering is
``[b_i, b_f, b_o, b_z]``,
where ``b_i``, ``b_f``, ``b_o``, and ``b_z`` are biases at input
gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
If ``None``, biases are ignored. Otherwise the shapes of the biases
are ``(hidden_size, )``.
W_h_back: [numpy.array]
List of recursion weight matrices for the backward layer. The
ordering is ``[R_i, R_f, R_o, R_z]``,
where ``R_i``, ``R_f``, ``R_o``, and ``R_z`` are weight matrices
at input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
The shapes of these matrices are ``(hidden_size, hidden_size)``.
W_x_back: [numpy.array]
List of input weight matrices for the backward layer. The ordering
is `[W_i, W_f, W_o, W_z]``,
where ``W_i``, ``W_f``, ``W_o``, and ``W_z`` are weight matrices
at input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
The shapes of these matrices are ``(hidden_size, input_size)``.
b_back: [numpy.array]
List of biases for the backward layer. The ordering is ``[b_i, b_f, b_o, b_z]``,
where ``b_i``, ``b_f``, ``b_o``, and ``b_z`` are biases at input
gate, forget gate, output gate and cell gate.
The shapes of the biases ``(hidden_size)``.
hidden_size: int
Number of hidden units. This is equal to the number of channels of output shape.
input_size: int
Number of the number of channels of input shape.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer, in the order of
``[x, h_input, c_input, h_reverse_input, c_reverse_input]``.
output_names: list of str
The output blob names of this layer, in the order of
``[y, h_output, c_output, h_reverse_output, c_reverse_output]``.
inner_activation: str
Inner activation function used at input and forget gate. Can be one
of the following options:
[``'RELU'``, ``'TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID'``, ``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``, ``'LINEAR'``].
Defaults to ``'SIGMOID'``.
cell_state_update_activation: str
Cell state update activation function used at the cell state update gate.
Can be one of the following options:
[``'RELU'``, ``'TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID'``, ``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``, ``'LINEAR'``].
Defaults to ``'TANH'``.
output_activation: str
Activation function used at the output gate. Can be one of the following options:
[``'RELU'``, ``'TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID'``, ``'SCALED_TANH'``, ``'SIGMOID_HARD'``, ``'LINEAR'``].
Defaults to ``'TANH'``.
peep: [numpy.array] or None
List of peephole vectors for the forward layer. The ordering
is ``[p_i, p_f, p_o]``,
where ``p_i``, ``p_f``, and ``p_o`` are peephole vectors at input
gate, forget gate, and output gate.
The shapes of the peephole vectors are ``(hidden_size,)``. Defaults to ``None``.
peep_back: [numpy.array] or None
List of peephole vectors for the backward layer. The ordering
is ``[p_i, p_f, p_o]``,
where ``p_i``, ``p_f``, and ``p_o`` are peephole vectors at input
gate, forget gate, and output gate.
The shapes of the peephole vectors are ``(hidden_size,)``. Defaults to ``None``.
output_all: boolean
Whether the LSTM layer should output at every time step. Defaults to ``False``.
- If ``False``, the output is the result after the final state update.
- If ``True``, the output is a sequence, containing outputs at all time steps.
forget_bias: boolean
If ``True``, a vector of 1s is added to forget gate bias. Defaults to ``False``.
coupled_input_forget_gate: boolean
If ``True``, the input gate and forget gate is coupled. That is, the
forget gate is not used.
Defaults to ``False``.
cell_clip_threshold: float
The limit on the maximum and minimum values on the cell state.
Defaults to 50.0.
See Also
add_activation, add_simple_rnn, add_unilstm, add_bidirlstm
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.biDirectionalLSTM
params = spec_layer_params.params
weight_params = spec_layer_params.weightParams.add()
weight_params_back = spec_layer_params.weightParams.add()
# set the parameters
spec_layer_params.inputVectorSize = input_size
spec_layer_params.outputVectorSize = hidden_size
if b is not None:
params.hasBiasVectors = True
params.sequenceOutput = output_all
params.forgetBias = forget_bias
if peep is not None:
params.hasPeepholeVectors = True
params.coupledInputAndForgetGate = coupled_input_forget_gate
params.cellClipThreshold = cell_clip_threshold
# set activations
activation_f = spec_layer_params.activationsForwardLSTM.add()
activation_g = spec_layer_params.activationsForwardLSTM.add()
activation_h = spec_layer_params.activationsForwardLSTM.add()
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_f, inner_activation)
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_g, cell_state_update_activation)
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_h, output_activation)
activation_f_back = spec_layer_params.activationsBackwardLSTM.add()
activation_g_back = spec_layer_params.activationsBackwardLSTM.add()
activation_h_back = spec_layer_params.activationsBackwardLSTM.add()
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_f_back, inner_activation)
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_g_back, cell_state_update_activation)
_set_recurrent_activation(activation_h_back, output_activation)
# Write the forward lstm weights
R_i, R_f, R_o, R_z = W_h
W_i, W_f, W_o, W_z = W_x
if b is not None:
b_i, b_f, b_o, b_z = b
if peep is not None:
p_i, p_f, p_o = peep
# Write the backward lstm weights
R_i, R_f, R_o, R_z = W_h_back
W_i, W_f, W_o, W_z = W_x_back
if b_back is not None:
b_i, b_f, b_o, b_z = b_back
if peep_back is not None:
p_i, p_f, p_o = peep_back
return spec_layer
def add_flatten(self, name, mode, input_name, output_name):
Add a flatten layer. Only flattens the channel, height and width axis.
Leaves the sequence axis as is.
Refer to the ``FlattenLayerParams`` message in the
specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
mode: int
- If mode == 0, the flatten layer is in CHANNEL_FIRST mode.
- If mode == 1, the flatten layer is in CHANNEL_LAST mode.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_permute, add_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.flatten
# Set the parameters
if mode == 0:
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.FlattenLayerParams.FlattenOrder.Value(
elif mode == 1:
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.FlattenLayerParams.FlattenOrder.Value(
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown flatten mode %d " % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_slice(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axis, start_index=0, end_index=-1, stride=1
Add a slice layer. Equivalent to to numpy slice [start_index:end_index:stride],
start_index is included, while end_index is exclusive.
Refer to the ``SliceLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: str
axis along which input is sliced.
allowed values: 'channel', 'height', 'width'
start_index: int
must be non-negative.
end_index: int
negative indexing is supported.
stride: int
must be positive.
See Also
add_permute, add_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.slice
# Set the parameters
if start_index < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid start_index value %d. Must be non-negative." % start_index
if stride < 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid stride value %d. Must be positive." % stride)
spec_layer_params.startIndex = start_index
spec_layer_params.endIndex = end_index
spec_layer_params.stride = stride
axis = axis.lower() if isinstance(axis, str) else axis
if axis == "channel":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.SliceLayerParams.SliceAxis.Value(
elif axis == "height":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.SliceLayerParams.SliceAxis.Value(
elif axis == "width":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.SliceLayerParams.SliceAxis.Value(
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported Slice axis %s " % axis)
return spec_layer
def add_slice_by_size(self, name, input_names, output_name, axis, size):
Add a slice layer. Equivalent to to numpy slice [start_index: start_index+size],
Input is list of str which is [input_tensor, begin_id].
Assume input_tensor has shape (2, 3, 4), and axis=1, size=2.
This would produce input_tensor[:, begin_id:begin_id+2, :]
Refer to the ``SliceBySizeLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
axis along which input is sliced.
size: int
The size of which input will be taken
See Also
add_slice, add_slice_static, add_slice_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.sliceBySize
if size < 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid size value %d. Must be positive." % size)
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
spec_layer_params.size = size
return spec_layer
def add_reorganize_data(
self, name, input_name, output_name, mode="SPACE_TO_DEPTH", block_size=2
Add a data reorganization layer of type "SPACE_TO_DEPTH" or "DEPTH_TO_SPACE".
Refer to the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mode: str
- If mode == 'SPACE_TO_DEPTH': data is moved from the spatial to the channel dimension.
Input is spatially divided into non-overlapping blocks of size block_size X block_size
and data from each block is moved to the channel dimension.
Output CHW dimensions are: [C * block_size * block_size, H/block_size, C/block_size].
- If mode == 'DEPTH_TO_SPACE': data is moved from the channel to the spatial dimension.
Reverse of the operation 'SPACE_TO_DEPTH'.
Output CHW dimensions are: [C/(block_size * block_size), H * block_size, C * block_size].
- If mode == 'PIXEL_SHUFFLE': data is moved from the channel to the spatial dimension.
Reverse of the operation 'SPACE_TO_DEPTH'.
Output CHW dimensions are: [C/(block_size * block_size), H * block_size, C * block_size].
block_size: int
Must be greater than 1. Must divide H and W, when mode is 'SPACE_TO_DEPTH'. (block_size * block_size)
must divide C when mode is 'DEPTH_TO_SPACE' or 'PIXEL_SHUFFLE'.
See Also
add_flatten, add_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reorganizeData
# Set the parameters
if block_size < 2:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid block_size value %d. Must be greater than 1." % block_size
spec_layer_params.blockSize = block_size
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
if mode == "SPACE_TO_DEPTH":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "DEPTH_TO_SPACE":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "PIXEL_SHUFFLE":
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer_params.mode = (
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown reorganization mode %s." % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_batchnorm(
Add a batch normalization layer. Batch normalization operation is
defined as:
``y = gamma * (x - mean) / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + beta``
Refer to the ``BatchnormLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
channels: int
Number of channels of the input blob.
gamma: numpy.array
Values of gamma. Must be numpy array of shape ``(channels, )``.
beta: numpy.array
Values of beta. Must be numpy array of shape ``(channels, )``.
mean: numpy.array
Means of the input blob on each channel. Must be numpy array of shape ``(channels, )``.
