Source code for coremltools.models.neural_network.quantization_utils

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# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
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Utilities to compress Neural Network Models.
Only available in coremltools 2.0b1 and onwards
from os import listdir as _listdir
from sys import stdout as _stdout
from typing import Optional as _Optional

import numpy as _np

from coremltools import ComputeUnit as _ComputeUnit
from coremltools import _logger
from coremltools._deps import _HAS_KMEANS1D, _kmeans1d
from coremltools.models import (
from coremltools.models import MLModel as _MLModel

from ... import (
from ..utils import _get_model, _macos_version, _wp_to_fp16wp
from .optimization_utils import _optimize_nn

[docs] class QuantizedLayerSelector: """ This is the base class to implement custom selectors to skip certain layers during quantization. To implement a custom selector, create a class that inherits this class and override `do_quantize()` method. Examples -------- .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python class MyLayerSelector(QuantizedLayerSelector): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def do_quantize(self, layer, **kwargs): ret = super().do_quantize(layer) if not ret or == "dense_2": return False return True selector = MyLayerSelector() quantized_model = quantize_weights( mlmodel, 8, quantization_mode="linear", selector=selector ) """ def __init__(self): self.quantizable_layer_types = { "convolution", "innerProduct", "embedding", "embeddingND", "batchnorm", "scale", "bias", "loadConstant", "loadConstantND", "simpleRecurrent", "gru", "uniDirectionalLSTM", "biDirectionalLSTM", "batchedMatmul", "depthwiseConv", "loop", "branch", } def do_quantize(self, layer, **kwargs): return layer.WhichOneof("layer") in self.quantizable_layer_types
[docs] class AdvancedQuantizedLayerSelector(QuantizedLayerSelector): """Quantized layer selector allowing the user to specify some types of layers to skip during quantization process and the minimum size parameters in quantized convolution layers. Examples -------- .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python from coremltools.models.neural_network.quantization_utils import ( AdvancedQuantizedLayerSelector, ) selector = AdvancedQuantizedLayerSelector( skip_layer_types=["batchnorm", "bias", "depthwiseConv"], minimum_conv_kernel_channels=4, minimum_conv_weight_count=4096, ) quantized_model = quantize_weights(model, 8, selector=selector) """ def __init__( self, skip_layer_types=[], minimum_conv_kernel_channels=4, minimum_conv_weight_count=4096, ): super().__init__() self.skip_layer_types = skip_layer_types # Error checking invalid_skip_types = [] for lt in skip_layer_types: if lt not in self.quantizable_layer_types: invalid_skip_types.append(lt) if len(invalid_skip_types) > 0: err_msg = "Skip quantization layer types ({}) is not supported.\n".format( ",".join(invalid_skip_types) ) err_msg += "Supported quantization layers: ({})".format( ",".join(self.quantizable_layer_types) ) raise ValueError(err_msg) self.minimum_conv_kernel_channels = minimum_conv_kernel_channels self.minimum_conv_weight_count = minimum_conv_weight_count
[docs] def do_quantize(self, layer, weight_param=None): """ weight_param - should be name of the WeightParam field """ ret = super().do_quantize(layer) if not ret: return False layer_type = layer.WhichOneof("layer") if layer_type in self.skip_layer_types: return False if layer_type == "convolution": oc = layer.convolution.outputChannels kc = layer.convolution.kernelChannels kh = layer.convolution.kernelSize[0] kw = layer.convolution.kernelSize[1] groups = layer.convolution.nGroups counts = oc * kc * kh * kw has_bias = layer.convolution.hasBias if weight_param is None or weight_param == "weights": if "depthwiseConv" in self.skip_layer_types and kc == 1 and groups > 1: return False if ( kc < self.minimum_conv_kernel_channels or counts < self.minimum_conv_weight_count ): return False elif weight_param == "bias": return "bias" not in self.skip_layer_types else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized quantization weight field {}".format(weight_param) ) elif layer_type == "innerProduct" or "batchedMatmul": if weight_param is None or weight_param == "weights": return True if weight_param == "bias": return "bias" not in self.skip_layer_types else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized quantization weight field {}".format(weight_param) ) return True
[docs] class MatrixMultiplyLayerSelector(QuantizedLayerSelector): """ Layer selector object that allows users to select matrix multiplication layers with one of the matrices being constant, based on some criterions like total numbers of parameters/weights, number of input or output channels and/or layer names. If any of the criterion is not valid, the corresponding layer is not selected. """ def __init__( self, minimum_weight_count=1, minimum_input_channels=1, minimum_output_channels=1, maximum_input_channels=None, maximum_output_channels=None, include_layers_with_names=None, ): super().__init__() # weight count refers to number of parameters/weights and is equal to product of input & output channels self.minimum_weight_count = minimum_weight_count self.minimum_input_channels = minimum_input_channels self.minimum_output_channels = minimum_output_channels self.maximum_input_channels = maximum_input_channels self.maximum_output_channels = maximum_output_channels if include_layers_with_names is None: self.include_layers_with_names = [] if not ( isinstance(self.include_layers_with_names, (list, tuple)) and all( [isinstance(s, str) for s in self.include_layers_with_names] ) ): raise ValueError( "Property 'include_layers_with_names' must be a list/tuple of str objects" )