Variances of the input blob on each channel. Must be numpy array of shape ``(channels, )``.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
compute_mean_var: bool
Set to ``True`` if mean and variance is to be computed from the input data.
instance_normalization: bool
Set compute_mean_var and this to ``True`` to perform
instance normalization. That is, mean and variance are computed
from the single input instance.
epsilon: float
Value of epsilon. Defaults to ``1e-5`` if not specified.
See Also
add_convolution, add_pooling, add_inner_product
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.batchnorm
# Set the parameters
spec_layer_params.channels = channels
spec_layer_params.epsilon = epsilon
spec_layer_params.computeMeanVar = compute_mean_var
spec_layer_params.instanceNormalization = instance_normalization
if compute_mean_var:
if not instance_normalization:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Batch-instance norm is currently not supported"
if not compute_mean_var:
return spec_layer
def add_permute(self, name, dim, input_name, output_name):
Add a permute layer. Assumes that the input has dimensions in the order [Seq, C, H, W]
Refer to the ``PermuteLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
dim: tuple
The order in which to permute the input dimensions = [seq,C,H,W].
Must have length 4 and a permutation of ``[0, 1, 2, 3]``.
Lets say input has shape: [seq, C, H, W].
If ``dim`` is set to ``[0, 3, 1, 2]``,
then the output has shape ``[W,C,H]``
and has the same sequence length that of the input.
If ``dim`` is set to ``[3, 1, 2, 0]``,
and the input is a sequence of data
with length ``Seq`` and shape ``[C, 1, 1]``,
then the output is a unit sequence of data with shape ``[C, 1, Seq]``.
If ``dim`` is set to ``[0, 3, 2, 1]``,
the output is a reverse of the input: ``[C, H, W] -> [W, H, C]``.
If ``dim`` is not set, or is set to ``[0, 1, 2, 3]``,
the output is the same as the input.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_flatten, add_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.permute
if len(dim) != 4:
raise ValueError("Length of the 'dim' parameter must be equal to 4")
return spec_layer
def add_reshape(self, name, input_name, output_name, target_shape, mode):
Add a reshape layer.
Refer to the ``ReshapeLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
target_shape: tuple
Shape of the output blob. The product of target_shape must be equal
to the shape of the input blob.
Can be either length 3 (C,H,W) or length 4 (Seq,C,H,W).
mode: int
- If mode == 0, the reshape layer is in CHANNEL_FIRST mode.
- If mode == 1, the reshape layer is in CHANNEL_LAST mode.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_flatten, add_permute
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reshape
if mode == 0:
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ReshapeLayerParams.ReshapeOrder.Value(
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ReshapeLayerParams.ReshapeOrder.Value(
if len(target_shape) != 4 and len(target_shape) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"Length of the 'target-shape' parameter must be equal to 3 or 4"
self.rank_dict[output_name] = len(target_shape)
return spec_layer
def add_reduce(self, name, input_name, output_name, axis, mode, epsilon=1e-6):
Add a reduce layer. Applies the function specified by the parameter mode,
along dimension(s) specified by the parameter axis.
Refer to the ``ReduceLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: str
dimensions along which the reduction operation is applied.
Allowed values: 'CHW', 'HW', 'C', 'H', 'W'
mode: str
Reduction operation to be applied.
Allowed values:
'sum', 'avg', 'prod', 'logsum', 'sumsquare', 'L1', 'L2', 'max', 'min', 'argmax'.
'argmax' is only supported with axis values 'C', 'H' and 'W'.
epsilon: float
number that is added to the input when 'logsum' function is applied.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduce
spec_layer_params.epsilon = epsilon
mode = mode.lower() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
if mode == "sum":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "avg":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "prod":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "logsum":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "sumsquare":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "l1":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "l2":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "max":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "min":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
elif mode == "argmax":
spec_layer_params.mode = (
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown reduction operation %s." % mode)
axis = axis.upper() if isinstance(axis, str) else axis
if axis == "CHW":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ReduceLayerParams.ReduceAxis.Value(
elif axis == "HW":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ReduceLayerParams.ReduceAxis.Value(
elif axis == "C":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ReduceLayerParams.ReduceAxis.Value(
elif axis == "H":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ReduceLayerParams.ReduceAxis.Value(
elif axis == "W":
spec_layer_params.axis = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ReduceLayerParams.ReduceAxis.Value(
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown reduction axis %s." % axis)
return spec_layer
def add_lrn(self, name, input_name, output_name, alpha, beta, local_size, k=1.0):
Add a LRN (local response normalization) layer. Supports "across" channels normalization.
Refer to the ``LRNLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
alpha: float
multiplicative constant in the denominator.
beta: float
exponent of the normalizing term in the denominator.
k: float
bias term in the denominator. Must be positive.
local_size: int
size of the neighborhood along the channel axis.
See Also
add_l2_normalize, add_mvn
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.lrn
spec_layer_params.alpha = alpha
spec_layer_params.beta = beta
spec_layer_params.localSize = local_size
spec_layer_params.k = k
return spec_layer
def add_mvn(
Add an MVN (mean variance normalization) layer. Computes mean, variance and normalizes the input.
Refer to the ``MeanVarianceNormalizeLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
across_channels: boolean
If False, each channel plane is normalized separately
If True, mean/variance is computed across all C, H and W dimensions
normalize_variance: boolean
If False, only mean subtraction is performed.
epsilon: float
small bias to avoid division by zero.
See Also
add_l2_normalize, add_lrn
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.mvn
spec_layer_params.acrossChannels = across_channels
spec_layer_params.normalizeVariance = normalize_variance
spec_layer_params.epsilon = epsilon
return spec_layer
def add_l2_normalize(self, name, input_name, output_name, epsilon=1e-5):
Add L2 normalize layer. Normalizes the input by the L2 norm, i.e. divides by the
the square root of the sum of squares of all elements of the input along C, H and W dimensions.
Refer to the ``L2NormalizeLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
epsilon: float
small bias to avoid division by zero.
See Also
add_mvn, add_lrn
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.l2normalize
spec_layer_params.epsilon = epsilon
return spec_layer
def add_unary(
Add a Unary layer. Applies the specified function (mode) to all the elements of the input.
Prior to the application of the function the input can be scaled and shifted by using the 'scale',
'shift' parameters.
Refer to the ``UnaryFunctionLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mode: str
Unary function.
Allowed values: 'sqrt', 'rsqrt', 'inverse', 'power', 'exp', 'log', 'abs', threshold'.
alpha: float
constant used in with modes 'power' and 'threshold'.
shift, scale: float
input is modified by scale and shift prior to the application of the unary function.
epsilon: float
small bias to prevent division by zero.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.unary
if epsilon is None:
# Use the default value of epsilon to be 1e-4, instead of 1e-6, if mode = "rsqrt" or "inverse"
if mode == "inverse" or mode == "rsqrt":
epsilon = 1e-4
elif mode == "log":
epsilon = 1e-45
epsilon = 1e-6
spec_layer_params.epsilon = epsilon
spec_layer_params.alpha = alpha
spec_layer_params.shift = shift
spec_layer_params.scale = scale
mode = mode.lower() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
if mode == "sqrt":
spec_layer_params.type = (
elif mode == "rsqrt":
spec_layer_params.type = (
elif mode == "inverse":
spec_layer_params.type = (
elif mode == "power":
spec_layer_params.type = (
elif mode == "exp":
spec_layer_params.type = (
elif mode == "log":
spec_layer_params.type = (
elif mode == "abs":
spec_layer_params.type = (
elif mode == "threshold":
spec_layer_params.type = (
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown unary function %s " % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_split(self, name, input_name, output_names):
Add a split layer that uniformly splits the input along the channel dimension
to produce multiple outputs.
Refer to the ``SplitLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_names: list of str
List of output blob names of this layer.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.split
spec_layer_params.nOutputs = len(output_names)
return spec_layer
def add_load_constant(self, name, output_name, constant_value, shape):
Add a load constant layer.
Refer to the ``LoadConstantLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
constant_value: numpy.array
value of the constant as a numpy array.
shape: list of int or tuple of int
List of ints representing the shape of the constant. Must be of length 3: [C,H,W]
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.loadConstant
data = spec_layer_params.data
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 5
if len(data.floatValue) != _np.prod(shape):
raise ValueError(
"Dimensions of 'shape' do not match the size of the provided constant"
if not self._disable_rank5_shape_mapping:
if len(shape) != 3:
raise ValueError("'shape' must be of length 3")
return spec_layer
def add_custom(self, name, input_names, output_names, custom_proto_spec=None):
Add a custom layer.
Refer to the ``CustomLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names to this layer.
output_names: list of str
The output blob names from this layer.
custom_proto_spec: CustomLayerParams
A protobuf CustomLayerParams message. This can also be left blank and filled in later.
# custom layers require a newer specification version
from coremltools import _MINIMUM_CUSTOM_LAYER_SPEC_VERSION
if self.spec:
self.spec.specificationVersion = max(
self.spec.specificationVersion, _MINIMUM_CUSTOM_LAYER_SPEC_VERSION
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, output_names)
if custom_proto_spec:
return spec_layer
def add_resize_bilinear(
Add a resize bilinear layer to the model. A layer that resize the input to a given spatial size using bilinear interpolation.
Refer to the ``ResizeBilinearLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
target_height: int
Output height dimension.
target_width: int
Output width dimension.
mode: str
This parameter determines the sampling grid used for bilinear interpolation.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.resizeBilinear
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
elif mode == "UPSAMPLE_MODE":
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
elif mode == "ROI_ALIGN_MODE":
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
raise ValueError("Unsupported resize bilinear mode %s" % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_crop_resize(
Add a crop resize layer to the model. A layer that extracts cropped spatial patches or RoIs (regions of interest)
from the input and resizes them to a pre-specified size using bilinear interpolation.
Note that RoI Align layer can be implemented with this layer followed by a pooling layer.
Refer to the ``CropResizeLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
* Must be a list of two names: image feature map and crop indices/RoI input.
* First input corresponds to a blob with shape ``[1, Batch, C, H_in, W_in]``.
This represents a batch of input image feature data with ``C`` channels.
* The second input shape must be ``[N, 1, 4, 1, 1]`` or ``[N, 1, 5, 1, 1]``.
This represents the bounding box coordinates for ``N`` patches/RoIs.
* ``N``: number of patches/RoIs to be extracted.
* If RoI shape = ``[N, 1, 4, 1, 1]``, the channel axis corresponds
to the four coordinates specifying the bounding box.
All the N~ RoIs are extracted from all the batches of the input.
* If RoI shape = ``[N, 1, 5, 1, 1]``, the first element of the
channel axis specifies the input batch id from which to extract the RoI and
must be in the interval ``[0, Batch - 1]``. That is, ``n`` -th RoI is
extracted from the ``RoI[n,0,0,0]`` -th input batch id.
The last four elements of the channel axis specify the
bounding box coordinates.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
target_height: int
Output height dimension.
target_width: int
Output width dimension.
mode: str
* The following values are supported:
* This parameter determines the sampling grid used for bilinear interpolation.
normalized_roi: bool
* If true the bounding box coordinates must be in the interval ``[0, 1]``.
They are scaled by ``(input_height - 1)``, ``(input_width - 1)``;
that is, based on the input spatial dimensions.
* If false the bounding box coordinates must be in the interval
``[0, input_height - 1]`` and ``[0, input_width - 1]``,
respectively for height and width dimensions.
box_indices_mode: str
* The following values are supported:
* Representation used to interpret the bounding box coordinates (RoI) input.
* ``'CORNERS_HEIGHT_FIRST'``: ``[h_start, w_start, h_end, w_end]``
* ``'CORNERS_WIDTH_FIRST'``: ``[w_start, h_start, w_end, h_end]``
* ``'CENTER_SIZE_HEIGHT_FIRST'``: ``[h_center, w_center, box_height, box_width]``
* ``'CENTER_SIZE_WIDTH_FIRST'``: ``[w_center, h_center, box_width, box_height]``
spatial_scale: float
Additional spatial scale that multiplies the bounding box coordinates.
Generally used while implementing the RoI Align layer,
which uses unnormalized RoI coordinates along with a spatial scale less than or equal to 1.
See Also
add_resize_bilinear, add_crop
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.cropResize
spec_layer_params.normalizedCoordinates = normalized_roi
spec_layer_params.spatialScale = spatial_scale
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
box_indices_mode = (
if isinstance(box_indices_mode, str)
else box_indices_mode
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
elif mode == "UPSAMPLE_MODE":
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
elif mode == "ROI_ALIGN_MODE":
spec_layer_params.mode.samplingMethod = (
raise ValueError("Unsupported crop resize mode %s" % mode)
if box_indices_mode == "CORNERS_HEIGHT_FIRST":
spec_layer_params.boxIndicesMode.boxMode = (
elif box_indices_mode == "CORNERS_WIDTH_FIRST":
spec_layer_params.boxIndicesMode.boxMode = (
elif box_indices_mode == "CENTER_SIZE_HEIGHT_FIRST":
spec_layer_params.boxIndicesMode.boxMode = (
elif box_indices_mode == "CENTER_SIZE_WIDTH_FIRST":
spec_layer_params.boxIndicesMode.boxMode = (
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported crop resize box indices mode %s" % box_indices_mode
return spec_layer
def set_pre_processing_parameters(
Add a pre-processing parameters layer to the neural network object.
image_input_names: list of str
Name of input blobs that are images
is_bgr: boolean or dict()
Channel order for input blobs that are images. BGR if True else RGB.
To specify a different value for each image input,
provide a dictionary with input names as keys.
red_bias: float or dict()
Image re-centering parameter (red channel)
blue_bias: float or dict()
Image re-centering parameter (blue channel)
green_bias: float or dict()
Image re-centering parameter (green channel)
gray_bias: float or dict()
Image re-centering parameter (for grayscale images)
image_scale: float or dict()
Value by which to scale the images.
image_format: str
Image format, either 'NCHW' / 'NHWC'
See Also
set_input, set_output, set_class_labels
if not image_input_names:
return # nothing to do here
image_format = (
if isinstance(image_format, str)
else image_format
if image_format != "NCHW" and image_format != "NHWC":
raise ValueError(
"Input image format must be either 'NCHW' or 'NHWC'. Provided {}".format(
if not isinstance(is_bgr, dict):
is_bgr = dict.fromkeys(image_input_names, is_bgr)
if not isinstance(red_bias, dict):
red_bias = dict.fromkeys(image_input_names, red_bias)
if not isinstance(blue_bias, dict):
blue_bias = dict.fromkeys(image_input_names, blue_bias)
if not isinstance(green_bias, dict):
green_bias = dict.fromkeys(image_input_names, green_bias)
if not isinstance(gray_bias, dict):
gray_bias = dict.fromkeys(image_input_names, gray_bias)
if not isinstance(image_scale, dict):
image_scale = dict.fromkeys(image_input_names, image_scale)
# Raise error if any key in image preprocessing parameters
# are not in image_input_names.
def check_valid_preprocessing_keys(input, target, input_name):
for key in input:
if key not in target:
raise ValueError("Invalid key {} in {}.".format(key, input_name))
target = image_input_names
check_valid_preprocessing_keys(is_bgr, target, "is_bgr")
check_valid_preprocessing_keys(red_bias, target, "red_bias")
check_valid_preprocessing_keys(blue_bias, target, "blue_bias")
check_valid_preprocessing_keys(green_bias, target, "green_bias")
check_valid_preprocessing_keys(gray_bias, target, "gray_bias")
check_valid_preprocessing_keys(image_scale, target, "image_scale")
spec = self.spec
# Add image inputs
for input_ in spec.description.input:
if input_.name in image_input_names:
if input_.type.WhichOneof("Type") == "multiArrayType":
array_shape = tuple(input_.type.multiArrayType.shape)
if len(array_shape) == 4:
input_indices = (
[0, 1, 2, 3] if image_format == "NCHW" else [0, 3, 1, 2]
elif len(array_shape) == 3:
# Adding dummy index for 'batch' for compatibility
input_indices = (
[0, 0, 1, 2] if image_format == "NCHW" else [0, 2, 0, 1]
raise ValueError(
"Invalid input shape. Input of rank {}, but expecting input of either rank 3 or rank 4".format(
# Extract image shape depending on input format
_, channels, height, width = [array_shape[e] for e in input_indices]
if image_format == "NHWC":
# If input format is 'NHWC' for TF model, it will be
# 'NCHW' for CoreML model. Therefore, add transpose to
# NHWC after the input and replace all use of input
layers = self.nn_spec.layers
complement_transpose = True
transpose_names = set()
transpose_outputs = []
for layer_ in layers:
if (
and layer_.input[0] == input_.name
transpose_order = list(layer_.transpose.axes)
if transpose_order == [
] or transpose_order == [2, 0, 1]:
transpose_outputs += list(layer_.output)
complement_transpose = False
for i in layer_.input:
if i == input_.name:
complement_transpose = False
if complement_transpose:
for layer_ in layers:
for i in range(len(layer_.input)):
if layer_.input[i] in transpose_names:
layer_.input[i] = input_.name
for layer_ in layers:
if layer_.name == input_.name:
del layer_.output[:]
while len(transpose_names) > 0:
for idx, layer_ in enumerate(layers):
if layer_.name in transpose_names:
del layers[idx]
axes = [1, 2, 0]
if len(array_shape) == 4:
axes = [0, 2, 3, 1]
input_transpose = input_.name + "_to_nhwc"
transpose_layer = self.add_transpose(
layers.insert(0, layers.pop())
for layer_ in layers:
for i in range(len(layer_.input)):
if layer_.name == input_transpose:
if layer_.input[i] == input_.name:
layer_.input[i] = input_transpose
# TODO: If input is not rank 3 or 4, then accordingly handle
# e.g. for rank-2 input, squeeze additional dimension in case of Gray scale image
if channels == 1:
input_.type.imageType.colorSpace = (
elif channels == 3:
if input_.name in is_bgr:
if is_bgr[input_.name]:
input_.type.imageType.colorSpace = (
input_.type.imageType.colorSpace = (
input_.type.imageType.colorSpace = (
raise ValueError(
"Channel Value %d not supported for image inputs" % channels
input_.type.imageType.width = width
input_.type.imageType.height = height
preprocessing = self.nn_spec.preprocessing.add()
preprocessing.featureName = input_.name
scaler = preprocessing.scaler
if input_.name in image_scale:
scaler.channelScale = image_scale[input_.name]
scaler.channelScale = 1.0
if input_.name in red_bias:
scaler.redBias = red_bias[input_.name]
if input_.name in blue_bias:
scaler.blueBias = blue_bias[input_.name]
if input_.name in green_bias:
scaler.greenBias = green_bias[input_.name]
if input_.name in gray_bias:
scaler.grayBias = gray_bias[input_.name]
def add_transpose(self, name, axes, input_name, output_name):
Add a N-D transpose layer with axes as a parameter.
Refer to the ``TransposeLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int
The list containing a permutation of "[0,1,2,...,N-1]" where N is the rank of input/output tensor.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_permute, add_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
rank = len(axes)
axes = [rank + axis if axis < 0 else axis for axis in axes]
return spec_layer
def add_softmax_nd(self, name, input_name, output_name, axis):
Add a softmax_nd layer to the model that performs softmax operation along
the given axis.
Refer to the ``SoftmaxNDLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
Axis to perform the softmax operation on.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.softmaxND
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
return spec_layer
def add_concat_nd(self, name, input_names, output_name, axis, interleave=False):
Add a concat_nd layer to the model that performs concatenation along the
given axis.
Refer to the ``ConcatNDLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
Axis to perform the concat operation on.
interleave : bool
(Only available in Core ML Specification >= 5 (iOS >= 14, macOS >= 11.0)
If true, concatenate by interleaving the inputs
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.concatND
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
if interleave:
spec_layer_params.interleave = True
if self.spec:
self.spec.specificationVersion = max(self.spec.specificationVersion, _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14)
return spec_layer
def add_erf(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an erf function (gaussian error function) layer to the model.