[docs] def do_quantize(self, layer, weight_param=None): """ weight_param - should be name of the WeightParam field """ ret = super().do_quantize(layer) if not ret: return False layer_type = layer.WhichOneof("layer") if layer_type in ["innerProduct", "batchedMatmul"]: if weight_param == "bias": return True elif weight_param is None or weight_param == "weights": if layer_type == "innerProduct": ic = layer.innerProduct.inputChannels oc = layer.innerProduct.outputChannels else: ic = layer.batchedMatmul.weightMatrixFirstDimension oc = layer.batchedMatmul.weightMatrixSecondDimension wc = ic * oc if wc < self.minimum_weight_count: return False if ic < self.minimum_input_channels: return False if oc < self.minimum_output_channels: return False if self.maximum_input_channels and ic > self.maximum_input_channels: return False if self.maximum_output_channels and oc > self.maximum_output_channels: return False if ( self.include_layers_with_names and not in self.include_layers_with_names ): return False return True else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized quantization weight field {}".format(weight_param) ) elif layer_type in ["loop", "branch"]: return True return False
def _convert_1bit_array_to_byte_array(arr): """ Convert bit array to byte array. arr: list Bits as a list where each element is an integer of 0 or 1 Returns ------- numpy.array 1D numpy array of type uint8 """ # Padding if necessary while len(arr) < 8 or len(arr) % 8: arr.append(0) arr = _np.array(arr, dtype="uint8") bit_arr = [] idx = 0 # Iterate and combine 8-bits into a uint8 for arr_idx in range(int(len(arr) / 8)): bit_arr.append( ((arr[idx] << 7) & (1 << 7)) | ((arr[idx + 1] << 6) & (1 << 6)) | ((arr[idx + 2] << 5) & (1 << 5)) | ((arr[idx + 3] << 4) & (1 << 4)) | ((arr[idx + 4] << 3) & (1 << 3)) | ((arr[idx + 5] << 2) & (1 << 2)) | ((arr[idx + 6] << 1) & (1 << 1)) | ((arr[idx + 7] << 0) & (1 << 0)) ) idx += 8 return _np.array(bit_arr, dtype="uint8") def _convert_array_to_nbit_quantized_bytes(arr, nbits): split_arr = [] for idx in range(len(arr)): for i in reversed(range(nbits)): split_arr.append((arr[idx] >> i) & (1 << 0)) return _convert_1bit_array_to_byte_array(split_arr) def _decompose_bytes_to_bit_arr(arr): """ Unpack bytes to bits arr: list Byte Stream, as a list of uint8 values Returns ------- bit_arr: list Decomposed bit stream as a list of 0/1s of length (len(arr) * 8) """ bit_arr = [] for idx in range(len(arr)): for i in reversed(range(8)): bit_arr.append((arr[idx] >> i) & (1 << 0)) return bit_arr def _get_linear_lookup_table_and_weight(nbits, wp): """ Generate a linear lookup table. nbits: int Number of bits to represent a quantized weight value wp: numpy.array Weight blob to be quantized Returns ------- lookup_table: numpy.array Lookup table of shape (2^nbits, ) qw: numpy.array Decomposed bit stream as a list of 0/1s of length (len(arr) * 8) """ w = wp.reshape(1, -1) qw, scales, biases = _quantize_channelwise_linear(w, nbits, axis=0) indices = _np.array(range(0, 2 ** nbits)) lookup_table = indices * scales[0] + biases[0] return lookup_table, qw def _get_kmeans_lookup_table_and_weight( nbits, weight, force_kmeans1d=False, cluster_dim: int = 1, vector_axis: _Optional[int] = None ): """ Generate K-Means lookup table given weights nbits: Number of bits for quantization weight: Weights as numpy array force_kmeans1d: Use kmeans1d regardless of number of weights Returns ------- lut: numpy.array Lookup table, numpy array of shape (1 << nbits, ) wq: numpy.array Quantized weight """ if force_kmeans1d and cluster_dim > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot force kmeans1d for vector palettization (cluster_dim > 1).") num_weights = lut_len = 1 << nbits if cluster_dim > 1: # Import here to avoid circular import. from coremltools.optimize.coreml import _utils as optimize_utils weight = optimize_utils.reshape_weight_for_vector_lut(weight, cluster_dim, vector_axis) weight = weight.reshape(-1, cluster_dim) lut = _np.zeros((lut_len, cluster_dim)) is_better_to_use_kmeans1d = ( weight.shape[1] == 1 and num_weights >= 10_000 and weight.dtype == _np.float16 ) if (is_better_to_use_kmeans1d and _HAS_KMEANS1D) or force_kmeans1d: # Cluster with kmeans1d assert _HAS_KMEANS1D, "Unable to import kmeans1d, please make sure it's installed." values, indices, counts = _np.unique(weight, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) indices = indices.flatten() n_clusters = min(len(values), lut_len) kmeans_results = _kmeans1d.cluster(values, n_clusters, weights=counts) lut = lut.squeeze(-1) lut[:n_clusters] = kmeans_results.centroids wq = _np.array(kmeans_results.clusters)[indices] else: # Cluster with scikit-learn try: from sklearn.cluster import KMeans except: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "scikit-learn is required for k-means quantization." " To install, run: \"pip install scikit-learn\"." ) if is_better_to_use_kmeans1d: _logger.warning("It would be better to use kmeans1d but that is not available." " Using scikit-learn for K-means.") n_clusters = min(num_weights, lut_len) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters, init="k-means++", tol=1e-2, n_init=1, random_state=0).fit( weight ) wq = kmeans.labels_[:num_weights] lut[:n_clusters] = kmeans.cluster_centers_ return lut, wq def _quantize_channelwise_linear(weight, nbits, axis=0, symmetric=False): """ Linearly quantize weight blob. weight: numpy.array Weight to be quantized. nbits: int Number of bits per weight element axis: int Axis of the weight blob to compute channel-wise quantization, can be 0 or 1 symmetric: bool If true, set quantization range to be symmetrical to 0. Otherwise, set quantization range to be the minimum and maximum of weight parameters. Returns ------- quantized_weight: numpy.array quantized weight as float numpy array, with the same shape as weight scale: numpy.array per channel scale bias: numpy.array per channel bias """ if len(weight.shape) == 1: # vector situation, treat as 1 channel weight = weight.reshape((1, weight.shape[0])) rank = len(weight.shape) if axis == 1: transposed_axis_order = (1, 0) + tuple(range(2, rank)) weight = _np.transpose(weight, transposed_axis_order) num_channels = weight.shape[0] shape = weight.shape weight = weight.reshape((num_channels, -1)) # [C, L] a = _np.amin(weight, axis=-1) # [C,] b = _np.amax(weight, axis=-1) # [C,] if symmetric: r = _np.maximum(_np.abs(a), _np.abs(b)) scale = r / ((1 << nbits) / 2.0 - 1) bias = -(1 << nbits) / 2.0 * scale num = weight - bias[:, None] denom = scale[:, None] qw = _np.divide( num, denom, out=_np.zeros_like(num), where=(_np.abs(denom) > 1e-6) ) qw = _np.round(qw) else: qb = (1 << nbits) - 1 scale = (b - a) / qb inv_scale = _np.divide( 1.0, scale, out=_np.zeros_like(scale), where=(_np.abs(scale) > 1e-6) ) bias = a qw = (weight - a[:, None]) * inv_scale[:, None] qw = _np.round(qw) # Reshape quantized_weight = qw.reshape(shape) if axis == 1: quantized_weight = _np.transpose(quantized_weight, transposed_axis_order) return (quantized_weight, scale, bias) def _quantize_wp(wp, nbits, qm, axis=0, **kwargs): """ Quantize the weight blob wp: numpy.array Weight parameters nbits: int Number of bits qm: Quantization mode lut_function: (``callable function``) Python callable representing a look-up table Returns ------- scale: numpy.array Per-channel scale bias: numpy.array Per-channel bias lut: numpy.array Lookup table quantized_wp: numpy.array Quantized weight of same shape as wp, with dtype numpy.uint8 """ scale = bias = lut = None # Linear Quantization if qm in [ _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_QUANTIZATION, _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_SYMMETRIC, ]: symmetric = qm == _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_SYMMETRIC qw, scale, bias = _quantize_channelwise_linear(wp, nbits, axis, symmetric) # Lookup tables elif qm == _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LOOKUP_TABLE_KMEANS: lut, qw = _get_kmeans_lookup_table_and_weight(nbits, wp) elif qm == _QUANTIZATION_MODE_CUSTOM_LOOKUP_TABLE: if "lut_function" not in kwargs.keys(): raise Exception( "Custom lookup table quantization mode " "selected but no lookup table function passed" ) lut_function = kwargs["lut_function"] if not callable(lut_function): raise Exception( "Argument for Lookup Table passed in but is " "not callable" ) try: lut, qw = lut_function(nbits, wp) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "{}\nCall to Lookup Table function failed".format(e.message) ) elif qm == _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LOOKUP_TABLE_LINEAR: lut, qw = _get_linear_lookup_table_and_weight(nbits, wp) else: raise NotImplementedError('Quantization method "{}" not supported'.format(qm)) quantized_wp = _np.uint8(qw) return scale, bias, lut, quantized_wp def _quantize_wp_field(wp, nbits, qm, shape, axis=0, **kwargs): """ Quantize WeightParam field in Neural Network Protobuf wp: MLModel.NeuralNetwork.WeightParam WeightParam field nbits: int Number of bits to be quantized qm: str Quantization mode shape: tuple Tensor shape held by wp axis: int Axis over which quantization is performed on, can be either 0 or 1 lut_function: (``callable function``) Python callable representing a LUT table function """ # De-quantization if qm == _QUANTIZATION_MODE_DEQUANTIZE: return _dequantize_wp(wp, shape, axis) # If the float32 field is empty do nothing and return if len(wp.floatValue) == 0: return # Half precision (16-bit) quantization if nbits == 16: return _wp_to_fp16wp(wp) if nbits > 8: raise Exception("Only 8-bit and lower quantization is supported") if qm not in _SUPPORTED_QUANTIZATION_MODES: raise Exception("Quantization mode {} not supported".format(qm)) # axis parameter check if axis == 1 and len(shape) != 4: raise Exception( "Quantization on second axis is only supported " "for rank-4 weight blob." ) if axis != 0 and axis != 1: raise Exception( "Invalid quantization axis {} passed in. Allowed" "values are 0 (first axis) and 1 (second axis)".format(axis) ) # WeightParam size check - non-linear quantizations are applied on layer level num_channels = ( shape[axis] if qm in [_QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_QUANTIZATION, _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_SYMMETRIC] else 1 ) if len(wp.floatValue) % num_channels: raise Exception( "Number of quantization channels does not divide evenly into weights" ) qparams = wp.quantization qparams.numberOfBits = nbits weights = _np.array(wp.floatValue).reshape(shape) scale, bias, lut, uint8_weights = _quantize_wp(weights, nbits, qm, axis, **kwargs) uint8_weights = uint8_weights.flatten() if qm in [ _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_QUANTIZATION, _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_SYMMETRIC, ]: qparams.linearQuantization.scale.extend(scale) qparams.linearQuantization.bias.extend(bias) else: qparams.lookupTableQuantization.floatValue.extend(lut) wp.rawValue = bytes() if nbits == 8: wp.rawValue += uint8_weights.tobytes() else: wp.rawValue += _convert_array_to_nbit_quantized_bytes( uint8_weights, nbits ).tobytes() del