Refer to the ``ErfLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_gelu(self, name, input_name, output_name, mode="EXACT"):
Add a GELU (gaussian error linear unit) activation layer, which is:
``0.5 * x * (1 + erf(x / sqrt(2)))``.
Refer to the ``GeluLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mode: str, optional
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.gelu
if mode == "EXACT":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.GeluLayerParams.GeluMode.Value(
elif mode == "TANH_APPROXIMATION":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.GeluLayerParams.GeluMode.Value(
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.GeluLayerParams.GeluMode.Value(
raise ValueError("Unsupported Gelu mode %s" % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_sin(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a sin layer to the model that computes element-wise sine for the
input tensor.
Refer to the ``SinLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_sinh, add_asin, add_asinh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_cos(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a cos layer to the model that computes element-wise cosine for the
input tensor.
Refer to the ``CosLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_cosh, add_acos, add_acosh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_tan(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a tan layer to the model that computes element-wise tangent for the
input tensor.
Refer to the ``TanLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_tanh, add_atan, add_atanh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_asin(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an asin layer to the model that computes element-wise arc-sine for
the input tensor.
Refer to the ``AsinLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_sin, add_sinh, add_asinh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_acos(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an acos layer to the model that computes element-wise arc-cosine
for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``AcosLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_cos, add_cosh, add_acosh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_atan(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an atan layer to the model that computes element-wise arc-tangent
for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``AtanLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_tan, add_tanh, add_atanh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_sinh(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a sinh layer to the model that computes element-wise hyperbolic sine for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``SinhLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_sin, add_asin, add_asinh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_cosh(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a osh layer to the model that computes element-wise hyperbolic
cosine for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``CoshLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_cos, add_acos, add_acosh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_tanh(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a tanh layer to the model that computes element-wise hyperbolic
tangent for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``TanhLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_tan, add_atan, add_atanh
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_asinh(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an asinh layer to the model that computes element-wise inverse
hyperbolic sine for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``AsinhLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_sin, add_sinh, add_asin
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_acosh(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an acosh layer to the model that computes element-wise inverse
hyperbolic cosine for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``AcoshLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_cos, add_cosh, add_acos
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_atanh(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an atanh layer to the model that computes element-wise inverse
hyperbolic tangent for the input tensor.
Refer to the ``AtanhLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_tan, add_tanh, add_atan
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_exp2(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add an exp2 layer to the model that performs element-wise experiential operation.
Refer to the ``Exp2LayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_add_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add an add_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
addition operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``AddBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_multiply_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a multiply_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
multiplication operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``MultiplyBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_divide_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a divide_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
division operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``DivideBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_subtract_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a subtract_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
subtraction operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``SubtractBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_max_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a max_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
maximum operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``MaxBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_min_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a min_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
minimum operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``MinBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_floor_div_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a floor_div_broadcastable layer to the model that performs floor
division operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``FloorDivBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_mod_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a mod_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
modular operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``ModBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_pow_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a pow_broadcastable layer to the model that performs element-wise
power operation with broadcast support.
Refer to the ``PowBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_stack(self, name, input_names, output_name, axis=0):
Add a stack layer to the model that performs stack operation on a list of
tensors into one rank+1 tensor on the given axis.
Refer to the ``StackLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int, optional
The axis to perform stack operation, default: 0.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer.stack.axis = axis
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_names[0]) + 1
return spec_layer
def add_ceil(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a ceil layer to the model that performs element-wise ceil operation
on the input tensor that rounds the value to the smallest integer not
less than x.
Refer to the ``CeilLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_floor, add_clip
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_floor(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a floor layer to the model that performs element-wise floor operation
on the input tensor that rounds the value to the largest integer not
greater than x.
Refer to the ``FloorLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_ceil, add_clip
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_round(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a round layer to the model that performs element-wise round operation
on the input tensor that rounds the value to the nearest integer.
Refer to the ``RoundLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_sign(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a sign layer to the model that performs element-wise sign operation
(+1 for positive values, -1 for negative values, 0 for zeroes).
Refer to the ``SignLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
return spec_layer
def add_clip(self, name, input_name, output_name, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0):
Add a clip layer to the model that performs element-wise clip operation.
Clip the values in the input tensor to the range [min_value, max_value].
Refer to the ``ClipLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
min_value: float, optional
Lower bound / minimum value for clip, default: 0.0.
max_value: float, optional
Upper bound / maximum value for clip, default: 1.0.
See Also
add_floor, add_ceil
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_params = spec_layer.clip
spec_params.minVal = float(min_value)
spec_params.maxVal = float(max_value)
return spec_layer
def add_split_nd(
self, name, input_name, output_names, axis, num_splits=2, split_sizes=None
Add a split layer to the model that splits the input tensor into multiple
output tensors. Either uniformly split the input tensor into ``num_splits``
tensors, or split into given size list ``split_sizes`` output tensors.
Refer to the ``SplitNDLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_names: list of str
The output blob names of this layer.
axis: int
Axis to perform split on.
num_splits: int, optional
Number of splits, default: 2.
split_sizes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of size to split, default ``[]`` or ``None``.
if not split_sizes:
split_sizes = []
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.splitND
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
if split_sizes and len(split_sizes) > 0:
spec_layer_params.numSplits = len(split_sizes)
spec_layer_params.numSplits = num_splits
assert len(output_names) == spec_layer_params.numSplits
return spec_layer
def add_slice_static(
Add a slice_static layer to the model that extracts a slice of size
``(end - begin) / stride`` from the given input tensor.
Refer to the ``SliceStaticLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
begin_ids: list of int or tuple of int
Begin offsets for slice layer.
end_ids: list of int or tuple of int
End offsets for slice layer.
strides: list of int or tuple of int
Strides for slice layer.
begin_masks: list of bool
Boolean masks for begin offsets.
end_masks: list of bool
Boolean masks for end offsets.
squeeze_masks: list of bool
Boolean masks for squeezing axis.
See Also
rank = len(begin_ids)
assert len(end_ids) == rank
assert len(strides) == rank
assert len(begin_masks) == rank
assert len(end_masks) == rank
assert squeeze_masks is None or len(squeeze_masks) == rank
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.sliceStatic
if not (squeeze_masks and any(squeeze_masks)):
return spec_layer
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
return spec_layer
def add_slice_dynamic(
Add a slice_dynamic layer to the model that extracts a slice of size
``(end - begin) / stride`` from the given input tensor.
Refer to the ``SliceDynamicLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
end_ids: list of int or tuple of int, optional
End offsets for slice layer, default: [1].
strides: list of int or tuple of int, optional
Strides for slice layer, default: [1].
begin_masks: list of bool, optional
Boolean masks for begin offsets, default: [false].
end_masks: list of bool, optional
Boolean masks for end offsets, default: [false].
squeeze_masks: list of bool, optional
Boolean masks for squeezing axis, default: [false].
See Also
if not end_ids:
end_ids = [1 for _ in range(5)]
if not strides:
strides = [1 for _ in range(5)]
if not begin_masks:
begin_masks = [False for _ in range(5)]
if not end_masks:
end_masks = [False for _ in range(5)]
if not squeeze_masks:
squeeze_masks = [False for _ in range(5)]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.sliceDynamic
if not any(squeeze_masks):
return spec_layer
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
return spec_layer
def add_tile(self, name, input_name, output_name, reps=[]):
Add a tile layer to the model that construct a tensor by repeating the
input tensor multiple number of times.
Refer to the ``TileLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str or list[str]
The input blob name of this layer.
If second input is provided, reps parameter is ignored.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
reps: list of int or tuple of int
Number of times to replicate.
If `input_name` provides two inputs, second input is used as
reps and this parameter is ignored.
See Also
add_stack, add_concat_nd
if isinstance(input_name, tuple):
input_names = list(input_name)
elif isinstance(input_name, list):
input_names = input_name
input_names = [input_name]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.tile
# If two inputs are provided,
# ignore reps attribute.
if len(input_names) == 2:
reps = []
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
assert all([i > 0 for i in reps])
return spec_layer
def add_range_static(
self, name, output_name, input_names=None, end=1, start=0, step=1
Add a range_static layer that returns a tensor that contains evenly spaced values.
This layer has no input and three parameters.
Refer to the ``RangeStaticLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
end: int, optional
Range parameter: end, default: 1.
start: int, optional
Range parameter: start, default: 0.
step: int, optional
Range parameter: step size, default: 1.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_params = spec_layer.rangeStatic
spec_params.endValue = float(end)
spec_params.startValue = float(start)
spec_params.stepSizeValue = float(step)
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 1
return spec_layer
def add_range_dynamic(self, name, input_names, output_name, start=0, step=1):
Add a range_dynamic layer that returns a tensor that contains evenly spaced values.
This layer has up to three inputs or no input and three parameters.
Refer to the ``RangeDynamicLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names.
If input size == 1: end is input, start and step are read from parameters
If input size == 2: end, start are inputs, step is read from parameters
If input size == 3: start, end, step are all inputs, none of the parameters are used.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
start: int, optional
Range parameter: start. Ignored if start is provided as input, default: 0.
step: int, optional
Range parameter: step. Ignored if step is provided as input, default: 1.
See Also
if len(input_names) < 1 or len(input_names) > 3:
raise ValueError("RangeDynamic layer must have either 1, 2 or 3 inputs.")
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_params = spec_layer.rangeDynamic
spec_params.startValue = float(start)
spec_params.stepSizeValue = float(step)
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 1
return spec_layer
def add_branch(self, name, input_name, if_branch=None, else_branch=None):
Add a branch layer to the model that provides the functionality of
branching or an ``if-else`` block.
Refer to the ``BranchLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
if_branch: NeuralNetwork
Neural network to execute if the absolute value of the input tensor is greater than 1e-6.
else_branch: NeuralNetwork, optional
Neural network to execute if the absolute value of the input tensor is less than 1e-6.
See Also
add_loop, add_loop_continue, add_loop_break
layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [])
branch = layer.branch
if if_branch:
branch.ifBranch = if_branch
if else_branch:
branch.elseBranch = else_branch
return layer
def add_loop(
Add a loop layer to the model that provides the functionality of a ``for``
loop, or a ``while`` loop.
Refer to the ``LoopLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
body_network: NeuralNetwork
Neural network to execute for the body of the loop.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
condition: str, optional
Condition of the loop.
condition_network: NeuralNetwork, optional
Neural network to execute for the condition of the loop.
max_iterations: int, optional
Maximum number of iterations of the loop.
See Also
add_loop_break, add_loop_continue, add_branch
input_names = [] if input_name is None else [input_name]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [])
loop = spec_layer.loop
if condition_network is None:
loop.conditionNetwork = condition_network
if condition is not None:
loop.conditionVar = str(condition)
if max_iterations is not None:
loop.maxLoopIterations = (
max_iterations if max_iterations is not None else -1
if body_network is None:
loop.bodyNetwork = body_network
return spec_layer
def add_loop_break(self, name):
Add a loop_break layer to the model that terminates the loop that
contains this layer. Must reside in the ``bodyNetwork`` of the loop layer.
Refer to the ``LoopBreakLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
See Also
add_loop, add_loop_continue, add_branch
spec_layer = self.nn_spec.layers.add()
spec_layer.name = name
return spec_layer
def add_loop_continue(self, name):
Add a loop_continue layer to the model that stops the current loop
iteration and continue on the next iteration. Must reside in the
``bodyNetwork`` of the loop layer.
Refer to the ``LoopContinueLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
See Also
add_loop, add_loop_break, add_branch
spec_layer = self.nn_spec.layers.add()
spec_layer.name = name
return spec_layer
def add_copy(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a copy layer to the model that copies its input tensor to the output
tensor. Input tensor and output tensor must have distinct names.
Refer to the ``CopyLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
# If output name rank is different than earlier,
# mark it as unknown
if output_name in self.rank_dict and self._get_rank(
) != self._get_rank(input_name):
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_name)
return spec_layer
def add_greater_than(
self, name, input_names, output_name, use_greater_than_equal=False, alpha=0.0
Add a greater_than layer to the model that performs the element-wise
greater-than (>) operation or greater-than-or-equal-to (>=) operation.
Broadcasting is supported.
Refer to the ``GreaterThanLayerParams``, ``GreaterEqualLayerParams`` messages
in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
use_greater_than_equal: bool, optional
Whether or not to allow greater than or equal to, default: false.
alpha: float, optional
y = x1 != alpha, if only one input is provided, default: 0.
See Also
add_equal, add_not_equal, add_less_than
if isinstance(input_names, str):
input_names = [input_names]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
if use_greater_than_equal:
if len(input_names) == 1:
spec_layer.greaterEqual.alpha = alpha
if len(input_names) == 1:
spec_layer.greaterThan.alpha = alpha
return spec_layer
def add_less_than(
self, name, input_names, output_name, use_less_than_equal=False, alpha=0.0
Add a less_than layer to the model that performs the element-wise
less-than (<) operation or less-than-or-equal-to (<=) operation.
Broadcasting is supported.
Refer to the ``LessThanL_ayerParams``, ``LessEqualLayerParams`` messages in
specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
use_less_than_equal: bool, optional
Whether or not to allow less than or equal to, default: false.
alpha: float, optional
y = x1 != alpha, if only one input is provided, default: 0.
See Also
add_equal, add_not_equal, add_greater_than
if isinstance(input_names, str):
input_names = [input_names]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
if use_less_than_equal:
if len(input_names) == 1:
spec_layer.lessEqual.alpha = alpha
if len(input_names) == 1:
spec_layer.lessThan.alpha = alpha
return spec_layer
def add_equal(self, name, input_names, output_name, alpha=0.0):
Add an equal layer to the model that performs the element-wise equal
(=) operation. Broadcasting is supported.
Refer to the ``EqualLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
alpha: float, optional
y = x1 != alpha, if only one input is provided, default: 0.
See Also
add_not_equal, add_greater_than, add_less_than
if isinstance(input_names, str):
input_names = [input_names]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
if len(input_names) == 1:
spec_layer.equal.alpha = alpha
return spec_layer
def add_not_equal(self, name, input_names, output_name, alpha=0.0):
Add a not_equal layer to the model that performs the element-wise not
equal (!=) operation. Broadcasting is supported.
Refer to the ``NotEqualLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
alpha: float, optional
y = x1 != alpha, if only one input is provided, default: 0.
See Also
add_equal, add_greater_than, add_less_than
if isinstance(input_names, str):
input_names = [input_names]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
if len(input_names) == 1:
spec_layer.notEqual.alpha = alpha
return spec_layer
def add_logical(self, name, input_names, output_name, mode):
Add a logical layer to the model that performs element-wise logical
and/or/xor/not operation. Broadcasting is supported.
Refer to the ``LogicalOrLayerParams``, ``LogicalNotLayerParams``,
``LogicalNotLayerParams``, and ``LogicalAndLayerParam`` messages in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mode: str
Logical operation mode in [AND | OR | XOR | NOT].
if isinstance(input_names, str):
input_names = [input_names]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
if mode in ["AND", "OR", "XOR"] and len(input_names) != 2:
raise ValueError('Logical operation "%s" requires 2 inputs' % name)
if mode in ["NOT"] and len(input_names) != 1:
raise ValueError('Logical operation "%s" requires 1 input' % name)
if mode == "AND":
elif mode == "OR":
elif mode == "XOR":
elif mode == "NOT":
raise ValueError('Logical operation "%s" is not supported' % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_sliding_windows(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axis, window_size, step=1
Add a sliding_windows layer to the model that returns a tensor containing
all windows of size ``window_size`` * separated by ``step`` along the dimension ``axis``.
Refer to the ``SlidingWindowsLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The of input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
Axis to perform the operation.
window_size: int
Number of elements in the sliding window.
step: int, optional
The stride of the input elements in the sliding window, default: 1.
See Also
add_slice, add_slice_static, add_slice_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.slidingWindows
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
spec_layer_params.windowSize = window_size
spec_layer_params.step = step
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_name) + 1
return spec_layer
def add_reverse(self, name, input_name, output_name, reverse_dim=None):
Add a reverse layer to the model that reverses specific dimensions of
the input tensor.
Refer to the ``ReverseLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
reverse_dim: list of int or tuple of int
Reverse along the dimension, default [1].
See Also
if not reverse_dim:
reverse_dim = [1]
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reverse
spec_layer_params.reverseDim.extend(map(bool, reverse_dim))
return spec_layer
def add_reverse_sequence(
self, name, input_names, output_name, batch_axis=0, seq_axis=-1
Add a reverse sequence layer to the model that reverses variable length slices.
Refer to the ``ReverseSeqLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
batch_axis: int, optional
Slices input along the dimension batch_axis, default 0.
seq_axis: int, optional
Reverse along the dimension seq_axis, default: -1.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer.reverseSeq.batchAxis = batch_axis
spec_layer.reverseSeq.sequenceAxis = seq_axis
return spec_layer
def add_gather(self, name, input_names, output_name, axis=0):
Add a gather layer to the model that gathers elements or slices from
data and store to a tensor whose shape is defined by indices from the
Refer to the ``GatherLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int, optional
The axis the operation perform on, default: 0.
See Also
add_gather_nd, add_gather_along_axis, add_scatter, add_scatter_nd, add_scatter_along_axis
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer.gather.axis = axis
self.rank_dict[output_name] = (
self._get_rank(input_names[0]) - 1 + self._get_rank(input_names[1])
return spec_layer
def add_scatter(self, name, input_names, output_name, axis=0, mode="UPDATE"):
Add a scatter layer to the model that scatters data into a new tensor
according to indices from the input.
Refer to the ``ScatterLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
The axis the operation perform on, default: 0.
mode: str, optional
Scatter accumulation mode in [UPDATE | ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MAX | MIN], default: UPDATE.
See Also
add_scatter_nd, add_scatter_along_axis, add_gather, add_gather_nd, add_gather_along_axis
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.scatter
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
if mode == "UPDATE":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_UPDATE")
elif mode == "ADD":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_ADD")
elif mode == "SUB":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_SUB")
elif mode == "MUL":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MUL")
elif mode == "DIV":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_DIV")
elif mode == "MAX":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MAX")
elif mode == "MIN":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MIN")
raise ValueError("Unsupported Scatter mode %s" % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_gather_along_axis(self, name, input_names, output_name, axis=0):
Add a gather_along_axis layer to the model that gathers elements or slices
from data and store to a tensor whose shape is defined by indices from the
input along the given axis into the output tensor.
Refer to the ``GatherAlongAxisLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int, optional
The axis the operation perform on, default: 0.
See Also
add_gather, add_gather_nd, add_scatter, add_scatter_nd, add_scatter_along_axis
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer.gatherAlongAxis.axis = axis
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_names[1])
return spec_layer
def add_scatter_along_axis(
self, name, input_names, output_name, axis=0, mode="UPDATE"
Add a scatter_along_axis layer to the model that scatters data into a new
tensor according to indices from the input along the given axis into the
output tensor.
Refer to the ``ScatterAlongAxisLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
The axis to perform on, default: 0.
mode: str, optional
Scatter accumulation mode in [UPDATE | ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MAX | MIN], default: UPDATE
See Also
add_scatter, add_scatter_nd, add_gather, add_gather_nd, add_gather_along_axis
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.scatterAlongAxis
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
if mode == "UPDATE":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_UPDATE")
elif mode == "ADD":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_ADD")
elif mode == "SUB":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_SUB")
elif mode == "MUL":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MUL")
elif mode == "DIV":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_DIV")
elif mode == "MAX":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MAX")
elif mode == "MIN":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MIN")
raise ValueError("Unsupported scatter_along_axis mode %s" % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_gather_nd(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a gather layer to the model that gathers elements or slices from
data and store to a tensor whose shape is defined by indices from the
input. This is the reverse operation of the scatter operation.