wp.floatValue[:] def _unpack_to_bytes(byte_arr, num_weights, nbits): assert num_weights % 1 == 0 num_weights = int(num_weights) bit_arr = _decompose_bytes_to_bit_arr(byte_arr.flatten().tolist()) bit_arr = _np.array(bit_arr[: num_weights * nbits]).reshape((num_weights, nbits)) expo = 2 ** _np.array(list(reversed(range(0, nbits)))) byte_arr = _np.sum(bit_arr * expo, axis=1) return byte_arr def _dequantize_linear(weight_8bit, scale, bias, axis=0): if len(weight_8bit.shape) == 1: # vector situation, treat as 1 channel weight_8bit = weight_8bit.reshape((1, weight_8bit.shape[0])) rank = len(weight_8bit.shape) if axis == 1: transposed_axis_order = (1, 0) + tuple(range(2, rank)) weight_8bit = _np.transpose(weight_8bit, transposed_axis_order) num_channels = weight_8bit.shape[0] broadcast_shape = (num_channels,) + (1,) * (rank - 1) scale = scale.reshape(broadcast_shape) bias = bias.reshape(broadcast_shape) weight = weight_8bit.astype("float") * scale + bias if axis == 1: weight = _np.transpose(weight, transposed_axis_order) return weight def _dequantize_lut(weight_8bit, lut): return lut[weight_8bit.astype("uint8")] def _dequantize_wp(wp, shape, axis=0): if len(wp.floatValue) != 0: return is_linear = wp.quantization.WhichOneof("QuantizationType") == "linearQuantization" if is_linear: if len(wp.quantization.linearQuantization.scale) != len( wp.quantization.linearQuantization.bias ): raise Exception( "Linear quantization scale and bias vectors are " "different lengths" ) # axis parameter check if axis == 1 and len(shape) != 4: raise Exception( "Dequantization on second axis is only supported " "for rank-4 weight blob." ) if axis != 0 and axis != 1: raise Exception( "Invalid quantization axis {} passed in. Allowed" "values are 0 (first axis) and 1 (second axis)".format(axis) ) nbits = wp.quantization.numberOfBits num_weights = byte_arr = _np.frombuffer(wp.rawValue, dtype=_np.uint8) weight_8bit = ( byte_arr if nbits == 8 else _unpack_to_bytes(byte_arr, num_weights, nbits) ) weight_8bit = weight_8bit.reshape(shape) if is_linear: scale = _np.array(wp.quantization.linearQuantization.scale) bias = _np.array(wp.quantization.linearQuantization.bias) dequantized_weight = _dequantize_linear(weight_8bit, scale, bias, axis) else: lut = _np.array(wp.quantization.lookupTableQuantization.floatValue) dequantized_weight = _dequantize_lut(weight_8bit, lut) wp.rawValue = bytes() wp.quantization.Clear() wp.floatValue.extend(dequantized_weight.flatten()) def _dequantize_nn_spec(spec): """ Dequantize weights in NeuralNetwork type mlmodel specifications. """ _quantize_nn_spec(spec, None, _QUANTIZATION_MODE_DEQUANTIZE) def _quantize_nn_spec(nn_spec, nbits, qm, **kwargs): """ Quantize weights in NeuralNetwork type mlmodel specifications. """ selector = kwargs.get("selector", QuantizedLayerSelector()) if qm not in _SUPPORTED_QUANTIZATION_MODES: raise Exception("Quantization mode {} not supported".format(qm)) if qm != _QUANTIZATION_MODE_DEQUANTIZE: if nbits is None: raise Exception('Missing argument "nbits"') if not (nbits > 0 and nbits <= 8 or nbits == 16): raise Exception( "Only half precision (16-bit), 1 to 8-bit " "quantization is supported" ) if qm == _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_SYMMETRIC and nbits != 8: raise Exception("Symmetric quantization is only applicable for 8 bit" "linear") layers = nn_spec.layers # Perform optimization step if nbits is not None and nbits < 16 and qm != _QUANTIZATION_MODE_DEQUANTIZE: print("Optimizing Neural Network before Quantization:") _optimize_nn(layers) print("Finished optimizing network. Quantizing neural network..") # Quantize each layer for layer in layers: layer_type = layer.WhichOneof("layer") if not selector.do_quantize(layer): continue print("Quantizing layer {} of type {}".format(, layer_type)) # Convolution if layer_type == "convolution": output_channels = layer.convolution.outputChannels kernel_channels = layer.convolution.kernelChannels kernel_height = layer.convolution.kernelSize[0] kernel_width = layer.convolution.kernelSize[1] groups = layer.convolution.nGroups counts = output_channels * kernel_channels * kernel_height * kernel_width has_bias = layer.convolution.hasBias if layer.convolution.isDeconvolution: shape = ( kernel_channels, int(output_channels / groups), kernel_height, kernel_width, ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.convolution.weights, nbits, qm, shape, axis=1, **kwargs ) else: shape = (output_channels, kernel_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width) _quantize_wp_field( layer.convolution.weights, nbits, qm, shape, **kwargs ) if has_bias and selector.do_quantize(layer, weight_param="bias"): _quantize_wp_field( layer.convolution.bias, nbits, qm, shape=(output_channels,), **kwargs ) # Batchnorm elif layer_type == "batchnorm": nw = layer.batchnorm.channels _quantize_wp_field(layer.batchnorm.gamma, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs) _quantize_wp_field(layer.batchnorm.beta, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs) _quantize_wp_field(layer.batchnorm.mean, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs) _quantize_wp_field( layer.batchnorm.variance, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs ) # InnerProduct elif layer_type == "innerProduct": output_channels = layer.innerProduct.outputChannels input_channels = layer.innerProduct.inputChannels _quantize_wp_field( layer.innerProduct.weights, nbits, qm, shape=(output_channels, input_channels), **kwargs ) has_bias = layer.innerProduct.hasBias if has_bias and selector.do_quantize(layer, weight_param="bias"): _quantize_wp_field( layer.innerProduct.bias, nbits, qm, shape=(output_channels,), **kwargs ) # BatchedMatmul elif layer_type == "batchedMatmul": x1 = layer.batchedMatmul.weightMatrixFirstDimension x2 = layer.batchedMatmul.weightMatrixSecondDimension _quantize_wp_field( layer.batchedMatmul.weights, nbits, qm, shape=(x2, x1), **kwargs ) has_bias = layer.batchedMatmul.hasBias if has_bias and selector.do_quantize(layer, weight_param="bias"): _quantize_wp_field( layer.batchedMatmul.bias, nbits, qm, shape=(x2,), **kwargs ) # Embedding layer elif layer_type == "embedding": output_channels = layer.embedding.outputChannels input_channels = layer.embedding.inputDim _quantize_wp_field( layer.embedding.weights, nbits, qm, shape=(output_channels, input_channels), **kwargs ) if layer.embedding.hasBias: _quantize_wp_field( layer.embedding.bias, nbits, qm, shape=(output_channels,), **kwargs ) # Embedding ND layer elif layer_type == "embeddingND": output_channels = layer.embeddingND.embeddingSize input_channels = layer.embeddingND.vocabSize _quantize_wp_field( layer.embeddingND.weights, nbits, qm, shape=(output_channels, input_channels), **kwargs ) if layer.embeddingND.hasBias: _quantize_wp_field( layer.embeddingND.bias, nbits, qm, shape=(output_channels,), **kwargs ) # Scale layer elif layer_type == "scale": nw = _quantize_wp_field(layer.scale.scale, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs) if layer.scale.hasBias: nw = _quantize_wp_field(layer.scale.bias, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs) # Bias layer elif layer_type == "bias": nw = _quantize_wp_field(layer.bias.bias, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs) # LoadConstant layer elif layer_type == "loadConstant": nw = _quantize_wp_field(, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs ) # LoadConstantND layer elif layer_type == "loadConstantND": nw = _quantize_wp_field(, nbits, qm, shape=(nw,), **kwargs ) # Simple Recurrent elif layer_type == "simpleRecurrent": i_size = layer.simpleRecurrent.inputVectorSize o_size = layer.simpleRecurrent.outputVectorSize _quantize_wp_field( layer.simpleRecurrent.weightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.simpleRecurrent.recursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) if layer.simpleRecurrent.hasBiasVector: _quantize_wp_field( layer.simpleRecurrent.biasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) # GRU elif layer_type == "gru": i_size = layer.gru.inputVectorSize o_size = layer.gru.outputVectorSize # Weight Matrix _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.updateGateWeightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.resetGateWeightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.outputGateWeightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) # Recursion Weights _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.updateGateRecursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.resetGateRecursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.outputGateRecursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) # Bias if layer.gru.hasBiasVectors: _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.updateGateBiasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.resetGateBiasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( layer.gru.outputGateBiasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) # LSTM Layers elif layer_type in ["uniDirectionalLSTM", "biDirectionalLSTM"]: def _lstmwp_to_fp16_lstmwp( lstm_wp, nbits, qm, i_size, o_size, has_peephole=True ): assert lstm_wp _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.inputGateWeightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.forgetGateWeightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.blockInputWeightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.outputGateWeightMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, i_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.inputGateRecursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.forgetGateRecursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.blockInputRecursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.outputGateRecursionMatrix, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size, o_size), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.inputGateBiasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.forgetGateBiasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.blockInputBiasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.outputGateBiasVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) if has_peephole: _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.inputGatePeepholeVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.forgetGatePeepholeVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) _quantize_wp_field( lstm_wp.outputGatePeepholeVector, nbits, qm, shape=(o_size,), **kwargs ) if layer_type == "uniDirectionalLSTM": _lstmwp_to_fp16_lstmwp( lstm_wp=layer.uniDirectionalLSTM.weightParams, nbits=nbits, qm=qm, i_size=layer.uniDirectionalLSTM.inputVectorSize, o_size=layer.uniDirectionalLSTM.outputVectorSize, has_peephole=layer.uniDirectionalLSTM.params.hasPeepholeVectors, ) elif layer_type == "biDirectionalLSTM": for lstm_wp in layer.biDirectionalLSTM.weightParams: _lstmwp_to_fp16_lstmwp( lstm_wp=lstm_wp, nbits=nbits, qm=qm, i_size=layer.biDirectionalLSTM.inputVectorSize, o_size=layer.biDirectionalLSTM.outputVectorSize, has_peephole=layer.biDirectionalLSTM.params.hasPeepholeVectors, ) elif layer_type == "custom": print( "Skipping custom layer {}. Weights for this layer need to" "be converted manually".format( ) elif layer_type == "branch": _quantize_nn_spec(layer.branch.ifBranch, nbits, qm, **kwargs) _quantize_nn_spec(layer.branch.elseBranch, nbits, qm, **kwargs) elif layer_type == "loop": _quantize_nn_spec(layer.loop.conditionNetwork, nbits, qm, **kwargs) _quantize_nn_spec(layer.loop.bodyNetwork, nbits, qm, **kwargs) else: raise Exception("Unknown layer " + layer_type + " to be quantized") def _quantize_spec_weights(spec, nbits, quantization_mode, **kwargs): nn_model_types = [ "neuralNetwork", "neuralNetworkClassifier", "neuralNetworkRegressor", ] model_type = spec.WhichOneof("Type") # Neural network models if model_type in nn_model_types: # Bump up to appropriate spec version if required if nbits == 16: spec.specificationVersion = max( _MINIMUM_FP16_SPEC_VERSION, spec.specificationVersion ) else: spec.specificationVersion = max( _MINIMUM_QUANTIZED_MODEL_SPEC_VERSION, spec.specificationVersion ) if spec.WhichOneof("Type") == "neuralNetwork": _quantize_nn_spec(spec.neuralNetwork, nbits, quantization_mode, **kwargs) elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") in "neuralNetworkClassifier": _quantize_nn_spec( spec.neuralNetworkClassifier, nbits, quantization_mode, **kwargs ) elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") in "neuralNetworkRegressor": _quantize_nn_spec( spec.neuralNetworkRegressor, nbits, quantization_mode, **kwargs ) # Recursively convert all pipeline models elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") == "pipeline": for model_spec in spec.pipeline.models: _quantize_spec_weights(model_spec, nbits, quantization_mode, **kwargs) elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") in ["pipelineClassifier", "pipelineRegressor"]: _quantize_spec_weights(spec.pipeline, nbits, quantization_mode, **kwargs) return spec def _load_and_resize_image(image_path, size): from PIL import Image img = return img.resize(size, Image.LANCZOS) class TopKMetrics: def __init__(self, topk): self._topk = topk self._correct_count = 0 self._total_count = 0 def add_metric(self, output1, output2): self._total_count += 1 if self._topk == 1: if output1 == output2: self._correct_count += 1 else: self._topk = min(len(output1.keys()), self._topk) out1_topk = sorted(output1, key=output1.get, reverse=True)[: self._topk] out2_topk = sorted(output2, key=output2.get, reverse=True)[: self._topk] if out1_topk[0] in out2_topk: self._correct_count += 1 def display_metrics(self): pcorrect = (float(self._correct_count) / float(self._total_count)) * 100 pcorrect = _np.round(pcorrect, decimals=2) if self._topk == 1: print("Top 1 Agreement: {}%\n".format(pcorrect)) else: print("Top {} Agreement: {}%\n".format(self._topk, pcorrect)) class NoiseMetrics: def __init__(self): self._snr = [] self._psnr = [] @staticmethod def _compute_snr(arr1, arr2): noise = arr1 - arr2 noise_var = _np.sum(noise ** 2) / len(noise) + 1e-7 signal_energy = _np.sum(arr2 ** 2) / len(arr2) max_signal_energy = _np.amax(arr2 ** 2) snr = 10 * _np.log10(signal_energy / noise_var) psnr = 10 * _np.log10(max_signal_energy / noise_var) return snr, psnr def add_metric(self, output1, output2): import PIL # Output is Image if isinstance(output1, PIL.Image.Image): if output1.mode == "RGBA": output1 = output1.convert("RGB") output2 = output2.convert("RGB") arr1 = _np.array(output1).flatten() arr2 = _np.array(output2).flatten() snr, psnr = self._compute_snr(arr1, arr2) self._snr.append(snr) self._psnr.append(psnr) # Output is multiArray else: arr1 = output1.flatten() arr2 = output2.flatten() snr, psnr = self._compute_snr(arr1, arr2) self._snr.append(snr) self._psnr.append(psnr) def display_metrics(self): print("SNR: {} +/- {}".format(_np.mean(self._snr), _np.var(self._snr))) print("PSNR: {} +/- {}\n".format(_np.mean(self._psnr), _np.var(self._psnr)))
[docs] class OutputMetric: """ Utility class to calculate and hold metrics between two model outputs """ def __init__(self, name, type): = name self._metrics = [] if type == "stringType": self._metrics.append(TopKMetrics(topk=1)) elif type == "dictionaryType": self._metrics.append(TopKMetrics(topk=5)) elif type == "imageType" or type == "multiArrayType": self._metrics.append(NoiseMetrics()) else: raise Exception( """Unable to determine which metric to compute for output: {}""".format( name ) ) def add_metric(self, output1, output2): for metric in self._metrics: metric.add_metric(output1, output2) def display_metrics(self): for metric in self._metrics: metric.display_metrics()
[docs] class ModelMetrics: """ A utility class to hold evaluation metrics """ def __init__(self, spec): self.model_metrics = {} for output in spec.description.output: output_type = output.type.WhichOneof("Type") self.model_metrics[] = OutputMetric(, output_type) def add_metrics(self, model1_output, model2_output): outputs = model1_output.keys() for output in outputs: self.model_metrics[output].add_metric( model1_output[output], model2_output[output] ) def display_metrics(self): for metric in self.model_metrics: print("Output {}:".format(metric)) dash = "----------" for x in range(0, len(metric)): dash += "-" print(dash) self.model_metrics[metric].display_metrics()