Refer to the ``GatherNDLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_gather, add_gather_along_axis, add_scatter, add_scatter_nd, add_scatter_along_axis
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
# NOTE: ideally, following is formula for computing output rank
# self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_names[1]) - 1 + self._get_rank(input_names[0])
# + shape_dict[input_names[1]][-1]
# But, shape of indices (input_names[1]) is unknown and hence marking as -1
# Converter should update rank if indices are known
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
return spec_layer
def add_scatter_nd(self, name, input_names, output_name, mode="UPDATE"):
Add a scatter layer to the model that scatters data into a new tensor
according to indices from input. This is the reverse operation of the
gather operation.
Refer to the ``ScatterNDLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mode: str, optional
Scatter accumulation mode in [UPDATE | ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MAX | MIN], default: UPDATE
See Also
add_scatter, add_scatter_along_axis, add_gather, add_gather_nd, add_gather_along_axis
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.scatterND
mode = mode.upper() if isinstance(mode, str) else mode
if mode == "UPDATE":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_UPDATE")
elif mode == "ADD":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_ADD")
elif mode == "SUB":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_SUB")
elif mode == "MUL":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MUL")
elif mode == "DIV":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_DIV")
elif mode == "MAX":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MAX")
elif mode == "MIN":
spec_layer_params.mode = _proto.NeuralNetwork_pb2.ScatterMode.Value("SCATTER_MIN")
raise ValueError("Unsupported scatter mode %s" % mode)
return spec_layer
def add_topk(
self, name, input_names, output_names, k=0, axis=0, use_bottom_k=False
Add a topk layer to the model that returns top or bottom k values and
the corresponding indices of the input tensor along a given axis.
Refer to the ``TopKLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer. It must be of length 1 or 2.
The optional second input corresponds to value of K.
output_names: list of str
The output blob names of this layer. First and second correspond to
values and indices, respectively.
k: int, optional
number of values/indices to be computed along the axis.
Need not be given of there are two inputs, default: 0.
axis: int, optional
axis along which the topk values/indices are computed.
negative indexing is supported, default: 0
use_bottom_k: bool, optional
if true, bottom k values are computed instead, default: false.
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.topK
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
spec_layer_params.K = k
spec_layer_params.useBottomK = use_bottom_k
return spec_layer
def add_argmax(self, name, input_name, output_name, axis, keepdims=True):
Add an argmax layer to the model that returns the indices of the maximum
value along a specified axis in the input tensor.
Refer to the ``ArgMaxLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
axis along which the argmax is computed. Negative indexing is supported.
keepdims: bool, optional
if true, output rank is same as input rank, default: true.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.argMax
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
spec_layer_params.removeDim = not keepdims
input_rank = self._get_rank(input_name)
if input_rank == 1:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 1
if keepdims:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = input_rank
self.rank_dict[output_name] = input_rank - 1
return spec_layer
def add_argmin(self, name, input_name, output_name, axis, keepdims=True):
Add an argmin layer to the model that returns the indices of the minimum
value along a specified axis in the input tensor.
Refer to the ``ArgMinLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int
axis along which the argmin is computed. Negative indexing is supported.
keepdims: bool, optional
if true, output rank is same as input rank, default: true.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.argMin
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
spec_layer_params.removeDim = not keepdims
input_rank = self._get_rank(input_name)
if input_rank == 1:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 1
if keepdims:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = input_rank
self.rank_dict[output_name] = input_rank - 1
return spec_layer
def add_constant_pad(
Add a constant pad layer.
Refer to the ``ConstantPaddingLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob name(s) of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
value: float
value to be used for padding.
pad_to_given_output_size_mode: bool
if true, pad_amounts are interpreted as output shapes (see example in NeuralNetwork.proto)
pad_amounts: [int], optional
must be non negative. Amount to pad in each dimension. Length of the list must be twice the input/output rank.
Not required if second input is present.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.constantPad
spec_layer_params.value = value
spec_layer_params.padToGivenOutputSizeMode = pad_to_given_output_size_mode
if len(pad_amounts) > 0:
spec_layer_params.padAmounts.extend(map(int, pad_amounts))
if len(input_names) == 1 and len(pad_amounts) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Constant_pad layer: pad_amounts must be provided when there is a single input"
return spec_layer
def add_nms(
Add a non maximum suppression layer.
Refer to the ``NonMaximumSuppressionLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer. Must be at least 2, and maximum 5.
output_names: list of str
The output blob names of this layer. Must be of length 4 exactly.
iou_threshold: float
intersection over union threshold for suppression. Ignored if 3rd input is present.
score_threshold: float
threshold for selecting boxes to be used for NMS algorithm. Ignored if 4th input is present.
max_boxes: int
maximum number of boxes to output. Ignored if 5th input is present.
per_class_suppression: bool
If true, boxes are organized into classes and suppression is applied to each class group separately
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, output_names)
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.NonMaximumSuppression
spec_layer_params.iouThreshold = iou_threshold
spec_layer_params.scoreThreshold = score_threshold
spec_layer_params.maxBoxes = max_boxes
spec_layer_params.perClassSuppression = per_class_suppression
self.rank_dict[output_names[0]] = 3
self.rank_dict[output_names[1]] = 3
self.rank_dict[output_names[2]] = 2
self.rank_dict[output_names[3]] = 1
return spec_layer
def add_embedding_nd(
Add an embedding layer to the model that performs a matrix lookup and
optionally adds a bias.
Refer to the ``EmbeddingNDLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
vocab_size: int
Size of the vocabulary (1 + maximum integer index of the words).
embedding_size: int
Size of the embedded vector.
W: float32 numpy.array or bytes()
Weight matrix of shape (embedding_size, vocab_size).
If W is of type bytes(), i.e. quantized to 1-8 bits, other quantization
related arguments must be provided as well (see below).
b: numpy.array , optional
Bias vector of shape (embedding_size, ).
Quantization arguments expected, when W is of type bytes():
is_quantized_weight: bool
Set it to true when W is of type bytes(), representing quantized weights
quantization_type: str
When weights are quantized (i.e. W is of type bytes()), this should be either "linear" or "lut".
nbits: int
Should be between 1 and 8 (inclusive). Number of bits per weight value.
quant_scale: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
scale vector to be used with linear quantization. Must be of length either 1 or embedding_size.
quant_bias: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
bias vector to be used with linear quantization. Must be of length either 1 or embedding_size.
quant_lut: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32)
the LUT (look up table) to be used with LUT quantization. Must be of length 2^nbits.
See Also
add_inner_product, add_embedding
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
# Fill in the parameters
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.embeddingND
spec_layer_params.vocabSize = vocab_size
spec_layer_params.embeddingSize = embedding_size
spec_layer_params.hasBias = b is not None
weights = spec_layer_params.weights
if not is_quantized_weight:
if b is not None:
bias = spec_layer_params.bias
return spec_layer
def add_batched_mat_mul(
Add a N-D Batched Matrix Multiplication layer with NumPy-like broadcasting.
Refer to the ``BatchedMatMulLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
transpose_a: bool, optional
Whether or not to transpose A, default: false.
transpose_b: bool, optional
Whether or not to transpose B, default: false.
weight_matrix_rows: int, optional
Must be equal to the last dimension of the input, default: 0.
weight_matrix_columns: int, optional
Must be equal to the last dimension of the output, default: 0.
W: float32 numpy.array or bytes(), optional
Weight matrix of shape ``(weight_matrix_rows, weight_matrix_columns)``.
If ``W`` is of type ``bytes()`` (quantized to 1-8 bits), other
quantization-related arguments must be provided as well (see below).
bias: float32 numpy.array, optional
Bias vector of shape (weight_matrix_columns,).
Quantization arguments, used when ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``:
is_quantized_weight: bool, optional
Set it to true when ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``, representing
quantized weights, default: false.
quantization_type: str, optional
When weights are quantized (that is, ``W`` is of type ``bytes()``),
this should be either ``"linear"`` or ``"lut"``, default: ``"linear"``.
nbits: int, optional
Should be between 1 and 8 (inclusive). Number of bits per weight value, default: 8.
quant_scale: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32), optional
Scale vector to be used with linear quantization.
Must be of length either 1 or ``weight_matrix_columns``, default: ``None``.
quant_bias: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32), optional
Bias vector to be used with linear quantization.
Must be of length either 1 or ``weight_matrix_columns``, default: ``None``.
quant_lut: numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float32), optional
The LUT (look up table) to be used with LUT quantization.
Must be of length 2^n bits, default: ``None``.
int_8_dynamic_quantize: bool
Whether to quantize and dequantize before and after
batched matmul, respectively.
Expects byte weights, representing int8 values, if True.
See NeuralNetwork.proto for other validation conditions.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.batchedMatmul
spec_layer_params.transposeA = transpose_a
spec_layer_params.transposeB = transpose_b
spec_layer_params.int8DynamicQuantize = int_8_dynamic_quantize
if ((W is not None) or (bias is not None)) and len(input_names) == 2:
raise ValueError(
"batched_mat_mul: Weight and/or bias are ignored when there are two inputs"
if (W is None) and len(input_names) == 1:
raise ValueError(
"batched_mat_mul: Weight parameter must be provided when there is one input"
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 2
for input_ in input_names:
self.rank_dict[output_name] = max(
self._get_rank(output_name), self._get_rank(input_)
if len(input_names) == 1:
spec_layer_params.weightMatrixFirstDimension = weight_matrix_rows
spec_layer_params.weightMatrixSecondDimension = weight_matrix_columns
spec_layer_params.hasBias = bias is not None
weights = spec_layer_params.weights
if not is_quantized_weight:
if nbits < 8:
num_weights = weight_matrix_rows * weight_matrix_columns
byte_arr = _np.frombuffer(W, dtype=_np.uint8)
W = _unpack_to_bytes(byte_arr, num_weights, nbits)
elif int_8_dynamic_quantize:
W = _np.frombuffer(W, dtype=_np.int8)
W = _np.frombuffer(W, dtype=_np.uint8)
W = _np.reshape(W, (weight_matrix_rows, weight_matrix_columns))
W = _np.transpose(W)
W_bytes = bytes()
if nbits == 8:
W_bytes += W.flatten().tobytes()
W_bytes += _convert_array_to_nbit_quantized_bytes(
W.flatten(), nbits
if bias is not None:
bias_param = spec_layer_params.bias
return spec_layer
def add_get_shape(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a get_shape layer to the model.