def _characterize_qmodel_perf_with_data_dir(fpmodel, qspec, data_dir): supported_image_exts = ["jpg", "bmp", "png", "jpeg"] test_image_paths = [ "{}/{}".format(data_dir, fn) for fn in _listdir(data_dir) if any(fn.endswith(ext) for ext in supported_image_exts) ] if not test_image_paths: raise Exception( "{} contains no supported image files. " "Supported file types include jpg, bmp, png and jpeg.".format( data_dir ) ) qmodel = _get_model(qspec, compute_units=_ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY) model_metrics = ModelMetrics(qspec) input_name = qspec.description.input[0].name input_size = ( qspec.description.input[0].type.imageType.width, qspec.description.input[0].type.imageType.height, ) print("\n\n") print("Analyzing {} images".format(len(test_image_paths))) print("Running Analysis this may take a while ...") print("\n") analyzed = 0 tried = 0 if fpmodel.compute_unit != _ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY: fpmodel = _MLModel(fpmodel.get_spec(), compute_units=_ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY) for image in test_image_paths: try: input = {input_name: _load_and_resize_image(image, input_size)} fp_pred = fpmodel.predict(input) q_pred = qmodel.predict(input) analyzed += 1 model_metrics.add_metrics(fp_pred, q_pred) except Exception as e: print(e) continue # Update Progress tried += 1 if tried % 10 == 0: _stdout.write("\r") _stdout.write("Analyzed {}/{}".format(tried, len(test_image_paths))) _stdout.flush() print("\n") model_metrics.display_metrics() def _characterize_quantized_model_perf(fpmodel, qspec, sample_data): qmodel = _get_model(qspec) model_metrics = ModelMetrics(qspec) print("\n\n") print("Analyzing {} samples".format(len(sample_data))) print("Running Analysis this may take a while ...") print("\n") analyzed = 0 tried = 0 fpmodel = _MLModel(fpmodel.get_spec(), compute_units=_ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY) qmodel = _MLModel(qmodel.get_spec(), compute_units=_ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY) for data in sample_data: try: fp_pred = fpmodel.predict(data) q_pred = qmodel.predict(data) analyzed += 1 model_metrics.add_metrics(fp_pred, q_pred) except Exception as e: print(e) continue # Update Progress tried += 1 if tried % 10 == 0: _stdout.write("\r") _stdout.write("Analyzed {}/{}".format(tried, len(sample_data))) _stdout.flush() print("\n") model_metrics.display_metrics()
[docs] def compare_models(full_precision_model, quantized_model, sample_data): """ Utility function to compare the performance of a full precision vs quantized model full_precision_model: MLModel The full precision model with float32 weights quantized_model: MLModel Quantized version of the model with quantized weights sample_data: str | [dict] Data used to characterize performance of the quantized model in comparison to the full precision model. Either a list of sample input dictionaries or an absolute path to a directory containing images. Path to a directory containing images is only valid for models with one image input. For all other models a list of sample inputs must be provided. :return: None. Performance metrics are printed out """ emessage = """ Invalid sample data provided. Only a list of dictionaries containing sample data or path to a folder containing images is supported""" spec = full_precision_model.get_spec() num_inputs = len(spec.description.input) if isinstance(sample_data, str): input_type = spec.description.input[0].type.WhichOneof("Type") if num_inputs != 1 or input_type != "imageType": raise Exception( """Unable to analyze quantized models. Sample data was a path to a directory which is only supported with models with one image type input. Please try passing in a list of sample inputs as sample data. """ ) _characterize_qmodel_perf_with_data_dir( full_precision_model, quantized_model.get_spec(), sample_data ) elif isinstance(sample_data, list): if not all(type(d) is dict for d in sample_data): raise Exception(emessage) _characterize_quantized_model_perf( full_precision_model, quantized_model.get_spec(), sample_data ) else: raise Exception(emessage)
[docs] def activate_int8_int8_matrix_multiplications(spec, selector=None): """ Utility function that takes in either a full precision (float) spec or an nbit quantized spec to selectively enable int8 activation + weight quantization of matrix multiplication operations where the second matrix represents a constant weight. spec: MLModel.get_spec() Currently conversion for only neural network models is supported. If a pipeline model is passed in then all embedded neural network models embedded within will be modified. selector: (optional) MatrixMultiplyLayerSelector A MatrixMultiplyLayerSelector object that enables int8 activation + weight quantization only on those layers for which the user-specified criterion on the minimum/maximum number of size/channels in constant weight parameters is met. It can also be derived to provide custom selection. """ # Recursively convert all pipeline models if spec.WhichOneof("Type") == "pipeline": for model_spec in spec.pipeline.models: activate_int8_int8_matrix_multiplications(model_spec, selector=selector) return spec elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") in ["pipelineClassifier", "pipelineRegressor"]: activate_int8_int8_matrix_multiplications(spec.pipeline, selector=selector) return spec # Neural network models elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") in [ "neuralNetwork", "neuralNetworkClassifier", "neuralNetworkRegressor", ]: if selector is None: selector = MatrixMultiplyLayerSelector() # Dequantize all the selected matrix multiplication layers spec = _quantize_spec_weights( spec, nbits=None, quantization_mode=_QUANTIZATION_MODE_DEQUANTIZE, selector=selector, ) def _quantized_weight_and_scale(W): W_max = max(_np.abs(_np.min(W)), _np.abs(_np.max(W))) W_normalized = W / W_max # [-1,1] W_quantized_int8 = 127.0 * W_normalized # [-127, 127] W_quantized_int8 = W_quantized_int8.astype(_np.int8) quant_scale = W_max / 127.0 return W_quantized_int8, quant_scale if spec.WhichOneof("Type") == "neuralNetwork": nn_spec = spec.neuralNetwork elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") in "neuralNetworkClassifier": nn_spec = spec.neuralNetworkClassifier elif spec.WhichOneof("Type") in "neuralNetworkRegressor": nn_spec = spec.neuralNetworkRegressor def _process_nn_layers(nn_spec): layers = nn_spec.layers # Replacing each matrix multiplication for layer in layers: layer_type = layer.WhichOneof("layer") if not selector.do_quantize(layer): continue if layer_type == "branch": _process_nn_layers(layer.branch.ifBranch) _process_nn_layers(layer.branch.elseBranch) elif layer_type == "loop": _process_nn_layers(layer.loop.conditionNetwork) _process_nn_layers(layer.loop.bodyNetwork) elif layer_type in ["innerProduct", "batchedMatmul"]: # Bump up to appropriate spec version if at least one replacement occurs spec.specificationVersion = max( _SPECIFICATION_VERSION_IOS_14, spec.specificationVersion, ) # InnerProduct if layer_type == "innerProduct": matmul_layer = layer.innerProduct # BatchedMatmul elif layer_type == "batchedMatmul": matmul_layer = layer.batchedMatmul wp = matmul_layer.weights if len(wp.floatValue) == 0: continue else: qw, qs = _quantized_weight_and_scale(wp.floatValue) print( "Modifying layer {} with size of weights {}, to use Int8 * Int8 matrix multiplication".format(, qw.size ) ) matmul_layer.int8DynamicQuantize = True wp.quantization.numberOfBits = 8 wp.quantization.linearQuantization.scale.extend(map(float, [qs])) wp.int8RawValue = bytes() wp.int8RawValue += qw.tobytes() del wp.floatValue[:] _process_nn_layers(nn_spec) return spec else: raise ValueError("Model Type {} not supported.".format(spec.WhichOneof("Type")))
[docs] def quantize_weights( full_precision_model, nbits, quantization_mode="linear", sample_data=None, **kwargs ): """ Utility function to convert a full precision (float) MLModel to a nbit quantized MLModel (float16). full_precision_model: MLModel Model which will be converted to half precision. Currently conversion for only neural network models is supported. If a pipeline model is passed in then all embedded neural network models embedded within will be converted. nbits: int Number of bits per quantized weight. Only 16-bit float point and 1-8 bit is supported quantization_mode: str One of the following: "linear": Linear quantization with scale and bias assuming the range of weight values is [A, B], where A = min(weight), B = max(weight) "linear_lut": Simple linear quantization represented as a lookup table "kmeans_lut": LUT based quantization, where LUT is generated by K-Means clustering "custom_lut": LUT quantization where LUT and quantized weight params are calculated using a custom function. If this mode is selected then a custom function must be passed in kwargs with key lut_function. The function must have input params (nbits, wp) where nbits is the number of quantization bits and wp is the list of weights for a given layer. The function should return two parameters (lut, qw) where lut is an array of length (2^n bits)containing LUT values and qw is the list of quantized weight parameters. See ``_get_linear_lookup_table_and_weight`` for a sample implementation. "linear_symmetric": Linear quantization with scale and bias assuming the range of weight values is [-A, A], where A = max(abs(weight)). sample_data: str | [dict] Data used to characterize performance of the quantized model in comparison to the full precision model. Either a list of sample input dictionaries or an absolute path to a directory containing images. Path to a directory containing images is only valid for models with one image input. For all other models a list of sample inputs must be provided. kwargs: keyword arguments *lut_function* : (``callable function``) A callable function provided when quantization mode is set to ``_QUANTIZATION_MODE_CUSTOM_LOOKUP_TABLE``. See ``quantization_mode`` for more details. *selector*: QuantizedLayerSelector A QuanatizedLayerSelector object that can be derived to provide custom quantization selection. Returns ------- model: MLModel The quantized MLModel instance if running on macOS 10.14 or later, otherwise the quantized model specification is returned Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python import coremltools from coremltools.models.neural_network import quantization_utils model = coremltools.models.MLModel("my_model.mlmodel") quantized_model = quantization_utils.quantize_weights(model, 8, "linear") """ qmode_mapping = { "linear": _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_QUANTIZATION, "kmeans": _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LOOKUP_TABLE_KMEANS, "kmeans_lut": _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LOOKUP_TABLE_KMEANS, "linear_lut": _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LOOKUP_TABLE_LINEAR, "custom_lut": _QUANTIZATION_MODE_CUSTOM_LOOKUP_TABLE, "dequantization": _QUANTIZATION_MODE_DEQUANTIZE, "linear_symmetric": _QUANTIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_SYMMETRIC, } try: qmode = qmode_mapping[quantization_mode] except KeyError: # kmeans is deprecated. Instead kmeans_lut is used. No need to show it. del qmode_mapping["kmeans"] raise Exception( "Invalid quantization mode. Quantization mode must be " "one of {}".format(qmode_mapping) ) print("Quantizing using {} quantization".format(quantization_mode)) spec = full_precision_model.get_spec() if nbits == 16 and spec.isUpdatable: raise Exception("updatable models cannot get quantized to FP16.") qspec = _quantize_spec_weights(spec, nbits, qmode, **kwargs) quantized_model = _get_model(qspec, compute_units=full_precision_model.compute_unit) if _macos_version() >= (10, 14) and sample_data: compare_models(full_precision_model, quantized_model, sample_data) return quantized_model