Refer to the ``GetShapeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_reshape, add_reshape_like, add_reshape_static, add_reshape_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 1
return spec_layer
def add_load_constant_nd(self, name, output_name, constant_value, shape):
Add a load_constant layer that loads data as a parameter and provides it
as an output.
Refer to the ``LoadConstantNDLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
constant_value: numpy.array()
value of the constant as a numpy array.
shape: list of int or tuple of int
List of ints representing the shape of the constant.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.loadConstantND
data = spec_layer_params.data
# Rank information
self.rank_dict[output_name] = len(shape)
if len(data.floatValue) != _np.prod(shape):
raise ValueError(
"Dimensions of 'shape' do not match the size of the provided constant"
return spec_layer
def add_fill_like(self, name, input_name, output_name, value=0.0):
Add a fill_like layer to the model outputs a tensor filled with a
scalar value.
Refer to the ``FillLikeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
value: float, optional
A scalar value for the fill operation, default 0.
See Also
add_fill_static, add_fill_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.fillLike
spec_layer_params.value = value
return spec_layer
def add_fill_static(self, name, output_name, output_shape, value=0.0):
Add a fill_static layer to the model that outputs a tensor filled
with a scalar value given shape as parameter.
Refer to the ``FillStaticLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
output_shape: list of int or tuple of int
The target shape of the output tensor.
value: float, optional
A scalar value for the fill operation, default 0.
See Also
add_fill_like, add_fill_static
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.fillStatic
spec_layer_params.value = value
self.rank_dict[output_name] = len(output_shape)
return spec_layer
def add_fill_dynamic(self, name, input_name, output_name, value=0.0):
Add a fill_dynamic layer to the model that outputs a tensor filled
with a scalar value.
Refer to the ``FillDynamicLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
value: float, optional
A scalar value for the fill operation, default: 0.
See Also
add_fill_like, add_fill_static
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.fillDynamic
spec_layer_params.value = value
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
return spec_layer
def add_broadcast_to_like(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a broadcast_to_like layer to the model that broadcasts a tensor
to a compatible shape.
Refer to the ``BroadcastToLikeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_broadcast_to_static, add_broadcast_to_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
if len(input_names) != 2:
raise ValueError("BroadcastToLikeLayer must have two inputs")
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_names[1])
return spec_layer
def add_broadcast_to_static(self, name, input_name, output_name, output_shape):
Add a broadcast_to_static layer to the model that broadcasts a tensor
to a compatible shape.
Refer to the ``BroadcastToStaticLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
output_shape: list of int or tuple of int
The target shape of the output tensor.
See Also
add_broadcast_to_like, add_broadcast_to_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.broadcastToStatic
self.rank_dict[output_name] = len(output_shape)
return spec_layer
def add_broadcast_to_dynamic(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a broadcast_to_dynamic layer to the model that broadcasts a tensor
to a compatible shape.
Refer to the ``BroadcastToDynamicLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_broadcast_to_like, add_broadcast_to_static
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
# Setting rank to -1 is a hint that Rank was not computed
# converter can modify if it's a constant and known
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
return spec_layer
def add_expand_dims(self, name, input_name, output_name, axes):
Add an expand dims layer to the model that increases the rank of the
input tensor by adding unit dimensions.
Refer to the ``ExpandDimsLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int
Dimensions the operation perform on.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.expandDims
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_name) + len(axes)
return spec_layer
def add_squeeze(self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, squeeze_all=False):
Add a squeeze layer to the model that decrease the rank of the input
tensor by removing unit dimensions.
Refer to the ``SqueezeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
Dimensions to perform the operation, default: ``None`` (squeeze_all).
squeeze_all: bool, optional
If true, all dimensions that are 1 are squeezed, default: false.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.squeeze
if axes is not None:
spec_layer_params.squeezeAll = squeeze_all
if squeeze_all or axes is None:
# All the dimensions that are 1 will be squeezed
# converter should update rank if shape is known
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
rank = self._get_rank(input_name) - len(axes)
self.rank_dict[output_name] = rank if rank != 0 else 1
return spec_layer
def add_flatten_to_2d(self, name, input_name, output_name, axis=1):
Add a flatten_to_2d layer to the model that flattens the input tensor
into a 2-dimensional matrix.
Refer to the ``FlattenTo2DLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The of input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int, optional
Axis to perform the operation, default: 1.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.flattenTo2D
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 2
return spec_layer
def add_reshape_like(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a reshape_like layer to the model that reshapes a tensor.
Refer to the ``ReshapeLikeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_reshape, add_reshape_static, add_reshape_dynamic, add_rank_preserving_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self.rank_dict[output_name] = self._get_rank(input_names[1])
return spec_layer
def add_reshape_static(self, name, input_name, output_name, output_shape):
Add a reshape_static layer to the model that reshapes a tensor.
Refer to the ``ReshapeStaticLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
output_shape: list of int or tuple of int
Target shape of the output tensor.
See Also
add_reshape, add_reshape_like, add_reshape_dynamic, add_rank_preserving_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reshapeStatic
self.rank_dict[output_name] = len(output_shape)
return spec_layer
def add_reshape_dynamic(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a reshape_dynamic layer to the model that reshapes a tensor.
Refer to the ``ReshapeDynamicLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
add_reshape, add_reshape_like, add_reshape_static, add_rank_preserving_reshape
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
# Setting rank to -1 is a hint that Rank was not computed
# converter can modify if it's a constant and known
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
return spec_layer
def add_rank_preserving_reshape(self, name, input_name, output_name, output_shape):
Add a rank_preserving_reshape layer to the model that reshapes the input
tensor without altering the rank of the tensor.
Refer to the ``RankPreservingReshapeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
output_shape: list of int or tuple of int
Determines the shape of the output blob.
0: copy the dimension of the input to output
-1: calculate dimensions from the rest of the shape
See Also
add_reshape, add_reshape_like, add_reshape_static, add_reshape_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(
input_shapes=[[int(x) for x in output_shape]],
output_shapes=[[int(x) for x in output_shape]],
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.rankPreservingReshape
spec_layer_params.targetShape.extend(map(int, output_shape))
return spec_layer
def add_random_normal_like(
self, name, input_name, output_name, mean=0.0, stddev=0.0, seed=-1
Add a random_normal_like layer to the model that fills the output
tensor with random values from normal distribution.
Refer to the ``RandomNormalLikeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mean: float, optional
The mean of the normal distribution, default: 0.0.
stddev: float, optional
The standard deviation of the normal distribution, default: 1.0.
seed: int, optional
Used to create a random seed for the distribution, default -1 (random).
See Also
add_random_normal_static, add_random_normal_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.randomNormalLike
spec_layer_params.mean = mean
spec_layer_params.stdDev = stddev
spec_layer_params.seed = seed
return spec_layer
def add_random_normal_static(
self, name, output_name, output_shape, mean=0.0, stddev=0.0, seed=-1
Add a random_normal_static layer to the model that fills the output
tensor with random values from normal distribution.
Refer to the ``RandomNormaStaticLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
output_shape: list of int or tuple of int
Target shape of the output tensor.
mean: float, optional
The mean of the normal distribution, default: 0.0.
stddev: float, optional
The standard deviation of the normal distribution, default: 1.0.
seed: int, optional
Used to create a random seed for the distribution. Default -1 (random).
See Also
add_random_normal_like, add_random_normal_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.randomNormalStatic
spec_layer_params.mean = mean
spec_layer_params.stdDev = stddev
spec_layer_params.seed = seed
self.rank_dict[output_name] = len(output_shape)
return spec_layer
def add_random_normal_dynamic(
self, name, input_names, output_name, mean=0.0, stddev=0.0, seed=-1
Add a random_normal_dynamic layer to the model that fills the output
tensor with random values from normal distribution.
Refer to the ``RandomNormalDynamicLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
mean: float, optional
The mean of the normal distribution, default: 0.0.
stddev: float, optional
The standard deviation of the normal distribution, default: 1.0.
seed: int, optional
Used to create a random seed for the distribution. Default -1 (random).
See Also
add_random_normal_like, add_random_normal_static
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.randomNormalDynamic
spec_layer_params.mean = mean
spec_layer_params.stdDev = stddev
spec_layer_params.seed = seed
# Setting rank to -1 is a hint that Rank was not computed
# converter can modify if it's a constant and known
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
return spec_layer
def add_random_bernoulli_like(
self, name, input_name, output_name, prob=0.5, seed=-1
Add a random_bernoulli_like layer to the model that fills the output
tensor with random values from Bernoulli distribution.
Refer to the ``RandomBernoulliLikeLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
prob: float, optional
Probabilities for Bernoulli distribution, default: 0.5.
seed: int, optional
Used to create a random seed for the distribution. default -1 (random).
See Also
add_random_bernoulli_static, add_random_bernoulli_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.randomBernoulliLike
spec_layer_params.prob = prob
spec_layer_params.seed = seed
return spec_layer
def add_random_bernoulli_static(
self, name, output_name, output_shape, prob=0.5, seed=-1
Add a random_bernoulli_static layer to the model that fills the output
tensor with random values from Bernoulli distribution.
Refer to the ``RandomBernoulliStaticLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
output_shape: list of int or tuple of int
Target shape of the output tensor.
prob: float, optional
Probabilities for Bernoulli distribution, default: 0.5.
seed: int, optional
Used to create a random seed for the distribution. default -1 (random).
See Also
add_random_bernoulli_like, add_random_bernoulli_dynamic
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.randomBernoulliStatic
spec_layer_params.prob = prob
spec_layer_params.seed = seed
self.rank_dict[output_name] = len(output_shape)
return spec_layer
def add_random_bernoulli_dynamic(
self, name, input_names, output_name, prob=0.5, seed=-1
Add a random_bernoulli_dynamic layer to the model that fills the output
tensor with random values from Bernoulli distribution.
Refer to the ``RandomBernoulliDynamicLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
prob: float, optional
Probabilities for Bernoulli distribution, default: 0.5.
seed: int, optional
Used to create a random seed for the distribution. default -1 (random).
See Also
add_random_bernoulli_like, add_random_bernoulli_static
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.randomBernoulliDynamic
spec_layer_params.prob = prob
spec_layer_params.seed = seed
# Setting rank to -1 is a hint that Rank was not computed
# converter can modify if it's a constant and known
self.rank_dict[output_name] = -1
return spec_layer
def add_categorical_distribution(
Add a categorical_distribution layer to the model that fills the output
tensor with random values from categorical distribution.
Refer to the ``CategoricalDistributionLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
num_samples: int
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
is_logits: bool, optional
If true, the input is log probabilities. If false, the input is
probabilities, default: True
eps: float, optional
Epsilon parameter for categorical distribution, default 1e-10.
temperature: float, optional
Temperature parameter for categorical distribution, default 1.0.
seed: int, optional
Used to create a random seed for the distribution. default -1 (random).
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.categoricalDistribution
spec_layer_params.numSamples = num_samples
spec_layer_params.isLogits = is_logits
spec_layer_params.eps = eps
spec_layer_params.temperature = temperature
spec_layer_params.seed = seed
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_sum(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_sum layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``sum(elements across given dimensions)``.
Refer to the ``ReduceSumLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range ``[-rank(input), rank(input))``, default: ``None`` (``reduce_all``).
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_prod,
add_reduce_max, add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp,
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceSum
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_prod(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_prod layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``prod(elements across given dimensions)``.
Refer to the ``ReduceProdLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes. If axes list is empty, it will
be set to true, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min,
add_reduce_max, add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp,
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceProd
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_mean(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_mean layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``mean(elements across given dimensions)``.
Refer to the ``ReduceMeanLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_max, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp, add_reduce_sumsquare
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceMean
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_max(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_max layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``max(elements across given dimensions)``.
Refer to the ``ReduceMaxLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp, add_reduce_sumsquare
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceMax
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_min(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_min layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``min(elements across given dimensions)``.
Refer to the ``ReduceMinLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_max, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp, add_reduce_sumsquare
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceMin
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_l2(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_l2 layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``l2_normalization(elements across given dimensions)``.
Refer to the ``ReduceL2LayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_max, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp, add_reduce_sumsquare
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceL2
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_l1(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_l1 layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``l1_normalization(elements across given dimensions)``.
Refer to the ``ReduceL1LayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_max, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp, add_reduce_sumsquare
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceL1
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_sumsquare(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_sumsquare layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using ``sum(square(elements across given dimensions))``.
Refer to the ``ReduceSumSquareLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_max, add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_logsumexp
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceSumSquare
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_logsum(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_logsum layer to the model that reduces the input tensor
using log(sum(elements across given dimensions)).
Refer to the ``ReduceLogSumLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_max, add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsumexp, add_reduce_sumsquare
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceLogSum
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_reduce_logsumexp(
self, name, input_name, output_name, axes=None, keepdims=True, reduce_all=False
Add a reduce_logsumexp layer to the model that computes ``log(sum(exp(tensor)))``
and reduces along the given axis.
Refer to the ``ReduceLogSumExpLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axes: list of int or tuple of int, optional
List of dimensions for the reduce operations.
Each should be in range [-rank(input), rank(input)), default: ``None`` (reduce_all)
keepdims: bool, optional
Whether or not to retain the reduced dimensions with length 1, default: true.
reduce_all: bool, optional
Whether or not to reduce on all axes, default: false.
See Also
add_reduce_l1, add_reduce_l2, add_reduce_sum, add_reduce_min, add_reduce_prod
add_reduce_max, add_reduce_mean, add_reduce_logsum, add_reduce_sumsquare
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.reduceLogSumExp
if axes is not None and len(axes) != 0:
spec_layer_params.axes.extend(map(int, axes))
reduce_all = True
spec_layer_params.keepDims = keepdims
spec_layer_params.reduceAll = reduce_all
input_name, output_name, axes, keepdims, reduce_all
return spec_layer
def add_where_nonzero(self, name, input_name, output_name):
Add a where_nonzero layer to the model that returns a tensor containing
the indices of all non-zero elements of input tensor.
Refer to the ``WhereNonZeroLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
self.rank_dict[output_name] = 2
return spec_layer
def add_matrix_band_part(
self, name, input_name, output_name, num_lower=-1, num_upper=-1
Add a matrix_band_part layer to the model that copies a tensor setting
everything outside a central band in each inner-most matrix to zero.
Refer to the ``MatrixBandPartLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The of input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
num_lower: int, optional
Number of lower sub-diagonals to keep.
Default: -1 (keep entire lower triangle).
num_upper: int, optional
Number of upper sub-diagonals to keep.
Default: -1 (keep entire upper triangle).
See Also
add_lower_triangular, add_lower_triangular
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.matrixBandPart
spec_layer_params.numLower = num_lower
spec_layer_params.numUpper = num_upper
return spec_layer
def add_lower_triangular(self, name, input_name, output_name, k=0):
Add a lower_triangular layer to the model that copies a tensor setting
everything outside lower triangular to zero.
Refer to the ``LowerTriangularLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The of input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
k: int, optional
Diagonal below which to zero elements, default: 0 (main diagonal),
k < 0 is lower it and k > 0 is upper.
See Also
add_upper_triangular, add_matrix_band_part
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.lowerTriangular
spec_layer_params.k = k
return spec_layer
def add_upper_triangular(self, name, input_name, output_name, k=0):
Add a upper_triangular layer to the model that copies a tensor setting
everything outside upper triangular to zero.
Refer to the ``UpperTriangularLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The of input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
k: int, optional
Diagonal above which to zero elements, default: 0 (main diagonal),
k < 0 is lower it and k > 0 is upper.
See Also
add_lower_triangular, add_matrix_band_part
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.upperTriangular
spec_layer_params.k = k
return spec_layer
def add_where_broadcastable(self, name, input_names, output_name):
Add a where_broadcastable layer to the model that returns the elements
either from tensor x or tensor y, depending on the value in the
condition tensor.
Refer to the ``WhereBroadcastableLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
See Also
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
self._set_max_input_rank(input_names, output_name)
return spec_layer
def add_layer_normalization(
self, name, input_name, output_name, normalized_shape, gamma, beta, eps=1e-5
Add a layer normalization layer to the model that applies layer
normalization over the input tensor.
Refer to the ``LayerNormalizationLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
normalized_shape: list of int or tuple of int
Input shape from an expected input of size.
gamma: WeightParams
Weight parameters.
beta: WeightParams
Bias parameters.
eps: float, optional
Constant value added to the denominator, default: 1e-5.
if gamma.shape != tuple(normalized_shape):
raise ValueError("Shape of parameter gamma should match normalized_shape")
if beta.shape != tuple(normalized_shape):
raise ValueError("Shape of parameter beta should match normalized_shape")
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.layerNormalization
weights = spec_layer_params.gamma
bias = spec_layer_params.beta
spec_layer_params.eps = eps
return spec_layer
def add_one_hot(
Add a one hot layer to the model that computes the one hot representation of the input tensor.
Refer to the ``OneHotLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
one_hot_vector_size: int > 0
size of the one hot vector.
axis: int, optional
refers to the axis in the output tensor, default: -1.
on_value: float, optional
Constant value on locations represented by first input, default: 1.0.
off_value: float, optional
Constant value at all other locations, default: 0.0.
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.oneHot
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
if one_hot_vector_size:
spec_layer_params.oneHotVectorSize = one_hot_vector_size
spec_layer_params.onValue = on_value
spec_layer_params.offValue = off_value
return spec_layer
def add_cumsum(
self, name, input_names, output_name, axis=-1, reverse=False, exclusive=False
Add a cum sum layer to the model computes the cumulative sum values of the input along a given axis.
Refer to the ``CumSumLayerParams`` message in the specification
(NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_names: list of str
The input blob names of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int, optional
Axis to perform the operation, default: -1.
reverse: bool, optional
if true, cumsum is performed in the opposite direction, default: False.
exclusive: bool, optional
whether to perform exclusive or inclusive cumulative summation, default: False.
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, input_names, [output_name])
spec_layer_params = spec_layer.cumSum
spec_layer_params.axis = axis
spec_layer_params.reverse = reverse
spec_layer_params.excludeFinalSum = exclusive
return spec_layer
def add_clamped_relu(self, name, input_name, output_name, alpha=0.0, beta=6.0):
Add a clamped relu layer to the model.
Clamped relu formula is f(x) = min((x >= 0 ? x : alpha * x), beta)
Refer to the ``ClampedReluLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
alpha: float, optional
slope of the output when input is negative, default: 0.0.
beta: float, optional
Upper bound on the output value, default: 6.0.
See Also
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_params = spec_layer.clampedReLU
spec_params.alpha = float(alpha)
spec_params.beta = float(beta)
return spec_layer
def add_argsort(self, name, input_name, output_name, axis=0, descending=False):
Add an argsort layer to the model.
Refer to the ``ArgsortLayerParams`` message in the specification (NeuralNetwork.proto) for more details.
name: str
The name of this layer.
input_name: str
The input blob name of this layer.
output_name: str
The output blob name of this layer.
axis: int, optional
axis along which to compute the sorting indices
descending: bool, optional
order of sorting
See Also
if self.spec and (
not self.spec.specificationVersion
or self.spec.specificationVersion < _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
self.spec.specificationVersion = _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14
spec_layer = self._add_generic_layer(name, [input_name], [output_name])
spec_params = spec_layer.argSort
spec_params.axis = int(axis)
spec_params.descending = descending
return spec_layer